Twitch chat creates a level in Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury [50,000 Subscribers special!]

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remove the map okay there we go there the map has been removed okay that was our first request all right so here we go so here is the first level edit that we have made we have removed the first part of the map so here's what happens when you load up the level yeah so here's our first change that we have done so far you know what people are saying to add and remove other stuff but no one has suggested to add anything for mario mario's just gonna keep falling okay so i'll remove the death area here where's the death area okay this death area has been removed is there also a death area here oh there's another one okay i'll remove both of those then hey we want to add some booze so booze are called teresa so i'll add a boo right here add 1-2 all right so this is how our level is going to start we're going to start right here add a question mark block with a cat suit in it all right sky heights that is a great request add boost panels for the ground so you can't stay still okay we'll add a we'll add a dash panel right under my wait is mario here hey let's bring this closer actually somewhere it doesn't just fall let's bring that closer as well let's bring this up along this way that should be a good spot i want to bring this boot up so it's not just like out there doing nothing okay and we also want to add a dash panel set a dash panel right to the start here right underneath mario alright so here's our level so far let's see how this goes [Music] okay you've got a dash panel right at the beginning okay the view is there we've got the world 1-2 map here and we've got a block a question mark block with a calf suit here all right so this is going this is going pretty well so far let's go back to the suggestions pipe okay we could also add a pipe a regular pipe or a pipe that launches you adding a big bird i like that okay we'll add a bird add an even bigger bird okay mario has to continue through the level what is mario going to walk on what are we going to put here okay we'll add a goomba a lot of goomba and a thick goomba so there's a regular goomba over here we'll put a thick goomba over here on how is how is this for a thick goomba how does that thickness look can we get a can we get a one in chat if that's a thick goomba right there it's a pretty thick looking goomba right there [Music] yeah that's a pretty thick looking goomba right there in chat look at all the ones in chat cause that was a that was a thick goo but okay let's see what other suggestions did we have we'll put this pipe here let's put it down and the pipe has to be connected to something called a route token object so we could add that like that and there we go and that is called parts and by default its speed will be zero unless someone changes it okay so we've done quite a bit of changes and we are going to test how this works because we've done a bit of changes here let's just make sure that everything is working before we start this up here we go all right let's see so we start we fall on the dash panel we've got our giant birds here we've got a boo here we've got this pipe that makes you go very slowly we've got our our magikoopa's a little low there got our thick goombas down here that we're thinking about oh no there's the other goomba this one should be a mega mushroom okay that's working fine uh let's leave that pipe for now oh my goodness i didn't realize that the dash panel would oh and the death area is removed because jupiter has the death barrier down here to be removed so when you fall you don't die you just keep falling now so mario's just going to keep falling down oh that yes i have to have to actually reload the game okay but let's see is there anything else to test okay that pipe should work normally this pipe should work normally this is just a regular green star okay let's go back to the lab and go back to the suggestions now all right let's see let's see let's see make the death barrier above mario that is a good idea let's see okay now let's bring it down okay so now the death area is now above mario i don't know if mario can go this high let's put it a bit lower so that maybe mario can accidentally jump into the death area add spike throwing a plessy if you add spike though oh wait no the game doesn't crash if spike throws a plessy so that's a good idea okay let's do this then what's that let's i really like the idea of a spike throwing a plessy but we need a platform for our spike throwing a plessy okay because we have to this area is pretty full so we're going to need some suggestions for floor we could either make the floor like blocks or parts of levels like this as we move forward oh my goodness make the trees floor oh my goodness let's see if you put a tree sideways like this would you be able to walk on it i'm not sure okay so here's what we're doing we're going to make the trees floor okay so let's add some trees here i don't know if this will work uh and let's see what do we want him to throw we want him to throw plessy so let's see throw model is radon add the ground back but flipped 90 degrees cat mario step a okay let's rotate it 90 degrees oh wait wrong wrong angle uh i'm assuming that you mean rotated around this axis you know this is kind of what i imagined this to look like when you think of a when you think of a twitch stream designing a level is this what you have in