What if every level made Mario faster and jump higher? [World Bowser + Great Tower of Bowserland]

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let's see how high can we jump whoa whoa whoa whoa okay we can get pretty high oh and we not only can we get pretty high but we move really quickly okay here is the great tower of bowser land i wonder what this is going to be like with our insane jump height and speed maybe we could float through some of the level mario and the other characters are a bit faster in the swish version of super mario 3d world than in the wii u version of the game so i thought hey let's play through world bowser but every time you complete a level mario gets faster and he jumps higher do you think this will make levels easier or harder let's see how many levels we can complete all right here's the first level of world bowser's spiky spike bridge we are at 1.5 times normal speed and jump height okay so we're moving pretty quickly i'm expecting that this level will be easier my goodness man we can just skip past so much of the level all right let's just make these jumps this jump height is pretty great i like this jump height a lot we are just skipping through so much a level you know what i'm gonna need this wartbox though i don't think i can make it to there without the warp box okay let's just make it over these spiky parts here but this warp box we definitely don't need we could just jump past it all right this spiky part is a bit scary here let's just not lose our catsuit powerup [Music] well i don't want to fall off the level and let's just head to the goal pool there we go what a great first level clear that was surprisingly easy all right let's put up mario's speed and jump height again okay here is world bowser dash 2 plessy's dune downhill okay here's what i want to do i removed the gate here so you don't have to jump on to plessy now let's just jump ahead like this let's see how far we can get into the level [Music] this is really weird these enemies normally you can just walk into them and that defeats them but right now we actually can't interact with them and that's because we just skipped forward in the level can we still get the green star nice we can still get the green star what about these things oh i like that we could break these things we could break the goomba statues but we can't defeat the enemies that's kind of interesting we climb up here wow kind of cool that you can climb up here even though there's nothing up here let's continue down the level there's a death barrier there oh my goodness why would they have one up there for there's no way that you could even get up there it's impossible where really wants to sniff this sand right here this sand ah smells delicious mario's got his fast walking like this moving his limbs very quickly what if we land on this this movement is so strange can you climb back up it yeah you can completely normal super mario 3d world playing the game 100 as intended can you defeat these by rolling into them you can can you ground pound on them let's see yeah you could groundpile them to defeat them these dash panels don't work because these dash panels are specifically for plessy oh am i gonna have to make a jump hopefully i'm able to make the jump across all right here comes our first platforming challenge of this level oh no i can't make it oh oh oh no and you know what it might have not seemed like we were going very fast or jumping very high at that level but look here's super bell hill for reference that's how high we're jumping in how fast we're moving i just have to come back here so that we could get a cat suit power up got a quick moving kitty over here oh now you can walk into okay you can walk into these and defeat them what about the ones over here nope you can't walk into these very very strange how you can't defeat these they must be in some weird spot i like how you can climb up this wall that's actually really funny [Music] wait mario is sliding down something [Laughter] now that we have the catsuit power up hopefully we'll be able to make this jump now and we made it oh no it's bowser hooray we defeated bowser all right this is a bit scary now man this is actually pretty cool to do without plessy we can just glide down here [Music] i wonder how far we could get before we have to touch the floor we can go pretty far we don't need up we don't even have to land on any of those platforms oh i really wonder if we could jump to that final island over there i really doubt that we can because it's so far away i wonder if they added a death area between here and there let's try jumping to the final island i don't know if we can do it but i'll try [Music] all right so we have to head into the warp box because we can't jump across there now let's see can we get to the flag without touching the floor maybe let me try again can we get to the flag without touching this hail part of the floor all right there we go that's pretty cool okay so another level has been completed let's increase mario's speed and jump height again we are going to start getting fast and we're going to start jumping high now okay this is going to be an interesting one world bowser-3 cookie cog works all right here we go whoa okay well that part's a bit easier oh i thought we had to go up okay let's just head on across this way oh cool checkpoint flag already okay this is becoming a bit easy a little bit okay let's see let's climb up this way and climb up this wall [Music] and then jump across to over here do we even need this pipe no of course not we could just jump up like this [Music] oop okay that's one way of getting this stamp man this pipe feels so slow compared to how you normally move hold on oh and you can just go into the pipe right there that's actually really funny i was wondering