What if every level made Luigi jump higher in Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury?

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okay now getting the top of the flagpole oh my goodness yeah so luigi goes far above the graphics area so that's probably why the background is changing like that wow that's really interesting that that's where the light from the spotlight comes from keep in mind that luigi is falling this entire time yeah so that's why you can see that the castle walls they don't extend along here because normally you can't make the camera face this way since the camera's normally only facing this way usually only the parts of the level that you could see are going to be decorated today we'll play through world five of super mario 3d world but every time luigi completes a level he will have double jump height we'll start at world 5-1 sunshine seaside where luigi will start with double jump height oh my goodness let's see do we even have to use this pipe i don't think we even have to use the pipe to get up there we can just jump straight out to this platform i don't think our jump height is high enough yet to make it to that island in the background i don't think we'll be able to do it maybe later on if we come back to this level later with higher jump height we might be able to jump that far okay you could just jump up the tree did they have the final one oh they have the final one here [Music] there we go i think i might get hit [Music] all right and it should be very easy to get the top of the flagpole oh man i almost missed it okay let's try this again just run and jump high and oh my goodness depth perception is so hard there we go we got it there we go there we go i should be able to get the top of the flag with any of these high jump heights i hope here is the next world world 5-2 tricky trapeze feeder [Music] all right let's see do i even need to take this what if i just ah there's an invisible ceiling so you can't go that high oh man if we were able to jump higher like there's an invisible ceiling here that push i'm pretty sure there's an invisible ceiling here that pushes you down ah you can go pretty high maybe it is possible i don't know if i could jump all the way there to the right or if i should try for one of those let's see let's try this oh there's a death barrier there maybe that's there on purpose so that you can't go by so let's take a look at this in spotlight i wanted to open this up in the level editor for this game so that we can see what's going on what are what's up with these death barriers and you start off on this cloud over here and all of these dark red ones over here these are all death areas here so you can see that there's a death area right here the one that's selected the one that's turning from dark red to white when i hover over it all of this here is a death area so it's like as we jump across towards there we fall onto this area but it's like maybe we'd be able to get past it you could almost get past it maybe with the cat suit power up i could get past it that was my best attempt yet it's like if you tried to go around the death barrier like that then you could get pretty close but yeah if you try to go straight to the platform that's right over there to the closest part then you end up dying from this death barrier here but if you try going around it then you can't get close enough to the island itself what if we jumped one of those we jump over there it's so close [Music] oh that is so much better oh you oh okay i was hoping to get up there whoops okay oh yeah i kind of forgot that my jump height was so high let's head on up here let's see anything interesting up here [Music] wow there is nothing at all here amazing anything up here also nope looks like there's nothing up here [Music] oh yeah i kind of don't have to worry about dying too much because i have such a high jump height let's see oh i wonder if you could go back there or if that is just cosmetic it's probably too far to reach all right let's see can i make this jump from here to there no no no no no there's no way we could make that there's no way we could make that jump oh [Music] i'm surprised at how close that got [Music] nice oh that's so cool to make it hard to hear um maybe i should [Music] let's see let's see if i can do this [Music] yeah i could definitely make it to there from here there we go pretty good don't want to use the trampoline because it's like why would you use a trampoline when you could just jump up oh there's captain toad up there ah i don't know if i can jump that high oh yeah we could make it to captain toad [Music] pretty cool don't have to use the pipe or the trampoline whoops all right let's just continue on the level this isn't the way that you normally do the level you don't normally [Music] go out this top part up here anything up here oh that's the that's the end of the level over there all right let's see if we can head on over i don't know if i should jump from this platform or the lower platform okay this is going pretty well ah hoping i'd be able to dive into that but yeah this is pretty good it's pretty good okay let's just drop down onto the flag there we go all right another level done all right world 5-3 is next backstreet bustle oh and i only have 100 seconds maybe our jump height will help us oh but there's an invisible ceiling here that pushes us down pretty quickly okay okay there's an invisible ceiling there that pushes you down so the high jump height wasn't a bunch help but we're still able to finish the level okay very quick level okay we now have 16 times regular jump height and we are going to take on the charge and chuck blockade there's probably okay i'm expecting there to be a ceiling here oh