What Middle School Experience Still Makes You Cringe Today?

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what happened in middle school that still makes you cringe today backstory i was a band geek i played all sorts of instruments but at the time of this story i played the bass clarinet i was also dating another band member at the time our school had six hours or periods depending on what you called it and band was only available as either third or six hour for all three grades our middle school went seven nine grades this means both ours would be a mix actual story i played on the high school basketball team my ninth grade year so a lot of the time i had to leave early for high school games as i was leaving my teacher was still on his podium talking to the flute section i realized i had forgotten my base clarinet so i ran back to the lockers to grab it my middle school brain decided it would also be okay to run up and give a hug to my boyfriend in front of everyone else so with a giant instrument case in one hand flip-flops on my feet a backpack on one shoulder and a crap ton of momentum i go sliding full force into him i took out not only him but four other people sitting by him it was essentially band member bowling ugg i'm cringing as i type we were going on some field trip and the class was gathered to discuss rules what we could and couldn't bring etc etc gamma boys were all the rage at that time so our teacher announced that we wouldn't be allowed to bring them now i had no clue what a game boy was but i wanted to be a smartest anyway so i raised my hand and asked what about the majorals yep that's not bad actually chances are that everyone just thought you were joking and it's not a terrible joke for that age period [Music] seventh grade fifth period pay volleyball day having failed my team in getting the ball over the net even once because of my lack of athletic ability i figured i'd help out by running and retrieving it when it went into the grassy area behind the court i reach the ball safely and turn around to walk not run back to my team out of nowhere a pile of dirt appeared beneath me swiftly knocking me to the ground in my terror i lift my hands up to block my fall i land with an undramatic thud my team laughs my pay teacher asks if i'm okay and i realize i can't move my arm i get escorted to the office where the nurse finally releases me to my dad after much interrogation and disbelief that i could break my arm falling on grass from a walk urgent care informs me that i have broken my arm in two places i get a cast for the entire summer and my two ex-best friends spread a rumor that i faked the whole thing for attention including that my cast was fake too had multiple classmates inspected for hinges middle school girls are mean tltr broke my arm tripping over a pile of dirt seventh grade algebra class and my teacher said something regarding one thousand dollars and i recently watched a couple yo mama episodes on mtv and they would give out one thousand dollars to the winner well right after the teacher said that there was a spot where i could try and make kids laugh and i said one zero zero zero dollars kashmin ah complete terrifying silence filled the room with nothing but hatred and then cool black kid that sat next to me just says wow that was stupid which made it even worse i know some of the kids that were in my classroom did so you come let's better not say anything during warm-up for p e one year we were all jogging and during the last hundred yards or so i turned my head back to the right and spit over my shoulder little did i know that the most popular girl in the school was right there behind me and the spit flew directly into her mouth she fell to the ground as if someone had tagged her from long distance with a sniper bullet i immediately felt so bad and envisioned the rest of my school days being heck luckily however she forgave me and we ended up dating our senior year of high school it's cause you asserted your dominance like the llama my teacher was sort of eccentric and he went through a phase of making us feel awkward by slowly getting closer to us while lecturing or just not talking act anyway he once said something along the lines of what would be something awkward to say well i said i have cancer and it was awkward it was everyone stopped talking and collectively looked at me my teacher shook his head slightly and said that wasn't funny it was awful i don't know why i thought it would be a good idea to say that granted he did ask for awkward i gave him awkward teachers should have slow clapped if i was a teacher i'd totally have my students back and save them from bad situations i farted in the face of the one of the most popular girls in school my middle school had only a really crappy cafeteria buffet line or a cafe that sold mostly junk food one day i opted for a piece of pizza hot pepperoni from the cafe for lunch rather than skipping lunch which was a general and encouraged habit of most girls at that age unfortunately lunch was right before pay i'd miss the pay test for whatever reason and was scheduled that day to do a makeup with the other kids who'd missed turned out to be just me and the fourth most popular girl in school all the popular girls were really small athletic and named things ending with a y and i was really tall and lanky and awkward so we are doing our test together the mile run she beats me by like two minutes but i run a personal best of 8 40 the pull-up bar where our pervy gym teacher would hold all us girls by the hips and assist us then came the sit-ups i might not run a fast mile or have lots of upper body strength but i've always had strong abs and knew i could totally beat her in this i held her feet as she went 49 sit-ups in one minute i totally got this a feeling starts to erupt inside of me from the pizza i just eaten and as i get down on the mat i know what's going to happen but i am committed at this point to beating this girl at something so i do 64 sit ups in one minute her holding my feet and me farting a little in her face on each one 64 farts in the face of the fourth most popular girl in school in a minutes time to this day i still don't know whether to cringe or be proud tl dr farted in popular girls face 64x edit three difference between a push-up and a sit-up sorry wrote this originally in haste on my phone i would say 64 farts in one minute is quite an accomplishment i had a huge crush on this popular guy who