Yanpai Simulator - I HAVE BEEN NOTICED - Let's Game It Out (Full Walkthrough)

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hey everybody welcome back to let's game it out I am Josh and today we are playing it Yan PI simulator Yan PI duh what why well got to be honest whatever Lego compound this isn't is gonna be a real rockin party cool cool sounds like probably copyrighted music someone's gonna keep on talking right over there feel like this deserves a little history to explain some stuff I don't know what Yan PI is I don't know what that means and so I'm afraid that Yan PI is really insensitive and every time I say it that it's actually getting worse and worse and worse so I googled it and I honestly can't find much it looks like the first thing comes up is Yan dare simulator Gander simulator Yan did a simulator anyway so that's my disclaimer in the beginning let's get to the actual game though here's the basic description for the game can you get the girl you love well [ __ ] that sounds in hey wait a minute developer caffeine this all sounds way too familiar everything looks so good god dammit if you haven't seen it skinny is a game we've played on the channel before and that game was it's exactly what it describes you think I'd learn my lesson but we're gonna go ahead and play this anyway and see what happens okay well let's just get around this and see see what we got here so alright so now we're inside the school of hello okay so you're hanging out in the rave alone okay okay I'm glad you're all looking to the stars for some reason alright we're seeing us like blue haired lady over here who now jumps okay how to frame but not quite so I'm like that could have been really triumphant but since you just still stayed in frame movement run pause open book book work only in school well thank Christ for that and then the up key where I have to now move my hands off of the mouse to figure that out Here I am tracksuit this looks like the worst way to get in and out of my house am I on a ship what is with this door is this a hatch well of a very sultry walk I'm like that alien trying to be a human in Mars Attacks well let's check out our sweet sweet bachelor pad some great plants and great art it's almost like IKEA made my place for me this is for all the guests I have over they can have a nice drink while they watch me sleep this is where I have all my meals alone seriously though is this just the entire IKEA catalogue just thrown down into one place alright time to sit down and get to work okay so what do we got on the agenda today time to find my new girlfriend talking I'm talking enter a valid email address with like a real one I don't want to put a real new email address I must find the valid ID despite the pink text that looks pretty [ __ ] menacing there must be somewhere in the school usually in the bathroom what well let's see if we can change our outfit let's see can I go from tracksuit to change my mind gonna go sell some used cars today was there a bomb scare how come only you and I are out here I'll take it back there's some citizens around here including someone who might be topless I could try to see if I can talk to these people or I can go apparently go over to my car which I have precariously parked in what looks like the only space where you're not supposed to have parked a car this is cool let me take my [ __ ] getaway car let's go talk to some people and see what we got hello lady you are but a realistic human being and I am a freakishly tall anime character are you looking for a boyfriend so it looks like interaction is it gonna happen especially with this guy he's got too many important things to do I have to go bury the bodies oh thank god traffic can we go play out in this can we just go see it nope nope the game knows better Oh another hatch to go into oh thank god this place is just so full on Saturdays okay this further supports my bomb theory what group of people leaves their frothy beautiful full beers just sitting there and then just all simultaneously goes to the bathroom is this like [ __ ] Who Framed Roger Rabbit where there's just like anime characters like anime cartoons that just live among real people what the [ __ ] hello there you seem very communicative and approachable my only options are to get up hey lady can I have a beer can I drink that other beer is that my beer looks like I'm getting up you know all things considered I'm gonna say that this coffee shop has let me down a little bit anime character wait just who's prude didn't talk to me wouldn't serve me 5 out of 5 stars well I guess we're left with no choice it's time to go to school feel like I've gone [ __ ] crazy well this is the most subdued bunch of people I've ever seen I want to point out what the guards of the school look like we've got hall monitor Magee over here and then we have her trusty companion the most terrified anime character in the world this chick got ready in the morning I decided shoes no thank you oh my god waiting in line this is what I signed her to play video games for they just like [ __ ] this dude I got to get to class is this my class I mean does it matter well here I am in class ready to learn guys and you just the [ __ ] down it's time to learn is that it I don't feel like we learned anything I don't feel like I ever saw the teacher did I get an A did I get a great at all what does this have to do with finding a girlfriend I'm pretty sure at the beginning of the game I selected that one blue haired girl who I then saw in the coffee shop well this looks like the place for teacher support hours what a shocker no one's here as you can see this school has many accolades I know the explanation here is probably that this person has a lab but I really like to imagine that the computer has been stolen and no one cared that's how I'll find her that's how I'll find my new girlfriend I'll just stare out the window did I mention that I'm pretty sure there's a bomb scare oh there's the Bell that mean class is back on did I miss a period was that was that recess because one would be led to