How This Beauty Guru Betrayed Her Fans - Olivia Jade | TRO

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This is by far the best video I have seen on that topic. Very stellar job, thank you

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ May 26 2019 🗫︎ replies
the big question not just what happens to the parents but also the children who benefited from the cheating scandal and well before the scandal broke Olivia Jane Olli was famous for her presence on social media well now she's become target number one for public outrage hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the right opinion the home of a [ __ ] with too much free time and today we are talking about the education system and a youtuber who cut a few corners hurray you see my friends I attend university or college as the Americans love to call it's exciting I know behind basically everything else in my life education is my favorite activity however I'm not here to discuss how much I definitely love my courses because for all I know the tutors might be watching but if you are give me good grades or as my next video might be on you and I might just cross my arms as always the subjects I cover have a YouTube twist thrown in and today is no exception because we aren't going to university hooray get your degree and come on in but more importantly to the University of Southern California to a situation that has gone at a lot of attention recently and a youtuber who has been at the center of it now to provide some background for you [ __ ] the University of Southern California abbreviated to USC is one of the more prestigious educational institutes in the world which specializes in business performing arts and engineering and if I asked you my audience what you think it would take to obtain entry into such a coveted establishment you might say I know good grades strong SATs according to court documents she and Bella's father designer Mossimo John Olli resorted to bribes because Bella's academic qualifications are at or just below the low end of usc's admission standards a willingness to learn strong work ethic but I do want the experience of like gamedays partying I don't really care about school as you guys all know and of course no meddling and no corruption whatsoever her famous parents who live in this sprawling mansion in LA are charged with spending half a million dollars in bribes to get their daughters into USC ladies and gentlemen I present to you Olivia Jade Olivia Jade is a youtuber a beauty fashion and lifestyle youtuber to be more precise she makes videos in which she sometimes buys expensive items sometimes buys cheaper items does fun quirky challenges publishes tutorials for her during loving fan base and even more excitingly collapse sometimes with their friends sometimes with more popular youtubers but sometimes and most interestingly with her mother who is also deeply involved in the topic today her mother is actress Lorrie Lachlan if you've watched any mid-tier TV show then you'll probably be familiar with her face because that's the market that she has decided to dominates Laura's husband is massimo Gianelli the founder of the massimo fashion house so will that talent in the jeans she must have success running through her veins right let's discuss that because Olivia Jade was a student at the prolific University of Southern California and on top of this it appears that she was a competitive rower with athletic credentials to boot however all was not as it seems as in March 2019 she was involved in a huge scandal which alleged that certain families had been bribing various institutions to enable admission where they may not have obtained it otherwise in the midst of this Olivia Jade's parents were amongst those indicted for their participation in the scandal now in the instance of many of these children because they weren't public figures the attention was primarily and almost solely on their parents as they were considerably higher profile the exception in this situation being our good friend here Olivia Jade it seems that the only rowing Olivia Jade will be doing is up [ __ ] creek without the paddle the publication of this led to immediate backlash spilling all over onto a channel and subsequently causing her to practically disappear from social media disabling comments on her Instagram and YouTube account and Leigh throughout the public uproar on top this many sponsors will work with her in the past made the decision to cease relations including Sephora and Tresemme she hasn't suffered and many would argue justifiably so unfortunately when you're a public figure preaching on your content when people claim you're involved in a corrupt scheme many don't just feel annoyed but betrayed that a person who may have inspired them was not who they claimed to be in the heat of the moment and with the outrage brimming it was probably understandable that many people wanted to go in on her for the whole situation but as always advertised pinyin we go deeper than I go in Primack sorry inside joke literally on the surface this is a fairly cut and dry situation bribery is bad and I'm not just here to come to the conclusion that bribery is bad and we shouldn't participate in it because that's bloody obvious I think damn you contrarians but there is a bit more because as the daughter and as a youtuber a person who has a closer relationship with their viewers than any of the actual celebrities she has faced unbelievable amounts of backlash and on top of that many narratives that much of our content has been completely compromised due to the scandal however on the other hand many people have been criticised for jumping to conclusions too quickly and at the time without information on Olivia Jade's involvement it seemed unfair to hone in all the criticism on her when it's clear there are other individuals who are much more conscious of their activity and are probably more responsible for this situation we observed in the headlines I want to take these narratives exposit some cultural observations conduct some investigative work gather some background and hopefully really provide some evaluations of the actual case to see if we can come to a conclusion about Olivia Jade's involvement and subsequently states if the response that many have directed towards her has been