if you could do that looks like you can i wonder if they do that in speed runs of this game let's walk along the pipe just very carefully here because why take a pipe if you don't need it they drop down here continue through the oh and that's the end oh well let's go over here for since i accidentally came over here oh there's just a rabbit to catch should be able to catch the rabbit without any problems now then the level's back over there okay so let's just head into the pipe and it'll bring us back when it brings us back here okay so oh man just getting to the top of the flag is scary scary because you move quickly and you jump high it's very hard to aim but yeah that's an easy level i'm expecting the rest of this video to be very short i know i said that with the princess peach video but i'm expecting the rest of this to be easy maybe at a certain point it'll become impossible but this level is super easy this is definitely the easiest one yet okay ah man i'm scared i'm scared i know i just said that it's going to be easy from here on out but here's world bowser dash train bowser express and we're gonna be moving quickly okay we jumped up here oh man okay apparently i'm killing things with my fire flower over here oh no i fell [Music] where am i oh uh oh man oh man oh man hey my lives are starting to run low okay okay okay we can do it we can do it we can definitely definitely do it oh my goodness what a lucky fireball right let's just get into this pipe here get into the pipe mario please oh my goodness we did it we did it okay now we just have some boss that we have to defeat okay it's pom-pom [Music] do fireballs not hurt her [Music] oh yes that was lucky i think fireballs might work too fireballs can defeat the fake ones at least oh it looks like if i jump up i'm pretty safe [Music] no there's the real one no no no no no no no okay i'm taking my power up taking my power up [Music] yes there we go we got her head into that warp box there [Music] and now oh and you want to be careful to not fall off at the end ah bad uh i had a mod where i moved all the gold poles to the bosses and i must have removed this gold pole all right one more level is complete now so what is our next level here we are now at world bowser dash four foot light lane let's see what this is going to be like now that we are even faster and we can jump even higher let's see oh these things light up that's pretty cool whoa what if we just jump oh you could get pretty far maybe you could get even further than that you know what i'm pretty happy with that but let's see where else we could go is this the end of the level here okay there's a warp box [Music] now just a little tap of the joystick and you fly by okay there's a death area up there so you don't want to go too high and too fast oh i think i'm going too high i think that's what's killing me [Music] okay this is where i want to go there we go right into the warfare oh and that's the end of the level that's actually the end of the level that's so funny okay let's just see if we can get the top of the flag [Music] okay good good good i was worried that we'd fly away and hit a death barrier that's up high okay that was a great level all you do is jump to that warp box and then there you go there you go you're done the level easy level all right world bowser dash five is next let's see how this is going to go deep water dungeon hey we are in the water can we escape from up here no it looks like that's about as high as you could go you can't escape from the beginning whoa that's looking very blue to the side there at least we could climb up like this that's a pretty cool way to climb oh that's a checkpoint flag okay let's see i bet you could go up here like this yeah and there we go you can get that green star like that man you're so fast and here's another part where the game really wants you to take plessy with you i love the sound of mario's walking you just hear the very very quick pitter-patter of his feet he moves around so quickly fleshy is following mario like mario is prey that is about to be eaten by plessy okay so i also removed this gate here so that mario can now continue through without plessy whoa oh this is actual water and it's treated like actual water that's very surprising whoa we are up high that's weird that thing becomes a those are some very interesting colors over there whoa this is so weird wow this is so weird these colors are so strange oh they're going back to normal maybe that means we're going to die soon oh nope they're weird again never mind whoa where are we now oh we're below the level i guess somehow the death area didn't catch us where he was just floating around in space as dramatic music plays what if he uses his power up okay let's try this again do we need plessy no you just head on through here oh you can't even see the camera doesn't follow you wait but oh once you get far enough the camera does follow you okay cool so we are up here oh cool there's a green star right there sure let's get it all right very nice okay somehow we ended up in the water let's skip across okay very nice that's what i wanted to do i think there's something back up there before the final pipe no i didn't want to jump out no mario barrio barrio barrio [Music] things are getting blurry mario where are you please come back to the level okay good good good okay so it looks like over here there's a spot like right over here where you can jump really high i'm surprised that there's no invisible wall here just carefully head on over to the flag here and i think wait a minute is there something back there oh cool there's a one up there that's a funny spot for a what up and there we go 10 000 point pole grab very nice another level completed let's make mario even faster and let's make him jump even higher