I made every level double Toad's speed in Super Mario 3D World [Super Mario 3D World +Bowser's Fury]

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are you serious are you serious that's actually how you make it to the fight oh my goodness goodbye level goodbye we are far beyond the level and we're probably past the death barriers now today we're going to try to play through world 4 using toad but every time you complete a level your speed doubles this has been a really fun series where we double the speed every time you complete a level and today's the first time that we're using tone so let's get started i don't know if this is going to be easier or harder but i hope that we can get through some of these levels whoa almost walked off the edge okay anything nice here i want this block there we go this should be nice we move pretty quickly okay a little hard to control ran off there but this is fine oh that worked out great okay got the first green star you know what there's the checkpoint there but i could try jumping to like all the way over there i don't think i can do that from here maybe we have to get a bit closer yeah we definitely have to get a big okay here's an idea here's an idea instead of going around this way let's try this oh man that's so easy oh no oh i'm still alive okay ah so close okay at least i'm alive i didn't die i don't oh my goodness and you get another shot at this okay i'm going to try this oh yes we made it oh my goodness this is amazing oh man i didn't think that would work there were so many times there that i thought i would die but we made it and that's the end of the level okay so this level super easy with a higher speed not a problem at all we were able to just zoom through that okay so let's put up our normal max speed up to about 51 and our dash max speed is going up to almost 71. okay world 4-2 piranha creeper creek okay there goes our power up i would have liked to have that oh i've got another one still all right i don't know which one is going to be more useful i've got to be careful because you could run off into this purple goop here go wait for these guys and then head on up okay okay all right i'm just going for it okay all right that worked okay we are little toad so we've got to be very very careful here should i just use my power up i've got a power up in storage no i'll save it for if i need it i'm going to go for this even though that's probably not a good idea let's just get into the box [Applause] oh man that attempt was so poor i'll try this one more time i think [Music] we got it oh man i didn't expect that to work okay oh but the thing is if we die then we don't keep it so i have to get to that checkpoint flag oh man i don't know what to do about this piranha plant okay maybe on the way back i could make it carefully i'd really like to get that checkpoint flagged nice we got it oh no we took the damage and swimming is super slow i'm not used to playing with the character at such a high speed just wanna get into this hole here oh wait a minute why do we have the green star that's weird that the green star counts that isn't supposed to happen is it oh somehow we ended up here okay that's fine let's just get into the pipe then and continue that was an easy way to get past that part of the level oh man this part is going to be brutal this is going to be brutal because if you land in that purple stuff i'm pretty sure you die immediately i don't know if climbing up here would be a better idea well let's just try running across somewhere oh oh man oh man that almost looked like it was going to go well and i start off from the checkpoint again [Music] oh but at least it's super easy to get by they'll go for the power up ah just a mushroom okay all right oh no i was worried that i would take damage oh man of it i almost made it to the end i was worried that this spinning platform would bring me into the piranha plant let's just get that guy out of the way nice okay i have some control over and never mind i was gonna say i have some control over where i'm going oh that's so good that's so good i love going through like that start nothing can hurt me now except for the purple goop oh man that is actually so overpowered and i still have it oh man this is going to be very very difficult how do i make these jumps okay okay i had to bail i had to go back [Music] okay all right all right all right all right okay now all i have to do is hold straight to the right and then we can get the flag okay we got it i should have used the cat power up so i could get the top of the flag but that's fine another level complete let's go so let's boost this up even faster now so normal max speed is going up to about 103 and dash max speed is going up to almost 142 so we are now eight times as fast as normal all right we are now at the brolder blockade which is normally a very easy one but we are eight times as fast as normal so i don't know what this is going to be like just step on okay oh no oh no i ran off with him all right gotta be very careful here ah i ran off before i threw it off this is actually pretty got to be difficult very careful like a step out of time basically or a little jump out of time there we go goodbye brolder now i think there are three more oh if i just stand here that's a good strategy haha there we go oh but i probably have to get the green star too don't i okay there we go there we go oh man that's good that's good that was a good level we got through that pretty quickly all right more speed now so normal max speed is now going up to 207 ish and dash max speed is going up to 200 and almost 84. okay world 4-3 is next beep blocks skyway i don't know if this is going to be possible i don't know how easy or how hard this is going to okay i didn't expect to go that far don't know how easy or how hard this is going to be yeah good luck controlling multiple toads at this speed controlling one toad at this speed is hard enough do i get anything here oh another one wow now you get to control three toads at this absurd speed well there go two of them oh nope don't want to stand there ah man i flew off the level i don't think that this tanooki power-up is going to help us in