30 Seconds to Jail - HIDE THE DRUGS NOW - Let's Game It Out

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[Music] hey everybody welcome back to let's game it out I'm Josh that over there is Anthony today we are playing thirty Seconds to jail yeah yeah Josh get right into it huh yeah 30 seconds so doctor seasickness in jail is made by Igor McGauran the publishers in Dover's studio hang on let me let's leave these instructions reversed blah blah let's go you select items on yourself click ok want to come workout it yep look at this snazzy rock track oh there we go Oh feds are here oh [ __ ] so you're just an indie guy you're an indie game elf sorry this is an indie game about a do to get to bag of drugs okay you have 30 seconds to figure how to get rid of it so and not get just gave me the baggage right let's get thrown into that that guy just gave it yeah close the door drugs we've got 30 seconds Josh two seconds you're right okay okay okay toilet toilet definitely toilet toilet yep you click on drugs with that and then put it in there maybe no no I okay come on come on put these it come on put the drug somewhere uh wait what's that what the [ __ ] is that there's a bird under there [ __ ] they're [ __ ] plant it put the plan wait oh that's a good idea yeah put it in there put it in there put it in there come on is it needy to the e or one or two or three or four okay clear about something I was pushing every goddamn button I was pushing one two three four I was pushing EEE I was pushing I was clicking like crazy nothing Hey give me the drugs give me the drugs we're gonna try yeah listen Josh there's 20 unexpected endings in this no no no I still got it okay oh so we got our drugs here and we can't put them oh so we need to hide them but not like get rid of okay so Russ what our Grodd put under rugs rugs rug rug okay so let's I'm trying try to use some [ __ ] what about this rug fit dog bed dog bed let's feed it to the dog here you take the seat to the dog take this you what why isn't this working I hit one and IV and then like do I put in the dog bed one it put in the dog bed this doesn't make sense how are you play this game I think we need to read up on it Josh let's pause and get our bearings so we gave it a shot we still can't figure it out but I think we're gonna accidentally stumble upon some of those endings anyway so dude what a [ __ ] deadbeat looks like it's like the worst worst dead thing I got like a news reporter from the 20s it all sounds like pretty no I mean our guy oh yeah yeah look at that looks awesome that guy's like an esteemed drug dealer here give me that here no you know here you take it back no [ __ ] it ah I wanted to give him back his drugs okay so close the door definitely close the door please the door just closes on its own so what about if I pick up around here I'm just gonna start clicking [ __ ] in the end pushing e and oh definitely put it in there push one there we go I put drugs you know here hello officer yeah hey what's up but it was just enjoying some milk wait why would you do that why did you just give the [ __ ] up like that Jesus Christ alright let's examine our surroundings a little bit let's take this milk what else can open did you can you go to show your endings and like did that cause an ending if I check this out yeah we saw this between the break that uh we can see our various endings here of which we got this one which was we just gave the [ __ ] up that's the one we just got just now got this one where you know they just came and took us away so that's the two we've got back you see there's other [ __ ] going on here that we can't we kind of stared at this for like this might even be cheating but we just can't see what the hell's going on anyway it's like there's the dog there's what maybe what like a bird that's the cops that's a pentagram obviously that's the guy who's giving us the drugs so maybe we can I don't know throw the drugs back at him what do you think I think so alright let's try that hello sir Oh ed your drugs back I tried all right these are all on alright well maybe we can put part of the hat here put under the Hat hello Jeanne would you like set up heard you like some drug it's weird because I'm trying to click on [ __ ] and there's just no way of knowing Oh what did I pick up a candle candle alright another candle vital acid keep range put your put the drugs in the in the cabinet in the cabinet like done but I don't think that uh the I think we have to get like ooh what did I pick up here red liquid okay I think oh hello we hit it yeah are we supposed to hide drugs or okay can we do some pretty just get rid of them so it's not just hiding ajosh we got to get rid of yeah yeah we got it we got to make sure the drugs are gone but you know what I see these candles and I know it's a little bit of cheating but I saw that pentagram that gives me an idea we like he's got this soothing music so if I take this candle and I like yeah I like here we go look I put a candle down and then kept put another I put another cap for another candle there we go put it oh man I bet I need five candles there's another one right there that looks like a candle great oh look look look another candle would you look at you look at you know the candle okay this is this is going pretty well so put put the candle man there we go there is another candle so put the third candle and put a candle a candle I don't know if you can hear me just slamming no no I know oh sorry I'm like mesmerized looking for the pedigree there we go okay so where's the last candle if I were a candle where would I live and thank God that guy I'll just wait all day drawer look at the drawer open the drawer wait next to the bags that's a boxer no down there down below I'll the Bible well we'll take that Oh what the hell they pick up this yes sheep we're ya know it's kind of strange no but I how do I drop something we put the [ __ ] in the I'll put the [ __ ] in the fridge cuz I need to put it somewhere you know I'm saying yeah good idea you might need the Bible for the ritual though yeah that's a good point alright so give me that candle cool I got the cable so we know where it goes there we go put it right you got to be real close to [ __ ] Cerreta need a lighter okay you got a lighter all right I was hoping that red liquid would just