it's starting to get a bit difficult to control oh man i don't know what to expect for this one world bowser-6 a beam in the dark let's see what it's going to be like when we can move even faster and jump even higher let's see can we just okay all right that first section is pretty easy we could just jump across like that what about this second section oh took damage let's just get across all right okay doing pretty good so far all right at the checkpoint already i feel like getting to the checkpoint is so much easier than completing the rest of the level what if i just jump across oh can i make it can i make it yes i can very nice okay now which door was it i don't remember which door it was i'm guessing we have to go into this store there we go let's just jump across this way wall jump up across this way no i don't know if it was a pair of bones that killed me there i think it was [Music] and there we go okay nice okay i'm worried about that boo okay this level looks like it's going to be not too bad oh my goodness i almost ran off okay but there we go that's awesome that level was super easy all of the walls in that level really helped make it easy we were able to just jump across a lot of it that's fantastic all right we are heading on to the next level world bowser dash 7 grumblump inferno that sounds like a made-up name let's see how high can we jump whoa whoa whoa whoa okay we can get pretty high oh and we not only can we get pretty high but we move really quickly okay i don't know if we're going to fall anywhere near the level now oh cool there's stuff over here i wonder where we are supposed to go where's the end of the level will the end of the level be over there or where where could the end of the level be i like how the lava is just a square like this let's explore what's up here wow that's an interesting shape for the lava there why does the lava just end there oh well i guess you're not supposed to go there anyways okay let's just come back down mario no i was just waiting to come back down and mario just suddenly dies okay there we go there we go here comes the level okay oh i wonder if there's anything up here i guess you're normally not supposed to go up here but let's see what's up here it's cool i wonder if you could stand on this wow you can just stand up here hey let's see what if we float along like this okay floating along like this seems to be fine oh and that's probably the end of the level right there okay let's just check what's on top of this house oh you can't the camera doesn't fall you up on top of this house it's weird that the camera follows you up on top of the other house but not on top of this house can you beat grumblump inferno in a single jump when you can move this quickly and jump this high the answer looks like it will be yes let's see if we can get right to the flag let's see oh no no mario you are so close okay can we complete the level in a single jump k we get so high up that the level starts to disappear but can we make it to the gold pole the gold pool is right over there skipping through the entire level basically let's see can we get on to the goal poll can we do it can we do it oh my goodness we did it we got the 10 000 point pull grab flew right into the flag right from the beginning of the level that is a crazy way to finish this level is just running very quickly mario can't wait to take on motley boss blob right now what am i supposed to do here hey you could jump up pretty high oh one of my mario clones died [Music] interesting colors and sparkles up in the sky here alright let's just come down to motley boss blob i wonder what will happen if we use our power up here our power up just flies away hopefully it comes back i'd like to use that catsuit power-up oh cool and here comes the level on the power-up is still there power up is still there so we can still get it and we could get ah no oh cool there's a castle tower right up there can we go up here oh you die if you go there oh that's really cool that you can actually stand up here that's so funny oh and right at the edge there if you walk into that that's a death barrier that's so funny all right here's my idea if i could avoid this guy no no i'm so scared of getting damaged if i could stay in cat mario mode forever and maybe i could run up to the boss and swipe at him like this i have a i have a shot here i have a pretty good shot i think here all right five cats mario's versus one blobby boy who will win they didn't get him in time so we have another good chance and we still have a cat bell stored i am so glad there's this wall around the level that makes this so much better for us there we go oh my goodness i can't believe it i kind of don't want to jump for the star [Music] okay can i jump and cat swipe right away [Music] oh man i don't know if i could get into the pipe okay losing some of them oh my goodness this is scary okay let's do a jump and then i can't dive right away hopefully that gets us into the pipe no that brings us all the way here okay what if we do it from here how do i get into the pipe i've got one mario left i beat the boss but i can't get into the pipe getting into the pipe is too difficult yes oh my goodness we landed on the pipe oh my goodness that was so difficult and there's extra time here okay i just got to be careful to not die here if you run really quickly off a slope like this it could launch you up really high so i've got to be very careful walking there okay now we've got quite a bit of time to get this flag still [Music] all right yes oh my goodness i was so worried that we wouldn't be able to complete the level but we got it oh man what a difficult level motley boss blobs always so difficult whether it's the hard mode version of the bosses or something like this with ridiculous speed and jump height