mind there we go that's a nice long goomba there okay so there we go we've got [Laughter] there we go we've got our spike throwing a plessy there we've got our boot let's just make sure everything else is working okay so the green star is working fine this is working fine let's see if the floor works as intended oh wait let's see if the death barrier works that's a good question yeah the death barrier is up there if you go up there then there is still the death barrier above mario that's really funny okay so let's see if this is going to work as floor or not okay you can stand on the trees it's pretty monka s though but yeah okay so these trees work as floor can i get up here no oh the death it's probably the death barrier oh yeah and we've had a boom boom suggestion for okay let's move this death area up a bit let's move it just above that goomba there so that we have a chance at getting through the level kind of okay guys we need some more floor okay world six okay world six what is in world six oh do you mean like the world six map itself of course select world six okay so here we go world six come on up world six [Music] world six is going to come along this way bring up world six okay let me move this bird a bit out of the way so we could see a little bit uh this bird is fine over here okay do you guys want this toad to be here hey chad do you want this toad here or do you want to do something else to them or get rid of them should we stretch them get rid of them or leave them chad is like yes yes leave the toad the toad must be there okay big what do you guys think make him thick let's see let's make him face this way thick okay oh man everyone's got a lot of everyone wants a thick toad here hello why is he going like that ah okay how's that all right okay and let's start going through some of the bosses that we want to add also okay there's a big spiny okay so i'll test this because i'm not sure if this toad guy will work or not if he does then we'll start adding some bosses too and let's load up this new mod just to make sure that everything is working because when you're working on something like this you got to check every couple of minutes just to make sure that everything is working fine would a very tall conch door work that's an amazing idea komodo i like the way you think welcome vp hope you're doing well all right let's see what madness we have here all right we've got our spike throwing plessies we've got some booze here head up onto these trees great that hit us oh man i've got to be careful because that might kill us um okay we can head on here oh and both of them work okay cool so we've got this guy here he works fine got our thick little toad over here got our thick toad here got our big spiny over here let's see beautiful coarse geometry here all right and then we're supposed to continue on to the right over here oh oh no oh i think i know why we can't go that way okay let me show you guys why we can't go that way oh wait maybe you could do a spin jump and dive over but we'll probably have to add either a warp box or a pipe just in case so what would you guys rather have a warp box or a pipe that goes across warp box would make it so you get a key first that's a cool idea add a key piece in the wide toad okay in the wide toad hopefully we can get to it it is now inside the toad this toad is now destined to suffer because he is so wide and he also has a piece of a warp cube inside him we have to sacrifice the toad to get the warp cube piece so we can continue along the level all right there you go how's that looking chat how's that looking chat it's a pretty pretty wide bird over there all right let's test this out now let's stop this oh my goodness just look at how wild this looks there's so much going on before we even make these changes just look how wild this looks in the actual level oh yes tall spike we'll add tall spike so let's just make sure that the warp cube is working as intended uh let's get a power up first what a beautiful level i'm surprised that there wasn't a level like this in the [Music] this is so weird what the um okay i'm on the tree apparently [Music] toad i need your warp cube coin i need it so i could go into that warp queue i'm sorry but i must sacrifice you toad okay our thick cat bird is fine here and it flies away okay so we want to add boom boom yeah because we want to add some bosses where should we put boom boom at the beginning oh man the heat is so crowded okay we'll add them to the beginning there we go at the beginning or after the war box okay chat one in chat if you want cat boom boom at the beginning two in chat if you want him after the warp box very important to vote right now yeah let's add another green star here we'll add a second green star omar's been asking for some green stars want to give omar some green stars here here's a second green star let's see two one one two two two one okay it's 50 50 so i'll do both so we'll have boom boom there and after the warp box there we go now everybody is happy all right let's take a look at the level let's see how it's going oh my goodness this is starting to really become something oh oh i think we're seeing the cutscene for the boom boom spotting now that's why that's so funny [Music] all right and we've got the boom boom music oh oh and that now we spot this baby at the beginning of the level okay because we do have both boom booms this is true oh man i don't want that boom boom to come here leave me alone okay he's dizzy [Music] okay