this situation if it slowed you down it'd be able to help but that kind of defeats the purpose of the challenge i don't know if doing this level as intended or if trying to skip through it quickly would be easier no my little toads that's just the slightest tap and you jump across like that just line up all our toads okay imagine if i could get this [Music] i'd love to just jump straight into the warp cube that's over there okay maybe it'll take two jumps or a bit more than two jumps let's see can i make it to there from here yes [Music] yes yes there we go okay into the warp cube there we go oh boy [Music] no i wanted to take out this guy i want to take out the boomerang bro with that you know what this part might not actually be super hard actually [Music] oh man oh man okay okay okay we're at the checkpoint we're at the checkpoint so that's good what if we just jump down where will we go oh there's a warp cube right there you don't want to jump down here okay so the next warp cube is really very close yeah like that there we go all right easy oh man [Music] what am i going to do here oh oh man oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh i was gonna say that so much easier than i thought it'd be but was that wall not solid or something what happened there and from here this shouldn't be too hard maybe it will be but it shouldn't be like basically we just want to jump down there to the flag [Music] oh and this isn't bad at all i can push forward a bit to speed up like that if i want and now uh please tell me i'm going to be at the nope ah man oh man of it i thought i'd be at the flag platform [Music] okay i'm just gonna head there i'm just gonna head there gonna head straight for the gold okay okay okay i was so scared that i would fall off okay we have a good chance now i'll even take the cat power up very very carefully towed we got it okay didn't get any of the green stars that level in itself was really difficult okay we're done the level though that's good and you know what that means we've got to put up normal max speed to 415 and dash max speed is now over 500 okay world 4-4 big bounce byway what is this going to be like [Music] okay this seems fine so far whoa okay just jump up high climb here drop down bounce oh where am i going what's over here nope that's just a solid wall you can't actually wait okay i was wondering if there's no death barrier here oh man just getting onto those mushrooms is difficult you know what i honestly didn't expect this level to be one of the difficult ones but so far this is the most difficult one i don't know where those red coins are coming from okay let's just try to come back to the level [Music] okay this is the farthest that we have made it so far why am i there why how did i end up there how did i end up there i think i kept a lot of speed from bouncing on one of the trampolines oh okay i'm on this platform here there's nothing i can do here though wow extra time that's so useful to me 30 extra seconds that is exactly the problem that i was having with this level i kept running out of time it's not like i can't control toad at these high speeds no the problem that i was having was time now that i have enough time i should definitely be able to finish the level i like how i ended up in a tree there okay we're here again all right i get another shot at this okay i just want to jump across there not that far oh okay how did i end up here i didn't know i was here i'll try this box i'm not going to be able to get it but i'll try what if i can get it oh my goodness that's actually so easy okay wow that was surprising okay how in the world am i supposed to do this this is an actual joke [Music] oh my goodness oh man it's a little tiny warp cube on a little tiny platform over there okay that's a good way to get up there you basically have to do ground pounds like that oh no ah my goodness this is giving me flashbacks to when we were back at puff prod peaks and doing this the way that you do this level at high speeds is kind of similar to how puff prod peaks works goodbye level goodbye we are far beyond the level and we're probably past the death barriers now [Music] where is toad toad where in the world are you toad oh i ground pounded and i started coming down uh what if we just what is going on what why is the camera here i'm so confused where are we why is the camera coming here what is going on where could we be oh hello well we got some very cinematic angles of this level this is what i like to see this is why i play super mario 3d world when i think of super mario 3d world this right here is exactly what comes to mind this year this is what gameplay of this game looks like i can't do try again or exit course because we're in the air right now we're floating so you have to wait for the timer to run out or you have to load up the game again all right so i loaded up the game again oh and that means we still have our cat power up [Music] i think the cat power up is going to be a huge help just want to jump across to there yes there's a checkpoint here did i not get the checkpoint before let me just get this checkpoint just tapping a bit at a time there we go what if i just walk like this the whole time wait what's going on here i don't remember this part of the level am i playing the same level even i don't remember this part did i skip past this part of the level earlier [Music] okay i must have skipped past that part and gotten up here before that's probably how i got here okay so we have to get into that warp cube there or pube ah man no it's like almost impossible to get into that warp cube like this okay i'm gonna try jumping to that first island i might run out of lives okay i'm going to go super super carefully i'll just do the slightest taps imaginable and that's what's happening [Music] okay you have to stay extremely focused and do the slightest taps that you could imagine oh man that was such a good run i run out of lives and i have to make it back to the checkpoint again that's such a good strategy i like that [Music] okay just very focused and careful don't want to be in the path of these things that fly around [Music] i don't want to be in their way i don't