What if every level made Peach float longer Super Mario 3D World Princess Peach mod

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okay and i'm pretty sure there's going to be a warp cube down there i don't know if we're going to be able to make it to it oh man that's actually really tough to make it to that will i be able to land into it oh we could what you could go up here i didn't know that i think beating this boss is going to be pretty easy too i think you could just float oh and he gave me an extra boost too today we play through world six of super mario 3d world except every time we complete a level peach will be able to float for longer and longer so let's see what this is going to be like let's try to get through this without using any pipes so right now peaches floating is already extended a bit let's see can we go across there ah pretty good okay guys doing all right oh no i accidentally went into a fight oh you could get that guy to hit those things oh my goodness that's like a 500 iq play right there if you don't have the fire flower just use the piranha plant to do it for you bit of a weird way to do this yeah just get the coins like that don't even have to go into the pipe to get them [Music] okay pretty easy level i'd like to do this dive jump when you're there spin jump up here and then just get to the top of the flag there we go okay so the first level was already pretty easy clear pipe cruise is pretty easy so let's head to spooky seasick rack and we can float for even longer now so let's see how this goes i'm curious how wow you can float for quite a while don't really have to worry about the ground if you could just float for this log not even gonna use the warp cubes just gonna head on over here oh can i make it that high yep nice we got a checkpoint we are back to regular sized peach now can we whoa wondering if we'd be able to float all the way across i'm gonna go for it oh bad oh and i think you have to defeat these guys right i'm guessing you do oh that worked out pretty well wait where does that warp cube take you to i think we actually have to go to that warp cube that's the end of the level are you serious that's it this is going to be such a short video [Music] okay we could just float all the way over to the flag from here okay i had to swap to another file because i didn't have enough green stars for world 6-3 so let's head to world 6-3 and peach's float distance is doubled again i don't think there's really going to be much floating around in this level let's just see how long we can float for wow just fly back and forth left and right you're in the air for quite a while don't worry about the goombas i'll just float on by them they can't get me up here wow you can float so far when you're going fast it's like you really don't have to touch the ground yeah we could just float on by these this pose is no problem to peach she could just float by the entire level like this but she does still come down eventually get this one let's just head on up here oh and i don't even have to reach the ground oh i don't know if i'm high enough no i'm not high enough all right roll 6-4 deep jungle drift ah this is gonna be a super interesting one okay let's get up high like to get a pie and then we could probably float by the level i wonder if there are any more hold on i want to go faster there we go this is what you like to see okay now let's see how far we could float oh and there's another log ahead of you already hopefully i don't fall soon man you go for quite a while i'm still going okay there we go now we finally fell but man you just float by the level okay and i'm pretty sure there's going to be a warp cube down there i don't know if we're going to be able to make it to it oh man that's actually really tough to make it to that [Music] will i be able to land into it oh we could what you could go up here i didn't know that what's back here it doesn't look like there's really anything back here because you're not supposed to be back here yeah in a lot of parts of the game stuff like this that's normally out of view of the camera just isn't decorated like this like if you just drop down here it's probably a death area let's see yeah oh okay when you reach that it's a death area i wonder if there's a death area behind that let's see if there's anything behind this i'm guessing there's just going to be a death area below this but if you go far enough you can probably get past it let's see if we just drop down here will it be a death area or no maybe they didn't add one because they've got this purple goop here so maybe you just fall forever that sometimes happens oh there actually is a death area down there that's kind of surprising that they added one down there it's good that they did add one there this music reminds me of the legend of zelda a lot [Applause] okay let's see where is the warp cube let's just get right over it let's just position ourselves very carefully oh and that's right there now i'm gonna drop in before it comes there we go oh there's the end of the level this reminds me a lot of spyro for some reason oh no i accidentally let go of the jump button kind of nice that you don't have to wait for those wooden rafts you just move along quickly like this can i double float no you can't float again oh boy once you started floating you can't hold a again to float again that is good to know [Music] let's see if these walls are solid nope you just float right through the walls all right let's head back before we fall into this poisonous scoop and then we'll explore some more man oh no i was gonna say man we could float for a while but we just didn't make it back if i did a dive there i probably could have still survived okay let's see if those trees in the background are solid i'm guessing they won't be but let's see nope you could fly right through them also okay now this time hopefully i can make it back before falling ha haha okay good good and we still have plenty of time left well not plenty of time but we have a bit of time left yeah so it's kind of funny that these things in the background here have no collision at all you could just fly through them you could fly right through the walls and that's something that happens in some games if there's something that's really far in the distance like that that isn't normally reachable then sometimes the developers of the game they just won't add any collision