all right world bowser dash b histocrat returns okay good floated over to the level i was worried that i died getting to the boss just getting to the boss is honestly pretty difficult there's gotta be a way to get on top of histocrat there there we go okay okay good good good we got one and from here i'm expecting the rest to be easy because i think now i could just drop straight down yeah there we go okay so the first two hits like that are easy now for the third one let's just jump up again and ground pound and we should be able to land right on the boss when we come down again no i didn't get right on the bus okay there we go okay okay that went great just getting that first hit is a bit difficult okay now can we get onto the pipe that is the real question i want to be very careful to not accidentally tap the joystick so i don't fly away from the level or something [Music] there we go okay that was the perfect strategy we got in now let's just finish off the level very nice oh so close to the flag so close to the flag you can do it to mario [Music] there we go i love the magnetic property of the flag that pulls you close to it that's really cool okay here is the great tower of bowser land i wonder what this is going to be like with our insane jump height and speed maybe we could float through some of the level oh oh okay that's the actual tower itself i was wondering if we'd be able to go over to the actual tower but it looks like there's a death area around it [Music] starting to rain it's gonna be the bowser face soon can we get up there no you can't get up there because there's a death area they don't want you to go there you're not allowed to skip forward in the level like that wait a minute i wonder if you could get to the actual final area wait a minute what's up here okay so if you jump up like this you can see that the tower of bowser land is over there but we can't really skip to it because there are death areas here it's like the developers specifically didn't want you to skip forward in the level or something [Music] i wonder if there's anything out over here wow those are some cool clouds cool clouds and cool lightning [Music] okay maybe if we come at it from this angle we'll be okay let's see how this works out maybe if we could land on that top platform we'll be okay [Music] oh my goodness we just jumped all the way to here it looks like you could actually jump to almost the end of the level are the meows going to appear or no hey the meowzers are starting to appear oh ah man she's flying on up above these clouds okay the tower bowser line appears to be over here okay let's just try to aim for the tower the lighting looks so weird i don't know where i am i'm somewhere up here can i see me no i can't see me hey where's mario where's mario and i think the wrong music is playing yeah look if you go far enough from the tower then the tower doesn't read all you see is just the meowsers flying there and as you get closer to it the tower comes into view again oh and you can even see the the pow block disappears before the other meowser does and hold on there's just a little meowzer peeking out there at that wall the wall disappears and you can see the views are just inside there hiding but nope mario just won't come down here at least we get a close look at these spricksies here you get a nice close look at this meows are on the pow block here this could maybe be used as a green screen even though it's not green is just pure black there all right let's try to jump up again let's see where we could get to in the tower of bowser land there are a lot of death areas around here but it's kind of funny that if you go high enough you can get over some of them and go around some of them we get this nice view of the clouds down there and a lot of the sky is blank so we can't really tell or see what's going on or where we're going but sometimes you end up in some interesting places oh oh my god oh my goodness i can't believe it i can't believe it we skipped faster than the owser fight and now this music just starts playing okay wow yeah so this platform up here is actually far above the tower of bowser's life so you're just able to skip here so while we didn't defeat meowser we made it here so if you could jump high enough which is only possible currently through hacking the game and you're able to make it up here let's see hopefully i don't die when i jump oh and the music started playing again that was really weird but there we go okay it looks like we were able to complete all of the levels that we did in world bowser with mario's speed and jump height increasing every level i am very very very surprised that we were able to complete all those levels so many of those levels i thought would be impossible so i really hope that you guys enjoyed watching this video if you're interested in more challenges like this or more of what is possible in games you might enjoy some of my other videos i hope that you all have a very fantastic day ahead of you and take care everybody [Music] oh
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 708,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bowser's fury, super mario 3d world, mario, super mario 3d world bowser's fury, great tower of bowserland, mario speedrun, super mario, mario mod, mario modding, bowser's fury mod, world bowser, great tower of bowser land, meowser, meowser boss, meowser boss fight, final boss, final bowser boss, bowser, funny mario, mario animated, mario animation, bowser's fury theme, scamper shores, bowser's fury glitches, bowser's fury speedrun, zxmany, zxmany bowser's fury, zxmany mario
Id: SBGgC85WC_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 46sec (1726 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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