I made an unfair Super Mario 3D World TROLL LEVEL

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here is super mario 3d world except i have created a troll level instead of super bell hill this is called super troll hill so let me show you around this level when you get started there's a spiny that spawns on the location where the player spawn so you take damage right away so because of that and because this is the first level in the game you can't enter this level with a cat suit and you start the level as little mario these trees don't give you a mushroom or anything you can check these blocks but nope no power up oh and look at that it is a large sideways goomba running towards you and my goodness look how fast it is it is surprisingly fast and you might notice this sign pointing right here at this block suggesting that you should take this block you might be wondering should i take the left block or the right block which block would you take let me know in a comment which block you would take let's say that you go no this is a trick i'm not going to take the block that it says to take i'm going to take this one but wait if this is a troll level they'd want to trick us to take this block so maybe i should take this one but if they knew that i'd be saying that then they'd want me to take this one so i'll go into this one if you go into this one here's what happens you see that large bird and then you fall off the level so you might be thinking oh i have been fooled it is this block i should have taken the right block all along but if you take it it pops you right into the left block and you end up here again so if you take the block on the right the first time then you'll figure out that it doesn't make a difference which block you pick there but you might have noticed that as we were falling there's a sign right here and you go oh this is the block that we have to go into when you go into this block ah that's another troll block let's continue on the level so up here there's some conk doors that try to discourage you from going up here but if you want you still can go up here but this area is blocked off really high so not really any way for mario to get up there right now so we might want to go back down we wouldn't want to go here because of all the spikes that are down there we've got a boomerang bro down there also over here whoa what is that take a look at this ah gravity works in an interesting way when these characters are upside down anyways let's continue up you might be thinking finally i'm going to get a power up nope just coins got an octuba and a lot of enemies here and all these enemies are here just to discourage you from going that way so that whoa so that you'd be encouraged to instead go up here and go along this way and you'll notice that there's a green star inside the pipe this time so you have to go in the pipe but you're not going to want to go to the right there so you want to go to the left here and you want to be careful when you pop out here and another thing to also be careful of is this guy in here he can actually jump into the pipe so you have to be careful when you go into the pipe because you could get hit by that guy there alright so let's continue on over here i saw this guy spazzing out like this when i first put him in the level and i liked it so i'm going to keep him like that i'm not going to adjust him i like him spinning around like that like crazy and some extra time here because i don't want this to be a level where people feel like they're rushed there are plenty of green stars to collect in this level a lot to find i want this to be a level that you could just explore and enjoy exploring especially enjoy exploring the boxes and the mystery boxes so our next green star is down here you'll notice that there's a spike there's a thing with spikes on it right here so you want to be careful here because these things have quite a big hitbox so you want to be careful to not accidentally jump into it so we'll just head on over here and now we'll just head on over back being careful to not die and luckily some of those spiky things have been destroyed by that october so jumping to the left wouldn't have been too dangerous either oh i could have put a green star into that box that could have been a cool idea and you would have had to use the octumba to get rid of those things that's actually a cool idea okay so you can't continue up this way maybe in the final version of this i'll add another green star there we'll see so this is how you want to go up like this there's this goomba here and what's that block over there oh what could this be it's like there's a green star down there and there's a block huh so you might be thinking uh oh no [Music] oh no oh what that doesn't hit you okay so now i know that i have to fix that okay so here we go [Music] and if you accidentally go into the box this is what happens you get launched into a box up there and let's watch now suddenly the sky comes back some of the objects are coming back into view that's because mario is coming back to the level and mario does fall off so this isn't a soft vlog it's just if you fall into that box you have to wait a bit before resetting the level and restarting again and notice that every time when you start the level you get hit by that spiny so you're always starting as little mario which i thought was a nice fun addition to add if you accidentally do fall into that box you're not able to exit course because while you're in the air these options are grayed out as you can see like this [Music] okay we've got some dry bones here okay i accidentally went into that pipe but yeah that is where you would want to go first so there's this october here we could bounce on him and we're going to want to continue on up this way [Music] i want to be careful to not get defeated by that one and look at this there's a green star but wait a minute there's a box here and a box there which one should you go for should you go for the easier one or the harder one what happens if we go for this one [Music] oh it's this again wow so what are we supposed to do after getting this green star there's that tree with a bell on it far in the distance there but i don't know if you can reach that tree maybe you can but i don't think there's a way back after getting it so i just