do it but let's let's try this huh great I'm gonna light every single one of these things all right okay look look what I did so so what about I use this red liquid I don't know let's see what what well I got the Bible oh dude guy like Anthony you're so come on satanic ritual okay well maybe you won't trigger until the cops show up um all right all right well hello there thank you I will take these drugs and I'll put them right there Oh done what if I use the tournament Oh what else do you need for a satanic ritual what do we got it creating stuff in there isn't there's quite a lacet yeah yeah let's maybe uh like I can't find it yeah these things a chalk D chalk chalk you gotta draw lines okay chalk pen or something hello cops I need you to delay the cops please Oh yeah okay we got to figure out this pentagram [ __ ] if nothing else we need to figure out this pentagram [ __ ] yeah that's the producer stay outside while we settle this [ __ ] up again we get but at least we know what to do now right like we don't man Satanists yeah don't understand it's such a weird oh you know maybe you needed like kudos kudos to this game for for making something a little bit different but my god I just have no [ __ ] clue what we're supposed to be doing well you should read up on your satanic rituals more - whose fault is that you know yes that's true I guess I had my chance and I [ __ ] it up alright here I got a theory job okay okay okay candles wait for your theory Bible what did I just pick up I picked up water and a knife okay okay so candles Bible and then the bird and the knife and you kill the bird and use its blood - Anthony's your eye let's let's be real for a second are you looking at a walkthrough no I'm absolutely not I promise you I'm not okay okay okay totally not okay I've had my fair share of satanic rituals in my life all right I'll give this a shot then so you're saying grab this Oh like stab the bird so let me get my knife back yeah stab the bird yeah take that stupid bird it's not work and you can't you know Burgess hangs out there son of let me light these all first then I gotta get the Bible that's all and maybe me yeah yeah yeah here Bible okay put the Bible down there we go pick up the bird no yeah no can't pick up a cutter pick a comb a bunch of chomp knife knife what about dog dog don't kill the dog you want a piece of this dogs just hanging out like it's not your problems are not my problems oh can I call the cops on this guy oh wait what about oh yeah no I think you try that before damn it damn it what if I Josh take the dogs to the dogs bone and like take the dogs bone no the answer is no what about oh oh oh what if I take the drugs and I put them in the dog's bowl with some water have put water in this bowl my god this game really only wants us to do what it wants huh like this though there's no [ __ ] because what you even have the drugs on you oh you don't have them yet but I was hoping like I mean surely there's some oh wait maybe the sheet goes on the dog thing all right bill on the dog maybe she goes on the banter crap no get away from me maybe if she goes on the pentagram all right let's check it out nope by the way you can assume that I'm just clicking on everything all the time yeah no no no reason to not believe it but I just don't like yeah I get it was [ __ ] vitally vitally this is killing me I want to know what happens I know so many so many unanswered questions that we don't get answers to yet this is this is why this is this is what causes frustration yeah this is the lighter in the fray be Jesus cry is this [ __ ] so sweet baby Jean I can't open this I can't click that like everything's so petite never I think so pixel perfect it's so pretty yeah right right right right it feels like trying to click [ __ ] everything here dogs like dude you're into the door yeah that guy's been not even asked for like like a really really long time I can't pick any of that up and I can't can't pay can you get rid of it through the window can you open that window right there the left hope this window that's a good dude alright try that done just saw some progress here like go to some some sense of closure give me those drugs okay so that's number two all right buy drugs no one seems to be home yeah I guess there's no drugs in this house don't what about that satanic ritual though alright cool do we get an ending is that what happened yeah hey we got the ending i just opened the window and breathe to the smell of freedom yes you did yes you did buddy yes you did boy howdy alright you know what we're gonna pause it for a second what we dick around for a bit but I just I need to see some more endings you know what I mean I'm with you man right hold please [Music] all right we figured out another one check this out so this one's real easy oh thank you for the drug sir have a good day wherever you go yeah it's really you are yeah and now the cops are gonna come as they do we got we got sleazy cop and and young cop and they're just gonna show up at our door we're just gonna be like oh you know what I gotta take the trash out just just wait right here good morning sir top of the morning just put my drugs away by E yeah just a zit and so there is one there's another one we're trying to screw with where we realize that you can take this water and we can put it in this pot and we figured out you can light the pot with other stuff but we're not sure what to do once we've like lit the thing and put some acids and n stuff so we're still working on that one we'll be right back if we figure that out figured out another one and by we I mean Anthony figured out how to put on cops use - check this out first you lift this thingy get this key here why that's under their new idea from yourself yeah [ __ ] your suit so you uh you just go ahead and select that pushy and boom I'm a cop now Hey hello sir drugs you get drugs the rest is not my problem yeah I don't judge alright now I'm gonna stand here poised at the door waiting for the be like well hello there yeah yeah drugs there we go we did another one yeah we lose this one okay look at this traffic getting arrested okay and then that was the surrender one that means a cop in the name of the law skate out man yeah you're killing oh you know what is our white whale at this point is the [ __ ] pentagram