What if every level made Mario's gravity lower in Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury?

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oh can i jump out oh right there we go oh no no no no no you are kidding you're kidding you're kidding are we gonna be able to make it all the way to the goal fact and we're still going up okay so fairy's showing us that we have to head on over there all right just run and head on over that way can we make it can mario make it quite that what what excuse me today we are going to play through world castle except every time we complete a level mario's gravity is going to decrease so as you can see right now mario's got a pretty high jump he comes down pretty slowly oh no i have to get used to controlling this but yes every time that mario completes a level his gravity is going to be reduced in half again so it's like we're going to be on the moon soon i don't know if i even need to defeat this guy oh man [Music] don't think i can make it there why am i even trying this no there's no way we're actually really close to being able to make it across like that but it looks like we actually do have to defeat the fire bro just get on to that fire bro there we go very nice and we made it to the checkpoint flag so that's good okay jumping over these is pretty easy it seems like i don't think we'll need this pipe we could just jump across like that that's fine oh i wonder about this pipe i wonder if we could make it to there oh man that's going to be close i'll have to try it oh no okay here we go oh man we made it up here that's pretty cool oh will we be able to continue i don't know maybe not yeah i don't know if we can continue from there if we had the cat suit power up we could probably climb up there but i don't know if we'll be able to continue otherwise oh we could probably just jump to that ending area there oh i don't know if we'll be able to make it maybe we need less gravity let's try not enough maybe we can reach the top of the flag without the fire bro like this yeah we could definitely get it there we go ten thousand point pole grab very nice let's reduce mario's gravity in half again right here's world castle dash two switch black ruins and gravity has been cut in half again oh and we fall pretty slowly at the beginning of the level too that's kind of funny oh and it looks like there's an invisible ceiling up here i think there's an invisible ceiling here that pushes us down let's see yeah there definitely is we can't go that high pretty funny seeing mario go so slowly we are approaching moon status ah man when you come back down you sometimes just land into the enemies oh that's pretty cool when you're up against the wall like this then instead of the spotlight appearing on the ground spotlight just appears on the wall there it's like yes so you can see the wall more clearly i'll just jump across why would i wait for it when i could just jump across like this i think the lower gravity honestly makes this level more difficult because when you jump up like this you have to be careful to not land on an enemy [Music] oh cool and you just jump up to the final green star like that all right let's get that flag there we go got another 10 000 point pull grab i'm wondering what this one is going to be like world castle dash 3 red hot run what if we avoid the dash panels whoa uh are we going to come back down where are we oh there we are let's build up some speed you know what just fly past the level oh no oh no i didn't realize i was so far off to the side [Music] it'd be really cool to walk on the outer part here if we could you can mario standing got it right there that's actually really funny i didn't expect that i didn't expect this part to have collision but yeah you can see right there in the top left we've got mario there wow this is certainly a unique way to go past this level it's really funny to see how collision on things that are normally out of bounds works in this game sometimes it does have collision sometimes it has simple collision and sometimes it has no collision uh oh now i'm going to have to jump to the level without knowing where i am where am i oh man we actually almost made it back oh man that would have been so cool if we finished the level like that that was close okay here's what i want to do i want to get across there without using the pipe to launch me can we make it far enough we definitely can don't know where i am because my shadow isn't appearing i don't even know where i died i'm starting to think it might be a better idea to go up this way you know mario is running along the top right of the screen just skipping past the level he's like look at these dash panels look at these pipes why would i go along that way when i could just jump past these castle parts here oh but now the biggest problem for mario is going to be jumping back to the level oh and my time is running low too i kind of forgot about how little time you have for this level yes ah man that's such a good way to finish the level oh man just drop off to this side right by the goal pole just take a detour around the entire level like that okay here's world castle dash four with gravity cut in half again boiling blue belly belt so that is quite the alliteration okay there are some paths here that we are meant to follow there are some arrows here but when you could just jump like this who cares about those paths uh oh i might actually have to rely on the paths now oh man okay okay at least i still survived okay let's try jumping to the end there let's just come down here pretty cool that the camera follows you up when you go up okay so fairy showing us that we have to head on over there all right just run and head on over that way can we make it can mario make it quite the what what excuse me where is the death area what okay let's do this again okay this time oh man okay i'll try another i'll try another way let's try going around oh man oh so the death area is just off there to the right probably so you can't go around that way you'll have to go around the other way okay so instead of jumping straight or to the right we