What if every Cat Shine made Mario jump higher in Bowser's Fury?

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okay now mario's starting to jump kinda high let's see how high he goes whoa all right [Music] that was a jump and i pressed cat swipe right away this is how high we are here's the map this is where we are that's lake lap cats down there today we push the limits of bowser's fury modding by playing bowser's fury except every time that mario collects a cat shine he will jump higher so let's just head on and collect this first cat shine and we'll see what mario's jumping at high heights will be like and we'll see how far we can get into this game so here is cat shine number one with regular jump right there we go now for getting the next cat shine we are going to make mario's jump height doubled now that we have our first cat shine mario has double regular jump height so let's head on to bowser jr over here let's just jump over him and pass him oh i actually couldn't do a jump dive there because we already triggered the bowser jr cutscene double jump height doesn't even seem that high like it is obviously higher than regular jump height but it doesn't seem like extremely overpowered [Music] okay it's pretty nice you could just easily jump up there that's pretty cool [Music] [Applause] can i just jump up here oh man that that's actually pretty cool okay there we go got another cat shine and now we should have four times regular height yeah there we go okay all right here we go we have two cat shines and mario's jump height is starting to get pretty high shadow luigi's going to be ready i don't know if jumping really high is going to help at all with being able to get shadow luigi like we could almost come down on him like this i could like ground pound on him oh it looks like bowser jr got him there i wonder if you could ground pound shadow luigi that'd actually be really funny [Music] okay these jumps are already starting to get pretty out of control oh cool i accidentally got a cat shine shard there we go we got another cat shine okay so let's double this again and let's see do we go even higher now yes we can already see bowser in the distance though all right let's just head on over to [Music] over there so then we could reset this oh there might have been an invisible wall there that pushed us down okay now look you could see the cat shine in the cage over there so what if we just jump on up here and get the key from right here such an easy way to get it that's actually really funny okay then let's just jump on over here and get this key into the cage all right and one i wonder if we jump into it as we get it if we could like fly up above it oh no i accidentally just walked into it okay well we got another cat shine yeah you can see that when mario gets to an invisible ceiling like that he just gets pushed down almost right away [Music] let's see what is the next cat shine that we have to collect no no come down mario i want to go to scamper shores not to space okay so we want to collect the five cat shine shards here's one i'd like to get that cat shine shard okay here's the first appearance of bowser okay let's get this cat shine shard i'd like to get out so we could continue all right where are the other cats shine sharks there's one in here maybe i can go through this way i wanted to get in there can i get in there from here i think i can get it this way there we go that was a good way to get that cat shine shard i think i got so used to playing this game at the fast okay we're gonna have to ground pound here okay at least we're getting lots of coins doing this oh number three is just going to be right here i need to go okay goodbye bowser [Applause] oh you can't do rules with this one so i actually have to get a different power-up to make it there unless i go like oh okay perfect perfect there we go all right there is another cat shine now where is the final cat shine oh the final cat shines the one up there not all the way up there okay goodbye level okay hopefully if i ground pound from here it's good no i don't know if that'll be far enough let's see i'd like to okay that works very nicely now i just want that cash sign right there that honestly might be very very very hard to get that cat shine right there like how am i supposed to get that oh okay there we go that nice invisible wall above us very nice yeah using bowser jr would be an easier way to do it but i i like i like the challenge of tr of not using bowser jr when we don't have to okay since we got another oh and i can't move because this cutscene is going to be playing now this text box that came up here okay so let's double these heights again so mario's jump height is going to be doubled again we have five cat shines so far i think over here the only one that's left is blast the fury blocks so let's head on over to another level ah the invisible walls that push you down are so useful because otherwise if you jump you just fly up almost forever let's see oh there's a cat sign right there maybe i could go get that one you're probably not supposed to be able to get that cat shine right now but hey uh almost what if i jump up from here oh [Music] hopefully we could fall down onto the cat shine from here [Music] okay going to take us a moment to fall down because of how high up we are oh and i don't have another lucky cat power up unfortunately okay if you roll then you could move around let's