we'll leave him alone we'll head on this way because this is where we need to go all right let's just head on over here oh the green star's just there right away okay that's fine i'll just take the green star oh my goodness oh my goodness that's a conk door i'm like what is that that's running towards us right now okay so let's take that let's get rid of that let's take this okay nice now we can head in here all right oh okay i thought we'd be soft locked we are not soft blocked okay it's a bit hard to see what's going on oh no but we could continue we can continue we are good okay and we can make it all the way here can we make it there [Music] maybe if we climb up onto this pipe okay and okay we made it into the toad house all right this level is going pretty great so far and we're able to make it to here okay oh my goodness all the enemies are just falling all right there we go okay we're getting pretty good i really like where this is going alternating spike floor oh my goodness oh my goodness super wants to turn this into a kaizo mod all right let's see here is our level here's our amazing level [Music] all right spinning oh no i accidentally went into the dash panel and i'm triggering a second boom boom to appear now where am i even okay i'm not dead what happens if i go into the pipe this pipe doesn't bring you anywhere so you just pop back out okay i defeated the boom boom nice i'll take this boom boom stay away boom boom hey let's just hop along here and there's no death barrier down there so if you follow you just keep falling forever oh bad okay let's reload this i i need to make sure that everything in the level is working fine no that plessy counts as a spike bar okay i want to stay away from that conch door man those contours are fast i need to get into the wart box okay there we go okay oh man oh man i thought that that star thing i thought that was a cat bell power up for some reason i don't know why i know that i didn't put a cap el power up there okay let's just head up here face this way please mario to the right nice okay oh we made it in we made it in we made it in okay so that warp cube is a troll but where you want to go is in here okay head down here get the boomerang power up okay take damage that's fine get the next power up uh oh can you oh you can't stand on those okay at least we died that's good okay now chad we need to add some things here what are we going to want to see here let's take a look at our suggestions we died so that's good yeah exactly prince bully prince bully's always a good choice one of my favorites this is an amazing level guys chat you guys are amazing for coming up with these ideas this is coming out so well all right head in there down here get the power up oh and principal lee's down here very nice look at the spikes these are the spikes that are being thrown oh my goodness and he's throwing them so quickly he is creating an army of spikes this is amazing this is so good this is one of my favorite parts of this spike throwing all the spikes that's so funny [Music] okay oh and the hammer bros up here okay he fell off the platform that's fine let's see all right you can make it so there is something that you have to get up here so that there's some cool jumping okay unless and can we continue to the next part of the level yeah and then we can continue to the next part of level you know what i honestly think this second part of the level fits pretty well like the transition to super bell hill here is pretty good i think okay chad here's a here's a big question here's a big question this is an important question do we remove this do we remove it and replace it or do we just build around it slightly tilt it slightly tilt it there we go and hold on let's slightly tilt it that way too slightly tilted on every axis there we go come on where's the gold pole now oh my goodness the gold poles like just gold's like buried now hey where do we want the great tower of bowser land to be how's that what do you think of this chat at the title screen level that's another really good one there we go ah this this is a creative idea i like that you guys you guys are looking out for me you want to add like everything into this level like all possibilities like this is something that we don't have yet so it's good it's good we gotta have gotta have unique stuff in the level you know you can't just do all one thing in the level you want to have unique stuff in the level it's a nice touch i think a trampoline yes yes yes yes we need trampolines we don't have trampolines so we need trampolines i can't see anything i think it's because we're inside the tower let me out of the tower yeah if you set a trampoline to a jump height of zero it's pretty funny what happens if you go on to it i don't know if it soft blocks you but makes a pretty funny sound there we go for our dear friend bobby [Music] put shoutouts to simpleflips in it yeah 69.69 is pretty high i think that's a good one make the flagpole only accessible with a certain character oh man oh man that's that's really something you know what that's actually such a good idea though i love this row of spikes that are being thrown so funny to me okay we've got our fake gold pole here our high trampoline with a height of 69. player flowers suggested by anime girl jump platforms ah these are so cool this is such a cool addition the the jump platforms here that are by the tower of bowser land ah it just looks so good here just looks so good here i have oh okay let's head down