When Kids Mess You Up

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what something innocent you did as a child that really screwed up someone else's life i was on a family vacation in europe at a train station and i was like 13 on the platform a european man asks me a 13 year old little american boy if this is where the train to paris will be arriving i tell him yes train to paris arrives we get on and find our seats suddenly a few people show up and have the same seats numbers as us oops we got on the 10 50 to southern france somewhere we want the 10 55 to paris the whole family gets off the train as it pulls away i make eye contact with the man who asked if the train went to paris i hope he had a nice vacation i was like eight nine years old and i found my cousin's piece since i didn't knew what it was i asked my aunt she asked where did i find it and if i could find more she would give a surprise i found like nine magazines the surprise was ice cream and money for the arcade f your cousin i accidentally caught my uncle cheating on my aunt and apparently fessed up at the dinner table on thanksgiving i was about six and i don't remember the event i remember everyone being in a rush to leave and ultimately not seeing my uncle again when i was 14 i was at my friend's house his dad had a really nice late 60s early 70s chevelle i think my friend and i were sitting there looking at it and talking about it and being at that age when cars just seemed so cool i wanted to see the engine we popped the hood and looked for a wall and then slammed the hood and moved on well the hood didn't latch properly and the next time he drove it the hood flew up and he crashed the car it was a 30-plus year old car at the time and a complete timepiece his dad was going through a divorce at the time because his mom cheated on him so this guy was just trying to enjoy his nice classic car after his wife cheated on him and it got destroyed i still feel freaking terrible about it i'm not really sure if it screwed up his life more i think it just brought up a past he wanted to forget but there was a kid i was friends with in middle school named mike and he would flinch really bad if you pretended to almost hit him but me being a kid and not understanding how bad the world can be i thought it was funny and messed with him all the time by pretending to hit him fast forward five or six years and i found out his parents beat him as a kid and he was forever traumatized by that i'm sure i was triggering his ptsd every time i made him flinch and ever since then i've felt so bad about it i haven't seen him in over five years but i really wish i could apologize to him for my ignorance when i was around eight or nine me and some friends decided to make a corn maze in some random farmer's field we didn't ask him didn't know him didn't think about the fact that he didn't want to corn maze in his field we just thought it would be awesome fun poor guy we probably did hundreds of dollars of damage i bet after his initial reaction he still gave the maze a shot himself so that's a silver lining i was about five and my aunt was driving us somewhere later tonight on the highway i remember seeing a full moon through the window on my side and i urged my aunt to look out the window saying look look look look it's so big and pretty look look look she turned her head for a split second to look where i was so frantically pointing at and in that short moment her eyes were off the road a car slid into her lane with very little room to spare and she ended up rear-ending it and we got into a major accident i remember having a few bruises and scratches on myself but my aunt messed up her neck and back it's been 18 years now and she still has spinal problems tbh it was not your fault even if your aunt shouldn't have looked it was the other car's fault for merging when there wasn't enough safety distance for whatever reason i took a big dirty dump on the bathroom floor at school when i was seven the teachers asked me later what was up and i blamed it on my best friend for some reason he admitted it was him the administrators sent him to be mentally evaluated and he ended up on ritalin for the next 15 years i think your friend might have actually had problems considering he took that for 15 years god dang this reminds me of the most heart-wrenching story i've read on here this one guy was describing how when he was younger he was holding his dad's friend's gun and checking it out while reassured by the owner that it wasn't loaded the dad's friend's daughter came out of the door somewhere nearby and the gun discharged straight at her and killed her on the spot it was a terrifying disaster i think the dad's friend eventually took his own life and the families were never the same it was so brutal to read about i don't think i'll be able to find it using keywords though i'll try horrible situation and easily preventable it's been drilled into me so that it's automatic if i pick up a weapon i clear it if i hand somebody a weapon i clear it if i am handed a weapon i clear it a friend's dad did this to me where he wanted me to check out his rifle i cleared it and lo and behold it was loaded dug a hole in my parents backyard got several feet deep and happened upon a cable running through the ground it was in our way of digging to china so we cut it to this day i don't know what it went to but i'm sure it made someone's life suck i dug to china with a group of friends also we got about six feet deep and one kid got stuck in the hole so my dad made us fill it in my cousin and i were trying to surf which we had never done before i couldn't paddle out past the waves because i was too small and weak he stood behind me in waist deep water with the intention of pushing me over the wave the boar dug into the water and its buoyancy made it shoot back into his face he can't see out of one eye properly now i was expecting your cousin to drown so the story ended better than i expected not sure if this qualifies because i don't exactly know what happened in this situation but when i was growing up my grandma owned a bar my mom worked there so i regularly hung out there during the day when it was basically a lunch restaurant one of the regulars came in at about 3 or 4 p.m and got a beer like he always did i was joking with him and told him he should stay for a few more and enjoy the evening he got a little sad and said unfortunately i'm too old for those kinds of things anymore