try to fall straight onto the cat shine where's this cat shine this kind of changes the way that you play the game when you can jump this high where's the cat shine want to be right above the cat shine where is the cat shine i don't see the cat shine there it is okay let's just fall right on to the cat shine here we go yes oh man such a good way to get the cat shine climb to the shine well i don't think we did any climbing here [Music] we did not in fact do any climbing here but we got the catch in case now let me double this height again would you guys want to see the bowser fight with jump height increase i think you would i'd have to create another mod it'll take me like a minute to do that though okay let's ignore this bowser we'll come back to this bowser with higher jump height in a moment then let's try to get another cat shine and then and then we'll make the mod so that we can have bowser with higher jump adapter can i jump straight into that cat shine shard yes okay that works let's just go and collect some of these cat shine shards i wonder how close bowser gets to ah oh i think it's because i jumped through the lighthouse or maybe i jumped past that part of the lighthouse that's what damaged me okay i know there's another cat shine shard here it's weird it's like you jump and then you want to do a dive right away kind of funny okay i'd like to jump onto this tree just jumping onto the trees a bit difficult i think okay well i got the cat shine so it doesn't matter that i jumped onto the tree look how high mario's jump is compared to the height of the tree mario just flies way above the tree and he would keep going up but there's an invisible wall up there that pushes mario back down is there's going to be a cat shine cat shine shard over here oh yeah there we go here's the last one oh such an easy one to get i don't think you even have to jump i think you could just walk into it there we go okay let's double mario's jump height again okay now mario's starting to jump kinda high let's see how high he goes whoa [Music] okay and the music changed wonder where we are let's check on the map where we are oh we're still on the map would you look at that you know what while i'm waiting for mario to come back down i could create this mod that i wanted to i wonder what's going to happen when we're way up here and the bowser phase starts yeah fury bowser is coming maybe we'll be able to make it down before fury bowser starts i don't know oh look there he goes we saw fury oh whoa everything is spinning oh why is the light so weird down here oh my goodness [Music] maybe this means we'll come down soon because all this time i'm still ground pounding i'm still coming down imagine if all this time i was ground pounding with the lucky cat suit mario please come back to lake lap cats is mario stuck he's really high up in the air right now like really high up maybe now mario will start coming down come on mario i ground pounded so long ago okay he's right here on the oh it looks like we actually moved a bit on the map because i started diving oh it looks like it's going to be fury bowser's face again we could see him at the bottom of the screen there and mario still hasn't come down mario's been ground pounding all this time there's going to be a bowser phase again okay let's just see how this bowser phase starts this time i wonder if the world will become even more tilted now okay there goes bowser up there again oh my goodness the world is tilted again it's like every time the world gets tilted by 90 degrees does this mean mario will stop falling downwards will mario start falling upwards again oh no it's back to normal [Music] here we go we are going to see some high jumping action i hope let's see what oh there we go okay took a second but whoa whoa whoa bowser is shooting fire up almost vertically it's actually really funny could we go above bowser what if we go above bowser where is he going to drop down that was pretty funny seeing bowser just shooting straight up like that come on get me bowser [Music] i love seeing bowser shooting fire all the way up there it's so funny bowser goes pretty high have a huge drop down on bowser from all the way up there [Music] oh that was a very anti-climactic way of finishing off bowser that was so funny just went up to him with a single claw swipe like that he's like oh my goodness no i cannot handle this but there we go we took out bowser oh and that isn't a cat shine so i'm not going to double mario's uh jump height again i'm going to leave it as it is it's like we got some new levels unlocking i don't know how difficult they're going to be how many cat shines do you guys think we'll be able to get oh and hold on let me show you guys something funny if you give mario if you give mario a negative jump height this is what happens and i'm spamming the jump button here wait where did the cat go oh i dropped the cat from way up there here we go okay put this up even higher now like i could probably jump with this baseball to a different island you know what let's get the cat shine up there let's do this ah this is such a good way all you have to do is just jump and you have to dive immediately otherwise you'll just fly far above the map okay here's going to be a good cat shine there we go got another one all right all right all right all right going pretty well okay i'm expecting that soon we are going to get to a part of the game where this