believe that I am 7 2:45 well it looks like everyone else too had a nice lunch I think collected my phone this whole time well looks like I've got two options which is to not use go ahead and switch to my camera wait does this what well that's kind of cool actually where is the camera do I have a hidden lapel everybody who's ready for class you guys see over there it's the [ __ ] boy or witch project why is everyone staring in the corner like that right well I'm just gonna take the picture I guess that's gonna go real great when the cops catch up to me you imagine if you came into a classroom and it looked like this well I for one I'm here to learn well I guess I have no choice but to figure out where everyone else is going now ah school cafeteria hey matrix waiting for food are you all waiting for food you know I'm gonna go out on a limb there no food is being prepared today looks like a job for me as everyone knows the way to get the ladies is to cook for the entire school hello fellow students I'm here to cook you meals don't everyone come up at once I don't wanna eat food or learn or really do anything substandard staring at anyways there's something really interesting out there oh they're staring at the outside world of a better life I own the prize we're here for one reason and one reason only and that's to find our password which is in the bathroom or is it you know it's always time to do a little time out and see if we want to play us a little basketball with our feet well that ball is not coming back I just ruined it for everybody take it back everyone's gonna be just fine we're here in the showers uh text me three different fonts only losers take a picture of it yeah well I'm not gonna let the [ __ ] wall peer pressure me that looks good enough now it's time to send me a message can't wait to go home by the way this isn't the bathroom this is the showers possibly the men's only showers I was wrong I think that was the women's showers yep can't confirm I went into the women's shower room took a picture something on the wall and was like I can't wait to get home no I don't want to say I know all the secrets to getting into a good relationship and I'm pretty sure it's not going into the bathroom and taking pictures well I was gonna leave the school then I realized I can build bombs in here apparently so people really care a lot about plants here we have obviously the science room remember science class right where you and your partner just had sinks while you sat down sing somewhere connected to anything no [ __ ] people are coming in they're gonna know that I was here so long suckers have fun in class I'm gonna go home and be with myself now that I took pictures what kind of baller-ass [ __ ] is this there's no cars anywhere and I just roll up if my [ __ ] Deathmobile [ __ ] Park halfway on the curb finally now that I'm back home it's time to change into my proper Jo attire uh-huh now if that means to log into a computer apparently uh well how it works yeah consider had just entered like someone's decrypted pet ah here we go finally the [ __ ] game can begin hi who are you yep as everybody relationship goes that's why because I love you of course you are loser if you weren't a loser you'd talk to my face I lost my teddy bear it's cool if you find him I'll talk to you I must find the teddy bear you know I take back what I said earlier this is definitely the way to find true love I can't go out in these clothes didn't realize these were my walking around clothes hey Gary thanks for watchin the car out of the way hula girl now if I were a teddy bear where would I be not the computer lab that's for sure science lab no well there we go standing upright well the things you'll do for love finally now I have to tell her that I found the teddy out of the way nerds you can go home to talk on iMessage oh I forgot to lock my laptop hey I'm here to tell you another story where are you hello I love are you here hey around whatsapp now I found the teddy bear are you really serious bring him to me why can't I see your photo because I didn't save you okay I got it you a little foolish inference only with intelligent people how can I prove it finish that girl if you do this I can talk to you by E - oh you should do this okay uh I need to find a knife in school okay okay now we're getting somewhere now that I've used iMessage and what's a so I need to find the blonde girl with the cheerleader outfit and endowment I love the idea that this is all happening on the same day thankfully I run this school so I know where everything is the one place where you think there would be a knife there is no knife my in prison wake up sheeple however a knife would I be in the auditorium well turns out yes Oh what but this knife has already been used well I have the knife now and as you can see I'm really broken up about what I have to do Tommy Jill great to see you don't mind me I'm just off to stab Becky hold the phone everyone the men's restroom is open for business let's see what we got in here who's the jocks for me to kill are you in here I have to say I am sorely disappointed that I can't use the bathroom in this game am I gonna know Becky when I see her that's her name now by the way it's just Becky cuz I feel like I have a good memory which is she's blonde and she's wearing a cheerleader outfit so hopefully I'm gonna be able to oh boy Becky Becky are you Becky uh wait oh [ __ ] I can stab any of these oh there's Becky there's Becky there's Becky I found Becky hi I know you're just sitting here checking out this awesome power smoothie you're gonna make later but I'm really sorry to do this but here you go I can't believe I did this I should send her a message no one seem too bothered by this least of all Sandra over here really oh the police are on to me I got to be quick I've got three stars how many stars can one get here okay look if four stars is the worst then really what's to stop me from killing all these people especially you've Todd Holt two dudes at once oh the police are here but I can't stop now [ __ ] I've really created a