here okay got a green star here what if we head down here how weird is this going to be pretty weird pretty darn weird okay all water and stuff that's how spike's reaper is that's so funny oh we've got a wide koopa guy here oh this cat goomba is having a bit of trouble here hammer bro is also having some trouble throwing hammers at mario right now we've got this sunken ship in the background oh can i not leave [Applause] no i'd like to let me out we might have to add like a warp cube or something here i was laughing that the cat goomba was stuck but it looks like we are also stuck ah almost made it okay we might have to add a warp cube or a pipe there what would you guys rather have okay so chad do we want a pipe to go through here or how are we going to get through from here to here oh because this is the tower of bowser land a door okay you know what that's another great idea i didn't think of that that's actually a really good idea we definitely want doors we want lots of uniques it's so funny that we're adding a door on the tower of bowser land have this sign pointing right at the toad so you know to look at the toad that is very important to look at the toad i can't go through the door [Music] nose i can't even test what happens next okay so i've got to i've got to adjust this door so that we could actually get into the door okay the door works now that brings bully though it's pretty good pretty good oh what is that oh large bob-omb very flat ba-bomb oh my goodness guys look it's a it's a cd it's a record this record is really the bomb literally tall tuck condor how tall chet is this tall enough or should we go taller how tall do you want the tuck condor to be what do you guys think taller okay we'll make it even taller all right how's that chat is that good or taller okay taller taller oh my goodness everybody's like taller taller make it taller there you go okay you'll only be able to see his feet now that's how tall it will be such a cool camera angle okay we've got the goomba mask here look at the little pipe there oh i thought that maybe those guys wouldn't chase you if you have a goomba mask but i guess it only works for goombas what the this is the conk door that line that's sticking out of the ground this is the conk door right here i lost my goomba mask to it [Music] that spider looking thing that is the conch door those lines that is the conk door you guys wanted this this is because of you guys okay we've got bowser's car cars looking pretty wrecked right now oh okay you know what i actually did something weird i replaced wooden crates with uh womp's fortress from super mario 64. um so while it's not a wooden crate i could keep womp's fortress from super mario 64 textured as a wooden crate if you want that chad is like keep it keep it okay perfect even better than what i asked for hey how is this looking is this looking like a five chat is this looking like a five to you is this what a five looks like does that look like a five i think that's okay for a five should i delete that one or keep that i think i should keep that it looks weird without it how's that looking looks like a five okay nice now we need a zero and now all we need is the k wow this is going much better than i thought it would the letters are actually looking like what they're supposed to look like oh i think k is actually gonna be the hardest letter i didn't think this one would be the hardest but i think it might be oh that looks so weird how do i make a k how do i make a k what do k's look like can someone in chat post the letter k just so i know what a letter k looks like i don't know what the letter k looks like [Music] i'd like to see a letter k as a guide that looks so weird no actually that kind of looks okay i think that's i honestly think that's the best i could get [Music] suck suck congratulations on suck zx many we have achieved sock wow sock has been achieved okay let's just head on down here through the door that's working fine okay there goes prince bully okay here's a okay here are the tanks and they're not moving they're just going to be stationary like this okay here's a trampoline with negative speed i think we might softball yeah you can't move so that's what happens when you go out to a trampoline with zero speed yeah so you're actually stuck here you can't exit course or anything the trampoline is just starting to glow now oh yeah and here are the pipes wait where are the pipes okay so the first pipe will be super fast okay so this is the pipe with a speed of negative 69. as you can see mario just goes slowly through the pipe it's just like he has a speed of zero and he's going to die when he goes through so i'll reload and i'll check the last pipe just to make sure everything's going okay all right and this pipe should just launch this out really quickly let's see yeah so that happens oh we see the little goomba flying down there negative speed dash panel i can't believe we haven't can't believe we haven't added a negative speed dash panel we can put the negative speed dash panel next to the negative speed trampoline oh wait no but uh the thing with the dash panels is dash panel speed isn't actually adjusted in the object itself but you have to edit the character so you can't have both well in using this method you can't have both a positive and a negative dash panel speed in the same level it is dependent on the character all right super s o k hill mario lands on a dash panel then suddenly you see boom boom over here [Music] you see uh