Can you beat Pokemon Black with only Level 1 Pokemon?

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pokemon black a beautiful return to the franchise with stunning visuals an entirely new roster of friends and phenomenal balanced gameplay so what if i took all of that and threw it out the window by only using six pokemon forcing them to be level one forever and attempting to beat the game that way by the way this is also doubling as a first playthrough of the game i've never played gen 5 before let's get into it i woke up in my house when two kids barged in and forced me to battle them our first pokemon is spirit tomb which is a ghost type strangely enough both tepig and snivy can't hit us since they only know normal type moves and we win the first battle but trust me that's the easiest part of this entire challenge after unintentionally destroying my rivals sharon and bianca we meet professor juniper and she leads us outside to take our first step on our pokemon journey oh boy do i regret that first step while lollipop has appeared oh my god cool okay let's run there's like no shot i want to be oh wait we couldn't get away no you see wild pokemon won't actually allow me to run away because my pokemon are so weak repel items don't work either since they only repel wild pokemon who are lower level than the first pokemon in my party there's nothing lower than level 1 and wild pokemon only gets stronger from here but that's a problem for future eric we've got a town to explore some guy screams about the apocalypse in the town square for a good hour and we meet a guy named after the alphabet maybe it was a bad idea to explore the town so i make an escape to the next route bianca drags us back to this madness though and demands a battle ready or not here i come oh god that's also the issue i haven't played this game ever so i don't know when we're about to step into a battle or not so we really have to be on our toes for all of this lily pup probably doesn't know any moves that can hit spirit tomb so we'll just curse here okay never mind ain't no which is awful because then it can hit us we'll still paint split though just in case maybe yep there's literally nothing we can do there but here's something i thought of that's kind of really cool since spirit tomb can't carry us all game and has a speed stat of four i had to get creative to make sure our pokemon can still use moves before getting one shot by my opponents enter magnemite magnemite has the ability sturdy which specifically states that magnemite can't be one shot and leaves it at 1 hp coupled with moves toxic and protect i can poison the opponent's pokemon then protect for a turn to stall i take that approach with bianca's lilly pup and it does absolutely no damage to my pokemon bianca sends in tepig though and i quickly have to change my strategy okay okay he's going to use ember right it's super effective but we have sturdy so we still live and we restore our health with the oranberry but then what we're going to do is we're going to use recycle and recycle takes our orenberry back right so we have sturdy again so we endured the hit and then we have recycle which brings back our oranberry which then heals us back to full so unless it hits twice or unless we get burned from the ember we should be able to hang on until poison kills it and there we go with that out of the way i head on over to the first gym i use similar strategies for the introductory trainers but silent is a different story this time i lead with my third pokemon pineco it knows toxic spikes which poisons whichever pokemon silence switches into oh yeah our pineco has the ability sturdy as well so it can actually set up poison without dying immediately with his entire party effectively badly poisoned all i need to do is recycle stall with magnemite we just have to wait until we are one shot nice okay perfect so this is where the strategy comes back into play so we endured the hit but we have wait i'm sorry what happened to our oranberry oh my god we didn't end the last battle with the oranberry so the last battle that we used the strategy used up our oranberry because we recycled and then it died wow the orenberry was a strategy that i could only use once our stahl was absolutely useless in the fight before the gym leader i picked up three orenberries from charon in the building over but this means that we can only recycle stahl three more times over the course of the entire game since you can't buy or grow berries in pokemon black unless i figure out some way to reliably get more ornberries magnemite just became a lot less useful so let me introduce you to a pokemon that's a little bit more useful than that aaron aaron like pineco and magnemite has the ability sturdy so it can take one attack before fainting however this errand is a bit more special than that it knows the move endeavor endeavor is a move that makes the pokemon's health equal to our health when paired with a sturdy level one pokemon this becomes our crowning savior for the first gym fight and with that i beat the first gym and it