conundrum for myself here oh [ __ ] it's the law officer you've got it all wrong it was totally not me you're under arrest and you're in the cell police are investigating evidence at school this one hot cop you're free to go home but be careful police are watching you Thanks police I definitely learned my lesson I can't believe you did this oh yeah did you ask for it just following you I didn't expect you to kill everybody I'm so scared right now I'll report you to the police I love you you're crazy we're not talking about that again okay yeah that's our little secret over this recorded conversation you've added me I can see your photo yes I would you send me the big one uh so cute the math test will be very difficult I want to steal questions the teachers just eating out of the room whoa you should go and get the questions and then send it to me or I will block you killer please don't block me I'll do what you want and then whatever the [ __ ] that said that I missed I feel a little bit taken advantage of I feel like I'm not getting a lot out of this deal nice to see you're all back now if I were answers to a test where would I be you don't need to just stand here on the sidelines buddy you can Oh Oh be cool be cool be cool yep it's a way to get them its way to get the ladies just walk up when they try to approach you that's cool that's the right move [ __ ] looking at cheating on a test there's no way it's gonna be in there if there's a god goddamn all of this work I've had to do I gotta take a quick timeout just run the track for a bit hey man what you doing oh my god time for a little food oh wow this is just like rocket League do you see this stuff so what is what is gonna happen here real scared dude I'm not sure what's gonna happen [ __ ] [ __ ] all right dude time to [ __ ] play a ball I'm not gonna [ __ ] [ __ ] around with this stuff anymore how the [ __ ] is this fair no no no I can't you're a piece of [ __ ] dude I'm feeling good about this so far I'm feeling good about the score I'm feeling good I feel like I'm getting better at this watch this deflect oh yeah see that's a pro move right there alright so let's see Oh see all right I think I figured out how to cheat this I'm just kidding there's no winning this well they doing again tests right tests holy [ __ ] it was a laptop whoa whoa whoa easy easy [ __ ] just [ __ ] steal the questions whatever - gotta get out of here now or what there's no adults in this school Phil that's not how it's not how heads work no time to change gotta let what's-her-face know that I stole the questions I hope you got the questions around blocking you yes yes I got it here's the doc file it can only be lover with athletic man you have to win a football game at school but I play badly well then I'm sorry okay okay I'll do it thank you I think I can play football uh no no there's no way there's no way I can beat that I really don't want to do this like there's commitment to trying to beat a game and then there's this okay here we go oh oh I think I know what to do watch this check this out so I am going to let him think he's doing uh what he doing dude so I'm gonna let him get all the way over here so I reset the ball and I think he's too far away to be able to stop it so here we go no no no wait what are you doing god damn my mystery girl is gonna be so impressed oh [ __ ] my planes not working here oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I gotta get their fat no time to [ __ ] on my football skills are very bad he just please kick it in there for me oh thank god this is it this is it this is the one we're we currently have the amazing score of 1-0 so now all I need to do is keep it away from this guy forever scores 1-0 there's no way I'm just gonna let him try who that idiot yeah I won I must send a message immediately heaven forbid ease what's up on your phone dude why do I have to go home every time for this congratulations you're a really nice player you really nice player that's great and is that it is that seriously it seriously is there nothing else I can do well in a busy day I can't sleep with school clothes sorry I forgot there's only one we're gonna go to sleep sweet sweet track pants yep you know hey you sleep full tracksuit shoes and gloves alright Michael Jackson wake the [ __ ] up now it's my turn to respond that is the part that I'm supposed to do what do you got what does he want for me now I don't understand I really don't get it I did all the things I was asked she even gave me a compliment and my guy didn't respond I've been noticed I mean what the hell is left what else can I do you only thought I have is to go back to the cafe where I can talk to that one girl who has no interest in talking to me and see if maybe I can strike up a conversation hi there I don't know if you remember me I'm your only patron this place is just full on Saturdays well today's on a [ __ ] Saturday so let's have a conversation shall we press e to get up I don't want to do that um I think there might be a problem here I think I know why she's not talking to me now and it might be because now we know the truth which is that I am a [ __ ] eight-year-old whelp so I think we've been on a journey together and I think we've really learned some of life's greatest lessons here which is as long as you have a sick pad willing to stab all the people in school then every girl will finally give you your one dream for them to tell you that you are remotely athletic so thanks again for watching I am Josh and I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 1,343,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yanpai simulator, yanpai simulator full game, yanpai simulator game, yanpai sim, yanpai simulator gameplay, let's game it out, lets game it out, lgio, josh, lgio josh, lets game it out josh, yanpaidev, cheesecake dev, part 1, episode 1, yandere simulator, yandere, senpai simulator, senpai, yanpai, yandere sim, yandere simulator rip offs
Id: CQ99ze06brA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 21 2018
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