left it in there just as a bit of a red herring so that people might think that you have to go for that but the box that you want to go for is this one i don't think you can jump over to that island from here but this box just brings you back up here hopefully you don't get killed by the dry bones and then what you're going to want to do to continue to the next part is go along this way and there's a difficult jump to make right there it is possible with every character but it is difficult and sometimes when you fall down this will happen your timing is really really important when you go into the box okay yeah and yeah that time i didn't get the box so yeah you can see that that box is a bit of a difficult jump to make okay and into the box this time and let's see will we die this time yeah it looks like it oh almost survived almost survived if we went in a little bit later then we might have been able to jump after landing and i'll show you guys what i mean by that [Music] okay so we want to avoid the dry bones those guys shooting fire oh i didn't even know you could do that that's a fast way to go but hey yeah you're not able to jump like that because since that's a big drop when mario first lands he goes like this for a second where he sticks out his arms and you're not able to jump until a moment after that the timing of when you go into that box is very very important okay into the box do we survive maybe can we jump in time nope we couldn't jump in time again great i accidentally went into the pipe now i have to make it to that other box in order to be able to continue okay and we got to continue hooray hopefully the dry bones doesn't kill us though because yeah he's okay maybe if i jumped backwards instead of forwards i would have been able to survive but yeah when you land like that you're not able to jump right away if you land like that from uh from really high up into the box there we go nice and we will survive we will survive okay that was one of the luckiest ones ever okay so if you try to go down this way towards the right here it'll be pretty difficult because there are not only those spike things going by and these cat goombas and if you need to jump over some of these spikes you might accidentally jump into the boomerang so there's a bit of difficulty with trying to go across this way if you come down here you can get some extra time because i really don't want people to feel rushed in this particular level so let's head on up here funny thing with these is you don't really run into these if you're not on plessy in this game so you might think that you have to jump on these but you could actually just walk into them and they disappear and we want to be careful with this guy imagine after being lucky enough to survive this fall if we die by this boomerang guy okay there we go the ring bro is gone okay i've never used that pink thing to get up to this block but this is perhaps one of the hardest jumps so you want to spin jump up here dive on to that and then from here you can jump up here jump off and dive back up and this is where the halfway checkpoint is so it's pretty easy to fall off there and you might have noticed that there's a green star right there by this spike so let's do this yeah and sometimes you could just grab the green star like that without even defeating the spike and i like that i think that's i think that's nice you'll notice that the stamp is in a pit of spineys here i think that's a nice spot for it instead of that pit being full of water i filled it up with spinys like that so you could choose to take damage and get it like that if you want or maybe there are going to be some power-ups later in the level and you don't want to get damaged right now see anything up on this tree nope this tree doesn't give you anything i don't know if these cats can give you a cat bell or not i'm not 100 sure about that let's try defeating these two and let's see if we get a cat bell from them i've killed probably about 10 of those cat goombas and none of them have given me a cat power-up so i'm hoping that they don't give cat power-ups but if they do and if you get lucky i guess that's fine right so let's continue on here we have some spikes that are throwing these spike bars at us you'll notice there's a green star down here but this is of course blocked off and this side is also blocked off let's just take care of these spikes here okay almost accidentally jumped onto it and you'll notice hey look there's some flags over there there are several flags and it doesn't look like you'll be able to survive if you go for any of them and there's also a flag here there's a pipe leading right to it let me first show you how we'll get this green star so the way that you'll get this green star is if you jump you can dive onto the bridge like that you don't need princess peach to do this i've tested this with every character and to get out you just jump and then dive back onto the bridge that's a pretty cool jump to make yeah you don't want to go down there i just made that area all spikes that kill you if you go there so yeah don't go there to get up here you'll want to spin jump jump off and dive off you'll notice oh look maybe this is the flag that i need let's see if this is the flag nope it is just booze it is a fake flag what about this one no it is also fake [Music] got some beasts here okay and since i took some damage let me show you what happens if you go into this pipe here's what happens if you go into this pipe wow it leads us right to the flag but you don't make it it stops a little short so i really like that i thought that was really funny if anyone wants to try going into that pipe hoping it'll take them to the flag it won't and right where you spawn i put an invisible block with a one up here i think it's nice to put a one up near the beginning of a level especially one where people will likely be dying many times i think i think that's a nice thing to do and i like to do nice things in troll levels alright so you might have noticed that there's a green star up here you might think whoa those are some difficult platforms like i'm pretty sure you can just do a spin jump like that and then dive back but you might be wondering what could be in those question mark blocks well my dear viewer allow me to demonstrate and you might have noticed