to it because like you're not able to reach it anyway so what's the point all right so another level is done so let's double princess peach's floating distance again okay world six dash a is next the prince bully blockade and let's see oh if you hit him you're still floating okay so i wonder if we could do the whole fight while floating oh no but we have to drop down on him to hit him oh no and he came out [Music] okay so he can't float the whole time because we have to come down to him to damage him but we can get him into the pipe while floating the whole time we'll just stay in the air as we chase after prince bully and then when he pops out of the pipe we just just get him to damage him but then we just keep floating get him into the pipes while floating [Applause] oh maybe i could have bounced off of him and kept floating but all right there's another level done all right here's world 6-6 bullet bill base peach will be able to float for even longer now let's see is there anywhere useful that we can go with this floating it looks like we have to go up so i'm not sure how useful floating around will be i don't think we'll just be able to fly to an oh yeah there's just a death barrier there that kills you so it looks like we'll actually have to climb up a little bit before we start floating across can i get up there i just want to get really high and then just float to the end of the level okay cool okay so it looks like you're supposed to go over there somewhere so let's do this oh and the end of the level is probably up there all right just floating on by the level man peach's floating ability is pretty op i like how you can see those moving things when they come into view they just start moving you'd get pretty high imagine long jumping off the level after all of that and peach's float didn't even run out i wonder how long we could float now we could float for pretty long oh we skipped 6-5 okay so 6-5 is up here and 6-6 is here actually okay so we'll do 6-5 now typhoo flurries i was wondering where 6-5 was i was thinking that i missed the level but here we go world 6-5 typhoo flurries doesn't matter if those things try to blow me out of the way because i could just keep floating [Music] let's just float along here i don't know if i'm high enough for that okay let's just nope doesn't matter if they try to blow me i could just i could just come back not a problem there ah no ah man i'm not gonna follow the spikes i'm just gonna go around like this i could float basically forever oh let's just head on here i want to jump up high there we go and now float from here now we can just comfortably float we don't have to worry about the clear pipes down there we could just float along the level what a nice view we have of the level from all the way up there we can see it coming into view now where is the goal pole going to be i'm guessing it's going to be somewhere up there in the top right probably let's just float along i'll just leave the checkpoint flag there well that wall on the left goes up pretty high oh weird camera angle now okay because you're normally not supposed to be as high as you are right now so princess peach is pretty high up right now let's just keep floating i don't know how long this floating is going to last for but hey we're still able to float so i'll just keep floating [Music] i like that we're still floating this whole time yeah the camera won't even go up high enough oh there we go there's princess peach finally we came down they're not really too worried about these guys blowing me oh that's the end of the level would you look at that let's see yeah even if that blows me away it's like okay i could just go back here to the flag and drop down on the very top of the flag oh that's not the flag i'm way off okay but there we go we got the flag another 10 000 point pull grab from peach okay so let's head to world 6-7 next fuzzy time mine we are going to be floating even more now my goodness we've gotta we can float for pretty long now i don't know how much floating is going to help us here since we're running away from these fuzzies you can see that the dry bones get a bit confused when you just float in place like that i wonder if we could go around here or if there's going to be a death area here i hope there isn't going to be a death area here let's see oh there's just a solid wall there that stops you interesting that is certainly an interesting choice if you want to prevent people from going there what about up here um there's an invisible ceiling here okay yeah so it's like probably an invisible box area so that you can't go up there and you also can't run off the level like that okay so i think this is going to be an interesting way to get to the flag what if we do this okay let's just climb up like this and now let's float on over to the flag i think that's a good way to do it i think that's a good way to do it you do 90 degree wall jumps there to get up high then you just head on over to the flag position yourself because you can float for so long then just drop down on the flag and there you go that's a good way to get the flag all right we are now heading to the world six castle bowser's bob-omb brigade he's just getting ready to be shot out of the cannon going towards these tanks here and i wonder if we'll just be able to float by the whole level let's just get up onto a high tank and then just float just wait for these tanks to come over first and i wonder how far out this way you can go oh you can't go out very far at all how about this way [Music] okay then you die after a moment so you can't go very far that way did i just see peach falling down the corner of the screen there let's do this anyway if i don't hold the joystick i think i won't move i don't think the camera will push me will it i think i might have some momentum right now that's why i'm just floating by the level hopefully that guy's hammers can't reach me up here yeah right now i'm just holding the a button and we're just floating by the level we're moving at a good speed oh i wonder if i could keep going and skip forward in the level will the camera follow me if i move forward let's see i'll just hold forward right now and try to fly through the level we'll see if we have to wait for the camera to catch up to us or not like it won't let me go forward anymore i wonder why like i'm holding forward at full speed that's as far as it's letting me