only took just under two hours oh god if this is possible this is going to take forever i think this is a good chance to address the pokemon that i'm using every single one of them all six of them are a real pokemon with real move sets and abilities that you can acquire yourself that's why i don't have something like a shidinja or la punny they don't exist at level one but you know what does exist the subscribe button that's so shameless but anyhow i continue my journey and one of the professor's assistants gives us the hm for cut so when making this i've neglected to remember that we had to use hms for this so that's gonna be fun after some extensive research on the subject though i learned something interesting about the game apparently in all of the region every nook cranny and secret castle will get to that the only required hm is cut for this single tree right here behold the god tree which bounds mere mortals to an endless suffering that aside we find more team plasma grunts beat them up and mourn the loss of nintendo wi-fi connection okay we want to also dodge as many trainers as possible because we don't gain experience there's no reason for us to actually like battle trainer you know on the way to the second gym i break into the local kindergarten disrespect this young child with my baby pokemon and cut in line to ride the slide this has been the most disappointing experience of my entire life team plasma steals a little girl's pokemon as well and like all the other issues happening locally it's up to us to help out okay let's put aaron in front so we can roar out of wild pokemon literally the first one what it's a shiny that's like the third pokemon we've encountered what he's like no it's level 11. i can't catch it i'm so sorry it's not you it's me do it for the challenge after giving the little girl her pokemon back we attempt to get into the second gym but are blocked by mr alphabet himself now i'm not going to bore you with all the details but spoiler i lost i lost a lot end doesn't even have a difficult lineup he opens with pitov switches into timber and finishes off with timpole it was my strategy that was lacking time to switch it up i open with pineco and immediately toxic spikes to poison ends entire team when pineco faints i switch into magnemite which poisons padov passing the faint switch to aaron i use endeavor to equal our health and stall out the rest of the poison damage three pokemon to defeat one level 13 padov but here's where it gets interesting i stall out the tin pole a little more with spirit tomb and bring out the fifth pokemon of our team volbeat volbeat is our guarantee in all cases to make our pokemon go first it knows the ability prankster which gives any status move that volbeat knows priority over any other move i use this to my advantage and get a lucky double team evasion stalling out the rest of temple's poison okay now we have timber and this is where i think we win we endeavor because we have sturdy here we're one health this is the plan we endeavor it's now at one health and then it gets poisoned and dies and we just barely make it with one hp that was crazy dude n is a fan favorite character in pokemon black and white but i swear his team is specifically crafted to make this challenge impossible finally we're able to enter the second gym and after reading a whole bunch we fall through the basement and come across lenora i used the tried and true poison endeavor strategy and her signature watchog falls granting us the basic badge on our journey to the next gym though i started to realize that the one thing i didn't think to be hard in this challenge wild pokemon was becoming a huge problem the wild pokemon just keep getting stronger and because of that it was increasingly difficult to run from battles if it kept up like this any patch of grass would turn into a team wipe and render this challenge just impossible i had no idea what to do it took me about an hour to get through that short forest having to dodge not only trainers but hope we get lucky so we don't encounter too many wild pokemon but making it through to see the crown jewel of pokemon black was all worth it custelio city for the first time is pretty cool i love the sweeping vistas the alive city rocking docks and oh did that guy just flash me in a dark alleyway thanks nintendo don't get me wrong castellia is probably the most vibrant city i've seen in a pokemon game so far but nothing compares to the reward we have inside of this building yes the smoke ball so the smoke ball enables the holder to flee from any wild pokemon without fail honestly without this i'm pretty sure the future routes between towns would straight up be impossible with that i ended my stream and went to bed confident that all was going to be fine spoiler all all was not going to be fine it was going to be horrible oh god i woke up the next morning and headed to the third gym oh the third gym we've dealt with one or two poison types throughout the course of this challenge but there's a whole gem of them if it's not obvious poison type pokemon can't