Pulling Off Impossible Stunts on Neon Death Tracks - FutureGrind Gameplay - Let's Game It Out

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hey everybody welcome back to let's game it out and thank you for joining me for this first look a future grind right let's get right into it holiday slice complete the reassignments unlock the next track yeah I'm ADA I'm a rep at slice remember that soda the topper an for entry level programming equipment and soda welcome to the slice fam let's see if you have what it takes start with our track at Miramar you got it let's do this oh hell yeah I'm already feeling this music okay so we got we got two buttons I can angle to the left and right oh yeah and I can jump and I can do like a double jump ooh okay okay just give me a second okay just give me a second here game okay so I'm already getting the feel for you hold a you can sort of hope oh right on the railing oh I did a little bit under grinds first jump second jump okay okay I'm getting the hang of this I think I can that was not my finest moment but I think we're gonna finesse this and it's gonna be really awesome nice as your sponsor we need you to do special assignments on the same track to show off your skills can you handle it also you have to dye your hair to different colors I'd already did it under green so I feel confident I can do this one do one under grind and a sense of dirty doesn't it survive the track I don't think I needed to say survive the track I feel like that's a given so under grind means that I need to do oh oh that was the wrong color okay so you wanted under green uh that's a hand grind there we go did me an underground boom so now all I need to do is finish surviving this your track which I've done whoo what happens to you when you hit the finish line do you get like jacked out of the matrix don't touch any yellow rails oh yeah oh yeah no question no question this is gonna be easy that's fine cuz that's a silver colored rail hold that so get out of the way of that and if I just keep on spinning will that help me get some sweet finesse so let's let's talk about the game's controls real quick um they feel very tight and actually a lot of fun they seem like the definition of easy to play with but probably hard to master ah I've unlocked Old Town nice work my boss says you can run our track and sanctuary now keep it up and you'll earn yourself a holiday in no time a half grind for a half-holiday long they still use the same emojis in 2076 old town survivors track that's just advice for life just survive don't I have more of that sweet sweet music okay all right let's do a little whoa luckily you can double jump let's do a little under grunt oh yeah oh yeah dodge that don't let it hit you so you get more points for doing some sweet maneuvers which is what I'm trying I'm trying to get some sweet air so that I can do like oh you see that I did like a 540 backflip [ __ ] that trophy does not look impressive let me try that one more time so I'm trying to do like trying to take like as many like alright let's just both grind that stuff and now we'll do some sweet oh oh I need to see like a nice trophy otherwise I don't feel complete so we're gonna try and do this by doing as many backflips as I possibly can in the air here oh sure so I think my score is already getting a little bit under grind that now and do a bunch of flips okay I can deal with a silver trophy for now I like the setup so far you know it's basically levels but they give you fun little objectives to do to really get the hang of the game touch ten Purple's egg there's two three four five six seven eight do a bunch of flips nine and ten dodge it oh that was a close call wasn't it left coast eh oh hi there grant Lee hey I'm grant I rep for Left Coast smiley face I've been watching your moves on the sliced tracks and I think he might be left coast material let's see what you can do with our bike try bike different wheel colors two jumps Oh God so now I can't now I can't just screw around because now it's so like if I yep if so if I touch the wrong color to the wrong wheel we know what happens now so I need to make sure blue goes with blue and pink goes with pink and then blue goes with blue and right survive the trek with two colors let's see how this goes ping-ping-ping just think about okay cool that was a great first effort job you did great cakewalk my ass okay watch out whoa Oh get there we go under real that [ __ ] one of the hot moves I thought I was doing was grinding with both wheels but that's not what you want to do you want to keep it oh oh oh that's that's getting not great there Jesus I got this dude [ __ ] me now blue blue blue I'm gonna drop down for one of these sweet things and I'm gonna under rail that I'm gonna drop back down and I'm gonna under reel that again and the do me some okay I think getting the hang of this but I shouldn't say that because then two things oh oh okay I'll get the hang of this a little bit more with my shitty bronze trophy Rashad one more time because what I want is to be able to finesse this and actually like do well so I'm trying to sort of get the I feel like what this game is gonna become is a lot of um goddammit I feel like what this is gonna become as a lot of like when you if for anyone who's played dance dance revelution what ends up happening is or any of those like rhythm games is as you get better at sort of knowing the handling of each sort of the rhythm and also the colors and stuff you get a much better sense of just what you should be looking at on the screen and you start to know like you know like in a bullet-hell you don't need full view of the entire screen you have kind of an awareness that you just developed [ __ ] me and that