high jump height is going to make it impossible okay should i try to defeat the cat's bullies let's try i'm scared to jump i'm just gonna head on over here okay all right that was like a jump and an immediate dive okay so i think we have to face the cat bullies here i don't think i've faced the cat bullies yet yes there should be a box right here oh no i wanted to i jumped through the box i was right below the box but when i jumped up i jumped through the box i don't know if i'll be able to hit that box and get this star yeah i clipped through the box i don't think that i hit the box let me try again i'll try jumping and doing a super quick ground pound because look there's the box right here i'm very clearly like right i'm very clearly right below the box i don't think i can hit that box i think i clip past the box i am too fast can you have bowser jr hit it that's a good question i'm not sure if bowser jr could hit it let's try i don't know if bowser jr would hit oh okay okay apparently i killed all the cat bullies i think maybe it's because we went so far above the map that all of this stuff unloaded and then the bullies just fell into the lava so that's actually hilarious yeah it looks like bowser jr won't hit the invisible box though there we go all right am i going to be able to get the cat shine or am i going to jump past it let's see yeah i literally jumped over the cat shine maybe i could come back down to the cat shine though let's see yeah we ground pound to the cat shine there we go got another cat shine doing pretty pretty well here i'm honestly scared that when i jump i'm just going to be out of bounds and not be able to come back now so we are getting super super fast you get i kind of want to get the bell over there oh and we can try going back to first step island a lot of people in the comments have been asking me about going back to first step island and on the day of the game's release in my live stream we actually tested going back over there but now i can show you guys in a video what it's like the only way i could get that box is if i somehow dive into it or cat swipe it oh can bowser jr hit normal boxes it looks like he can't hit invisible boxes i don't know if he could hit normal boxes though i could try swiping the box as i fall down like this i think that might be my best strategy mario has such a slow terminal velocity reaches his terminal velocity so quickly [Music] there we go okay that strategy worked nice good strap good strat what i can get to that i don't just clip through it what if can i clip through here wow i'm honestly surprised that you don't just clip through that oh you know what what if i get one of these oh no i wanted to get the propeller box so that i wouldn't lose my power up whoa bowser's fire is all the way up here okay at least his aim is pretty good okay we're getting lots of power-ups here want to get down there and have bowser junior aim at us here and i want him to or sorry not bowser jr just bowser i want bowser to break these fury blocks bowser blast these fury blocks hooray what if i stand here and jump oh it's nice you don't clip up here [Music] okay we got blast the fury blocks okay so i have to double the jump height again right let's head over to first step island okay that's looking a little glitchy yeah we are pretty high up so normally there are a bunch of invisible walls around first step island and there are some openings that you can use to get back to first step island but if you're pretty low then you won't be able to make it back like right here i don't know if this'll i don't know if we've made it back to first step island yeah some people were asking on youtube they're like hey if you go back to first step island are the cat shines that normally spawn at the end of the game available diana looks like now we're going to be able to make it back to first step island so here's what happens if you make it back to first step island before beating the game yeah but here we are we are back at first step island and yeah you can see that the graffiti that you're supposed to clean here with bowser jr isn't here to clean my goodness and even if i just do a regular jump that you go up this high okay let's head back down let's get let's farm some more power-ups if you wait here for the bowser phase then bowser's fire actually doesn't reach you here because there's an invisible wall here so that's kind of funny yeah all this still goop over here goop here goop here goop all the way along yeah so you can see that bowser's fire isn't going to be able to reach here like look even if i stand here there's going to be an invisible wall there you can see there's an invisible wall right there and even if you could get bowser on the other side here which i don't think you can do there'd still be an invisible wall there are invisible walls all over yeah so bowser's fire attack you could see that it gets stuck on an invisible wall right there like if we switch to the camera mode you can see that it's just not going any farther because the invisible wall is here to like prevent players from getting back to first step island but you can see that it also stops the fire from reaching you here so even if you could get back here early you wouldn't be able to get these fury blocks broken because bowser's fire wouldn't reach here like to go up there but i don't want to jump because if i jump then i'll just fly away from the bath this is