be poisoned that means our bread and butter poison endeavor strategy that we've been using was dead in the water i send out volbeat but instead of using double team as the strategy here i use the move trick trick swaps held items which is important because volbeat is actually holding the lagging tail item whichever pokemon holds a lagging tail gets decreased priority on all of their moves trick gets priority over worlipead's move because of the ability prankster when volbeat gives away the lagging tale it causes wurlipede to effectively always goes second what's cool about this too is that the item is never used up like the problem we have with magnemite's limited orange berries so whirlpeet's always going to go after pineco so that means i can get two toxic spikes in for the other two pokemon so we got the toxic spikes here okay so that's fine because we have sturdy and then we do toxic spikes again so now every pokemon after world of pede will be badly poisoned which means then we go into spiritual we still go first because of lagging tail so then we go into destiny bond here and then he's going to kill us with a poison tail or struggle bug also works too nice and then we take it with us with destiny bomb so that was a really good strike okay so i'm going to send an errand i'm going to endeavor here um smackdown's gonna you know whatever and then i'm gonna endeavor which will kill dwell instantly right and then it gets poisoned and then there we go awesome we need to at least stall leah vani for like what eight turns for toxic are you healing this oh yeah to make it more difficult we don't have any healing items in battle i'm going to protect once at least because then we have an extra turn and then the next one will be 50 chance to protect again i'm gonna go for the second protect all right it was going to kill anyways that's fine all right so we need to survive for three turns i think i just protect here and just hope for the stall of all protects right so there we go right so we protected once it's gonna die in three turns from now i'm going to roll protect again and just hope nice yes okay the next one's probably going to fail then we hit sturdy and then we protect again so we have i think three moves left [Music] oh my god okay okay protect again no god no god okay so now we have two turns to kill this is rng we gotta protect twice right protect works uh first time and then we have a coin flip next we got the coin flip [Music] and that's the third gem after defeating berg the third gym leader he cheekily notes that now we have his gym badge pokemon up to level 40 will obey us thanks man we really needed that perk we had way more difficulty with that gem 3 fight than we should have because of our extreme lack of orenberries but that's when inspiration struck from my twitch chat listen closely here's how we're gonna do this heist step one backtrack to wellspring cave and pick up the tm for thief step two run up and down the local pathway until you see some moving grass step three encounter an audino they hold an oranberry 50 of the time in the wild step 4 use thief on the autonomo and it doesn't hold the orenberry step 5 have the worst luck in the entire world step 6 acquire the orenberry although it's not the prettiest system in the entire world we finally have a roundabout way to reliably get orenberries for our magnemite strategy i continue on our long journey before encountering charon and professor juniper in a terminal before the next town over i know it might seem strange for me to say this cause i'm the one who asked you to complete the pokedex but please remember to enjoy your journey no i don't think i will if you've played any amount of pokemon black or seen the advertisements when you were younger you'll probably remember the iconic ferris wheel here in nimbasa city well let me tell you i remember it for vastly different reasons than you probably do and meets us at the bottom of the amusement ride spouting more propaganda and things on how he's going to liberate pokemon forever and all that but when we get off the ride he battles us from what i've heard this fight isn't particularly difficult but wow i am convinced that this team was crafted specifically to make me fail this challenge after around 30 minutes of trial and error i find out that n has a sand dial in a darumaka which aren't particularly difficult to defeat if i just poison them and stall like we've been doing up until now however and then sends out scraggy which has the ability to shed skin this means that even if we poison scraggy like darumaku and sandile on any given turn it has a 33 chance of just getting rid of the poison and even if we manage to make it through scraggy we face off against sigliff it's a flying type which means it's unaffected by toxic spikes but even if we were to somehow poison it through like let's say the move toxic siglyff has the ability magikard which means that it can only be defeated by damage through attacks and as you've seen so far we don't have many attacking moves this is the perfect counter to our insane