i had once been friends with we rode the bus together and it was often quite full so one day he asked to sit next to me no other seats open and of course i dreamily said yes now presented with this opportunity i decided to really try and impress him i pulled the poncho i had been knitting out of my backpack begin to knit and inform him that i can knit with my eyes closed honestly i'm just thankful i never had to see his reaction to that as it probably would have totally killed the complete sense of nailed it that i had after i got off the bus we rode the bush together and it was often quite full that just happened in my it class one of the girls in the group asked what a printer to this day i still see her as a complete freaking idiot a classmate of mine asked if christopher columbus was still alive in eighth grade she still doesn't know she graduated i was on the basketball team only a couple minutes left and the game and the other team took a shot and missed me being roughly six feet two at the time got the rebound and without thinking because i was so excited to have the ball for once immediately took a shot and made it the second the ball left my hands my heart sank they won the game because of it and 15 years later i still get crap for it once in a while middle school is heck seriously high schoolers are great but at least they're sapient beings grade schoolers acute and the psychological damage they cause to each other can be repaired but freaking middle school you walk in as a sixth grader and you're still essentially a baby and you're swamped by these eighth graders on the trembling cusp of puberty everything stinks like hormones and there's a welcome to school dance to let everyone get to know each other as though the administration doesn't know this will create an environment of hostility and rejection that will have ripple effects so far into the future their victims haven't been born yet somehow you're already behind everyone else is more sure of themselves more comfortable than you you can feel it radiating off of them you find friends that you've had since kindergarten but they don't want to talk to you you've worn the wrong backpack or some dumb crap and now you might as well be constantly pooping and then there's gym class this is all if you're lucky i wasn't commerce somehow you're already behind everyone else is more sure of themselves more comfortable than you you can feel it radiating off of them this pretty much escalated until the end of high school when i discovered how to finally develop a personality i liked much time was wasted trying to be like someone else or just copy things that work for others i told the girl i was dating in seventh grade that we were gonna make out officially on a certain day after only doing pecs we were at a movie i couldn't make my move during the movie for whatever reason the credits roll my mouth is dry so i chug my pepsi to prepare myself as we are saying our goodbyes i say but this time i want tongue and makia it with her to her surprise she said my mouth tasted like soap this proves it coke is better than pepsi it was sixth grade there was a gopher on the field during recess everyone started to gather around it some jackass kids were trying to kick it so i blocked them and was trying to protect it i was pushed hard enough to step on it everyone started laughing and i ran to the restroom hid in a stall and cried all day until school was over one of the worst days of my life r.i.p gopher just recently at the middle school in my town some kids stomped on a bunch of bunnies apparently it was at first an accident but then he started putting them out if their misery that's when crap got real messed my entire middle school experience was one cringe of copying popular behaviors so that i could attempt to fit in i thought that copying catch phrases and mannerisms of the popular kids was the ticket to changing myself while that strategy had some success i cringe about my desperation for social acceptance in seventh grade i discovered that i was allergic to poison ivy after i broke out in terrible open past ripping rashes on both of my legs i had to come to school every day for a month with bandages around my legs and change them out several times a day somehow the rash traveled to my face distorting and sagging my right cheek making me look like a true pizza face the rash progressively worsened with the apex of it landing on picture day i still cringe for the poor photographer that had to look me in the eye and go on taking my frightful picture eighth grade lunch room a frozen chicken nugget flew across the room and smacked me in the temple also safety pin necklaces i did wear my safety pin necklace with a poker shell necklace and also those silly sweat armbands with designs on them and my parents let me out of the house i yelled death from above as i was throwing a popcorn shrimp across the cafeteria it ended up passing a cute girl's face and i found out that it sliced her retina i cut her eye with a breaded shrimp the retina is on the inside of the back of your eye i think you meant cornea i went to school wearing only my winter jacket i forgot to put on a shirt when i was getting dressed and didn't realize my mistake until i got off the bus my mom had to bring me a shirt from home middle school was not a very great time for me i started going through puberty in the sixth grade before every else did i was taller than everyone in my grade i had a face full of pimples and i was a giant nerd well one day i was walking to class with my rolling backpack and this kid ended up yelling at me hey look i teased the weird girl i was socially [ __ ] so i yelled back i i i hope you go to heck that's right i said i t heck i cringe at the thought in eighth grade when the girl and boys track team were combined we saw a whole bunch of little clear baggies on the field we didn't know what they were and my guy friend had to spit out his gum so he put it up to his mouth and spit out his gum in it i realized years later that those were used condoms on a more sad and serious note i have a story that haunts me every night my friend found out who i had a crush on and did that immature hey she has a crush on you move to him but she was a bee on and off now i know she was bipolar i got really mad at her became she treated me like real crap sometimes now it was a friend war and to get even my other friend made a really mean tease about her apparently she wore diapers at night so