slowly starting to become a minimum jumps challenge if you're in the air are you able to reload a save file oh i accidentally jumped well you know what while we are in the air let's head on over to another island let's head on over there the way that cats work in this game is pretty interesting okay there we go we are at slip skate slope do i want to get that oh my goodness bowser jr you're like right there you didn't even get it oh bowser jr with the 500 iq plays instead of jumping up to get the cats shine knock down the goombas and get the cat shine good job bowser jr good thinking okay am i going to be able to get this if i jump up will i get it or will i fly past it it doesn't count that i got it so i have to wait till i come back down mario moves so fast when he jumps it looks like he teleports upwards yeah this jump speed is pretty crazy where is this can i get it like this amazing i know how to get this one and if i ground pound i should go straight into it because i think i'm straight above the cat shine shard so i think we should be able to just do this and this will give us the this will give us another cat shine shard and another cat shine okay let's put this value even higher now oh my goodness okay and here's another cat shine so we're gonna get up mario's jump height again can i do anything that was like an immediate cat dive okay let's go into claw swipe coliseum alright so let's head in there and let's see what weird stuff happens if we do this fight oh wait is there normally a cat shine up here no i think the first one you actually have to face this guy let's head on over and face cat boom boom let's see if we could jump away from the battle i don't know if we could do that oh wait wait wait well let's see looks like being the invisible ceiling has some height to it i don't think we can exit yeah so we're inside a cube right now i'm guessing oh there's a cat iron shard right there oh this makes me think of something what if we get that cat shine shard as the last one and get the cat shine during this fight let's do that no i'm so far above the level my cat swipe attack didn't work look this is how far above the level we are at least we get a nice view of lake lap cat okay so the cat boom boom fight will start once we step onto that platform i want to see what happens if we collect the final cat shine shard up there during the fight so let's do that let's see what happens here we go [Music] just get him out of the way like ink yeah we should be able to get it wait where is it there it is there we go all right we got the cat shine let's see will the fight continue as normal or what will happen [Music] i like that this music is still playing yeah and the fight just continues as normal that's kind of funny yeah i guess you're still confined to this cube now let's see if i jump i think we might to jump past the cat shine i don't know if we'll collect the cat shine or if we'll jump past it now it looks like we jumped past it we have to collect the cat shine on our way down let me try again okay now it looks like we actually have to get it on the way down if i jump above the cat shine we go way past it all right [Music] that was a jump and i pressed cat swipe right away this is how high we are here's the map here is the map this is where we are that's lake labcats down there where should we head over to next i wonder if this counts as leaving the level because you know how you have to leave a level before you come back for the cat shines to spawn i wonder if this will make the next cat shine available okay let's ground pound that one should be easy i think okay i'm gonna jump and press the swipe button right away i'm gonna mash this swipe button and i'm gonna jump oh my goodness we're so high this gray part of the map is my favorite level of bowser's fury there are very memorable cat shrines to collect such as the shrinking gray closing eye that was my favorite cat shine to collect in that level where am i going again oh yeah there's a cat shine over there somewhere that i wanted to get where's this cat shine there's a cat shine around here wait no that's not a cat shine that's plessy oh all of a sudden plus he's over there where's the cat shine at there it is i'm not gonna be able to make it the game lags like crazy when you go to jump into something like that um is this the cutscene why is the camera like this bowser's shooting up there so i've got to be up there why is the camera like this oh my goodness pretty cool camera angle though the lighting's a little weird and it didn't even change for the cut scene pretty cool camera angle i wonder if it's going to stay like this it does [Music] i can't move the camera let's see where we are on the map oh we're right here well would you look at that we're right here we're right beside tricketty tower well then mario i can't move the camera i'm ground pounding i'm trying to dive what if we try to use a power-up wow we got the power-up amazing bowser jr has amazing throw he could hit mario with a power-up all the way up there look at that that's incredible when i go to use these power-ups bowser jr can get mario every time why is it so bright i don't know we're just so high up that the lighting is weird oh man yeah i don't think we're going to come back down i think i have to reload the game here okay should we go for this cat shine right here i think we should either go for this one or that one all right let's go for this