strategy i'll be real with you guys i thought this was impossible i was ready to give up and call it a day for some reason all the other fights are not really rng fest this one particularly is like all rng okay so now we're back in that perfect opener again so darumaka i think i keep in i toxic toxic okay miss oh my god oh my god that is so good okay we're still in it now we protect okay that was huge so scraggy we switch into aaron first so we endeavor and then we switch back to magnemite pineco to toxic and then it takes the damage from that yes i'm glad it hit us because we get one hp now okay and then i go back in the magnite and then i toxic here all right toxic that worked okay so it's poisoned and now it's gonna die okay now we use the volbeat strategy right so we trick here so we swap our lagging tail air cutter that's fine it kills us and then i put in spirit tube and then i destiny bond here i think this is it [Music] oh my god let's go oh my god we did it that was insane just narrowly flying by i take on the coolest looking gym filled with roller coasters and then make it to the gym later using toxic poison strats and a clutch endeavor from aaron we cleanly earned the bolt badge and now are allowed to use pokemon up to level 50. eric you already made that joke but enough strategy and stress time to enter in the local pokemon musical and dress up our spirit tomb look at him go he's so dapper yo wait that's amazing he's tipping his hat but like constantly alright back to beating every trainer in the region with our squeaky toys but interestingly enough this next route between nimbasa city and driftvale doesn't have any wild pokemon encounters yeah the champion of the region makes sharon and i beat up some preschoolers but aside from that we just walk over the driftvale bridge to the fifth gems town team plasma are making trouble again here but this time they've taken the deep storage freezer hostage luckily i'm a whiz when it comes to ice puzzles but team plasma had something special up their sleeves just one pokemon that thing that thing scares me one of the plasma grunts had a trubish it's a literal garbage bag that was anything but trash it's a poison type so we can't use toxic strats it has the move double slap which hits twice and renders our sturdy abilities useless making us unable to hit it without being one shot first now you might be thinking oh just use the volbeat lagging tail strategy used in the third gym i can't rubbish has the ability sticky hold which specifically makes trick unable to work was this single pokemon going to stop our challenge and its tracks yes unless we get lucky back in castelia city i picked up a quick claw any pokemon holding a quick claw has a 20 chance of going first regardless of anything in the battle smack that bad boy on our spirit tomb get lucky and we use destiny bond for a mutual destruction the only thing that scares me more than one rubbish is two in a row and i'm pretty sure that would single-handedly ruin this challenge just narrowly dodge that nightmare team plasma gets scared of our insanity and runs off time to go challenge the fifth gym leader i really want to say he's hard like i really really do but oddly it seems like the most difficult trainers in the game just aren't gym leaders we tickle clay's crocodile with some poison and secure ourselves the fifth badge so this is your fifth band huh if that's so pokemon up to level 60 will be ya well that's useless i mean good to know but the next route isn't too eventful other than seeing some suspicious mushrooms in a research facility but out of everywhere the light touches don't go to that shadowy place on the horizon charge stone cavern while neat and all with the floating stones and cool visuals for puzzles ann is back and boy he's back with a vengeance i begin the battle he opens with baldor i immediately toxic with pineco so i can set up the classic poison stall that we've been doing when pineco goes down i send out magnemite to stall out the rest of the fight okay and then i protect and then he dies nice okay so he doesn't have any potions good to know okay so joltik is next i think i keep in here oh i can't use berries second pokemon in and we're immediately tripped up joltik has the very specific counter to our magnemite having the ability unnerve which disallows the use of berries in battle so we'd have to go without that for now so we have to do toxic and then protect and then protect i think we can still do this though if we keep protecting it'll hopefully die if it doesn't die then all we need to do is protect twice with aaron and we're good it's fine but that's not the end of our struggles n follows up with pharaoh seed which is a steel type and unaffected by the poison strategy we began the battle with it quickly wipes the rest of our team and i'm forced to reset i didn't even get to see the last pokemon which is another steel type clink alright enough messing around it's time to bring in the doomsday device the weapon i've been hiding in my back pocket and the fear of every pokemon trainer dearling you