APOCALYPSE MODE Super Mario 3D World THE MOST INTENSE Super Mario 3D World mod [mod by Prince Nova]

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today we play through an incredibly well-made mod that pushes the limits of super mario 3d world modding and gameplay there are creative unbelievable challenges a fantastic level of difficulty lots of the floor is lava and interesting bosses and this mod is made by none other than the incredible prince nova i've played a few of prince nova's mods recently and there's so much creativity and work put into these levels and it really shows bully bonk cave oh boy that gives me an idea of what we might be seeing here oh oh what the what in the world is this that's a lot of fuzzies there oh do you want to go hold on what if we just stay here i'm guessing we die oh we got a green star okay but now what okay good you do die eventually okay oh and we just saw mario fall at the last moment there okay now let's see can we climb up here i guess we probably have to do we have to wait for those platforms to come up i wonder if we do no we can just go into the cave all right are the fuzzies going to follow us here they are fast they are fast they are fast they are very fast what if i go they kill you here too man those are some fast fuzzies so we've got to be fast here i want to see if there's something down here i really want to jump down there i want to see if there's something down there wait a minute am i safe here hold on okay so you can get in this way okay but this wall here doesn't disappear but it looks like there isn't anything here oh so i don't think you have to go there i think you just have to keep running away from the fuzzies if you actually have to go in there that would be really difficult whoa no no no no no they're so close now the police they cut me off they cut me off that's so cheap you can't be just a bit ahead of them you have to be really ahead of them to be able to make that corner all right let's go here and now i should be able to make the corner before they catch up more fuzzies oh man oh these platforms aren't moving checkpoint of course there's no checkpoint [Music] ah there's no invisible walls here to stop you from falling off the level so you can actually jump off the level there's really a sense of urgency in this level okay now let's just head on across this way and there's not really a moment to pause just gotta keep going before those fuzzies catch up uk so it looks like right now we are a bit ahead of them oh man i might have just given them a chance to catch up oh there's some fuzzies here nice fuzzies no leave me alone fuzzies bad fuzzies [Music] okay man the camera around there is really weird i don't know if the invisible wall is what stopped mario from going there or if i actually ran off because the camera was weird hopefully there's no invisible wall there wait a minute where are the other fuzzies oh maybe it's only once you get to a certain point they start chasing you it's really weird that they're not chasing me right now maybe there's a certain point that triggers them to chase you that was so good i didn't even have the fuzzies chasing me now i get where this level gets its name from there's the bonk and there are lots of bullies here bully bunk cave there's nothing in the level name about fuzzies though and there are a lot of fuzzies here okay let's just head across this way [Music] let's just get up here oh will there be anything here is the gold pipe here it's a mystery box okay so i guess that's gonna be a green star what am i supposed to do oh i guess defeat the brolders is there just one i can't even throw off the brother i got it i got it that's what matters okay we got it we got it we got it we got it okay don't want to go that way oh is that as far as they go time is running low gotta be careful [Music] okay don't run off the level okay so you can walk by there just fine oh no i couldn't get in there [Music] okay i thought that there's an invisible wall or something there preventing me from going there but no it looks like there's wait a minute where's the pipe at the pipe isn't up here [Music] where's the pipe to exit the level where could it be i don't see it okay there are a bunch of fuzzies there wait can we go through here oh maybe there's actually something here [Music] oh that was the final green star but where are we supposed to go where do we go to complete the oh the fuzzies are going back goodbye fuzzies [Music] i think i might know where it is fun i wonder if these invisible blocks are still going to be here i wanted to check if it was up there i think maybe the end of the level would actually be up there that would actually be a really nice challenge if that's what it was just take that mushroom very nice oh there's a bully in there i didn't expect that to be there i didn't expect there to be a bully in the box i thought that there'd be little goombas that's why i was scared of breaking the box but a big bully like that is not what i expected to see okay so i'm just gonna wait for the fuzzies to come here now the fuzzies are going to retreat in a moment most likely [Music] see where should i what should i do with this shelf wait a minute now the pipe is here why is the pipe here i swear the pipe wasn't here before what the okay that's that's really weird when did the pipe get there because the pipe wasn't there before i swear the pipe wasn't there before and we should be able to get the top like this i