What Happens When a Furry/Elf/Vampire Can't Handle Reality

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serious have you ever known someone who wholeheartedly believed that they were wolfgang a vampire and elf had special powers and couldn't handle the reality that they weren't when confronted what happened to them when i was in the us navy we had this dude who thought he was a wolf in a human body he would howl at the moon and just be generally strange i knew someone that had served with him before me at a different command who said he had to be forced by medical to shower when asked why he wasn't showing he told them it would wash away his scent and he wouldn't be able to attract a mate i don't know what happened to him i had a friend who believed that she was a vampire and would try to bite at my wrists and neck very often it got to the point where she would bring pig's blood to school and openly drink it out of a cup as if it were juice scroll forward two days i'm visiting her in a mental hospital where does a high school student even get pig's blood someone i used to be friends with identified as a lynx i was weirded out but she was my friend so i dealt with it soon she started to say i was sitting on her tail and she was fully convinced she turned into a cat at night last i heard of her she was drawing furry p for 100 a piece must be some good friggin art for 100 went to school with a girl who acted like a dog barked painted pulled up people in class she would reply normally but then bark at the end this went on for three years decided to look her up on fb and she has a good job and seems normal teenagers are freaking weird was it an actual bach sound or was she like thomas jefferson was the third president oh and wolf i actually went to high school with a lot of people like this who eventually grew out of it i remember one girl specifically because based on her facebook she has not grown out of it she claimed she had multiple personalities her main two being herself and the other being a 200 year old british vampire we live in the us and she would put on a british accent and everything it seems she has found a partner just like her though and they're planning a pretty extravagant vampire wedding good on them don't lie a vampire wedding sounds dope as frick actually i'd imagine it would certainly be cooler to be a guest there than a traditional wedding years before we had goths and new age enlightenment i used to manage an occult bookstore and i met wannabe vampires werewolves fey and others sometimes it was like being in charge of a dark shadows convention i used to date one of the store's patrons a six-foot amazon from texas who claimed she was a vampire she wasn't too crazy but towards the end of the relationship she was getting too bitty talk about a dream job yes unfortunately he claimed to have an invisible tale and had a dream in which a great mother wolf revealed to him that he had the soul of evolve so he did what any sane person would do and started buying first to masturbate onto he showed me ebay links via facebook and explained that it's one of the only two ways that he can get off as well as started freaking dogs also he claimed last i heard he's in alaska working with sled dogs all the while he's engaged to a woman who he refuses to sleep with because human sex is disgusting to him i need a drink just freaking writing that somebody might want to check on those dogs when i was in uni one of my housemates had his mate come over and hang with us one night at the time we were all into tabletop rpg and stuff so when i started chatting to him and he mentioned he's a half angel half demon demon hunter i initially didn't bat an eye at it i was like that's cool i'm a telekinetic spirit medium myself and we chatted happily about it for maybe 10 minutes before i began to clock on that he wasn't talking about rpg i gotta admit when i did figure it out i was not diplomatic not aggressive or anything but not diplomatic i may have laughed at him the end of that first paragraph had me laughing so hard one of my middle school titches children believed he could talk to bees he quickly enough learned that he could not actually talk to bees i forget if he learned if he was allergic to bees oh everyone can talk to bees the tricky part is getting them to respond one time i met a guy by playing online games he always said something that he is god and so i thought it's a joke one day we met and he truly believed he is a god he said there are more gods on earth and we don't know it i ask some silly question if he can gave me some proof like teleporting or something he said that wouldn't work because a human brain wouldn't understand that and then my head will explode he also said he is a few hundred years old it was a little bit funny because after the coffee he asked if i could drive him to the train station why has got no car the next day i had terrible headache i told him that and he said that was him because i didn't believe he was a god i blocked him you just reminded me that back when i was a pre teen i met some guy in an aol chat room who let me in on this big secret that he lived in a secret government facility in antarctica where they had spliced his dna with a wolf and made him into a real-life werewolf did i know him i am him between the ages of 5 10 years old i was wholeheartedly convinced i was a jedi i kept telling everyone that and eventually got confronted by my parents i guess they assumed it was a phase and i'd grow out of it but five years passed and nothing changed i remember eventually realizing they were right i refused to accept it at first but when i eventually did i remember