see this cute little button that frolicks in the woods under the sunshine wrong i see a demolitionist with murder on the mind here's how this adorable luck defying killing machine works i rematch n and start with volbeat this time using the classic trick lagging tail strategy so we can go first pineco follows up with the toxic spikes in stealth rocks setting up for the rest of the team but with that out of the way begins the terror deerling first starts with grass whistle in order to put the boulder to sleep while it's sleeping it uses its second move substitute to create a temporary wall after that's created it uses as many double teams as possible before bulldozer wakes up and then puts it back to sleep with grass whistle again this increases deerling's evasiveness with enough times of the cycle we can decrease a 100 accurate move to hit only 30 percent of the time but that's not the best part deerling can't actually do damage with this moveset so it also knows baton pass which swaps dealing with any pokemon of my choice and keeps the stat changes i switch into aaron and we go to town with stealth rocks and toxic spikes active i use roar to keep swapping ends team okay and now we're gonna roar so unnerved plus poison look at that oh beautiful that is a ton of damage and then i have a brilliant idea that turns this strategy from good to great oh yikes okay i'm actually going to use endeavor here nice that was good now i don't have a way to kill it though i shouldn't have used endeavor there because i forgot that it had barbs and if you do a physical attack then it will do damage to you so pain yeah this wasn't my finest work i mean even if i didn't with it at the end there was no way we'd get lucky enough to continue to use roar like that so back to the drawing board for two hours two hours banging my head against the wall trying to figure out how to beat this perfectly crafted team for men designed seemingly to counter all of her pokemon stream chat had some good suggestions on what to do like have you tried punching n in the jaw and running past him but they didn't work for some reason there was this one idea i had it was a slim chance but it only had to work once i opened with magnemite who immediately uses toxic and stalls out boulder's death with the recycle and protect joltik comes in and then i use one more toxic to poison it before magnemite faints aaron takes the battlefield and then uses endeavor effectively one-shotting the bug two down two to go but here's when things get crazy pharaoh seed is next and i send out volbeat to quickly dispatch trick lagging tail and then pop out deerling when full beat faints deerling uses grass whistle to make the pharaoh seed sleep immediately i switch into spirit tomb to take advantage of it alright slept once slept twice it's fine all right trying to use pin missile here please this protect needs to work okay it's fine if it hits us next oh we got three projects in a row that's actually really sick okay 20 chance quick claw destiny bond yes yes click clock destiny bond i've been at this for two and a half hours oh finally let's go and we beat oh my god and we made it out without our sanity intact and has this lovely piece of dialogue at the end of it all why why why why don't you stick this all right what were we doing again right right right the sixth gym it has cannons what we do a whole bunch of searching and fetch quests in order to face the gym but once that's over i breeze through the puzzle and face off against leader skyla she's probably the easiest battle we've had yet all i have to do is toxic on her swoo bat and stall it out until it faints i do the same thing with swanna and it faints as well then i send on volbeat to use an easy trick to close out the fight oh my godness all right hear me out quick claw destiny vaughn [Music] oh oh my god are you serious what is our luck like all jokes aside we actually did skyla pretty much first try i was fully expecting us to take like two or three hours on this that was crazy the road to gym number seven was a weird one we have to go through the aptly named twist mountain which involves multiple mandatory trainer battles tough puzzles and a winding maze of platforms and levels or we can time travel to the winter season to skip the entire thing merry christmas everyone appropriately we have the ice gym leader next at this point i think it's very evident how confident i've gotten with our level 1 team we set up toxic spikes with pineco switching the volbeat for lagging tail and deerling for evasion then baton pass over to magdamite to stall out the rest of bryson's team and when i say stall i mean this magnemite must have back problems because it carried the rest of the battle this guy took out the entire gym by itself magnemite with the solo kill against the devil's gym leader oh my god yeah magnemite dude the magnemite after our resounding success were ambushed by pokemon ninjas from the village hidden in the leaf wait no wrong franchise restart alright we're ambushed by pokemon ninjas they give us a secret message that lord gets