Most Ridiculous Workplace Rules You Won’t Believe Actually Exist

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what's the most ridiculous rule in your place of work i used to work at a place in which my boss implemented a no more than two glasses a day water policy but what a c i ignored this rule and complained directly to our ceo and the matter ended later that day what was weird though was the majority of people actually followed the rule and some even shopped me up to hr about breaking the rules i left not long after that because not only was my boss a balance but if my colleagues were going to hr over me drinking water then i obviously couldn't trust them but they love being superior because dehydration delirium woo had a workplace time our bathroom breaks and deduct them from our allotted 15 minute breaks or lunch we had to go see the office manager to get a key to open the restroom as soon as we left his office he would start a timer when you got back he would stop the timer and tell you how much time you needed to deduct from your lunch or next break they watch towel breaks like a hawk also if you made a mistake they would stand over you and time you while you fixed it and deduct that from your lunch or breaks you couldn't bring anything that smells for lunch and they had no way of heating anything up i worked out my contract and split the vp of our company just held a mass meeting to tell all of us we can't have pictures or plants or food or any form of non-office supplied object on our desk tons of co-workers have family pictures or their kids finger paintings pinned up on the cubicle walls all that has to be removed people will pee that is the first sign you should leave if they need to exert that control over you it means other things are failing my dad told me this one a while back he used to work for a pr firm the way he described the office environment think the office but in the 1980s the company hired a corporate efficiency specialist to come in and improve things she came in and implemented all kinds of rules which seemed to follow some sort of caste system her philosophy was the higher your office rank the more perks you get her idea of perks number of pictures you are allowed in your cubicle whether you are allowed to have a potted plant or not coffee mugs were only allowed to seen your employees others had to use paper cups being allowed to leave the office for lunch was also considered a perk needless to say a coup soon followed and she was tossed out on her honey that doesn't sound like it makes anything efficient dress code policy is just dumb at my work different positions have different requirements even though we all work in the same office my favorite rule though is the one on shorts we can wear shorts on fridays between memorial day and labor day however the shorts can't have pockets on the side it was written to discourage ratty cargo shorts but the way in which it is written allows me to wear gym shorts so i do once worked at a place where some minibus decided that since ups trucks don't turn left we shouldn't either and nbsp i don't know or care how well that worked out for ups but this was a god damned ambulance company with a 911 contract i will turn left if and when i freaking need to turn left land nbsp follow up i don't know if ups trucks turn left or not or if that is beneficial for them or not and frankly i don't care the point is that minibus thought they did and that was the reasoning he gave he was an idiot i did not stay there long not my current job but i used to work for some crazy people you had to stand in a specific area while eating so they could see you on the camera don't talk to customers longer than three minutes unless you're making a big sale even then keep it short answer the phone within two rings keep the conversation to less than 30 seconds you can't talk to your co-workers outside of work you can't talk to your co-workers while at work even if there was not a single customer in the store but i'm sure there's more i just can't think of right now old job of mine in a warehouse our stations were pretty far apart so when we listen to music we'd all usually have our own stuff playing not a problem since you could barely hear the neighbor's music well the ceo didn't like hearing multiple songs when walking through the warehouse he made a rule that we all either had to listen to the same music or none at all i'd put on the same song but everyone started 15 seconds apart we got a new vacation policy where you could take unlimited time off when he announced it we looked at the big boss like he had a dong growing out of his forehead although while he assured us that if we wanted vacation to take it really a little bit afterward he changed it to discretionary time off meaning that if your boss approved it it was okay then a change to 160 hours should be the max and if you go over 200 hours then you probably don't need to work here i once needed a pen figured this was a reasonable ask went to the supply closet on my floor which was locked asked the floor's admin she told me to go to the main supply room in the basement went to the basement and explained my situation of needing a pen they told me all requests for supplies must be approved by my department head problem is being new i'd never met my department head she also worked in san francisco i worked in milwaukee so i needed to send an email both introducing myself and asking her if i had permission to get a pen from the supply closet this is my favorite one so far that's so ridiculous in every way if you had to take a leave on monday or friday so that you have an extended weekend of three days instead of two it was counted as three days leave counting in saturday and sunday deal with that this was in a small private company in india dealing with medical writing homer your boss says if you don't come in today don't bother coming in monday homer woohoo four day weekend if you are one minutes late it is a tardy if you take a half day nothing goes on your record i was told to just take a half day