What Happens When You Love Furniture TOO Much - Super Furniture Man - Let's Game It Out

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hey everybody welcome back to let's game it out I am Josh and today we are playing super furniture man this is another game that came out of the 2019 global Game Jam so the plot of this game is you're this dude who you know it actually is probably better if he just see it for yourself let's just dive right into it once upon a time there was a guy who called himself super furniture man also no pants man what a good day furniture man thought furniture man loved his furniture more than his life that's how he got his name oh god the paper craft killed his house suddenly a lightning hit furniture man's house in this sunny day when furniture man was looking to his broken house he saw that a flood was coming I am a big fan of the paper craft look where there's like the ropes and stuff it's like a it's like a set ah furniture man screamed none of my furniture can survive from this flood I must keep them away from danger furniture man thought as he tumbled and cartwheeled and that's how the super furniture man's journey started like a terrified Nutcracker she was rolling in the wind so I can move with AMD and I can jump with space I also got the mouse over here where I can interact with objects so I can do two things okay furniture man so furnish a man does his own independent thing right I can just move him back and forth and that's all he does as he rolls and also like watch this if I roll him he'll just like collide with stuff or I can grab items and make them part of furniture man and if I interact with them they do interesting things and now that I've been [ __ ] around so much we are totally screwed because furniture man needs all of his belongings and there is oh the floods swallowed furniture man oh god I'm sorry furniture man furnish man you gotta understand I'll try to explain how the game works okay oh god life is the only thing that matters furniture man can rebuild his home and furniture at any time if he is still alive and wonder what will happen if furniture man just ignored his furniture uh we'll never know because that's not something furniture man would ever say nah well I'm alive as long as there's furniture in the world there's a little furniture man in all of us I like your behind but maybe think about some pants and some fingers kick furniture man I have every intention to actually try this time so for now we're just gonna load his objects on him and see if we can't get him out of here for the first part he can also do he's got little bits he can jump a little bit so the first obstacle is simply just trying to get him over this hump so one thing I'm doing is we're trying to lighten his load and maybe I okay this is not nothing about this is working furnish a man get your fine ass up there Oh God furniture man oh god oh god okay we'll try again okay furniture man watch this let's just take all of your things let's actually roll you at the same time so we're gonna grab all of his stuff and let's go ahead and put this on him like so see if we can't use that to activate furniture oh yeah look at that now he's like moving like a jet pack okay okay there is a mountain in front of furniture man I don't need this tutorial okay I understand I know that you don't think much of me game Oh God furniture man's like straight up stuck with all the crap on him so let's do this thing again where we take all of his useful items that we don't want to lose and put it up Oh Oh furnish man can you climb that oh wow furniture man when you aren't encumbered you could really get go and can't you oh alright let's just hop him over there this is how I used to be on camping trips I'd be like no I need everything i furnish man there's no time to waste here so we got to get okay we got a we got to align him so that he touches okay furniture man listen I need you to touch that thing furniture man oh there we go there we go no no no no no good but push it burnish man first rent that's it that's it that's it that's it that's a furniture man you see what happens when you listen oh boy oh boy this is uh this is gonna be a much more harrowing journey I thought this is gonna be a fun little like couple of three seconds of being like haha furniture man that's a really funny game you've got there with a really funny premise but surely you won't be hard as balls right there you go furnish make just just furnish man just there you go they don't want to lose this stuff I do like the idea the furniture man is totally okay with the fact that there's just hopefully benevolent God just helping him out and look I know whoa oh yeah so we should try out what everything does here so the microwave it looks like it jettisons you the toilet also pushes you I don't know what chairs do I think chairs just do what chairs do but the microwave will shoot you like that so we're gonna need that but for now what I need from furniture man is for him to be able to push this oh I can just push the button with the chair like a true God so let's see put that microwave there you see that alright so I'm using too many tools at once and they're working against me great I just pushed my guy into the waves just think of the person that's like so good at this they just speedrun this push on the here just there we go all right now furniture man we're ahead of the game I think right now so all I need is for furniture man to move like he cares furniture man passed through this TNT mountain with his furniture the important part is he was with his furniture at Rena gap it seems the tree can be a bridge if it is grown well luckily I've got something for that where's my where's my toilet here so let's put all this stuff here I furnish man put that on and I'll its water it activate roll it back come on good road oh no no no it's totally not grown it's totally not grown give it some water oh see so it's kind of working okay that's a little too tall oh god furniture man okay so check this out I'm gonna grab all of his items now okay furniture man I'm so sorry furniture man I think I got as many things as I could but we got a go furniture man I'm sorry I know that was kind of like Wilson and castaway but look you gotta come on furniture man earthquake already tore the will land apart there was no way furniture man can escape now the furniture he grabbed slowed him down okay I'll just throw the furniture way is that what you're saying is that the lesson here okay I did it the furniture man jumped into a gap and disappeared was that out I suppose oh come on furniture mate why okay the game keeps saying what if I just ignore my furnitures - fine nuts - the furniture let's just keep on rolling to victory see how that works out because furniture man is symbolically and not so symbolically hugely unencumbered by this do you see how amazing this is I wonder if I can uh I go back first of all the answer is yes but let's see okay watch this watch oh wow furniture man he's almost there oh my god this game has fun and a message oh look at that oh jeez the earthquake is tearing the land apart but I made furniture man arrived furniture man finally understood furniture is just something that he can rebuild at any time the only thing that matters is his life thanks for playing oh my god this game fooled me into its message it made me want to carry all that furniture okay I got an idea how about we carry one piece of furniture and this chair now what we just look for energy man I know what you're thinking I know you're like but but the narrator said well you know what the narrator didn't take into account that I can just hold onto a piece of furniture like this crap crap I screwed us both furniture man I'm sorry okay for inertia man you ready furniture man holding a chair and you've got your thing so god this game is trying to teach me a lesson and it's working damn it so even with one item furniture man was too too encumbered and now he's stuck forever because he needed his stuff so bad he'll furnish man furnish my furniture man furnish me jump furniture man wait wait wait here furniture man here look let's just cheat our way to victory here cuz a God can help you move stuff I don't know if you knew that aw crap there is no way furniture man can escape now the furniture he grabbed slowed him down dammit furniture damn it damn it damn it damn it well you know what I think that was a cute little game I thought that that was pretty clever that you could become furniture man and you know there was a fun the thing I actually really liked about that is there was a fun mechanic and a message and I I agree with that sometimes sometimes there's a little furniture man and all of us is what I'm trying to say and for now for inertia man is totally dead not because he was encumbered by items but because he was just outright not physically fit enough I'm up the mountain so you know that goes so that's gonna do it for this episode of let's game it out thanks for joining me for this little quickie with super furniture man there's so many global Game Jam games that came out this is just one of literally thousands definitely worth checking out I'll put a link in the description thank you so much for watching and I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 1,115,498
Rating: 4.9394994 out of 5
Keywords: super furniture man, furniture man, super furniture man game, super furniture man gameplay, super furniture man game jam, global game jam, global game jam 2019, ggj 2019, ggj19, ggj 19, let's game it out, lets game it out, lgio, lgio josh, josh lgio, indie games, furniture man game, furniture man gameplay, fun indie games, what happens when you love furniture too much, good life lesson
Id: iJN92AsF7Ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 01 2019
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