and no one wants to hang out with an old man like me 12 year old me didn't think anything of it and carried on about my day my mom got off work about half an hour after the conversation with him and we went home picked up my dad and went out to dinner about halfway through dinner my mom got a phone call from a friend at the bar the regular had gone home and killed himself right after he left the bar he went home and blew out the pilot light on his oven and laid down on his couch his son came over to visit him later that evening and found him that it was too late i don't blame myself for what happened but if i had only know i would have stayed and told him that i wanted to hang out with him when i was little my dad was a stay at home and my mom worked we were immigrants living in practical poverty most meals coming from food pantries parents digging in recycling bins weekly to find cans to recycle for the return money there was a day when i decided to clean my room and i did it by just pulling everything out of the closet onto the floor by kid logic this makes total sense i found a broken purse surprisingly heavy stuffed with cash stuffed obviously i was excited as heck and ran it directly to my dad turns out my mom was saving up to leave us whoops dude that's heartbreaking when i was younger my best friend's parents were a gay couple and i spent a lot of time with them one time we were like seven or eight years old and i was with my friend and his parents and they took us to an event at a restaurant and beach club i don't remember exactly what the event was but it was specifically meant for the gay community so there were a lot of gay couples there anyway the next week i went into school and said that my friend's parent took me to a gay club i guess by the time it got to my friend's parents the story became that i said they took me to a gay strip club they took some flak from the school and other parents and i was made to apologize to them but i didn't say anything in a negative way i had a wonderful time anyway there was no love lost between my friend and i we're still amazing friends 15 years later however his parents and my parents were very close friends before that incident and have hardly spoken all this time and my relationship with them is still a bit strained when i was around eight my parents would babysit the little girl of a family friend who was a year or two younger than i was now that i'm older i realize her dad was really abusive but at the time i had no idea also both our parents were horrible alcoholics and i was oblivious when she came over she would hide food in our house in weird places we'd find bananas under the couch bread in the crack between the bed and the wall halloween candy in the fireplace etc i thought she was stealing so i always told my mom when i found it and she got in trouble i found out later that her dad wouldn't feed her at home so she was stashing extra food at our house because she was hungry as an adult i feel like such a horrible person for telling on her i still remember when i realized what a monster he was and this was also my fault she had gotten a new pair of shoes very rare most of her clothes were old torn and dirty and there were these plastic bubbles on the sides that had one poly pocket inside each bubble polly was very popular at the time and we had several of the tiny homes well we wanted the polly pocket and against her hesitation i talked her into cutting the bubbles open with scissors so we could get them out brand new shoes ruined she got in huge trouble and i lied and said it was her idea i will never forget what took place that night her dad whipped her bare bottom in our living room with the buckle end of a belt while i cried and nobody stopped him i was so scared he would whip me too that i didn't speak up then he made her walk up and down our gravelly street with no shoes by herself for almost an hour to teach her to appreciate things it was also close to midnight that was the last time i ever saw her i heard she was taken to live with her grandparent in michigan i never got to apologize and i will remember the sound of her crying for the rest of my life i wish i could remember her name everything else is so vivid and i still feel so guilty for the trauma she must have sustained from my actions i really hope she is doing okay now and got away from her horrible dad it sounds like there were adults there who should have said something you were a kid i don't think it was up to you to stop adult abusive behavior when i was four or five i was molested by my aunt and it gave me a really warp sense of how people react with each other i had this friend and i stayed over at her grandma's house with her i decided to play the fun games my aunt taught me we played these games until i was six turned out i was outright sexually abusing my best friend years and years later in high school we sat down and talked about it it really fricked with her v1 sexual relationships she's very jumpy when it comes to it all and i will never not feel guilty emma if you ever see this i am still so freaking sorry it's not your fault you were being molested and you didn't know it was wrong i'm so sorry that happened to you went fishing with my family near a river where some would float with their tubes and ice chests of beer well there is a really famous cliff over this river and kids love jumping off into the river for fun well a couple who were just married were floating down the river minding their own business when i was given the okay to jump when another kid gives you the okay you don't second guess you just jump and have fun turns out this kid didn't see the couple i took off jumped and my knee directly hits the woman who was just married right in her nose i come back up from under the water and she's seen screaming with blood rushing down her face and into the water i'm pretty sure i broke her nose breaking a nose is pretty much screwing someone's life up that happened to a woman in my town recently she either had massive internal injuries kid landed on her stomach or died i forget which in her case the kids were trying to land as close to floaters as possible so that they would get splashed so not as innocent as you i was bullied as a youngster in elementary school 1980s what did i do i bullied the loneliest kid in school i'm sorry zack we should've been friends and i resent my actions towards you sorry for throwing that basketball at your head while you