cat shine right here here we go all right good good good uh wait where is the level i think the level is here i think this is where i want to be i think it's right here this is where you want to fall right i think it is we're just going to fall straight into the cat shine now [Music] yeah there we go perfect all right now let's just get the cat shine and we got it there we go got yet another cat shine pretty unbelievable i don't know if we'll be able to get any more this might be the limit okay we are a little bit high but there should be where's that other cat shine was it this way or the other way i think it's this way because it's on the way to chris climb castle you know what let's head to crisp climb castle while we are here yeah after you beat the game you can oh my goodness again why does this always happen when bowser appears the camera's just stuck here no no when you jump high this just happens where am i oh the light just changed maybe that means we're coming back chat did the light just change i think it was a lot brighter i think it was a lot brighter a second go a second ago i think that might mean we're coming back okay it did okay good good good fight yes okay we are coming back there we go there's bowser down there we can see bowser down there okay chat we are coming back we are coming it does look like a security cam jeep baby that's so funny what's that light over there to the right hold on right above mario's head oh those are the gigabells that's the like from the gigabells all right let's head on down oh i'm so glad we made it back yeah we went we went a bit too high there how high up why is bowser shooting over there what is bothering him over there so much so that he wanted to shoot fire at it whoa the screen is shaking okay looks like bowser's leaving goodbye bowser that's some extreme fog yeah okay now we are just slowly gliding on down to the cat shine ah and i missed it oh my goodness i hope i can get it uh i could do like a spin jump into it but i feel like that would be cheating i feel like it'd be cheating to do that okay here we go gotta be very very careful and fast here oh my god this is the most difficult part at least this music is very relaxing i like this music it's so nice and calm and relaxing and here we go this time i'm getting the cat shine there we go got another cat shine all right let's double mario's jump again okay i'm getting that one next [Music] oh my god i just jumped and swiped yeah we were in space for a moment i jumped and swiped right away and that's how high we went yeah so you can see that the earth is round actually the earth is looking pretty flat from here i don't know what this sky and this gray stuff is up here and now where is the cat shine i want to get the cat shine it's probably somewhere in the middle here 3d world and bowser's fury honestly both have amazing music i thought i wasn't going to get the cat sign but we got the cat shine there we go all right let's double this again you know what how about we do a bowser fight we haven't done a bowser fight in a while or you know i guess i i'll collect cat shines until bowser spawns and then i'll get ready for the bowser fight that's what we'll do because i already have the mod active all that we have to do is just find the address when bowser spawns let's try to get it without plessy this is going to work great i can just tell we're just going to get this speed boost and then oh my goodness well oh it's plessy plus he's there waiting for us ah what a good plessy good thing plus he's waiting for us here no that's not what i expected okay so it looks like getting the cat shine in that way is out of the question yeah it's kind of like a soft block we either have to exit to title screen or reload well i i don't know if it was the dash pad itself or jumping on the dash pad because i i was spamming the jump button once i got to the dash pad and i think that was the i think that was the problem and since we're really high the lighting hasn't changed yet it's going to take us quite a while to come down so i'll just reload the game all right we are going to take this cat where no cat has ever gone before let's go up let's see what happens i'm going to jump in and ground pound right away because i think we're just going to be like in the air like crazy okay let's see [Laughter] oh man the cat and mario are both just god so this is basically now a no jump challenge okay so i'm gonna reload the game we are going to get to a bowser fight we are going to see what fighting bowser at this incredibly high jump height is going to be like and then we'll probably call it a stream after that because i think that'll be the last thing that we'll be able to do because right now this is basically a no jump challenge well you could do like spin jumps but i kind of imo that's kind of like cheating because it kind of defeats the purpose okay and if any of you haven't seen this before this is what happens if we give mario a oh that isn't what i thought would happen i haven't even seen this before something is wrong that is not what i expected to happen i was going to show you what happens if you give mario a negative jump height here we go it is time ladies and gentlemen all right let's see what happens when we jump i don't know what'll happen this is very likely going to be the end of the video i don't know how much of bowser we can defeat with these insane jumps let's see wait a minute