if you are going to be late because they straight up fire you for tardies also if you clock out early it is a tardy if you have to go to the doctor on lunch break and it is going to take an hour and 10 minutes take the rest of the day off weird firemen our risk management department decided long ago that polls were too risky for us so we use the stairs we have poles anyway now the newest rule is no free weights as in no free weights to work out stay fit go into burning high rise absolutely walk around the station carrying 40 pound dumbbells too risky i feel you my fd just got some workout equipment rowing machine and bike it had been delayed due to liability concerns but we actually have a fire pole that we use it's all very confusing we aren't allowed to wear jackets unless they are purchased from the resort gift shop with the hotel name logo on it but they are 50 plus and we don't get reimbursed but it's the price you pay to stay warm in the cold months mcdonald's did this to us when i worked there they paid half but they were still like 50 60 bucks for a crappy fleece i just wore my regular jacket and nobody said a thing former job there was trouble when i officially moved desks and my new desk had a phone with cool display apparently call display phones were allowed for people at a certain pay level your pay level also governed the height of your cubicle walls my manager's solution was to promote me another former job we were mandated to work on an engineering related research project outside of work hours because a responsible engineer always gives back to the engineering community i could live with that however your project had to be related to the company's business we have to do all of our paperwork at least three times there is a copy of it in our personal folders a copy online and a copy in our store folders not only does it waste time and paper but forgetting to do one has gotten people fired they did the other two identical pieces of paperwork confirming that yes they did take out the trash and yes they did check the store voicemail but how dare they forget to do the third piece of identical paperwork our weekly visits from corporate revolve around whether or not we've all done this paperwork it's so redundant my workplace doesn't let you use the word problems instead we have to say challenges if something is wrong as a problem is a negative word and challenges promotes the fact that there is room to fix that problem i'd love to have a boss tell me my drinking has become a challenge form a job at a law office one of the partners sent an email to the entire staff that employees were not allowed to gossip in the building what was everyone gossiping about you ask oh said partner was divorcing his wife and sleeping with one of the associate attorneys in the firm but you know don't gossip i worked at a law office once where one of the partners cheated on his wife with an intern got the intern pregnant then divorced his wife and married the intern and because his ex wife and the intern looked so similar some people didn't even know any of this happened all the extra toilet paper in the building has to stay in a single closet where it can be overseen by the toilet paper queen i heard her shrieking the other day when she discovered someone had hoarded one spare roll of toilet paper upstairs so the people who work upstairs wouldn't have to walk down multiple flights of stairs when the toilet paper ran out it's the cheapest one-ply toilet paper available on the giant rolls that only fit in the special dispensers i can't imagine anyone wanting to steal it i hope toilet paper queen is actually her title i used to work for the now long defunct books movies and music store media play just one of the 285 reasons that poorly run business ran into the ground was the tardy attendance policy if you were literally conan one seconds late clocking in even hours before the store opened it was a really really big deal you'd not only be formally written up but lectured like a child often times berated even if you were tardy three times bye bye however if you know showed and then called two hours later saying you were sick okay thank you feel better this trained everyone to just take a sick day instead of being half a second late to work i can't tell you how many times you'd see a co-worker screeching into the parking lot before work after fighting traffic from a wreck or whatever noticing it was 801 and then slowly driving off to go home and feign being sick this was particularly upsetting when it was a pull-down stock week when we needed every hand on deck that had unusually early shifts many years ago i was a vacuum cleaner salesman there were songs about this particular brand of vacuum cleaner and how awesome it was every morning we had to sing these songs as a group in fairness it was a pretty quality item it was kirby didn't mean to be subversive just didn't think anybody would care in fairness it was a pretty quality item it's okay man you're free now you don't need to sing the song anymore when i was in the military i saw a buddy of mine sitting outside crying i went and consoled him best as i could apparently he was just depressed and unhappy after he was feeling a bit better i went to go and find someone to tell them what was happening they knew in fact he had been crying so much lately that they had instituted a no crying at your desk policy which is why he was outside dear god what the frick if we want to take a full five day week off we need to use two vacation days one personal and two more vacation days can never use three vacation days straight something similar here we can't use our sick time until we use three vacation days so let's say i have no vacation hours it gets really sick i can't use pto our sick time is essentially useless i drive valet the company handbook says you're never allowed to back up ever you absolutely cannot do the job without reverse it's impossible it's in there because of liability and our insurance policy this way it can always be the ballot's fault if an accident occurs