something a bit weird there you might have noticed that the light is a bit weird down there that's because there's an invisible platform underneath this so here's what'll happen if you try ground pounding this block i'm pretty sure you can't get the cat bell from ground pounding this so i'm pretty sure you have to go beneath this and you'd have to get the cat bell from here now your question might be can we get back up from here and yeah you can go like that if you try to go on to this block instead it's a lot more difficult to get back up from that block because there's an invisible block on top of that one that can stop you from getting back up and ideally you'll get the cat suit there okay so here's how you are supposed to get this yeah so looks if you just jump up and you try to and you just stand there then the cat bell will fall off so you'll want to be fast enough to get the cat bell also and yeah if you end up on this platform if you're like okay let's try to get this star now if you try to jump up like that you're like oh cool there's a one up but i can't get that one up i guess you could jump off and chase that one up if you want but i'm not sure if there's a good way to get off from this block now yeah maybe not [Music] yeah i think that's the best way up you might be wondering how are we supposed to get to those flags are we supposed to jump from here from the bridge from the top by the checkpoint let's see if we do a roll out long jump like that oh okay one of those flags was fake there okay so there's two tricky things about these flags one is you don't know what one to go for because there are so many of them that are so similar oh and then you can see that that one is fake so you can find out that the one to the farthest to the left is fake [Music] okay let's see how that goes can we get to the flag oh you could make it to the flag from there um i kind of don't like that i don't want you to be able to make it to the flag from there so maybe i'll put spikes on that side i think i will have to put spikes on that side so that you can't so that you can't make that jump [Music] oh my god oh my goodness yes sometimes it can be really really close like that and imagine making that jump and then failing this one that would be kind of unfortunate maybe i don't even need three blocks there to let you roll out on but yeah sometimes that rollout can be a bit scary so i'm okay with giving you guys some more room to roll out there so there are several ways to get the flag but here's the intended way what you'll want to do first is come down here then you'll have to get this cat bill so you have to jump and get the you have to jump and hit this block then you have to move forward and get the cat's bell before it falls off like that okay so here's the intended way to get up to there you want to build up to full speed jump do one cat swipe and then a cat dive and you should be able to make it to the pole like that if you're too low then you'll hit the death barrier but i tested this with all characters and this works with every character it's probably the easiest with peach but it is it is possible to get to the top of the flag with all characters okay and let me show you how we can get this last green star this last green star is super easy you just go like that with the cat bell and you might be thinking hey look there's a block down there if i get the green star it'll just teleport me back up right right oh it's this one again would you look at that oh my goodness yeah that sometimes happens that can happen that can happen if you're not quick enough to the cat bell i didn't know if that would make it or not but it doesn't matter anyways because the spiky rollers got us that was so close to working please mario got into jumpsuit enough yeah there's no way that one was surviving [Music] we survived i imagine that happening imagine surviving the spike rollers and then not making that jump okay all right now i just have to make this jump i did it twice in a row i don't know what am walking on there but hey if i'm alive and i get to have another attempt at this i'll gladly take it and die again and if you lure all these over one way and then you do something like this then you can get this stamp without taking any damage and you can still keep your cat's suit and i think another really clever way of going for the gold pole could be to climb up here i'm not sure if it'd be possible to reach from here let's see yeah that should work yeah oh okay i thought i was going to jump off the pole but yeah that should be another way so if you want to climb up on top of that pipe with the catsuit i think that is a brilliant solution and a great workaround but it looks like you could also jump off the bridge i've tested jumping off the bridge to the flagpole with every character and that is possible so you should be able to get all of the green stars the stamp and get to the top of the flagpole all in just one entry to the level you don't have to die and come back to get more stars or get more stamps or reach the top of the flagpole you should be able to do it all in one attempt it'd be really difficult to do that i've tested this with mario luigi peach and toad this is probably the easiest with peach i am very excited to see other people try out this level and if you're interested in seeing what the creation of these levels is like or if you have any input i get all kinds of great input from viewers during my twitch live streams while creating these levels all the links are in the video description thank you so much for watching this video wishing all of you a fantastic day and take care everybody
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 577,481
Rating: 4.8216472 out of 5
Keywords: super mario 3d world, mario, super mario 3d world harder levels, super mario 3d world challenge, funny mario videos, troll levels, uncleared levels, bowser's fury, super mario 3d world bowser's fury, super mario 3d world speedrun, super mario 3d world harder, harder levels, world 1-1 harder, super mario 3d world kaizo, funny mario, mario videos, animated mario videos, super mario 3d world mod, bowser's fury mod, world 1-1 mod, mario speedrun, mario challenge, hard mario
Id: 8ovG4kHMxzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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