think [Music] hooray all right we got everything in the level that's awesome okay really weird that the pipe wasn't there before was it killing the koopa did we have to kill the koopa for the pipe to spawn i'm not sure what happened there i'll have to go back and check the video okay i wonder what this oh blazing bull blockade oh man is the floor going to be lava that might make this difficult [Music] 20 seconds okay so we don't have a lot of time okay that wasn't too bad at all that wasn't too bad at all really cool oh let me just get the green star first before i say it wasn't too bad yeah that wasn't too bad at all really cool hey let's see what the toad house is going to be like it's just all lava and you die immediately oh it's just a one-up that's funny welcome to the toad house go away that is hilarious all you get is a what up you don't get you don't get extra power-ups i wouldn't have wanted to use the power-ups oh if you go back is it still a one-up again you just keep getting what ups there that's so funny and yeah the toad house doesn't disappear that's pretty cool all right king of the boiling peak world 1-3 let's take a look at what this is going to be like okay very nice we've got another one up at the start of the level okay we've got a platform that's heading up there will it come back down hopefully i didn't miss my chance and it's gone forever oh that one's going up okay let's check on this one first [Music] oh the level's like water that's really interesting there's a block of water over there let's see are there going to be green stars or anything up here oh there are more platforms here okay oh and there's a oh it's on top of lava ah that is so cool that's so cool that is so cool oh man i almost jumped right in the middle of that but that's actually lava there okay let's head into this water part of the level [Music] oh what how did that hit me that was nowhere near me oh and it looks like the water goes up okay i wonder if we are meant to hit this [Music] when i hit the pow block i really really want to hit the pow block that's not the pow block that's the lava this is so cool this reminds me of that level in champions road can i dive while underwater can i only ground pound it's not even a green star it's coins [Music] yes five six seven no that was so close [Music] okay at least we got the stamp oh these things are going by what are these called like chavards or something like that these fire dragon things i don't know if i'm getting lucky when it comes to avoiding them but they're just not coming anywhere near me oh that's the checkpoint ah that's so funny how the checkpoint flag is like that let's see how high up the water goes oh that happened okay just really focus here [Music] yes there we go oh man that was a lot more difficult than i thought it was it probably shouldn't have been that difficult but i was struggling with that for some reason oh does the water not reach here that insta kills you i didn't know that those guys insta kill you i thought they would just damage you oh man okay now that makes these fire dragon things a lot more scary now that i know that they insta-kill you oh man before i didn't have any trouble at all avoiding them on the first time up oh man i jumped right into it okay oh man that makes these fire dragon things so much scarier knowing that they insta kill you i was actually thinking that this level was pretty easy i'm like this level doesn't seem too bad compared to the other levels but now that i know that those guys insta kill you that certainly changes things like to get the checkpoint getting the checkpoint would be nice i think hooray we got the checkpoint now how bad can things be from here this is going to be a boss fight oh we've got a nice brother over here how bad can a brolder fight be let's see he's spinning around for a bit oh this guy wants to wake up no i wasted the brolder where are the other boulders at spun me some more brothers i demand more boulders thank you sir all right now let's just save this brother on the side hopefully that brother doesn't get destroyed hooray and is that it okay that was three hits hopefully that's the boss this is so cool oh man so normally there's the piranha plant boss here but now we fight this boss that's really cool okay this is suspicious this looks very easy but that makes me think that there's more to it is this really it there isn't going to be like one of those lava dragons that comes and attacks me as i go for the gold pole i guess not wait a minute did i miss a green star i think i missed a green star okay so i'm guessing the green star might be up here or something that's where i'd expect it to be up here because this is a spot that i haven't checked yet so i'd expect it to be up here let's see if the water keeps going all the way up and it'll oh there's a mystery box nice nice nice [Music] okay let's just drop down into the mystery box not into the lava not into the lava thank you mario ten seconds oh man [Music] no please let me make it please [Music] okay if i get the checkpoint flag and i die does that let me try again from here will the water keep going up from here let's see where's the water at [Music] is the water back here i'm really hoping that the water is still going to be back here i have to ride the water all the way back up oh man okay let's just avoid these dragons then man look at its face okay now just drop down mario into the box okay and here we go now i know where i have to