will help dictate how well you can sort of dodge stuff it becomes like a second skin that you just recognize okay so get a little bit better at this it's just taking a little bit of time so what I'm trying to do now is just what I consider to be the easiest of tricks which is a bunch of just flips back and forth because I think that's something that I'm gonna be able to reasonably land when I when I'm spinning around like this yeah yeah yeah so the so doing a bunch of flips is sort of the easy way to nail that okay silver I can deal with silver hey it's me ADA underscore personal it's too dangerous for me to contact you like this through my work account listen I need your help just be careful things aren't what they seem you'll see what I mean I love it you'll see what I mean now two plus six seven twenty front flip 720 eh you got it [ __ ] six 720 front flip you got it ADA done now I just have to survive the track Oh God I didn't mean to jump 728 and done that was a close call right there let's get the wheel down there let's do a sick under grind and I will do an underground there too and okay so here comes the I've gotta yep that's looking good okay okay okay okay no safety net don't touch any white rails the white rails up till this point have been neutral rails but I think we can go ahead and nail that so let's just go ahead and I should be working for some points here Josh so don't touch that white rail okay and drop down and Oh Josh come on dude the white rails have been the Switzerland of the world where anyone can touch them any color can touch those things so we're just gonna do a bunch of come on dude all right let's grab on to that guy and then we'll do a quick flip and now I'm gonna do a major flip touch this guy here and then we've got to land on pink perfect sick moves I knew I was right emoji from 2016 welcome to left coast you don't have to sign up you're just part of us now don't worry you can still run for slice you'll just run for us to a grind for a weekend why you guys so obsessed with like shitty vacations that's fine I'll survive you're derelict track over here cool you know I think what it's just trying to do now is just get me used to uh you know trying to be good on the track see what I can I come trying to do don't know I can nail this I swear I think that there's a you know there's a certain finesse to trying to do this because I'm the first time around I'm trying to just survive but as we keep going so here's all I want to do is I want to just I want to finesse the [ __ ] out of this but I feel like what you have to do is you have to get good at a game like this first and then you can go ahead hole and do some fun stuff but until then you know you don't really get the option to just you know determine oh god how well you do okay okay under grind to Rails a I like that they add these little objectives because obviously you know with a the big thing they do is is help you get good at doing stuff and so you can become a lot more proficient and also you know I think that these rails are obviously very deliberately these rails are very deliberately planned out so that once you really get the hang of this stuff you can do some really cool stuff and it won't stop you like this here I'm trying to touch every rail now and it's working out kind of well actually now that I sort of get the the scope of it here okay that was not that was not bad that's not gonna be great for points but I felt pretty good about that builds an 8 X multiplier white rails reset your multiplier so I'm trying to not touch the white rails now because I don't want to reset my multiplier 3 4 5 6 [ __ ] 3 4 5 6 7 dodge that eight die touch-touch do under rail that sure yeah just wanna let you know we really appreciate you it sliced smiley face you're doing great hard face that is inappropriate for work ate a green wall i got your permission to try our next track a trowel or next i know you've seen the face of death like a thousand times by now but [ __ ] it this is exactly what I expect bunny hill to look like here we go okay so now we're back on it's given us the okay so this changes the color I'm just gonna keep on spinning here I'm all yellow now going through one of those things really just changes my color and now we're purple again good to know so let's just go ahead and grind on this and now we're yellow again I cannot wait to see how this mechanic is added in to the rest of the game hey gold if it gets safe for me to use this account to contact you like this for now I just need you to play along with everything I'll explain more soon eita come on we've known each other like two minutes here the boss wants to see what you can do on our track a trail horn I'm hearing their other sponsors interested in you too don't forget us at left coast when you're famous winky face but don't worry I'll survive your track I'll make you look good I'll make us all look good so my goal is to try and do as many flips as I can while also nailing a lot of these I got to land on these things for the score multiplier so it's really helpful for me to make sure that I land on all of these things but then also do some sweet backflips like that one they see there we go there we go gold I can I can live with that what the hell is that hey grant Lee I think something's wrong with your system here it's letting me know something fishy's going on the screens getting all kinds of things making me think my monitors breaking well we'll just ignore that for now and go to anger hind two rails we talk in one color to here of course we're talking to fellers no that's not what you meant right so I believe we can just drop for this first one and then okay I missed that but I have confidence that I can nail this to