justified and what is the best course of action for her obviously this won't be discussing the extreme responses which are never really welcomed but I do trust that a majority of responses did not reflect that mentality so now I've explained my plan I think it's best we begin to carry it out let's go Olivia Jade started out her channel in 2014 she started it with a plan to have it as mostly beauty oriented with her opening video sort of laying that house over the copyright-free ukulele music that definitely does not make me suffer or want to duck these videos were generally harmless and it does legitimately seem like she has an interest in the content she's making just someone talking about the stuff that she wants to do she had this early Q&A where she was asked why she you started her YouTube channel what got you into well clearly a sign of motivation now besides the god-awful musical choices that have become stuck in my ears and will probably need hours of elton john to cleanse it nothing particularly stood out to me as offensive in what she did at first she was your typical girl with a decent ability in the socializing area however at the same time she never really came across as anything more although she was nothing offensive she was also rather flavorless what do you want to be when you're I have no idea what college well that's Asia well hi Jess but my point stands she's just the sort of aimless blogger with nothing particularly exceptional about her personally so how did she end up gathering the momentum that she has today or at least prior to the beginning of March I mean the short answer is that she's loaded like a mofo but I want to expand on this too many bloggers are built on a fairly simple concept their lifestyle has something we desire it often provides a window for many audience members to live through and aspire to and this gives the upper hand to many people who have at least some sort of step up now let me make this absolutely clear being rich does not predispose you to vlogging success as much as starting off with very little doesn't mean you can't gain a foothold in what you're doing but having a famous family member that you can parade on your channel is definitely an advantage that Olivia made the most of and it shows in her first videos the best performing content were the videos where she featured her mother out of the first set of uploads these videos completely out Sean all the other content in their performance because they offered something the the craters really couldn't famous people Wow you know these days how many people will complain that YouTube has essentially become a platform that pushes already-established celebrities over the wholesome grassroots content that anyone can support themselves with well it was 2014 when Olivia Jade set her channel up is it not fair to ask what was different exactly well to completely understand that we have to ask ourselves about the problem that many people have with celebrities who are currently dominating the platform in my opinion the main problem that many people have with the current wave of craters is that philosophically speaking YouTube has an organic appeal that means to a lot of the audiences the idea that there's a playing field in which everyone starts on zero if someone joined YouTube and YouTube just gave them a million subscribers people would be kind of pissed off and although that's not exactly what happens when other celebrities enter the platform it often feels like they bring such a reputation with them then it gives them an unfair advantage now this is not something that I'm exactly concerned about because I don't believe that many of these celebrities can really adapt to the truly authentic environment I personally believe that there will always be an audience for creators who have constantly lived on the pedestal that stardom often brings however Ernst and white frustrates people that YouTube throws its weight behind such content like it's the future and think about Olivia Jade is that she didn't piss people off because she can't established herself in any other industry at that point and therefore even if she had both an advantage and a gimmick in the fact that her mother was relatively famous she hadn't established a reputation as a celebrity outside the platform celebrities are relatively alienated from the general public and therefore have to develop a top-down relationship when they construct these YouTube channels whereas people like Olivia Jade were building relationships to the audience from the bottom up and although she definitely had a privilege in that she was more than ready to spend for cheeky giveaways she flew under the radar because many of these advances were much more implicit and she wasn't known prior to the platform and every other youtuber that you watch and that's your favorite and has also been there I can almost guarantee it no one starts out with a million subscribers no one starts out with 100,000 no one even starts out with ten subscribers you start from zero you have to work yourself up that way so if it's something you're passionate about and something you actually like doing and you're not doing it to get famous or like whatever become an influencer and make this your job if you're actually doing it because you like doing it I think you're gonna get really far and you just have to be persistent and tell yourself like okay like I'm doing this because I like it yet those sampler bunches allowed her to establish herself as a well off beauty blogger that was also your girl next or a rather strange dynamic when you think about it the one that works in these instances because we like people who we can relate to and even imagine ourselves in their position she's a laid-back kind of girl who's doing well for herself but can bond with people using Universal topics that's the sort of balance you need for a protagonist and why someone like for example Bobby Misner doesn't work people who make a big deal out of their privilege are not particularly well right at the end the day olivia jade is just a passive result of the system at first the only real appeal that she seemed to pertain was the fact that she was related to famous people however eventually the rest of her content began to perform well because the other key appeal