go i know that i have to go across like this [Music] okay just focus focus three seconds left [Music] oh that's not the one you want to land on i have to do this again the mystery box isn't even super hard the hardest part is that you have to ride this water all the way back up every time you have to avoid these fire enemies that insta-kill you if they touch you and yeah i wish i could just go to the mystery box from the start oh man i thought i'd still be able to get it all right looks like we climbed up the water and we're going to get another shot at this let's just drop down into the box and here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go okay that probably ruined it [Music] yes yes um why is right here just standing there i was so confused that mario is just standing there it looks like there's some invisible floor there but we got the green star that's all that matters i like that this last room it's like i'm suspicious that there's something weird going on but it's just simple like that it's nice that you get a moment to breathe like that all right run down river run oh wait a minute run down does that mean we are not using plessy this is some 50 seconds okay [Music] all right let's see what this is going to be like oh and there's extra time here okay let's get this extra time oh i see where this is going oh no we are probably done for already now let's head up here and okay oh that's only 10 seconds i don't know if that was even worth going back for oh man the way that this is done is really cool spikes oh i see [Music] it's probably not worth going for this time i spent more time trying to get the time than the time is worth uh let's see oh green star and time up there oh so it's like do you want the green star do you want lots of time oh man that hurts yes finally finally i got that green center okay that's one less green star to worry about oh man oh man got some spiky platforms coming up oh this is actually going great wow how am i avoiding all these spikes what in the world how did i do was there something up there i don't know if there's something up there ah now up or down what wait let's see what's that oh lots of bullet bills here hold on anything in here oh hit by something oh man this is getting wild ah the mushroom was floating on the water [Music] is that green star 2 how did i avoid those spikes that can't be the end of the level can it that probably just takes you to the next section that can't be the end of the level there's no way that'll be the end of the level it's crazy how just this beginning stretch of the level there's so much more added to it with this unique challenge and this time i'm going to try staying up top the entire time i didn't get that extra time that's too bad yeah this time i'm going to try staying up top the whole time because there's some extra time to get over here like that if i can get it good thing i didn't waste my mushroom oh and there's the stamp right up there nice [Music] good thing i didn't miss this stamp with my depth perception oh man there are a lot of spiky bars here okay okay okay into the pipe five seconds left more time please oh my goodness nice and that should be just enough time to finish if i could get the green star nice then let's head back and there we go what an unreal level this is the coolest level with dash panels that i've ever played absolutely unbelievable that's incredible very fantastically made kudos to braids nova for this this is brilliant let's see oh and the castle level is unlocked now i wonder how many stars you need i wonder if it's still 10 just like normal or if you need more 15 stars oh so we have to either do captain toad or that one for some more okay so this is normally switch scramble circus but it now requires six green stars to unlock so let's do that let's see what this level is going to be like it looks kind of similar to switch scramble circus the king's crumbling circus and it looks like there's going to be some lava which is always nice always appreciated to have some lava [Music] okay great start oh there are bullies up there oh bed [Music] okay just push off that bully not a problem [Music] okay not super difficult so far well hold on let me first clear the first room before i say that okay there we go the first room has been cleared wow oh man even from here there's still lava down here that you have to avoid i spun off that's so silly okay and now let's continue let's not fall down this time hooray we got it oh how am i supposed to get there that is one way to do it no no no i'm not supposed to bounce off the enemies to get here am i oh man now let's see how do i want to do this okay that's one way of doing it oh then that bully falls down okay not really super worried about these bullies they don't seem very very difficult to deal with [Applause] all right the door unlocks oh man we might want to bounce on an enemy to continue further along this is going to be tough okay that's great that went great okay first green stars still up here very nice i wonder if we're going to have a checkpoint flag in this level we do oh that's pretty nice actually okay i wonder if landing on that kills you does this kill you it does okay that's good to know if the checkpoint flag wasn't here i wouldn't have tried that but it looks like from here you have to bounce on that to continue along okay please mario just stop stop with your momentum mario there we go oh and this is even a bit different this is really cool