want to be in their way i don't want to be in their way okay okay okay now comes the one of the final tests oh boy oh man oh man do i just go for the box from here what oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh yes i rolled oh bad oh man no no no no no no no oh yes oh my goodness okay now i just don't want to fall off i am so scared i don't care if i grab the very bottom of the flagpole i got scared that that thing was coming to life so i ran i'm so glad that there's this little fence here whoever put this little fence around this island so you don't run off oh my god please no stay back stay back oh thank goodness oh my goodness i was so scared whoever put this little fence boundary around this island so you don't run off i am so grateful that that little fence is around this island imagine if i ran off there oh my goodness okay that was definitely the most difficult one so far and i didn't expect it to be it doesn't seem like it's a super difficult level but with all the jumps yeah it becomes really hard okay so normal max speed is going up to 830 and dash max speed is going up to over 1100 all right man that was a lot tougher than i thought it'd be now we have this one is this the last level before the castle it's the last level before the castle oh my goodness i don't know if we'll be able to beat this one i don't know what world 4-5 spikes lost city is going to be like and i don't know how fast i'm going to be all right f number one but hey we took that death on purpose so we can become regular sized toad right these galumbas here they have something called is enable cliff check they have that active so that's why they don't run off this ledge here if they didn't have that then they'd run off and drop down odd to be they don't have that which is good cam thinking of jumping there yeah that's a good idea wondering if maybe we could get some kind of power up uh what i just wanted to check these blocks not run over to these spikes okay well we got our mushroom back at least i'll just keep going checkpoint checkpoint so close oh yes yes just carefully yeah we got to the checkpoint okay it seems like usually getting to the checkpoint is a lot easier than finishing the level okay running a bit low on lives so i want to be careful all right this is going okay i was about to say this is going pretty well all right we've got some fast paced super mario 3d world gameplay right here okay i'm like right on the edge there i'd like to head on up here oh oh no oh no there's still so much ahead of us right now how am i supposed to pass this part what am i supposed to do here there's no way i could do this normally there's no way [Music] ah my goodness even that is hard okay this part isn't too bad yeah you can just run up here that's actually pretty easy okay now here comes the hard part i'm so scared i just want to jump onto that platform man the difference between doing a tiny jump and flying across the screen is so difficult good now just run up okay and then you get past all the spikes like that which is nice so i don't have to worry about those spike bars which is fantastic but these moving platforms are brutal and the death barrier here is really low what if i just step onto it maybe stepping onto it instead of jumping onto it it could be a good idea no no no no no no no no no no no i'm not doing that okay [Music] the flag is right there if i had the cat suit power up i could probably jump there and climb up but i don't have the cat suit power up and that'd be really risky [Music] how many of these do i really want to take all of these steps the way you're supposed to okay that's fine that's fine it hit me but i'm still alive go for it go for it go for it go for it can you not wall jump there can you not wall jump there i think going there and trying to wall jump might be the strategy that might be my best strategy that might be my best shot okay step one is done step two step three no i ran past the flag oh man i was so excited that i got up and i just held up for a fraction of a second and i ran up [Music] oh my goodness i accidentally stepped into part of a wall and i flew away from the level i have 11 lives okay i have to reload the game because i'm not going to fall i'm somewhere far away from the level so i have to reload the game on i'm not at the checkpoint there's the checkpoint flag okay we're back at the checkpoint flag okay somehow i did that strategy that i've never done before okay [Music] okay okay okay this is the farthest that we have ever made it before but i am super super scared of these falling spike bars here oh my goodness [Music] oh my goodness oh my goodness oh we have a chance but there are no walls here well there are two walls but there are no fences so i might run off oh my goodness i can't believe it i can't believe it oh what a relief to finish that level oh my goodness i don't know if i would have had a game over how many lives do i have left i think i started with 33 or 34 lives when i made it back to the checkpoint okay so one last time these are going up high and dash max speed these values are pretty pretty high okay there's not a chance there is not a chance i don't know what to expect for this level the last two levels were absolutely brutal i didn't think i'd be able to beat either of the last two levels so for this one i don't know what to expect look at the little toad okay what if we just jump to the end oh my goodness you could actually see the pipe you might actually be able to do it boy if you died you start at the very beginning i think you do that actually almost works [Music] oh my goodness that actually gets you so close are you serious are you serious that's actually how you make it to the fight oh my goodness okay now we're at the boss brolder fight oh just have to get close enough to trigger the cutscene hopefully i didn't run off on the last second there because i saw toad flying there okay good it brings you back here ah please tell me it brings me back to the boss and not to the beginning of the level oh my goodness it brings you back to the beginning of the level okay okay okay that isn't too bad to be honest it's honestly not too bad to get here surprisingly