are going to have to jump across this way so we can't skip a huge part of the level we could skip some of the level but not a huge part of the level let's just come down here and now hopefully oh there's a low ceiling over here so he can't go very high you can see when you jump up like this you're pushed down suddenly so you can't really use the low gravity very much to your advantage over here let's head into this pipe now oh and there's the gold pole right over there wow let's see i'm not sure if there are going to be any death areas around i like how even if mario steps off the platform it takes him some time let's try jumping to the flag from here don't want to face those bullies oh sweet okay now let's just grab the top of the flag oh oh oh there we go got another 10 000 point pull grab and hopefully we are able to get all the 10 000 point pole polographs with gravity this low all right it is time for world castle dash a brolder blockade is back and when mario spawns he's in the air and it takes him a moment to even come down there we go ah you can't get me up here can you i'm safe up here while he's doing a special attack okay but i do want to start coming down soon hopefully like to start coming down i'd like to land on one of the brolders are there any brolders around i hope not seeing any boulders around oh there are some rollers let's see if i could land on any brothers without ground pounding or if i'll have to ground pound no don't crush them all now the big brother crushed all the little brothers maybe it'll spawn some more yes spawn some more boulders don't crush them now don't crush them don't crush them i'd like a brolder yes there we go okay you got another brolder that is nice what if i like walk jump into it like that oh i can keep it okay okay this is what i'm going to do so i don't have to wait very long to fall down there we go we got it and mario just flies away as he gets the green star all right and let's try out the next blockade prince bully blockade is back how in the world am i going to defeat this guy oh you know what i could do i could just wait buy one of these oh my goodness oh but then i have to i have to get to him in time no i couldn't get to him in time [Music] okay i need him to come by this pipe here come by this pipe here sir there we go oh the way that i'm sliding yes and we got him okay okay okay that's good that's good oh man i don't know how it happened but it happened hey please come over here prince bully okay i'll just camp this spot here the way that gravity works when you slide down this thing is a little weird this is a very unconventional method for defeating prince bully but it works i wouldn't recommend this to anybody if you do this in a playthrough that isn't with very low gravity this strategy isn't going to work but it works very funny the way that you see him are you gliding like that no i didn't get a good time okay let's try again okay come on over here prince willie nice no no whoa oh no i might be stuck like this forever now ah because i don't fall far enough unless i bump into him no even if i bump into him yes let me fall let me fall i can't control my movement right now because i'm floating when you go through a pipe like that you're floating oh man that actually makes this a difficult fight i actually have to be careful okay let's just run into him without jumping there we go all right oh man that was much closer than i thought it would be prince bully with moon gravity is very very tough but very fun it's a really unique challenge i enjoyed that a lot all right world castle dash five trick trap tower another alliteration i like how many alliterations there are wait is this normally where you start i don't remember this level i haven't done this in a while oh can i jump out oh all right there we go oh no no no no you are kidding you're a kid you're a kidding are we going to be able to make it all the way to the goal fact and we're still going up okay i'll do it dive because i don't know if we're going to start coming down soon [Music] oh my goodness wow wow that level's certainly easy with the very low gravity value like this let's see how high you would go i'm curious if you'd be able to get onto these things in the background oh then it just disappears because we are high enough i wonder if we're going to start coming down yeah i can't really tell if i'm going up or down anymore oh i know a good way to check oh i think we are coming down now let's see oh well there goes my boomerang powerup i think we might have been going up all this time whoa i'm like glowing red as i'm ground pounding what in the world it's like a super ground pound i've never seen this before is this a thing in this game or is this just a graphical glitch there's now a comet that is heading towards the earth i wonder where the level is i wonder if we'll ever see the level yeah and even when we roll we're still glowing red like that after whether we ground pound or do a dive or move around we're just this we are this red mario right now this red little mario [Music] yeah so we didn't end up coming down okay oh no oh no this is how the level starts it's going to take us forever to fall down can i ground pound i can't ground pound i can't move you're just waiting for mario to fall oh my goodness we haven't even made it to the water yet oh my goodness this level's really going to be something what happens if you jump out of the water no i don't want to do that you know what actually yeah let's see how high we could go looks like there's a ceiling yeah there's a ceiling okay oh at least you slide down the walls much more quickly all right water wow this is a normal level otherwise though you get that mushroom bro bro bro i wanted that mushroom like look at this this is what happens when you start the level it's not like you're falling through some dense liquid you're falling through air it's funny how mario could fall more quickly through water than through air because i only adjusted his regular gravity not his water surface or his inside water gravity these things they giggle when you shoot fireballs at them why they're like haha your