watch that hand grind no no good bye okay so drop down for the first one and now there we go two hand grinds done and now I just need to survive the course that's when it's time to get crazy I hope that they don't try to incorporate like another color I don't think I could handle that right now or ever really dance on that perfect Vanessa Davis hi there I'm Vanessa your rep with gimble welcome aboard we're excited to work with you our bike will take some getting used to get started with our track its sanctuary okay what could be so dip what wow this is like a ride at like Magic Mountain gimbal one large wheel one small wheel offset pivot point you'll barf pay attention to the pivot point huh alright well thanks for the test track let's see if we can't figure it's I'm a future sidecar that's basically what it's telling me I'm basically I have this weird center of gravity and like this one comical little wheel that I have to pay attention to well that's cool I'm like a flying ski lift I'm a shoe I'm just a shoe flying out there okay so let's just keep on spinning and bounce and grind that and now back to the spin and ya see like I actually feel like this this gimbal one is a little easier for me personally to understand at least for doing easy stuff like this let's see how I did alright silver I can deal with that so you want me to under grind a bunch of stuff huh okay so there's one under grind ooh there's two hundred grind let's do a sweet little flip there and now I'm not gonna worry about my multiplier because all I want okay so I got I got my blessed under grind in fact I got quite a few hundred grinds now I'm just going crazy with the under grinds oh oh oh two bridges and just like everything else it wants me to get better the multipliers it wants me to get a 15 X one hits one to hammer down oh and then four and I'll and that I can let's see if I can't okay oh okay okay okay okay we're doing good so far and by doing good I mean we're still in it at all trying to pivot this little gimble thingamabob so that's 14 okay that's the requisite 15 we did it yeah very nice work my boss says he wants to see you run our track at Miramar keep performing like this you'll get noticed by the people at the top in no time have fun with those jump orbs jump orbs god I love my little sidecar okay oh okay okay wait so that thing was yellow does that mean that if I touch it with breehn yep you blow up okay now we're gonna do what's up spin it and then okay okay okay orbs add an interesting element because my ability to nail them my window to nail [ __ ] my window to nail those is just a little bit finer and so I have to really be thinking about how I want to do that because now I have to be thinking about nailing just a target that is not quite like a rail where it's like okay I know that as long as I hit it in that straight line I will be able to nail it and in this one I have to really be paying attention oh god I just missed those colors all right let's try this again I also have this urge to want to try at least this time to hit all the rails and all of the orbs but also I want to do like sweet tricks and stuff like that okay so let's see if I can't nail that orb and then trial and Evers gonna get me killed okay okay pitch for it great dodge that go in for the yellow thingamajigs oh that was a close one did you see that okay now oh I missed them both that's okay we're just gonna we're just gonna keep on going cuz now now I'm feeling it okay now do a bunch of flips okay mmm everything's going exactly as I'd hope he's watching you just keep doing what you're doing in practice we'll be in contact eventually yeah [ __ ] moves out there boss man says you can run our track at new fo now you must be doing something right smiley face careful out there this is a tricky one you haven't seen the face of death yet have you you see those square areas like on the yellow thing that changes the color of my wheel and that that is tricky so you can use those to change the color of both wheels here and now I am all yellow in which case I have to like really watch out for these rules and so now I've got the two colors again and I can use that and now I can be now all yellow so I can use that and then try to do some sick things there whew that's a lot of options it gives you so in this case I'm gonna give myself double yellow because I just don't know any better and now we're gonna try to buy the problem is then you have to try and bypass all kinds of stuff because he just simply cannot touch the other colors and like right there I'm missing my opportunity to get a different color there and so I want to get purple down there so I grabbed two Purple's on accident but let's see if we can make this work anyway so we did that was okay hey silver I'll take it so that was our first look at future grind that was the first 33 percent of the game I personally think this game is great and I'm really excited to see if I can't go back and look at all these tracks and try to get gold or better on these so that's gonna do it for this episode of let's game it out let me know in the comments what you thought of this game as always I am Josh thank you so much for joining me and I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 758,511
Rating: 4.938879 out of 5
Keywords: futuregrind, futuregrind first look, future grind, future grind gameplay, futuregrind gameplay, futuregrind game, future grind game, future grind first look, futuregrind review, beautiful synth bike acrobatics, bike acrobatics, synth bike, beautiful synth, let's game it out, lets game it out, lgio, lgio josh, josh lgio
Id: 0mdvCLORntU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 23 2019
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