were sleeping mine is pretty mild i have no recollection of it honestly i've only heard the story from my dad when i was four going on five i got my dad a ticket he got pulled over i think for speeding and i was sitting in the front seat back then the booster seat laws were a lot more lenient you needed to be five or over a certain weight to not be sitting in a booster seat welp i was in the front seat not in a booster and just barely not five years yet the officer asked my father how old i was and he says that i'm five being the little crap i was i scream from my seat no i'm not i am for yeah he did get a ticket no guarantee it was because of my big mouth but i'm sure it didn't help i was playing baseball in grade five it was my turn to bat i missed the ball when it was pitched in slight frustration i swung my bat back in the other direction without looking the ball ended up directly behind me after it was thrown the back catcher had walked up to grab it without me noticing i cracked him in the head knocked him out split his head open and he had to go get stitches and was gone from school for a few days not sure if i can say it ruined his life but i definitely made any future concussions he gets more risky could have been worse two kids on my baseball team were fighting over a bat one kid ripped out of the other kid's hands and on the back swing he caught a bystander in the mouth and fricked up his teeth for life when i was a kid two of my cousins on my mom's side at me a few times one of the cousins was 11 years older than me she would hang out with me if she took me to her house after school because her mom was there but if she took me to my house where there were no adults present she would just watch tv the whole time and ignore me until my parents got home i eventually told my mom that all she did when she was there was watch tv and she got really mad and fired her the other cousin was about five six years older when he babies at me he played with my dad's guitars i remember just sitting there while he played with them and we talked a bit he apparently left one of the amps on and my parents noticed it later and i told them that my cousin had played with them they again got mad and fired him from babysitting me can't remember the whole thing but apparently when my sister and i were young we told our bus driver that the guy she was dating was also dating our mom she told us his name and we said oh we know someone who's named that too and began to tell her about him but i don't think we ruined her life but at least we stopped him from cheating on anyone else my mom still likes to bring that story up today though about how we talk too much as kids lol i read this as if you just decided to tell a bus driver that your sister and mother were dating the same person it took me a good four attempts at reading it to understand what you were actually saying [Music] one day when i was sevenish i was supposed to walk my friend home she lived directly across the street but we got into a fight so i didn't she ended up getting kidnapped and brutally raped the guy tried to kill her too i haven't seen her since i've heard she lives across the country now i wish i could tell her i'm sorry when i was about 15 i was carrying my cousin who was about two at the time from the kitchen to the garage as he was and my aunt were heading to their car little did i know that the tiled hall floor was wet it was snowing and we later assumed that the snow brought in on people's boots made the floor wet anyway as i walk out i slipped and fell on top of my cousin which ended up breaking his leg still feel bad as he says it hurts in cold weather so although an accident i am pretty sure i've ruined his life by providing him with early arthritis nap just gave him a natural thermometer and a cool story for him to over embellish sometime in middle school apparently when i was 13 years old i seduced a 50 year old married man i screwed up his life when i confessed what was happening you didn't ruin his life he did there was an event at the community center where volunteers were helping kids sign up for summer camps the tables were placed right in front of the vending machines remember this this is important anyways me being the impish six-year-old i was i had a habit of sticking my hand into every little nook and cranny on the vending machines hoping to score a sweet quarter or something imagine my joy when i stuck my hand into a machine and scored in an open pack of tropical starbursts yet the green pack for six year old me that was the freaking jackpot anyways went back to my parents with my haul and they were a bit surprised but hey the packaging wasn't open so they let me keep it as we were walking out the community center i recall seeing a very distraught teenager banging against the machine it dawned on me a few years ago that he probably paid for the starbursts turned around to help an impatient parent and then found out that his starburst ceased to exist pretty sure i ruined that guy's life and subsequent faith in vending machines you little crap wouldn't say i screwed someone else's up but when i was in maybe grade 4 my friend told me that her dog got put to sleep the day before i didn't understand what it was and responded with so it'll just wake up i still feel terrible about it especially now having dogs of my own and knowing how hard it is to let them go never mind trying to talk about it with a friend and them being a dong when i was nine my dog died and i remember being in the elementary school library crying one of my friends asked the librarian why i was crying and she said i had lost my dog my friend came over and was like don't worry we can find your dog let's go look for him sometimes children are so unbelievably innocent i got obsessed with spies and the idea of people infiltrating the country some innocent trucker pulled up on my block and i slid down the grassy hill by the road and set up some homemade nail strips in front of his tires and burst them heard more cuss words that day than i thought one human could produce i don't know if this is relevant to the question but here goes when i was in middle school 2003 to 2005 i was into magic the gathering and had a few friends who were as well they'd come over after school and we'd all play coming form a better off family i had a lot of good cards for that time one day after they had been overplaying i noticed quite a few of my good cards missing later that day i also