us will be waiting for us at the top of dragon spiral tower whoa this is cool whoa is something going wild at the top of the tower probably the legendary pokemon you know the one that everyone says is up there i would do it it's n whoa oh my god that's so cool and then flies away on his newfound zekrom ready to take on the world and liberate every pokemon from their owner as a reminder this is my first playthrough of pokemon black this plot is wild alright so this is the eighth gym leader we have seven badges so far kind of crazy that we've gotten this far but let's do it we open the fight with the poison spike strategy aiming to stall out the fracture when we protect enough it faints and drayden sends out his second pokemon dread again with a quick lagging tale and switch in a spirit tomb for destiny bond it too goes down quickly but the pain of challenge runs comes next haxorus haxaris has the ability mold breaker which is an ability that disables all the effects of other abilities it's the one true counter that i was afraid of this entire time the run killer the one thing that wait what's that hacksterous only has mold breaker and pokemon white oh yeah uh i totally planned that i knew it the entire time for sure uh hacksaws and pokemon black has rivalry which doesn't affect our strategy at all cool we poison it and it faints like the rest of the team and that is the eighth gym badge all we have left is the story in the pokemon league on our way out of the city professor juniper stops us and gives us some directions real do you regret setting out on your pokemon journey yes yes i do the pathway up to victory road is largely uninteresting however the beauty of seeing victory road in the batch check in this game isn't lost on me like jokes aside the sweeping vistas and the experimenting that game freak did when making generation 5 games really broke boundaries for pixel art styles and it shows i don't get many opportunities to say this but man playing through this was breathtaking every step of the way and it's quickly become one of my favorite pokemon games let's see if we can finish this challenge with only the elite four standing in our way the hardest trainers in the game pokemon block does the elite four in a different way than most pokemon games you're allowed to choose which members to fight in any order you like we have to conquer ghost dark psychic and fighting types let's face them in order from easiest to hardest just kidding they're all hard did you forget we have level 1 pokemon geez not even watching the video on a random dice roll i choose to face the ghost type chantal first she sends out coffer grigas first and i open with volbeat with trick to pave the way for pineco pineco sets up two toxic spikes before fainting and magnemite comes out to stall and we stall we stall for 26 turns beating out her go lurk and chandelure before having to finish jealous off with aaron because i ran out of pp one member down three to go but that begs the question what happens when you run out of pp during these fights we're required to beat all four members back to back without the poke center to restore move sets ah but it pays to think ahead you see for the past 30 hours of this challenge i've been sneakily scouring the entirety of unova for elixirs and ethers preparing for this very moment we're not going to run out of moves because magnemite is going to be force-fed all the drugs we found lying on the ground outside next elite 4 member is marshall fighting type it's going to be difficult but before we challenge the elite four i picked up a special item we're gonna use toxic spikes on them and then we're gonna go to magnemite now we use toxic so it doesn't matter we actually want magmite to die as soon as possible because then we're going to sweep his entire team so we're going to go into aaron now and now we're going to use endeavor the storm throws fine it's gonna do all the way down to one health but then right we have sturdy so we land on one health then we use endeavor which is going to equalize our hp and then because we have a shell valve that heals us all the way back to full and then he dies the good news about all of this is that elite four marshall is not gonna use his full restores at all he has no shot to do his full resource for all intents and purposes this move is a one shot shell bell is an item that i picked way back in drift vale city and it heals you for one 8 of the damage that you deal since aaron has 12 hp we need to do 88 hit points of damage in order to heal back to full and proc sturdy again there's a surprisingly low amount of pokemon with that kind of hp until this moment so this was the time to test out that strategy and oh boy who knew a level 1 pokemon would be so overpowered when facing these titans and i really want to say that our next opponent grimsley was tough but with functionally the same lineup as marshall it went the same way although he did say this during the fight which had me a little confused i never thought you'd use that move whoa that's crazy man three down one to go sidekick