no it's actually harder than i thought it would be [Applause] can we jump out of the level i was wondering if we can go so high that we make it past this wall but i don't think so whoa that is a fast jump zoom luigi just flies up how am i even going to get this last one oh boy this is proving to be a bit difficult but there we go we got it okay luigi was able to take out the charging trucks with no problem clear times 68 almost nice all right world 5-4 sprawling savannah is it savannah or savannah i think it's actually savannah sprawling savannah i'm pretty sure that's how you pronounce it okay got a pretty high jump height so maybe we'll be able to you know what should i take the mushroom nah maybe we'll be able to whoa i didn't expect to jump that high i was gonna say maybe we'll be able to avoid these pipes what if i jump all the way to that island what if i just skip the middle island let's see if i can hope i come down soon yeah we are pretty high hey where's the level where's the level we've been going for a while we're up higher than i thought let's see can't even see the level down there anywhere well we should hopefully start coming down soon oh there we go there's the level i can see the level in the background there you know what maybe we'll just jump straight to the end of the level let's start going towards there let's just head on over this way hopefully i land on some floor [Music] not sure if i will yeah it looks like we'll land on some floor [Music] hooray we've made it okay so we skipped the middle island now let's just head on over to the end of the level let's see where is the end of the level oh the end of the level's right there okay oh no don't want to go too high okay so i ground found it so we're not going too high [Music] i think we're going to be seeing a lot of scenes like this where all you can see is the sky like this and luigi falling oh there we go there we go there we go there's the flag can i get it no i had to jump height of that high and i couldn't even grab the top of the flag oh man well i guess jump height isn't everything one thing that i really liked about sprawling savannah was that there wasn't an invisible ceiling that pushed us down like in this level here there's an invisible ceiling that pushes you down in that other one there's an invisible ceiling that pushes you down but i like this one you can just fly up so let's go to world 5-5 bo bombs below let's see what this one's going to be like with our jump height doubled again okay this is another level with ceiling yeah it looks like super high jump height doesn't really make too much of a difference here because you just get pushed down quickly i wonder if i could go past that cloud is there still ceiling here yeah it looks like there's still ceiling here that's kind of surprising kind of whoa hitting that thing makes it move around i never knew that that's pretty cool cool okay now getting the top of the flagpole oh my goodness no i just did a little jump like that and look at how the color okay good the colors came back oh man okay yeah so luigi goes far above the graphics area so that's probably why the background is changing like that and that was a very quick tap like that right there is just tapping the button oh okay and it pulled me into the flag i didn't even touch the joystick that was pretty cool all right got another 10 000 point pull grab doing pretty well with this high jump height the end of that level was especially cool let's take a look at world 5-6 how many worlds do we have left not very many not very many worlds are left so let's take a look at 5-6 next and luigi's jump height is doubled again so here is cake walk flick [Music] yeah okay that's what oh it looks like they're actually i'm guessing there is actually a ceiling here because it looked like luigi got pushed down after a moment it's taking luigi quite a while to fall down oh there we go that isn't even too far it only took what 40 seconds almost to fall down [Music] oh but if you hold the jump button you keep going higher and higher so that was just a little tap that i did before hey come on luigi just come on down take your time no rush rush plenty of time we've got more than 300 seconds to complete the level hey luigi's actually falling for so long i can't even see the stuff that's normally in the background and he's been falling for a while already we're far above the clouds you're an airplane imagine if luigi dropped onto a goomba from this huge drop here luigi would obliterate that goomba let's check in on luigi see how he's doing just just ground pounding here continuing to ground pound still no towers in sight the towers that are normally in the background are still not visible luigi is still too high so luigi has a pretty high jump height we are ground pounding down to come down quickly and i wonder if i'm going to reach the ground before the time limit runs out [Music] the mushroom just flies away i wonder if we'll ever see that mushroom again what do you guys think of these colors in the background here this is a pretty calm yellow sometimes you have a very bright and vibrant and aggressive yellow but this is a pretty calm yellow the yellow and the pink and the white they're oh the mushroom's coming back down oh my goodness i never thought we'd see it again how is it catching up this will we collect it we get to collect the mushroom or will it fall past us and i think that's the level down there oh my goodness parts of the tower starting to become visible no mushroom come here no we might not get our mushroom what's that square there off to the side ah we didn't get our mushroom well but it looks like we're making it back to the level after all uh oh time is running out you better hurry with that ground