that many people enjoy is the clout there's a reason that people who otherwise have nothing really going for them like Lance Stewart managed to acquire millions of views beyond just the clickbait when we watch vlogs because they are a window into someone's life once they gain some sort of momentum and fan base it becomes appealing to want to interact with them even if the content that they're pumping out is barely mindless with that said I wouldn't say Olivia Jade's videos were anything particularly bad and she did have some neat concepts that she played with if I was going to prom and wanted a lovely dress maybe her suggestions would be useful a lot of her videos were fairly standard but it's clear what her appeal is it's the juxtaposition between someone who's famous but at the same time down to earth and not above us plebeians giving us some insight about what it's like to live that life it gives us the sort of impression that they are just like us she's just a girl with a bit more money and she's doing with that money what you do with that money as well and she wants to help you right down that road to right mm-hmm I think at best we talk about the next spicy part most YouTube audiences don't hate people for the sake of being rich hell in many instances we welcome the diversity of the lifestyle that they can show to us it can provide us with some pretty great entertainment and if that can help provide some escapism from people's often depressing daily lives then who the hell am I to talk it down however at the same time we like to be under some perception that these guys are like us have to answer to the same system as us and play the same bull game as us and although this is seldom actually a case it will cause far too much stress to the average viewer to be picking apart every subtle privilege that many of these craters might have access to equally a crater in that position may be pretty ignorant to the political complexities that come with such discourse and just want to entertain people and that's also fair enough at the end of the day we want to see the circumstance as not necessarily defining the person even if it does of course influence them however when these privileges are taken advantage of and do fall into the public eye they cause a whirlwind of outrage because this creator who has sold themselves on the platform there this lovely relatable person has their platform undermined and today's situation is probably one of the worst examples of that let's indulge ourselves in the details of them so at around the start of March we became aware that there was a transpiring incident occurring with one of the people being involved our little blog darling Olivia Jade as explained earlier the headlines read that Olivia Jade had been involved in a bribery scheme that had gained her admission to the prestigious University of Southern California and there was immediate backlash driven by very strong sentiments this is all important and we'll definitely discuss the justification of that in a bit but for the moment I want to actually lay down the details because many of them have been filtered out by the media the gong question that matters to me is how complicit or aware was Olivia Jade in all of this to do that we're pulling up the indictment documents and creating a timeline for those who are interested I'll be leaving a link to the document amongst the references as you in case you would like to see the full context Olivia J's application begins around page 91 we're in July 2017 right now Olivia Jade's sister had just been admitted to USC under similar bribery related pretenses and the family were prepared to go through the same system of application again the individual named CW 1 in this instance is helping them create a fraudulent profile for their daughter that will enable them to gain entry to the University how are they going to do this well they're going to fabricate growing credentials to do this they need to send every single detail possible to make it look valid and this is where a very important element comes in because while those details was a photo of Olivia Jade at an ergometer which can mean a few things but in this instance it is typically referring to an INT or broke machine it seems that Olivia must have had some conscious knowledge that something something may have been going on in some cases children were excuses ignorant due to the fact that they may have been doing it under the pretense of a photo shoot and this is not an impossible defense here but it's certainly something that Olivia would need to probably provide an explanation of if she wanted to gain the empathy of her audience so she was approved through the subcommittee in November and there was a congratulatory email and money was transferred all fairly routine however the testimony does contain another very curious detail the informant in this instance cw-1 claims that a guidance counselor at the high school confronted Olivia about her and her sister's credentials for their application as they did not believe they were legitimate what was said in that conversation we cannot be certain but if true it is fairly incriminated this is just a testimony however what makes for even more compelling evidence further to this is that in November the mother Lori see seeds their younger daughter Olivia Jade in an email to the informant requesting help to complete the application without the attention of their quote little friend at the high school this was subsequently resolved in a following email stating that USC was surprised to hear that there was a concern this is complemented with another voicemail from one of the participants in this game Donna no the now former athletic director to try and make sure the scheme wasn't found out so this is all going on right now the parents participation was it goes through a sting operation the documented calls in which the parents make fairly candid admissions of their involvement the girls themselves aren't directly involved in these calls but with everything considered it makes it hard to deny that there must be some awareness from Olivia Jade unless she really did not ask any questions or make any assumptions at all but I doubt many people would buy that in spite of the responses that she has made disassociating herself the whole