fireballs cannot hurt me that's why they giggle yes checkpoint thank you love checkpoint flags now then what's that up there oh that's a little retro luigi jumping up there in the distance that's pretty cool now where am i supposed to go probably into that pipe what if we keep going oh there's a ceiling what's back here don't think there's going to be anything about to say i don't think there's going to be anything interesting here but hey good thing i checked wow that's pretty cool okay at least we died now it responds is back at the checkpoint we don't have to wait for time to run out to respond us that's pretty cool but if we try heading on over that way let's head on over to the island with the retro luigi i don't know if we'll be able to make it oh all of a sudden the music changed on we're down here where are we there we are okay hopefully we die soon very good very good okay let's actually go where we are supposed to go those fish are looking up very suspiciously at mario like what in the world is that bowser never said we'd have to deal with something like that oh man this again oh we got a very very slow drop through the air before we reach the water look at mario just dropping down here oh and i could actually move okay i didn't think i had any control oh cool here's the end of the level nice well let's just head on over here wow that water looks so clear it's pretty cool how they add a ceiling here so you can't just fly away hooray we finally cleared this level i'm so glad to be done this level this is a good level to finish okay here's world castle dash seven simmering lava lake ah it's this one i forgot about this level haven't played this one in a while let's see if there's anything back here i'm guessing no all right let's try coming back i don't think there's anything there and the camera doesn't want to follow us there oh there's mario [Music] see if there's anything back here wow mario's jumping right towards the screen [Laughter] all right let's just head on by let's see where shall we go [Music] continue on through here oh this level isn't as difficult as i thought it would be when you can do this yeah just jump by the entire level let's go to the checkpoint flag i think it'll be a good idea to get the checkpoint flag let's just drop down here just ready to drop down mario take your time take your time mario just just touch the flag there there we go oh and then still wait to touch the ground after that all right then let's just head on this way oh and there's the end of the level right there wow on a very long level yeah we're actually going to want to start coming down i think [Music] and okay let's get that man here i'll oh oh man oh i thought if i bonked i thought he would push me all the way back to the flag like if i did that you don't have control for a second i thought it'd push me all the way back into the flag all right let's get the top of the flag now there we go it's now time for the world castle castle bowser's lava lake key all right we've got a regular looking cut scene here does mario jump oh mario just has regular jump in this cutscene i'm surprised that he didn't just fly away let's see what shall we do here let's take a look at that right there oh okay and you can just stand on this okay i got where i wanted to yeah so we saw something like this in one of my past videos where we had luigi's jump height doubled in every level and luigi was able to stand on this and it had similar collision a lot of things that are out of bounds like this we'll have a weird collision like this because it's like it's not something that's normally meant to be accessible some of them are still accessible but yeah they're kind of out of way out of the way okay is that the i wonder if that's the end of the level over there let's try going over there [Music] okay pretty good okay let's just head into this warp box then once we start coming down that is you're all ground found maybe that'll speed it up there we go okay perfect we made it okay so skip past basically the entire level up to this warp box what if we head on over here wait you can get here without bowser okay let's see where we are going to be oh okay all of a sudden we trigger the bowser cut scene cool colors i wanted to get on to bowser's car oh can you not jump on this bowser's car it looks like you get pushed back oh on the other bowser's car i swear you could stand on it i was standing on the other bowser car before but this one it looks like it just doesn't want me here yeah it pushes me away if i try to stand on bowser's car here what is this oh i could just sit on here with bowser cool we are riding with bowser right now i don't know why he's throwing all those soccer balls back there can i walk across that i'm kind of scared to try it nice you can at least with this little gravity you can bowser that's enough fire give me some soccer balls finally there we go okay we took out bowser very nice oh no am i gonna reach the ground okay good i was worried that i'd be floating at least i had control if you're interested in videos testing what is possible in games i've done other videos where we make characters jump higher or move faster and i've got other videos where we experiment with fun stuff and you might find something you enjoy i hope you liked watching this video wishing all of you a fantastic day ahead of you and take care everybody [Music]
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 331,600
Rating: 4.9067202 out of 5
Keywords: bowser's fury, super mario 3d world, mario, super mario 3d world bowser's fury, mario jump, jump mario, higher mario, mario glitch, super mario, bowser, bowser boss, super mario bowser, mario speedrun, funny mario, mario animated, mario animation, lake lapcat, bowser's fury theme, lake lapcat theme, scamper shores, super bell hill, bowser's fury glitches, bowser's fury speedrun, zxmany, zxmany bowser's fury, zxmany mario, every level, super mario 3d world every level
Id: biIZDK_8ldg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 12sec (1272 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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