some of these are different now [Music] okay let's just step on everything we have to step on very nice should i jump to there i'll go like this that's what i'll do i'll do a spin jump here spin jumps are very nice here okay and then we've got two more to step on i think these should be the last two there we go oh oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man on how high did these bring us not very high even what if i do a spin jump no it just becomes like a regular jump okay so let's go like this ah mario i just wanted to stop and rest on that second platform but mario kept keeping his momentum okay back to this part again okay so let's continue along like this [Music] okay and there we go there you go we made it to here oh bad that was a moment of extreme focus all right all right okay and okay let's let's head in here let's see what this is going to be which one do i have to explode oh you probably have to explode all of the boxes to get the green star you know what i'm gonna jump off just so i can get another attempt at that okay so you probably want to explode all of these so let's see so if we go like that like that oh there we go wow and it only took two bomb throws not three that's incredible okay and that was the second green star so i'm not missing the green star oh there's the final green star wonder if i could touch all these from here yeah it looks like you can that certainly makes it easier oh but still a little scary and there we go got that that's very nice let's continue along this way ah you have to make it into the pipe without falling off the lava that's so cool okay let's go here and hopefully we could drop down like that oh thank goodness we made that thank goodness we made that now what is this final area going to be like oh oh the stamp is over there wait can you even walk on this how are you supposed to get that let's see let's see if stepping on all these will help in any way it brings that down does it do anything over here though let's see if it does anything back here oh and it also makes a platform appear there okay i was thinking that we'd have to do a spin jump and then dive back to a platform oh man okay we are still alive this is fine all right and let's just get the top of the pole and there we go all green stars stamp and top of the pole that was a really cool level these levels are fantastic i'm absolutely loving apocalypse mode this is amazing okay 16. okay so we can go to bowser now we have enough green stars for bowser i think you need 15. yeah you need 15 we have 16 let's also do the captain toad level though i'm curious to see what this will be like captain toad plays precise [Music] let's see what's going on here oh scary music where does captain toad spawn [Music] lands right on the spikes i think we're going to take damage once this dialog box closes okay captain toad is ready for adventure [Music] okay so you take damage right away so you're a little captain toad here spikes in a captain toad level are so cool oh we probably have to use this shell to defeat somebody or maybe you use it to get the green star yeah that makes sense you use it to get the green star wait can captain toad enter the shell that'd be really funny if he could okay let's see where are the other green stars at we've got a green star right over there very nice okay some easy to avoid enemies here oh and you want to fall onto the last green star that's so cool wait a minute how am i supposed to get past him how am i supposed to get past this guy right here how am i supposed to get past you what am i supposed to do do i have to bring the shell up to you and hit you i think you might have to bring the shell up to that guy [Music] all right what if we tried that at the beginning i'm guessing the shell is just going to break soon [Music] the shell still isn't broken that's very [Music] surprising did we get the oh we didn't get the green star down there okay okay okay that could be our last green star oh my goodness this might actually work this strategy might actually work okay let's just get this green star that's over here [Music] i didn't think that this would work but it looks like this might actually work [Music] let's see if you die after getting the green star if you're still okay wow oh wow and it brings us back up here for some reason that's amazing that was a really interesting captain toad level and i'm surprised that that strategy worked i didn't think that the strategy that i used would have worked okay only one thing is left the world one castle there's a spritzy to save here let's head here bowser's super shroom showdown let's take a look at what this is going to be like i'm guessing there are going to be super shrooms and here we are okay oh some hammer bros that's nice how's the level look otherwise oh i can't really take a look from here all right let's head on by then i guess i wonder if you get something for defeating all them let's try three down you know where are you going to jump to wow the bullet bill didn't hurt him ah but he hurt me with the hammer okay it looks like you don't get anything for defeating all those guys oh there's a platform up here i can see this all right now where are the green coins going to spawn i guess down here where the green oh my goodness no way no way no way no way i don't know how you're supposed to get those coins and maybe if you get the cat suit power up and you'd be able to do like a rolling long jump here and collect them oh oh