go yeah it looks like you could just basically float by the entire level and if you try to float back then you die why do those spikes not hurt that bob off the ball off doesn't care it just stands there and it lets the spikes push it [Music] at least that fire bro is working hard he's trying to aim at us like the fireballs would be hitting us if we were on the ground but we're just unfortunately much higher up so his fireballs are nowhere near us this fire bro though very poor performance just throwing fireballs straight into the gap they're nowhere near us you don't stand a chance fire bro why is he jumping back and forth between those tanks that fire bro can see that we have clearly passed him and here we go there now i'll finally go into the pipe oh and i was floating the entire time so it looks like i floated by the whole level you could float for pretty long i think meeting this boss is going to be pretty easy too i think you could just float oh and he gave me an extra boost too so that will just float up in the air and we'll drop down on him when he becomes available again just do this where is he going to spin i'd like to drop down on him i'll wait for him to get dizzy too because i don't want to accidentally land on his arms there we go hey then let's just bounce up again keep floating is he going to give me another boost oh he didn't give me another boost this time okay so this time i'll just stay like this it's like trying to beat the boss without touching the ground or touching the ground only once at the start of the battle you touch the ground but after that you want to stay in the air for the rest of the fight you can only touch the ground once and other than that you could land on boom boom's head land on him there we go we have defeated boom boom with touching the ground only was that's pretty funny right now just want to get into the warp cube without touching the ground that should be good there we go all right now can we make it to the flag floating from here let's see just float on over uh oh hopefully that doesn't trigger a cutscene okay i was worried that if i was floating around here then maybe the fairies would be like hey hello come help me and then when the cutscene ended it would end peach's floating state and then she'll just fall down let's see if any of those things i want to test if those things in the background have collision but there's probably a depth there you probably die if you go to them let's test it out though ah not a good camera because yeah because the camera normally follows you here okay so let's do this let's do this can i not get on here okay i'm gonna have to go to somewhere lower so i could get back on oh and time is running low all right let's test this out oh ah okay so it ends up happening is the lighting changes once you get far enough probably once you make it outside of the graphics area and then there is a death area outside that so yeah we went into the death area yeah so i don't think we'll be able to make it over to those walls as we start to move this way yeah there we go the depth area is right there there's probably going to be the same thing if you head over this way yeah once you head far and up there death areas are out here i just had a thought i thought why don't i just remove these death areas so there i've removed the death areas so now we'll see if these things here in the background have any kind of collision oh i might be too high man that's going to be very hard to judge depth perception to see if we're close enough or not to falling oh there we go now the lighting starts to change oh things start to get blurry maybe now we'll get to see will we slide against this i think we might actually be pushing against it let's see [Music] whoa is that as far out as you can go oh wait no that's so weird what about over here i can't tell if i'm on it or not okay i'll do something risky i'll try diving i wanted to try setting peach's spawn position to be on top of one of those towers so let's see what happens when we start the level whoa [Music] i think i landed on something oh all right i also wanted to try going back to an older level to see what it'd be like if we could float through an older level so let's give super bell hill a shot with peach's floating ability let's see if we can make it to the end of the level by floating i don't know if we'll be high enough for the death barriers or not but let's see let's just try to float through the whole level just floating on by here don't touch the ground that is the objective don't touch the ground hopefully you don't die if you go here hopefully this isn't low enough to kill you maybe we'll be okay maybe we could actually float through the whole level oh i don't know if we'll be high enough to make it to the flag there's the pipe that normally launches you out we are just passing by under it goodbye pipe we don't need a pipe today we can float i think we might actually be able to make it to the flag just by floating through the entire level we could use peach's shadow as a guide here because the camera isn't going high enough to let us see here on here we go okay it's not gonna be a 10 000 point pole grab but we are going to be able to make it to the pole that's pretty good from the beginning of the level you can float all the way over to it like this if you have any other level suggestions that you'd like to see princess peach float through you could let me know in a comment on this video and i often post short clips and updates on my twitter a big thank you to my patreon supporters for supporting my content creation and a big thank you to you for watching this video i hope that you all have a fantastic day ahead of you and take care everybody [Music]
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 647,806
Rating: 4.8976789 out of 5
Keywords: bowser's fury, super mario 3d world, mario, super mario 3d world bowser's fury, princess peach, peach, float longer, double jump, double speed, faster mario, higher jump, mario modding, super mario 3d world modding, mario mod, bowser, super mario, mario speedrun, funny mario, mario animated, mario animation, bowser's fury theme, super bell hill, bowser's fury glitches, zxmany, zxmany bowser's fury, zxmany mario, super bell hill theme, out of bounds, deep jungle drift
Id: wJa_MlxMFAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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