crying myself to sleep for probably around three months i also don't feel the need to try move things with my mind not gonna lie i still try to do this usually when the remote is just out of reach buckle the frick up everyone because i was that kid in middle school i wholeheartedly believed i was a forest elf i don't even really remember how it started but i always loved fantasy novels growing up especially ones about mythical creatures and nymphs and fairies all that crap in middle school i wore a lot of earthy colors always had flowers in my hair joined the artery club which i was not good at mind you i wore fears to school and i mostly walked around barefoot not a school obviously i thought i would communicate with forest animals and navigate myself using only the trees and any water source needless to say i was definitely picked on a lot i'm 26 now and an i.t consultant married to a dang great guy and have a baby girl on the way i never picked up archery again i promise ro i'm surprised i can actually answer this one in high school i became friends with a girl i met through the theater this was during the undertale craze she got me into the game and eventually confided in me that she was kin with son the skeleton from the game i decided to go ahead and go with it because i really liked her and i didn't really have many close friends at the time i asked her what made her believe she was so on and she explained that since there's an infinite number of universes with infinite different timelines there's probably a timeline somewhere in which she really is son i think she also identified a lot with his whole line funny and outgoing on the outside but i'm actually really depressed thing in all honesty she had a lot of mental health issues and it was a form of escapism for her she kept it to herself and never talked about it at school but i would listen to her when she needed it and i would call her son after school because it made her happy i felt bad because she really needed someone to understand her and it felt like one small thing i could do to make her feel better she's doing much better now we kind of fell out of contact but she's got a good job and i think she's moved on from the kim thing it's what got her through high school in one piece so i don't regret indulging her at all i know it's easy to make fun of teenagers on tumblr who say they're an angel or a god or a character from a video game but please don't antagonize them 99 times out of 100 it comes from a lack of attention self-esteem or mental health issues or just a really strong desire to fit in with a community you are such a kind and empathic person bless you for serious understanding how to be that person for her at such a young age is a very lovely thing and i am so impressed and glad you were there for her three oh yeah tons a large number of people think they're vampires in new orleans many of them drink blood me how old are you you him 473 he's a very successful vampire tour guide dude thought he was a vampire i caught him we briefly freaked right at the beginning of that belief as he defended himself biting through the skin on my neck by saying it was natural thus ended the boinking and my neck hurt for a while he went through several years of weird blood drinking stuff with a group did bloodletting too intervals for shots what happened to him he had to stop when he got deployed to iraq he remained odd but the vampire isn't deceased he also had a lot of personal drama and ended up marrying some girl with a fatal condition in the hospital right before she died we lost contact at some point as his novelty entertainment wasn't worth putting up with his narcissism and weirdness yes this was a typo but it suits shoulder being ceased from about 6 to 12 my daughter knew she was a wolf and knew for a fact if she went in the woods and found a pack she could talk to them and they wouldn't try to eat her she practiced howling a lot you could not change your mind god bless your soul seriously i knew a guy who thought he was jesus christ he was a super nice guy we were both in our early mid 20s and i was dating his best friend now he didn't just waltz around talking about this spouting it off to anyone who would listen he had to really trust you at some point he decided that i was a good enough friend that he could open up to me about it so we had a long convo for some reason a goodly part of the story was that he woke up one morning at the age of 10 however the night and those dreams had lasted a good 30 years he lived every single moment of his life until the age of 40 or so then woke up and it was all a dream and his life played out just as it had in that 30-year dream every moment he said that he knew ahead of time that he was going to meet me he said that he knew when wwiii would start and what would happen when i asked for details he told me that he was not allowed to tell me that information and then he told me the most important part of it all which is that he was the second coming of jesus and that he was destined to save the world but was also not allowed to get more specific i can't stress enough how nice of a dude he was he was a dang good friend and the gentlest of souls and you would never have guessed he was carrying this dark secret this weight if you will of knowing that he had this tremendous responsibility and destiny and he was so lucid when he was telling me about it and this is a man without a sense of irony in his being he was absolutely serious the relationship with his friend didn't last long though we remained friendly eventually we lost touch and i saw jon savior dude on the side of the road stopped and talked to him for a