pound luigi oh and where are we even going to land [Music] we got our mushroom back that's what matters oh my goodness okay let's see if we can complete the level still i don't know if we'll be able to oh man oh but the flag is just right there this is going to be uh i was about to say this is uh oh i was about to say this is going to be no problem but i don't know anymore i don't know where the level is wait what was that that just flew by something just flew by okay where's the level where's the level whoa whoa whoa whoa i don't want to be all the way over there okay okay okay okay okay all right i jumped and ground pounded right away oh there's a retro luigi in the background okay there we go all right we are able to finish the level no problem that was a pretty close one we really had to use a lot of our time to finish that level but we were able to get it and we were able to get another 10 000 point pole grab all right that was a pretty good one that was a little close done was a little close let's take a look what we've got next searchlight sneak hold 5-7 and our jump height is doubled again i wonder if there are going to be ceilings in this level let's see oh and that was just a quick tap that wasn't a full jump let me try doing a full jump all right let's try this let's see how high we can go come on we could also move around all right let's move around let's go look for where the end of the level is while we are floating around like this it's like we're seeing a cinematic camera view that is taking us through the level we just have a free cam active right now just exploring through the level no characters here don't mind the hud that you see in the top left don't mind the timer the point score interesting goomba face right there just head on up here oh nope we are past the level oh wait isn't the end of the level just normally right up here i think the end of the level's normally somewhere up here let's see ah the camera won't let me go up there wait a minute what's that castle thing in the background that's interesting maybe the end of the level's actually over here whoa [Music] uh i thought the end of the level was just up here but camera doesn't want to follow us up there oh that's really cool to see how these lights work look at this what are these wait why are there just bullet bills floating here oh that's so cool you can't normally see these bullet bills that's actually so cool they stand here and if you get into the light then these bullet bills are launched so the bullet bills actually just stand here floating in the air and if the searchlight sees you then they get launched from these spots that's really cool it's the same for these interesting that some of them are organized in different ways those three there are vertical but all these here appear to be horizontal that's really interesting it's weird seeing this light go back and forth this light isn't connected to anything it's just a ball of light that is going from side to side and keep in mind that this oh and here the over here you can slightly see that there are also balls of lights up high like that wow that's really interesting that that's where the light from the spotlight comes from how about we go back here and see if there's anything interesting back here keep in mind that luigi is falling this entire time okay here's the edge of the level yeah a lot of stuff in super mario 3d world since normally you can't see camera angles like this they're not going to decorate part of the world that you can't see oh and the lava all just disappeared let's head back there we go yeah so that's why you can see that the castle walls they don't extend along here because normally you can't make the camera face this way since the camera's normally only facing this way usually only the parts of the level that you could see are going to be decorated okay and i think now we are at the point that if luigi does a full jump that he's actually not going to reach the ground in time because time is going to start to run low in a moment and there's still no sign of luigi hopefully luigi comes down soon for now we'll take a look at this goomba while this dramatic music plays goomba is just staring into my soul this goomba is working very hard this gimbal is doing a great job this goomba is on the lookout for if luigi is going to come this goomba is a loyal follower of bowser just ready to try to stop anyone who wants to get the gold flag this goomba has an unwavering dedication this goomba is here literally 24 hours a day seven days a week 365 days a year 360 on leap years and it looks like luigi isn't going to be able to make it down in time [Music] there we go time is up and we have no side of luigi coming down so it looks like we're not going to do full jumps looks like we're going to have to do like little tap jumps or jump dives that was a jump and a dive immediately and luigi's still coming down i still don't know where luigi is hopefully luigi comes down soon oh there we go wow [Music] okay so i really don't want to really don't want to jump a lot try to jump as tried to jump as rarely as possible i'm gonna have to jump here oh there we go there we go okay so that's where we have to go [Music] nope where am i where am i where am i where am i i did a jump in a dive immediately please come down luigi [Music] oh there he is there he is okay nice nice nice nice nice nice nice i think that means that we'll now get the flag i jumped and i did a ground pound immediately and all of a sudden the camera comes down here but there we go we got the flag there we go so for some reason the camera is a bit weird around this area but hey we've got it we have got it another 10 000 point pull grab and we're gonna double luigi's jump height again all