hold on hold on hold on yeah that's what happens when you jump whoa oh we are far above the level okay i'm ground pounding i'm trying to come back oh there we are wait okay we're coming back down we're coming back down bowser's down there and we are heading down so we are in fact going towards bowser we went into space i don't know how this fight is going to end we might just keep falling like this forever what is this light that's coming oh there was bowser oh bowser is above us now oh bowser hit us oh my goodness it's not fair that bowser can hit us while we are falling like this oh there goes bowser again what is going to happen wait was that bowser jr i was looking at chat for a second and something flew by the screen oh there's mario again we took damage again i think bowser is going to kill us okay so we might get another shot at this bowser hit us twice so far [Music] oh there goes bowser oh i every time i look away something like that happens i didn't see what flew by i was looking at chad maybe a bit finally we are coming back down there goes bowser bowser might hit us before we make it back down this is the oh my goodness that could have been the largest cannonball of all time but bowser got us before we made it down oh my goodness the splash from that would have been huge but bowser got us let's try again this time i'll try ground pounding much much quicker like as soon as i press the jump button i have to ground pound yeah hitting him with a claw is definitely an option okay i should come down more quickly now yeah there we saw mario already okay we're already coming down yeah so this is how high you go if you just jump immediately we are far above the atmosphere of lake labcat but hey at least we're coming down oh is that the sky why is this sky like that that's weird this guy is very weird here oh this is actually starting to look so normal yeah so this is what the bowser fight is like i think the only way to beat him would be to just get him with claw suite because i don't think trying to jump up and get in is a good idea yeah i think i think things will start to work normally now um maybe i spoke too soon bowser don't hit me bowser don't hit me amazing let's try to actually defeat bowser it's so bad that you can to jump actually i don't know if i'll be able to defeat him because you really need to save your cat bells to take out bowser yeah like right now if he jumps like what am i gonna do i can't jump and there are no more cat bells around i need not to catch a bell no no no no bowser whew you're safe [Music] oh no [Music] yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay okay okay that was my best shot yet is bowser spinning around spin here bowser no not here that's not what i meant okay i think i heard another cat bell there we go here we go i know this thing behaves really glitchly when bowser's jumping okay let's just hide back here hey please don't come back fire good i don't know if i could get a hit on him or not nope bro your jump attack don't do this don't do this to me don't do this to me bro don't do this to me don't do this to me don't do this to me no bro i hear another cat bell let's go get another cat bell oh you could wait can you long jump as giga i don't know if you can long jump as uh giga mario i'm scared to try it ah had a chance where is he [Music] i tried yes i knocked him over but that's not really going to help because what can i do i don't think rolling into him like this can damage him no that doesn't damage him if i was cat marty then i could swipe at him gotta go get that bell now though need that bell i think rolling is faster oh no where's the fire coming from okay okay okay we're safe chat we have a chance oh no i thought he would go at a different angle we got him we got him we got him we got him we got him oh yeah if you jump the game basically crashes because of how high you go oh man we took out this bowser there we go with an insanely high jump height we were able to take out this bowser and from this point on the game basically becomes a no jump challenge because of how high you jump ah what a relief so if we do a jump there we go mario has just ascended into another realm by jumping and that cat seagull right there was standing right there to witness it that was tough i didn't think we'd be able to beat that bowser but we did it i'm very glad that we did that if you like seeing what is possible in games for both regular gameplay and hacking i have some other videos on my channel that you might enjoy thank you so much for watching this video wishing all of you a fantastic day and take care everybody [Applause] oh excellent [Applause] dickies dickies oh dickies [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 1,106,270
Rating: 4.8600888 out of 5
Keywords: bowser's fury, super mario 3d world, mario, super mario 3d world bowser's fury, mario jump, mario high jump, luigi, bowser, bowser's fury speedrun, bowser's fury glitches, super mario 3d world glitches, super mario 3d world speedrun, mario double speed, mario double jump, zxmany, bowser's fury mod, bowser's fury modding, fast bowser's fury, bowser's fury fast, funny mario videos, mario memes, funny mario, animated mario, mario videos, scamper shores, lake lapcat, big mario
Id: paPMB1-rZ4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 14sec (2654 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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