situation has soured the perception towards her and placed some statements in a new light I do want the experience of like gamedays partying now normally this would not be a big deal there are a lot of people who go to university without a great work ethic and in a way if you were a popular youtuber maybe you would just want to get through and have a good time while you're at it but the thing is this is not just an incredibly prestigious university but Jade also entered on the basis of athletic exceptionalism something that would take immense efforts and many of those admissions are typically done on a selective basis so if they obtained it it is very possible that someone else was likely denied it's someone else who firstly deserved it more and probably needed it more as well equally it does compromise Olivia Jade's rhetoric at other points he's honestly really helpful I can just look at that for inspiration I guess and seeing that hard work does pay off he didn't come from a lot so it's cool to see that he built her all himself she's just ruin whatever perception people previously had of her if she was going for the party girl who wants to have a good time then she shouldn't be cheating the system trying to portray yourself as anything else an issue was going for the girl who's always on the grind then she shouldn't be partaking in elitist scheme that is for people who are basically too lazy too lazy or too unskilled and completely benefits off the back of the parent income and none of her actual own work whatsoever and that's what is the worst about this situation it is the pinnacle of laziness and I want to take this forward prior to providing some personal thoughts on the situation this is an issue that resonates with me a lot because I applied for a very prestigious university and I made it through to the final interview stage before being rejected given how hard I worked for it and given how many hurdles I had faced not just to do with the application but due to all the complications real-life interference and so on it made me so bitter when they rejected me and it made me even more bitter when I found out who had been accepted because it didn't make sense to me as the following year turned to be one of the worst years in my life I continuously linked it back to that stage and reran every single thing what went wrong what could I have done better did I even do anything wrong was the system corrupt when this situation arose it did not surprise me because when you have people who know people embarrass other positions of power it's very easily corrupted because people want the best for their family often to the point where they're willing to pull a few strings and when you're aware of the strings being pulled you want to fool them too and then it becomes a string pulling contest and the only people who lose are the people who don't have the ability to pull the strings the people who don't have that privilege may people who look towards you in the first place for that guidance there have been reports saying that it's unclear if Olivia Jade knew or not about the scheme to me it's a bit clearer it seems to me that Olivia Jade would have to have been extremely ignorant and unassuming if she didn't at least have some knowledge of this and she's going to have to respond to a lot of the details if she wants to gain back the fans that she's lost it seems incredible to me that she has a youtube following her own brand successful parents and still they wanted her to have more with this in mind it's very difficult for me to have sympathy because it was not an action justified by desperation at no other option it was an action justified by greed and of course her parents are definitely the greatest influences in this but when she's the prime beneficiary of the scheme she can't be surprised to have some responsibility at her doorstep she obviously doesn't deserve the cruel comments and so on but I don't think it's fair foul let's just go in on that as if it encompasses the situation or the crew Chisholm most comments typically encompass a very snarky attitude to a lack of Rowan qualification and I'm one to have commented in the past when I think outrage can go too far but this is the stuff that many people have a personal connection with because many of us have gone through the system and we want it to be fair it's a real shame we live in a world where many people will feel completely defined by the university they attend to the point that some are willing to play dirty just to get into them and it's not like I don't understand you look at me the top-performing people in certain areas and many of them have attended the same circle of Institute's but they are in that position for a reason and you are not as for the parents well yeah I did some really shady when I was younger I don't know how I didn't get caught for it I lucky I'm alive and breathing really their only thing was for me was like about safety like don't mover by yourself don't die like be classy you only get one reputation like that whole sort of thing the mother in this instance started as the source of her daughter's success and ultimately was the source of this conflict that has caused the hiatus I'm damage to the channel and unfortunately it's not like people are going to want to see her back on the channel maybe for a quick jail cell interview that might pull views but it wouldn't create prolonging credibility the parents tried to give the children an advantage but now I've actually impacted their chances because they're going to live with that stigma especially Olivia Jade as someone who is well known to many people whether that's deserved or not it's a legacy that will sting olivia jade is probably just a person who's used to receiving good things without asking questions and she thought she'd not ask questions and take what she can get however as many of us have found that is seldom the best route to take Olivia Jada is not just a public figure but she's a YouTube figure she's not the same as your typical celebrity she has that close relationship people look towards her for guidance we idolize these people whether they want that or not these are clearly private matters in many ways have they spill over onto her public reputation as they compromised what she claimed to have stood