right the world five castle king thunk's castle i just realized to beat king kathak you have to jump on him i don't think this is going to be possible this boss isn't going to be possible with this super high jab height oh but there's an invisible wall here maybe there's going to be an invisible wall near king kethunk that'd be amazing can we head on over there whoa that's really cool looking over there i'm guessing that's just empty though you can't slide on it so it does have some collision i wonder if the top of it is collidable let's see maybe i could get up there from somewhere else no but that's the closest spot and there are probably invisible walls all around [Music] ah the cats do power up yes this is amazing this is exactly what i needed yeah so you can see that this is as high as you're able to climb with luigi pretty high they put up that invisible ceiling pretty high [Music] okay maybe if i take the cat suit back to the beginning of the level then i'll be able to make it on top of that thing this level reminds me so much of spyro have you guys ever played spyro before spyro the dragon oh my goodness for some reason this reminds me so much of spyro and also temple run i don't know if you guys have ever played temple run before but this reminds me a lot of both spyro and temple run oh i thought you'd be able to go down there yeah kind of funny that stuff that isn't normally reachable like this has simpler collision like this like the whole top part here is just all solid instead of you actually being able to go down into that empty place that's kind of funny yeah you can't go down into that empty space there that place down there is inaccessible on pretty cool how you can see the shadows of the thunks that are moving around down here interesting should you be able to see the shadows like that like they're resting on top of a surface and you can see their shadow [Music] but you can't see the shadow of the platform that they are on okay i think this catsuit powerup might help us bam i'm gone oh you don't even go that high because we are getting higher in the level so we're getting closer and closer to the invisible ceiling like right there you can see a luigi's shadow there and you can see that he can't climb any higher than that over here it's very low the invisible ceiling is right there you can't go any higher than that oh i think over here okay i've got to start coming down already i think over here there isn't that invisible ceiling that there was because we can see that the sky is a different color so we have to wait for luigi to come down hopefully i'm not too high to come down you can see that the sky became weird whoa interesting to see how that comes out where do they keep coming from let's head on over here [Music] what could be way out here i never noticed there's a little ka thunk symbol down there that's pretty cool oh there's also one down there to the left uh oh and time is running out hopefully luigi's able to come down soon kind of interesting all the detail that went into this they could have made this just a regular brick wall but they made it look like there's some actual architecture and thought put into it and you could see like the little leaves and stuff really cool how they designed that okay i don't think luigi's going to come down in time and even if he does we don't we have nowhere near enough time to be able to take out the boss yep it looks like luigi isn't going to be able to make it back in time i wonder how close he was okay so this is the second part of the level oh and i don't have my cats who power up anymore okay so i've got to jump and dive quickly that was a jump and a very very quick dive and look how weird the sky looks look at these colors we are way too high pretty cool looking okay the skype oh my goodness yes yes i wish i wish i got closer i didn't realize how close i was okay if you jump into a dive immediately it's like you have a chance okay oh okay this is fine there we go now let's just get into that box sounds easy right all you have to do is jump and dive right away okay we're doing it should we go for the green star too oh no you just bonk into the wall [Music] i'm jumping and diving right away and i can't do it fast enough to get into that hole with the green star if i do it from a distance let's see that was so close that's actually so close i think i might be able to get the green star yeah we got it all right we are gaming oh i don't know if there's an invisible ceiling above us for this boss so i don't know how we're going to be able to take off this boss [Music] like look if i want to yeah how am i supposed to jump on top of it not only do i have to come down fast enough but i have to land on the right spot and when it's flipped over and folded oh it actually stays like that for a moment okay i might in some weird kind of way actually have a shot at this okay that was a ground pound so since we're so high up i think he's actually going to wait for us to come down i think that's how it works that's what it looked like last time unless it was a coincidence that he was just in the same spot right let's just come on down luigi i don't i don't think we're going to have enough time to do it for this attempt but maybe the boss is actually possible which is kind of weird maybe since we're falling from so high it'll hurt king ka thunk even more [Music] ah man i thought that was actually going to land on him right let's just head on by through the level back to the boss luigi please we don't have much time i'm not even gonna go for the green star this time we need to take on the boss what is happening to these lights please luigi just come down it's like there's a mystical sandstorm happening right now [Music] okay lights changed