monogrammed I hear oh wait I didn't so E is something I didn't try very much of so that's right you just cut himself and that's his blood off yep let's start that over okay so check it out all right time to collect all those candles yeah get the candles or lighter butter cut yourself yeah this is really hail Satan give me a couple of a couple of moments here to get hurt Satan demands blood I thought that was just what gets you going it's just like uh-huh yeah I'm like oh is my mic on hey I'm back give me I just had to get some water good candle candle great so yeah we on a bathroom that's where I keep one Playboy Yeah right some there we go so there's all five candles let's just [ __ ] we need the Bible which is right here yeah for sure we assume and then put the well yeah cuz he puts it down and this game has taught me that it's not gonna do anything it doesn't want to do so okay so we got those five things this is so good I've come here you ready all right II I need just like the thing II um do I need to cut myself again I is this not wake up wake up dude it's gonna be I'm just gonna lick you're my god wait was that one of the endings I don't turn for the dark yeah and also didn't get us the result we wanted so wait is that how can pentagram like other part I'm I'm bothered by is like uh that didn't get us the pentagram ending [ __ ] that is some [ __ ] we're gonna dick around with this a little bit more see if we could figure it out beard yeah we got this alright we think we figured out the pentagram one we're gonna give this a shot first give me the drugs okay now we put the drugs here okay cool cool right no and now we're gonna give it a droplet of blood ready ready Anthony should wait for the cops though what the cops are already coming look the counters already going I'm just gonna do oh sure yeah there we go oh look there's oh oh hello who is are you the King is that Bob Marley ranked at us and took our drugs as as he does great which one god there's so many more look at this with so many things with like the dog that we can't figure out I know why isn't they want to just do the drugs well I mean like lotta I mean you don't know that watch let's give this a shot give me wait didn't you didn't you find a list last time like blue and red and something oh yeah when we were [ __ ] around I did find a list where did I find that I think oh is this sheet check it out don't forget water acid red lick and then for which I'm assuming this is other milk other liquid I found yeah well there's so that I believe we're gonna get caught on this one but like okay so I put blue put that in there and we're gonna you know let's just let's restart this one cuz cops are gonna come so watch this get this yeah oh yeah got water yeah I'm gonna put that in the pot alright and first we're gonna reveal this key because we need to get in where we don't need the cops suit but we're gonna go in here and get this blue liquid right and then we're gonna pick up this here which is the radical right right right right right and then and then we're gonna get this vital acid you'll like that and we're gonna get the lighter because we need the light at all so put that over yonder go over here are you sure we need the water in there blue well yeah the list said water oh oh we did I know I was testing so now we're going to like light it up light it up come on hurry up Josh here we go okay so maybe now we just put the drugs in there yeah give that a shot well hello sir hello thank you Leo's Barbara put the drugs on put the drugs in put the drugs in put the put the drugs in please drugs oh no the drugs oh no it's not working we're doing - cut the drugs hello hey yeah that's the drugs with the drugs right there to cut him up oh geez they have a gun Josh you don't bring an you just do to bring a knife to a gunfight I just don't understand there's so many things I don't [ __ ] understand well there is this is quite the picky sequence of events game can we just say that like this till I get just it's yeah I mean it's I mean it's a very singular experience which i think is totally fine that they do it this way but it does lead to a lot of like well why can't I do that and want to do that and you will let me wait can I like cut the TV I don't know why it would like why would you cut the TV Josh I don't know how just that's just me there's like I think like oops why did you do that that was an accident they didn't mean to but also like look you can operate the phone and like what good is this gonna do I think that's just a honey dick I don't think that's anything so you don't think that does anything at all oh no what if I cut myself in front of this guy no you just get down Jesus I'm terrifying I know what if I give the drugs to this little guy little bird here yeah do you want the drug free birdie do you want the drugs he's due to the dog I'm trying trying to give him the drugs do you put in his bowl that's a good point can i oh yep draw up look I put the drugs in the boat oh no oh no oh yeah eat up eat up oh no dude is your dog okay yeah buddy he lived he lived he just got sick yeah he's just white but he was a good dog oh well you know I think we've done pretty good here I can't I just don't see us figuring this out in any sort of capacity be honest the one you wanted to figure out was a pentagram that's the cool one hey yeah so that was a that was 30 seconds to jail that was it we got this and we mostly wanted Josh you should be proud of yourself we got a bunch of the endings I feel pretty good about that yeah you stop [ __ ] knocking yeah just give me the drugs thanks man we're gonna enjoy these drugs that we'll see you guys next time nice [Music]
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 1,702,140
Rating: 4.8332453 out of 5
Keywords: 30 seconds to jail, 30 seconds to jail game, 30 seconds to jail gameplay, 30 seconds to jail playthrough, hide, 30 seconds to hide drugs, 30 seconds to jail lets play, let's game it out, lets game it out, lgio, hide the drugs now, josh, anthony, josh and anthony, comedy let's play, comedy lets play, indie game, egor magurin, indovers studio, pc games, 60 fps, hd, video juegos, randos, 30 seconds to jail walkthru
Id: YpjegBv0ecw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Tue May 15 2018
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