few and it was just depressing i think his delusions had caught up to him he looked like a zombie he'd lost about 40 pounds and had ended up with a colostomy bag due to heavy drug use it was quite sad i sometimes wonder whether he had foreseen that in his dream somehow i doubt it i had a friend who believed in a religion that was built for an anime she believed i hope it's past tense i haven't talked to her in four years in the religion from naruto the one hidden believed in i think it's called jacianism or something like that she believed that hidden was a prophet and she had to do as hidden did she would cut herself to sacrifice some of her blood she would eat meat rare because apparently that was the only way and she would ask people she felt close to if they would be willing to sacrifice their blood when i last talked to her she was 21 and still believed in that had so since she was 16 i think she was a severely messed up girl trying to find herself but i don't know what believing in a fictional religion would give anyone there was a guy in my high school that thought he was a russian sleeper agent i don't know if he had just read some cold war novel or what but he would talk with this painstakingly bad russian accent but only sometimes he acted like it slipped out or something and it was kind of funny he would sometimes stop mid-conversation and hold his hand up to his ear like he had an earpiece in and listen and then say something to the effects of i've been activated got to go and then dash off now there was a girl in our school that did speak some russian i think her mom was russian and she would every now and then say something to him and he would play along and just speak nonsense words we always sort of felt bad for him cause i think he desperately wanted to be cool just acting like a russian sleeper agent probably wasn't the way to go badly pretending to be a fake sleeper agent would actually be a great cover for a real sleeper agent met a girl at camp who honestly believed she was a cat and had an invisible tiger boyfriend she was sent to camp by her foster parents so i figured it was just an important thing to her to believe it now i realize that it was probably a coping mechanism for all she had gone through she and i were both pretty lonely she didn't know many people i was a social outcast but we had a lot of fun spending the week together i never saw her again but i hope she was settled down with a good family and eventually didn't need to have that coping mechanism she didn't seem too sure what she thought of those foster parents but they had chosen to send her to camp when she heard about it and was interested she definitely enjoyed getting to explore outside had this guy in my shop no idea how he made it through basic training but this guy absolutely believed he was a werewolf we were deployed and working night shift on the flight deck of an lhd and the desk sgt told him to go do a job on one of the aircraft he flat out refused stating it was a full moon and he would turn into a wolf if he went outside so i'm through flightline fashion a few of us drug him outside he was kicking snarling howling growling and when we get to the flight deck he starts wrenching and making weird screeching noises like he actually thought he was transforming into evolve he started saying you don't want to be around for this i get very violent when i'm a wolf then proceeded to jump and run around on all fours acting like he was a werewolf i guess we are all just laughing our asses off we knew he was weird before deployment but no one really knew how weird and we certainly weren't prepared for that he was also the stinky kid in the shop so we talk striped his body wash to see if he was using it he would strip down and go to the showers in a towel and shower shoes and everything but he would stand in there and not turn the water on or just wet his hair to make it look like he showered well after two weeks of the talk stripe on his body wash not being broken and him stinking too high heck out sgt confronts him he said that the water and body wash were bad for his fur and that werewolves don't like baths so the sgt said fine we will bathe you like a dog then so he tells ssgt what's going on and his plan and gets a go-ahead because at this point it's either what happens next or paperwork six of us grabbed him out of his rack drug him to the showers poured soap on him and scrubbed him with deck brushes the whole time he was who ig like a dog and howling and barking and growling and all kinds of weird crap when we got home gunny sent him to mental health to be evaluated and turns out he had some sort of identity dysphoria and legit believed he was a werewolf he wasn't in the marine corps much longer after that a few of us think he faked it to try and get sent home early from deployment on medical then kept it up when he realized he would be able to get out of the core early with a medical disability associated with deployment and collect a check for the rest of his life which he does i can't speak to the getting out of the core aspect of this story but being afraid to bathe is a classic symptom of abuse especially if he was weird before joining it wasn't until i'd read several posts that i remembered grades 5 through 9 and realized that you were talking to me none of your fantasy characters for me i decided the reason i couldn't relate to others was that i was an android i tried being spark for a while but when the questa tapes premiered on tv it felt like a better fit it helped me to suppress my emotions instead of feeling left out and alone i became an outsider here to observe but not necessarily understand humanity