that was actually so cool let's get this guy to come over here explode this wall please hooray okay there that's how you get the second green star that's really funny okay let's do this here we go all right there we go okay didn't need all three bullet bills only needed one of them wow there's some interesting stuff up ahead okay we got the stamp we got one of the green stars we didn't get the first green star maybe if we could get a cat suit power up we could come back but for now what are we supposed to do lots of bullet bills here oh i think i know what you're supposed to do you probably want to get well that's not what i wanted to do you probably have to defeat those bullies and defeating both of those bullies probably spawns a green star that's what i'm guessing i'm going to try to do that does that spawn a green star where's my green star i expected a green star i didn't get a green star oh now green star spawn maybe you have to defeat a certain number of those blocks also but anyways we got the green star that's what matters whoa those are some big those are some big bullet bills there they catch bullet bills [Music] oh what if the way that i did the long jump off of the bullet bills what if that's how you're supposed to collect the coins you probably have to do it this way but i didn't even get any of the coins what oh i see how i got them if you do it along this platform then you can collect them all okay man that's uh a little tough okay left side or right side first let's go for right side first okay just four more ah no i probably could have just stood on the platform there and i would have been okay okay so i think going for right side first is a good strategy [Music] okay and let's just get these that's fine yes there we go there we go there we go okay that wasn't let's just get it and die that's fine that wasn't too bad i honestly thought that would be worse it's not too bad once you know how to do it there we go very nice long jump there that is so satisfying to get by that way how am i going to get across whoa man whoa those are looking pretty big over there they're looking pretty big from where they're being shot right there it's kind of funny all right and there we go we are going to be at the bowser fight oh there's water down here oh no it's lava i was gonna say maybe it's safe to jump in but it's lava wow look at this red water it looks so safe to jump in [Music] okay here comes bowser where is bowser why is he invisible oh he's just very large okay i understand bowser's looking very large up there can barely see him in fact wait are we going to get a mega mushroom too oh nice okay this doesn't seem too bad so far okay there are two nice hits on him ah miss three nice hits on him okay so that counts as one damage we have to do that three more times okay so there's one so we need five more little hits like that in total two bowser's being very generous with the soccer balls today we only need three more little soccer ball hits on him like that and we want oh it's a fire bro oh it's another fire bro now bowser's starting to shoot fire instead of soccer ball skate oh i don't know if that one counted i don't know if the first one counted we might need only one more hit on him fire bro careful of the fire bros avoid the fire bros i could have returned that one this might be it there we go we got him oh man oh man well i don't know if there's still more to the level or if we're just going to be able to walk over to the flag what's bowser doing down there the way that he spun like that oh my goodness what is bowser doing all right and we are here you know what i'm gonna take my mushroom just in case because i don't want something to spawn kill me when i go through the warp box it looks like that might actually be the end of the level looks like this is actually the end of the level okay so if this is the top if i grab the top of the pole then we've completed the mod we've completed everything in the mod and there we go world one absolutely everything is complete we got all the green stars all the stamps all the top of the polls that was absolutely incredible this was such a fun mob incredible challenge kudos to prince nova go check out prince nova they are making incredible stuff this is fantastic i had an absolute blast playing through this if you enjoyed this video you might enjoy some of my other videos with my own custom levels or my videos where i do experiments testing what is possible in games a big thank you to prince nova for making and sharing this mod and a big thank you to you for watching this video it's always fun to have you guys along hoping that you all have a very fantastic day ahead of you and take care everybody oh
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 998,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bowser's fury, super mario 3d world, mario, super mario 3d world bowser's fury, apocalypse mode, apocalypse mod, super mario mod, mario apocalypse mode, super mario 3d world apocalypse mode, 3d world apocalypse mode, mario apocalypse, apocalypse mario mod, mario mod, zxmany mario mod, mario modding, modded mario, zxmany mario, zxmany mod, super mario 3d world mod, bowser's fury mod, nintendo switch mario, mario switch, world 1, mario world 1, bowser, super mario, apocalypse
Id: 7sr4D8CMVt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 40sec (2020 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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