type caitlyn was shaping up to be the hardest elite four member of the bunch she opens up with reunicus which has the ability magic card preventing it from being affected from poison but to deal with this nuisance i um use destiny bond with spirit tomb to take it out immediately can you guess what happens next yep toxic spikes into aaron shelbel endeavor what a dunk but you see what happens here i was presented with some of the easiest fights that we've come across in the entire game the champion though i've been worrying about that fight since the challenge began high level strategy with a trainer that boasts six pokemon i couldn't even prepare for it i've never played this before i slowly make my way towards the final platform when i discover the champion alder conversing with our best friend n i wonder what they could be talking about from the ground up rise up the castle of team plasma what uh that's insane what is going on [Music] man i really wonder uh what the operating cost of something like that is and the hydraulics that you would probably need to lift a building that high the civil engineers must be quaking we storm the castle to stop team plasma from forcefully liberating pokemon and stumble upon ends room in the meantime my disappointment is continuously immeasurable and my day is ruined i make my way further up the castle to the throne room where we discover and sitting as king he threatens us with zekrom his legendary dragon and we counter resharam who comes to our aid one developer at nintendo really innovated with these designs outing themselves as a huge yugioh fan i mean come on like red eyes black dragon versus blue eyes white dragon joey wheeler and setokaiba about to go to the shadow realm in this game but to my dismay the final battle of the game is against n the one man who's given us so much trouble this entire challenge the one trainer who almost made me give up in charge stone cave the letter of the alphabet that comes after m the only person with the perfect strategy to counter my team this is how it went we'll just trick here right send out the lagging tail it's going kill that's fine so zekrom goes second we spear tomb destiny bond okay here's your bolt all right so we take the zekrom at least we're gonna send out pineco with toxic spikes we magnemite toxic all right then i put out aaron and then now we endeavor aaron actually the op all right kills kara costa heals up to full [Music] and then cling clang okay so clint clang is poisoned i'm going denver here so why was wait no this isn't a clink clan because it's poison this is zoroark yeah it's a sore arc doesn't matter though because it's dead anyways all right all right that was good that's good all right now the real cling play we keep battling okay so now i endeavor flash cannon whatever doesn't matter okay i'm gonna cut here actually no oh wait we can't win anyways we're gonna cut right we live but we can't kill the other two pokemon because clinton dies here vanillix is out unless vanilla misses somehow then we can't do this right so we endeavor here oh my god dude the luck no chance we just won archeops flying type right doesn't get poison but that's okay because we're gonna endeavor anyways okay we gotta save this though don't forget he's going to use a full restore right so i'm going to protect oh he didn't use the full restore we cut for the wind here we go aaron used cut oh my god player defeated team plasma and we did it after 32 hours i finally beat pokemon black with only wait what since you know the truth you must be eliminated fact do we get a free heal do we got a free heal right here chad please tell me where to free heal it auto heals our pokemon okay we're good step aside old man have you heard of our lord and savior poison stall coffee grigas goes down with magnemite recycling aaron takes down the buffalent with endeavor hydraegeon faints to a stall seismitoad with endeavor electro stall and the piece de resistance spirit tomb finishing gets us his bisharp with the tried and true destiny bond after i demolished your kid did you think you'd do any better alright as i was saying after 33 hours i finally beat pogo on black with only level 1 pokemon what's next beating pokemon black 2 without taking any damage so we are playing pokemon black 2 without taking any damage oh god damn it
Channel: PointCrow
Views: 1,108,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pkmn, pointcrow, point crow, pokemon black, pokemon white, pokemon black challenge, pokemon white challenge, pokemon black white, black, white, bw, pokemon bw, generation 5, challenge, can you beat pokemon, can you beat, pokemon challenge, level 1 only, only level 1, pokemon level 1 only, pokemon only level 1, nintendo, gaming, gameplay, playthrough, walkthrough, lets play, pokemon black no exp, no exp, pokemon no exp, nuzlocke, pokemon nuzlocke, hardest pokemon challenge
Id: jcCe9RvfX74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 28sec (2308 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 06 2022
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