for and what many people saw her ass when we see a public figure embroiled in these controversies although I don't think it should necessarily spell the end of their career because people can learn grow it might be worth taking a few months away from YouTube to focus on the education side of things I personally think that she should withdraw from the University and she should rerun the application system because it's clear there need to be more repercussions for people who might consider this scheme in the future we shouldn't merely be at ease that this has been found out because it's likely just a fraction of it there is probably many more schemes going on I mean it was reported at the time this transpired Olivia J was on the u.s. C's chairman of the board of trustees a hundred million dollar yacht now besides the question of how someone can spend a hundred million dollars on a bloody yacht it should be a red flag that these elite links lie deep on top of this if I have Olivia jade has now been proven to be at the University under false pretenses and given all the media attention it might be genuinely beneficial for her to drop out and actually demonstrate some self-sufficiency she's going to be alright regardless of the situation her parents are clearly successful and it may be somewhat validating for herself rather than having this reputation hang over her however by the looks of it the University will be keeping her in attendance so that will be down to her own decision and it would be down to other people to judge it on their own basis if she does choose to stay and if she's allowed to stay I'd recommend working a bit harder because you may well be standing in someone else's place I'm sure many people watching this video today have cheated in a test at some point in their life but the difference is that's something that anyone can do and most people do on a much smaller scale with a much lesser effect I said this at the start the video people have privileges some are obtained within societies balance that we can look past to her position due to her status as an entertainer but Olivia Jade benefited from a privilege that took advantage of the system and therefore her chill laid-back persona no longer seemed like it was just your rich girl doing what anyone else would do while still getting that bread it felt like it was a girl who didn't have to do anything because her position was too secure even if it's not on camera we want to know that people are gonna go through the same system as us we would like the world to be balanced it's not when people who preach it to their followers are showed to not stand by those principles themselves it annoys us this isn't just a bad decision this isn't just hypocritical this has been a long played out scenario which was calculated and conducted it is bad Olivia jade has so much of her life ahead of her I take this as a serious learning experience and recommend getting in touch with the hard work that people actually do to get a position at the University because this seems like it's even outcome of being seriously out of touch or lacking empathy for others who work far too hard that's sometimes what having copious amounts of money a fanbase who seldom challenge you and parents who will go too far for your protection will foster and it's definitely something we should discuss if we want to create a world of people that actually look out for each other it sounds corny but it's true and it's what I believe in I hope she sorts herself out and manages to respond to some of the points discuss today because after this investigation it does seem like what she established herself as is somewhat compromised and a lot of the upset from people who admired her is kind of justified I don't think her youtube channel is an industry plant and it doesn't seem like she's just another celebrity trying to be relatable seems like she does genuinely care about the video she makes but she certainly alienated a lot of her audience through this scheme because otherwise we wouldn't picture her as the sort of person to be involved in that sort of stuff the sponsors will come back the money will come back but I think we'll be down to her to bring the integrity back and I think personally that's the honorable thing to do oh and one more thing before I finish bribery is bad thank you so that's the video hope you guys enjoyed would love to hear your thoughts on the situation in the comment section below really interesting one and I hope that I've covered it in a bit more detail than some other people have I would like to give a big shout out to the editors they have once again done a Stella Stella Stella Stella Stella Stella Stella Stella still a job and I'm going to link them in the hint comment go and check their channels out or whatever leaks they put there and send them some love they've done a fantastic job fantastic job secondly I want to get back thanks to the patreon - been very generous as always need to give personal thanks to evening steel who's on $50.00 Connor who's also on $50.00 and some hullabaloo who's also on $50 and $100 is branded again what a mad lat you are truly a legend and I appreciate you a lord thank you if you want to dis chat with me you can hit me up on Twitter at the right opinion on facebook on discord I do my best to be responsive there too I don't really have too much else to say today so I just hope you're having a fantastic week whatever day this goes up I love you lots and I appreciate you guys a lot I will see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: The Right Opinion
Views: 1,191,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: olivia jade, olivia jade usc, olivia jade college, olivia jade vlogs, olivia jade youtube, olivia, olivia jade giannulli, olivia jade college scam, jade, olivia jade mom, dear olivia jade, olivia jade rich, olivia jade scandal, olivia jade david dobrik, olivia jade lori loughlin, lori loughlin olivia jade, i went to school with olivia jade, olivia jade's classmates want to sue me, usc olivia jade, olivia jade meme, lori loughlin, tro olivia jade, olivia jade opinion
Id: S2yvgjae5og
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 15sec (1755 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2019
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