spike throwing some plessies over there just waiting for the dash panel to run out right now oh and it looks like a second boom boom has been triggered got some wide goombas and magikoopas down there let's get this green star here what's in there oh my goodness it is a mega mushroom wow i like that it doesn't defeat him right away it just damages him can we get him again okay we got a second hit on him not bad it's like he can't damage us when we are like this [Music] uh oh he's spinning he's spinning okay we got him he has been defeated no he hasn't been defeated how many times did i hit him okay if you go into this pipe just returns you back no no no no no no no no no no no i want to get that question mark box okay there's normally supposed to be a cat bell in here but since i'm little it'll just be a mushroom [Music] let's head on this way just walk across these trees i love that someone suggested make the floor trees such a good suggestion okay let's just climb up the tree here then hop on over to those clouds over there get this green star from captain toad right there oh and look at this sign look at this toad right here gotta get that and a very tall conch door over here and a very large spiny gotta get that key piece oh oh and there's some large birds in the background i don't know if i pointed them out there we go got the key piece now we're ready to go into the warp cube go into the warp cube head into the pipe right away and ah looks like boom boom was spawn camping us okay camera's a bit weird right now but that's okay we made it through there we go making it through the level uh let's just head on to the right over here up there because you know there's a pipe there why would you go in the pipe when you could go up and around the pipe if you go in here you might think oh you have to get that key piece and head into this warp cube now you just pop out here oh and you do die okay so there is a death barrier there if you fall near the beginning of the level there's no death barrier so you don't die get the green star there you go just got a tall spike chilling there get on in here get the boomerang power up what why can i not go what's what's happening this didn't happen before why can i not go [Music] what is stopping me from going that way we didn't add anything there did we what's going on why can we not continue what happened what happened we didn't even add anything there what happened [Music] boom boom just flies off the level oh my goodness you could defeat boos i didn't know that okay i was so worried that i would fall off the level wait what the where did that goomba come from what the how did the goomba get into that pipe i didn't know that you could go into that pipe all of a sudden there's a goober that went into the pipe and just fell into space what's going on now let's see this pipe should be able to take us through without any problems yeah it looks like we won't have any weird collision collision moving forward i hope whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what in the world is going on what in the world was that what in the world was that this honestly looks so cool this right here i love this you've got some tanks here green star here large october you don't want to step onto that trampoline because it's got negative height you soft block got a giant green star right here you get it it counts as several green stars you can pick up a cd over there oh i forgot you have to play as toad because you can't step on that switch with mario oh yeah that's the conk door with the giant coin here oh we can't reach it got a goomba right over here little goomba pancake got an s-o-k here congratulations on sock we got some nice birds over there i love how the prince bully just runs through the tower it looks so funny to me also these overlapping levels look great i was hoping i'd be able to hold it okay but now we can get that switch that appears and there we go we finish off the level what a great level chad thank you so much for being here thank you so much for all the suggestions this was such a fun experience and i hope to do this again in the future i think this could be a great live stream again if we do this again this is such great content it's so fun to do oh man all right yeah i think another time in the future we could do 1-2 again it'd be it'd be really fun those of you watching on youtube you're welcome to check out my other videos if you'd be interested in seeing more of what is possible in games through both regular gameplay and hacking i've made a few custom levels of super mario 3d world and bowser's fury playing the maps as levels testing what happens if you add items and enemies to the maps all kinds of experiments in these games that you might enjoy wishing all of you a fantastic day and take care everybody you
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 356,343
Rating: 4.903861 out of 5
Keywords: bowser's fury, super mario 3d world, mario, super mario 3d world bowser's fury, twitch, twitch chat, super mario 3d world custom level, super mario 3d world mod, subscribers special, zxmany, zxmany bowser's fury, zxmany mario, zxmany super mario 3d world, bowser's fury mod, bowser's fury modding, super mario 3d world modding, bowser's fury custom level, funny mario, mario mod, mario modding, mario custom level
Id: bc2hi8a7Crw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 3sec (1983 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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