noticed 100 missing from my wallet it had just been my birthday and was a gift from my grandparents i got the police involved and they were pulled into the office at school and questioned ultimately they confessed after trying to deny it at first one of them received community service and had to work to pay me back the 100 they are the one though he ended up having a psychotic break from the whole ordeal destroying a bunch of his mom's furniture in a rage was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and was shipped off to a mental facility for a while he's got his life together somewhat but last i checked he's still a cashier at the local grocery store tldr friends stole from me in middle school and one of them ended up having a complete meltdown and ruining his own life you didn't do anything wrong though they robbed you as a very young child i was asked to be a flower girl in my aunt's wedding i told her over the phone nap but maybe next time you get married i just assumed that was how life worked people marrying and then splitting and remarrying and apparently it really hurt my aunt's feelings that i was so dismissive of the permanence of her upcoming marriage hahaha guess that's five-year-old for congrats on the nuptials when i was very young my mother put me in my booster seat in the back of the car and then proceeded to the rear to load stuff into the boot i being a mischievous little butthole got myself out of my seat and took the handbrake off the car then rolled backwards over my poor mother and broke both of her legs screwed her life up for a good while there in high school i was on a trip with my drama club and it was late so obviously we were racing up and down the halls of our hotel actual foot races i was winning one and just as i passed the door to my hotel room my friend matu was in the same room as me got up from where he was kneeling but he got up by pushing himself forward and the moment i passed the door my knee connected with the side of his face he ended up with a shattered face concussion memory problems he wanted to be an emt fireman but last i heard more than a decade ago he wasn't able to pass the exam certifications because he couldn't remember important information dang dad was a malignant narcissist drug addict and abuser he treated my mom and half sister like garbage when i was in kindergarten he tried to kill mom and she took us kids and fled in the middle of the night to her parents house fully resolved to leave him for good but she let me talk to him on the phone he would tell me how sad he was and how lonely and how much he missed me so i begged mom over and over to go back to him after a few months she broke down and did the abuse resumed and mom was too demoralized to leave again my sister was so traumatized by him that she dropped out of high school my mom stayed with him until he threatened to kill me when i was 16. she died never having been loved or treated well by a man my sister is in an abusive marriage and i'm in the process of my second divorce how different would things have been for all of us if i hadn't begged mom to go back abusers go out of their way to break down people until they get what they want as a child you were just one way to do that for your father he most likely would have found some other way if you weren't in the picture as morbid as that is that's just how those people are it's not your fault it's always the fault of the abuser kicked a football while playing in the backyard with my siblings when i was 10 ball flew over fence our neighbor was a middle-aged lady who had her mother and some other person sitting outside drinking tea when i saw the ball fly over i started worrying which was right all i heard was the sound of glass and plates shattering i then ran inside since i had this gut feeling that i just screwed up on a massive level five minutes later that someone else rang our bell and said they just sent the neighbor's mother to hr funeral i still feel like crap not me but i had a friend who was playing with matches in a forested strip about 10 miles long that neighborhoods backed up against and yes what happened is exactly what you were thinking i think he told me it caused something like 50 m in damage in mid 1970s money didn't screw up a life but my dad takes anxiety pills and my mom takes pills for medicine cps interviewed my little brother over an issue with my older brother and he said that they did a lot of pills apparently as a kid when i was around 9 10 i thought it was funny to scare this girl by saying there's a monster behind her and i would scream at random times when it was quiet she always jumped and covered her ears and shut her eyes i didn't think much of it turns out i've been giving her terrible nightmares and she was terrified of emmy as soon as i found out i stopped and i just kept my distance i felt horrible not sure if this is really screwing up someone's life but definitely some innocence lost when i was six in kindergarten i was sitting at a table making some art for christmas with three other kids one of the kids a kid i didn't like was going on and on about how santa was going to bring him so many gifts and i was getting annoyed being raised an atheist i never believed in santa claus i finally snapped and said you know santa's not real right to add to it the poor boy bothering me was a special needs kid and was so distraught by my news that he yelled santa's not real so that the whole class could participate in his upset my teacher put me in timeout but i had no idea why i didn't understand that i was freaking up those kids childhoods i thought i was just informing them they all went home and had to ask their parents if i had laid or not i feel horrible for ruining like 30 kids belief in santa being raised an atheist i never believed in santa claus that is a very amusing sentence minor but i still think about it when i was 10-ish i was going somewhere with my father he had put shorts on which was unusual i laughed he never wore shorts again if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 54,076
Rating: 4.9456224 out of 5
Keywords: innocents, innocence, innocent kids, kids actions, what kids say, when kids mess you up, kids say, funniest, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit stories 2021
Id: OuoWi55ypuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 41sec (1601 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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