ever to answer the most repeated question if the rule says no reverse yet you're expected to park a car then how can you park the car answer never hit anything and always reverse despite the rules expect to be fired should you hit anything in reverse but probably not the rule only exists to cover the company's butt but if they don't feel threatened by you working there and your asset you still will not be fired and yes many people are questioning the legality of it and you're right it wouldn't hold up in courts but it's in the handbook and it's silly so i posted it malicious compliance it's not like this anymore but for a while they attempted to have a dress code guys had to wear collared shirts but hawaiian style shirts were totally acceptable you could not wear jean shorts but john overall shorts were okay i got sent home one day because my shorts weren't finger tip length we were tech support no one ever saw us that was the best part anyone is asking fingertip length meant standing with your arms at your sides and your shorts had to be longer than where your fingertips ended think great school rules i'm picturing a bunch of it workers in hawaiian shirts and overalls and i love it i worked as a call receiver we never saw a customer we were only on the phones with them rule your hair must only be a natural color i dyed my hair the same exact color that someone from a different chef had i was reprimanded i told them that if the rule is not enforced for everyone they couldn't single me out their reasoning for letting the other person have that color but not me mine was my real hair dyed an unnatural color hers was a weave that could be changed very easily really then why hasn't she been asked to change her hair because that crap is expensive they gave up trying to convince me they were in the right i had a boss who didn't like the outrageous color i had in my hair i'm a natural redhead i work in retail and we have on-call shifts your name will be listed on the schedule for a certain time as a call-in so you have to call one hour before your shift to figure out if they need you to work for the day for example you would be listed as on call for 2pm and wouldn't know until 1pm if you were working that evening if you don't call in it's considered not showing up for a shift but there's no extra pay for the shift whether they need you or not so for three days of the week i don't know if i have to work or not can't make any solid plans to do anything except call my work and ask if they need me i can't imagine having children or elderly that need taking care of because it would be such a hassle to arrange care for them just an hour before having to work okay folks i get it you want me to sue this corporate demon i'm looking into it now and will update with any relevant developments i'm going to dig up my contract tomorrow and see if i can speak to a law person thanks for motivating me this is actually illegal i actually won money from a lawsuit against victoria's secret and their on-call policy i used to work for a large bank we had an attendance policy that was so complicated it actually created an incentive for employees to take an entire day off rather than be tardy too often my high school had that too if you were late enough to miss first period you got a cut which was a detention even being late to first period three times counted as a cut which was another detention an absence was just an absence no cuts no detentions i don't know if it's standard but i worked at a place where hr wasn't allowed to tell us if someone was fired it was a big enough place that you might not immediately realize someone had left and when you found out you weren't supposed to ask why so if you wanted to know if they were fired you asked was there cake which was to say that if the person had retired or left pleasantly after a number of years they would be given a party with cake if they were fired not so much i haven't seen brian for some time brian is no longer with us brian no longer works here with their cake clarifying that brown is alive in this scenario except for below where i said he was dead for karma we have a lock on the first aid kits so if you just need a band-aid for a cut you have to get the key from the safety guy which in turn makes it a reportable accident with mountains of paperwork and investigations we use an unbelievable amount of duct tape now frick that i'd be keeping a box of band-aids in a rarely used drawer or hidden away somewhere this handbook can be changed without notice at the company's discretion so medical leave three days medical leave per year fine i'll use my pto and expect to get disability for the remaining time after i have major surgery an addendum two weeks later medical leave for surgery must have written documentation from a doctor outlining your recovery schedule and when you may return to work when i return on a limited schedule six weeks later the hr manager comes into my office you didn't have the authorization letter before surgery so you better be here or face the unfortunate circumstance of disciplinary action while i'm at it since i'm under contract for five years does anybody know about the legal definition of peonage the specific text of the disclaimer is this handbook is subject to change without prior notice and at management's discretion i used to work for amazon in ireland and their toilet breaks were crazy maximum of 10 minutes a day but also a max of 20 minutes per week you had to change the status on your computer so everything was recorded and some managers would call you out on it and even go as far as threaten your job i had an understanding with my manager and told him if i need to take a crap then i am going for it like any good manager he just told me that as long as i give him the numbers he wants then i could do what i want i was treated with great respect while working there and thoroughly enjoyed the experience i can't speak for other employees in the business but i have heard the stories incidentally i now work in construction where someone isn't looking over