yes okay okay good good good now we get a shot at the boss again mr king ka thunk let's go [Music] okay i jumped and hopefully hopefully we're able to come down and land on him and we have to do this three times without the tide limit running out you're already down to below 200 seconds and we don't even have one hit on him oh he moved okay i jumped did a ground pound maybe this time we'll be able to get him i might even be happy if i could get even one hit on him i don't know if he's constantly moving and doing his cycles while he's down there or if he's waiting for us to get close enough before he continues i think he might just be moving the whole time okay time is running low here's our third attempt at dropping down on king ka funk we haven't gotten any hits on him yet but hey maybe this will be our lucky shot all right we're getting close to level let's see where's king kafunk down there see the towers coming into view he moved he keeps dodging it that's not there well maybe there's a cat suit power up in one of these boxes that actually be amazing yes i don't want this guy to bother me there we go i think doing a jump and a cat swipe is so much better this might be our shot this might be what we need to defeat king to thunk because going from the jump button to the cat swipe button is super super easy and you can do it really really quickly so this is our best shot [Music] no i was i was on the fence about if i should go or not i lost the gatsu power up [Music] if i do try again do i go back to the beginning i think i do hold up let me just die then it'll put me at the checkpoint [Music] very interesting view of the level like this interesting colors you see here okay now i'm going to try to be more careful this time okay this time i'm going i'm going i'm going for it [Music] no my cat swipe took so long i think you have to get lucky and guess where he's going to land okay wait let's do this let's see where is he going to land maybe here no that was so close to getting a hit on him i had a chance that was the closest we've come to getting a hit on i want to get one hit on king ka thunk there's no way we're going to be able to beat him especially with the time limit but i want to get one hit on him all right let's see if we can get one hit on mr king ca thunk here just one let's try this i don't know i don't know where he's going to be [Music] let's see okay he's facing that way so maybe that means he's going to drop down here so maybe if i keep going straight down yes we got to hit on him we got to hit on him we got one hit on him okay okay okay pretty good pretty good let's try that again i think that's a good strategy using the snapshot feature before you come down so you can see where he is i think that's the way to go about this [Music] okay let's see where is he what way is he facing i can't tell what way he's facing okay he's facing this way i can't see where he's going to drop down though ah oh two hits what what what in the world what in the world my cat power-up's gone that's the biggest problem okay let's see what is he going to do he can come here and then maybe here so let's try this jumping ground pound right away now let's see let's see do we have a shot do we have a shot where is he maybe i don't know if it's going to be fast enough no he's going to land over there so if i do a dive upwards maybe i'll get him let's see i couldn't dive upwards i had to dive that way [Music] i took way too long to hit the ground pound button that time i'll do a roll so this way now i have some freedom with where i move okay let's see he's down he's down no couldn't get to him in time let's try again let's see let's see this should be a good spot just jump in ground pound right away do a dive so now you have some freedom to move okay oh man we are too fast try going here a jump and ground pound right away we are coming down to a dive now let's see where's king kathunk going to be [Music] okay still no level visible below us almost let's see where's king kathunkat he might be flipped over already on the bottom one ah we have a shot we have a shot no he got up too quickly i couldn't get him i don't think i ground pounded very quickly ah man and time is running low [Music] yes oh my goodness i didn't even i i didn't even have to adjust for that we got super lucky there oh my goodness i can't believe it i don't believe it okay and we get some extra time so now i'm not super worried about the flag but we still have to get to it so [Music] um what am i falling through i just ground pounded where's the level okay and we got the ten thousand point polygraph all right that was perfect in some ways this challenge was easier than i thought it'd be and in other ways it was a lot more difficult than i thought it'd be so i really appreciate you guys checking out this video if you'd be interested in seeing more challenges like this or modding in games or testing what is possible in games for both regular gameplay and hacking you might enjoy some of my other videos hoping that you all have a fantastic day ahead of you and take care [Music] everybody [Music] so [Music] oh
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 348,874
Rating: 4.9051213 out of 5
Keywords: bowser's fury, super mario 3d world, mario, super mario 3d world bowser's fury, funny mario, mario glitches, mario animation, animated mario, funny mario videos, zxmany, zxmany bowser's fury, bowser's fury bosses, bowser's fury theme, luigi, super mario 3d world jump, mario speedrun, super mario 3d world speedrun, out of bounds, mario secrets, mario facts
Id: Xxy2XOqRVl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 5sec (2165 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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