a motorcycle accident at 15 put an end to the fantasy x-rays and an operation to repair my leg provided undeniable evidence against the fantasy i did come up with some elaborate explanations but each was easily demolished by logic i eventually had to accept that i'm biologically human even if i still don't get people if it helps i don't think anyone truly gets people we're a strange species this girl i went to elementary school with was a pathological liar she thought she was an elf in middle school and wore elf ears to try to convince everyone in high school she told everyone she was struck by lightning she got a service dog would randomly end up in the hospital for serious complications she would be in very serious relationships all of a sudden she should make a joint instagram for them and one day she would be happy with them and planning a wedding then the next day they'd be broken up this was an ongoing cycle throughout junior senior year i used to work in a psychiatric facility with adolescents we had a girl that acted like a jedi she would come out of her room in the morning rolling on the ground shouting there were storm troopers and take her imaginary lightsaber and attack them full force every morning she talked as if she were truly friends with yoda and luke skywalker and would have full-on conversations with them throughout the day she would also catch fairy-like creatures that would fly around her and put them in her pocket when confronted she would argue and say that whomever was arguing with her was a minion of the dark side and had their minds warped by darth vader but this went on daily for about eight months she told me that obi-wan wanted me to be her jedi trainer to reach the next level in her force abilities after work i wrote up a 20-page manual detailing next steps and fun little things to help her on her jedi journey incorporating reworded parts of her treatment plan she was there for aggression and running away through her working in her jedi ways she learned what she needed to do to cope with her aggression and part of it was a jedi need not tell others they are a jedi only the wise with the force should be able to perceive those with the jedi powers she eventually told me she knew she wasn't a jedi her first admission ever but that life was hard and it was easier convincing herself for this alternate reality instead of acknowledging and dealing with the pains and disappointments in her current reality her improvement rapidly brought about a release to return home i don't know how she's doing now but wish her nothing but the best yeah unfortunately because i dated her we were still at school i was 16 she was 15 and she was my first ever girlfriend it was around the time twilight was a huge freaking deal so she decided to tell me after seeing each other for about a month or so that she had multiple personalities and one was called violet and she was a vampire if i had a cut she'd try and lick it and she also gave me a love bite on my neck so bad it was black and hurt like frick but she didn't stop because violet doesn't know when to not long after this she then told me that i was a werewolf because my eyes changed color from hazel to yellow and she wanted me to scratch her with my wolf claws obviously this was news to me because i'm pretty sure i'm not a werewolf ha ha why i didn't nope the frick out of there at that point idk but she then went on to tell me that she couldn't see ghosts but could talk to them and would proceed to have conversations with ghosts of dead relatives of people we knew needless to say i then left and how that whole experience didn't put me off dating forever i'll never know our werewolf my ex also insisted that i was a bird person from another planet while she was an incarnation of god herself she would show me videos and booklets she printed out for evidence of the different alien races that secretly lived on earth legitimately went through grade school junior high and high school with a guy who imitated a dinosaur daily if any of you have seen step brothers the scene where dale's dad robert told the boys he wanted to be a dinosaur he would chase cats raw at people etc but finally had to grow up well yes i went to school with a guy just like that named christopher ironic as heck as we were juniors in high school when step brothers came out so chris was actually an honor roll student wasn't a total outcast and had a decent amount of friends but he would perch his arms up like a t-rex through the halls and i remember seeing him in the luncha hall eat without his hands to imitate a dinosaur it was beyond bizarre to see but since he'd done it for so long it became regular i actually ran into chris a few years back at the local movie theater since i still live in my hometown and he seems to be doing well has a wife three kids and a steady accounting job due to us not attending the same movie i cannot confirm if he used his hands to eat his popcorn though currently serving with a man who genuinely believes that he is a werewolf lived in a six feet square cabin deep in wyoming for years this dude is off his rocker we're talking howling at a full moon sleeps underneath his bed every night once scratch to do during an altercation you're welcome for his service america if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 78,795
Rating: 4.8889294 out of 5
Keywords: costumes, furry, vampire, werewolf, werewolves, elf, handle realit, gender studies, reality, harsh reality, harsh reality of life, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 59sec (1379 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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