this is actually one of the easier ones you could actually jump right to the pipe all right let's have this boss fight now let's get there mushroom mushroom no my mushroom ran away okay let's get a second hit on him i tried to face towards him but i ran into him oh man can i roll am i allowed to roll it almost looks like he's going to run off the map he's going to spawn some more now ah don't crush all three ah he crushed all three yes bring some more yes that's what i like to see yes don't run off don't run off take the mushroom where's the mushroom at just one more hit no i ran off okay here we go let's try this man you just fly when you do a little tap like that hey give me some more brothers give me some more boulders we need some brolders i'm scared to tap the joystick because that happens when you tap it just slightly so this first hit it seems like i could get this on him every single time [Music] but the second and third hits are really tough oh my goodness [Music] sometimes you get scared when there's an enemy coming towards you or you want to correct your movement what you have to do is just not oh my goodness what you have to do is just not correct your movement no matter how close they are no matter how scary it is just keep going one little tap at a time like this if you just move one little tap at a time like this then that way you probably won't run off the screen ah man i wanted to throw it that way okay pretty intense moment right here no goodbye level that's actually pretty cool looking oh am i coming back down [Music] okay boss brother's going up there so i must be up that way very unique angle for sure i wonder where i could be [Music] the little brothers just roll off into the lava and the big brother is just like rolling up towards the top left there [Music] i okay a chance oh no he broke that one gonna break this one too isn't he come here come here come here yes come here two hits on him let's go if i could survive this then i have a very good chance okay now just face him oh my goodness no no no no that was the most heartbreaking moment oh my goodness that was so heartbreaking oh my goodness that was the most heartbreaking moment of this entire episode oh that was so close oh my goodness okay and that's game over oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness okay still alive still alive still i haven't even taken damage yet this is actually very very good just want to be very careful to not run off okay face brother little brothers will come out now let's try to get one of these thrown at him they took damage that's fine that's fine oh boy oh boy no man [Music] oh my goodness oh my goodness no i know this is possible but you have to get so lucky you have to not only play well but you also have to be really lucky okay i thought we'd be able to make it past that first round okay now we have to be extremely lucky perfect that's exactly what i wanted i wanted to come way up here this is exactly what i hoped for i hope i never have to see this boss again okay i will now try to defeat the boss using whatever means necessary okay whatever means necessary i'm going to beat this boss even if it means i only do rolling long jumps that's that's if that's what it takes i needed to get a power up i can't do it without it maybe i can but it'd be seriously seriously tough this is seriously tough this is the toughest thing that i have done in this game in a very long time okay i thought that wouldn't hit him at first but it did so that's good okay still got the cat power up maybe not for long we still have the cat power up no okay okay okay don't run off okay okay we've got to be able to do this we've got to yes okay okay oh my goodness that took oh no i forgot i forgot that i'm fast no i just wanted to walk into the box and finish the level i forgot that i passed oh my goodness no i was gonna give a long speech about how difficult this was and how many hours it took all right that's fine two hits on him i was about to say at least we're not little toad but i thought i was about to get hit yes more brolders yes yes i don't care if i take damage here as long as we get him okay we got him this time i'm gonna be super super careful and go into the box there we go i don't want to die i don't care anymore um man can i not make it up these stairs [Music] okay good all right now let's just head for that flag there adjust just a little bit i have had it with this [Music] okay there we go okay so toad in the switch version of this game is way too fast as we have seen i think i'm going to stick to playing as mario or princess peach or luigi but um and that was seriously one of the most difficult challenges that i have done in this game for a very long time that last boss was absolutely brutal and i spent way too much time on that there's probably not going to be too much footage of all the fights in this video there's probably going to be a lot that was cut out but i put in a lot of attempts on that boss and i'm so glad that we are finally done we have completed world four with toad speed starting at two times normal speed and doubling his speed every level it feels very good to be done thank you for joining me on this journey and if you like seeing what is possible in games for both regular gameplay and hacking you might enjoy some of my other videos thank you for watching this video i hope you all have a fantastic day ahead of you and take care everybody [Music] you
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 425,609
Rating: 4.8923397 out of 5
Keywords: bowser's fury, super mario 3d world, mario, super mario 3d world bowser's fury, toad, super mario 3d world toad, super mario 3d world speedrun, bowser's fury speedrun, mario speedrun, funny mario, toad switch version, faster toad, fast toad, faster mario, double speed, zxmany bowser's fury, zxmany mario, piranha creeper creek, beep block skyway, big bounce byway, spike's lost city, brolder, boss brolder, lava rock lair, world 4 castle, world 4, ant trooper hill, bowser
Id: bjr8KrxHN7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 16sec (2116 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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