your shoulder and checking every minute of every day if you haven't seen the great movie office space watch it describes my situation perfectly my manager was looking for performance numbers i was the one looking for ones and twos there was an issue where there was too much socializing going on on the factory floor particularly when people were working while sitting down false skewed supervisor perception so they made everybody stand when that presented ergonomics problems they brought in these weird chairs that made you sit at a slant had no backs and no wheels so they wouldn't cause distractions no part of it made any sense a rule that said if you have time to lean you have time to clean which fairly obviously meant if there was no work then you should be cleaning things it was at an aircraft servicing station that was fairly small but we needed a crew of at least three people for larger planes the problem was that sometimes there were just no planes so there was no work we were clean for a couple hours and then just run out of stuff to clean but according to management that was no good we had to be busy it got to be that we would fight over work when it came in because everyone was so bored and finding pretend busy work was much much harder than just working i remember getting the crew together to pick up pebbles off the taxiway for a couple hours there's an old joke in aviation go sweep the taxiway so we actually did it at my last workplace we had to pay 50 cents to use a k-cup it was an office they also had a no websites or youtube policy and policed us using the security cameras we'd get messages if they noticed us on a site it was a well-known fact that the manager watched netflix in his office and played world of warcraft while watching the security cameras to make sure people weren't slacking i bet he mains a warlock loves to manage his minions empty inbox my boss was an inbox nazi like if you had old emails in there he would flip and make you respond to them or delete them apparently you shouldn't have anything left at the end of the day deal with them or delete them jokes on him though i just made a subfolder marked personal and everything went in there get fricked bill you old w not current job but at my last job at a store cafe an unspoken rule as in me and my manager were never told this by our boss was that we were not allowed to let a health inspector see anything that they come to inspect while still getting a good grade we followed health and safety laws but our bosses didn't we were one of the smaller stores cafes in this chain of 20-plus stores and cafes the health inspector must have realized that it was the company's fault for all the health and safety breaches because we the staff were given near full marks on the staff's health and safety responsibilities but the boss's responsibilities was a different story no fly killer in store despite them being attracted by our bakery part and us having a fly killer outback for over a month but no one was ever sent to install it no mouse rat traps only one sink law requires two one for hands and one for dishes no hot water the counter where we put coffee down wasn't nailed down and we actually had a customer attempt to see over a spilled coffee some of our bakery was expired but we were made to put it out because according to our company's food manager they looked okay so they must be okay the list goes on our manager ended up showing the health inspector months of emails and texts and whatsapp messages informing the bosses of these health and safety breaches and asking them to be fixed all of which were promptly ignored later that day our boss calls and screams over the phone at my manager tells him that it's all our fault and it's our job to make sure the health inspector never finds out about all that over the next week she comes in every single day where she just watches us work from the office on the security cameras and gives out at us for every little thing and makes a massive deal over everything like for example i had a mini sneezing fit one of those days and was yelled at in front of customers because i was going to infect everyone and all our food glad to be out of that hell hole last i heard a few of the stores she manages four five store managers quit all in one week while she was on holidays so she took over managing those stores are failing with massive sales drops and mass employee quitting ever since she took over them the hope to god she loses her job holy crap they ruin her holiday perfect revenge we got keurig for our break room our boss removed the part of it that you use the k-cups for because it had a needle in it which is what pierced the cake up her reasoning is that she was afraid someone poked their finger with it we worked in a blood donation center we were all phlebotomists she didn't see the irony worked in a surgery center with doctors one of the cosmetic surgeons who specialized in burn and scar reconstruction didn't like the office manager and made it obvious to be in but office manager told surgeon he couldn't use a box cutter to open packages surgeons started using a scalpel to open office mail no scotch tape on anything i was a teacher and the principal wouldn't allow it in the building threatening letters in your file for insubordination if you saw it on your desk only painters tape which by design is meant to not stick very well i hung posters in my room with circles of duct tape on the backside with strips of painters tape on the front side just for show subtle petty insubordination if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] so bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 57,537
Rating: 4.8659792 out of 5
Keywords: ridiculous rule, worst rules, worst rules at work, workplace rules, workplace safety rules, job rules and regulations, new job rule, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: AeAgeFmNJo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 20sec (1520 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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