my friend yelled which do you use huggies you make a swish swish sound when you walk she died a bit on the inside that was a little much after that she hated me for age even though i didn't say it and even in high school she would make really dark paintings for the art show and i'd compliment her but she'd give me a dirty look a year after graduation she killed herself and i never got to apologize that day that she died makes me feel terrible i wonder where she is and how she's doing if there's an afterlife only she knows tl dr friend committed suicide and maybe because of something mean my friend said it could have contributed to it and i never got to say i was sorry it's been haunting me since it happened and when she killed herself it warns me more friend committed suicide because of something mean my friend said i don't think that was the real reason she committed suicide there were definitely some underlying issues though what you said may have been hurtful to her i doubt it was that important in eighth grade i had to poop at school and somehow when wiping i managed to get poop on my thumb without realizing and when i pulled my pants up it streaked all up my thigh i panicked i tried to wipe it off with toilet paper but since it was dry it only smeared it around more panic i began spitting on my leg and finally it all scrubbed off then i realized that crap had also gotten on my panties i took them off and attempted to flush them down the toilet this failed i hurriedly left and then realized i probably still stank like crap so i went to my gym locker and got my deodorant and smeared it on my leg i finally returned to class one of my friends saw i was distressed and tried to talk to me about it but i told her i wasn't telling a soul that night she called me and talked me into telling her the next day she told people who told others it spread like wildfire they started calling me poopy seen a year of high school the valedictorian even mentioned it in her speech row till there is a heck on earth it still grosses me out today that a girl gave another kid a [ __ ] that's a 12 year old sucking another 12 year old dong in sixth grade i was obsessed with teen titans and i would sit cross-legged in my chair in art class or in the girls locker rooms and gym and chant as arithmetry and zynthus picture their faces if one random time it actually worked and you just shot a blast of whatever the heck raven's powers are or crap this bee is serious run oh man one time a group of kids dared me to eat a whole nacho tray filled with jalapenos and then drink 16 half pints of chocolate milk i did it in about 20 minutes for one day i became the popular kid the principal was watching the whole thing and laughing his butt off i crap milk and burning for days well that's bullcrap you expect us to believe you drank eight pints of milk in 20 minutes during one of those stupid middle school dance things where everyone awkwardly stands around the room filled with disco crap because the teachers hadn't let go of that era yet one of my friends went up to ask a girl to dance now my friends and i were nerdy geeky kids and so was this girl he went to ask he went up to her and she threw her punch or whatever it was in his face it felt awful to see and he started crying turns out she did it to gain favor with the cool girls girls at that age are miniature hitlers we were discussing to kill a mockingbird and my teacher wanted us to act it out so we could grasp the story better when it came to choosing mayella yule the girl i had a crush on volunteered for the part now i am a very introverted person and i never blurt out in class but because i like this girl i thought i could make her laugh and notice me if i did something haha you got violated stone cold silence not a single word from anyone they all just stared at me flipping see me outside then i had to privately apologize to my crush and then to the entire class haha rubbed mayonnaise on the staircase railing so people would wipe their hands on it and watched and waited eventually some black girls walked down the stairs when one yelled a lotion and they all proceeded to rub it on their arms it was awesome no regrets i didn't know many inappropriate words when i was in middle school but desperately wanted to be edgy and cool with my friends one day they're giving me a hard time and i decide to say jeez guys you're treating me like i have a circumcised dong they just stared their stares are burned into me head to this day i tried to turn super saiyan in a fight once i legitimately started screaming in a super saiyan pose boy was it embarrassing i didn't even turn super saiyan just got my butt kicked by a fat kid i began crying because i was the only one who wrote the wrong answer on a question in a test the question was how men are 50 or anger are there in one kroner old swedish currency the answer is two it's like how many 50 cents are there in one euro i played football in middle school and i wasn't really the cool kid got picked on a lot no big deal but one day i was offered some hair gel from one of the guys i took it and fixed my hair everyone started laughing and i had no idea why turns out one of mp in the gel bottle and mixed it up the nickname piss head came up a lot over the next few years and it was mentioned in my senior year book frick those guys everything all of it the whole thing start to aching finish it was all horrible and i prefer not to think about it we were in seventh grade sitting at lunch when all of a sudden the lunchroom goes dead silent as the one kid is literally standing in the middle of the lunchroom pee his pants picking his nose and just smiling to this day i have no idea why but it kind of scarred me i created this fictional character called chisabob and then made everyone call me that i even had one of those crappy personal websites from comcast where i wrote about the chisha bob club and it had all these stupid rules my english teacher had a conference with my mom because she was concerned that i was delusional but really i was just a stupid sixth grader basically i was in the bathroom with a bunch of kids and they were at the urinal peeing and suddenly did the no hands thing i wanted to be cool so i did it too you know when you let go of a fire as well that happened and i peed on my shirt a lot so i completely drenched the bottom half of my shirt in water in the sink and dried it out as much as i could and went back to class with a half wet wrinkly t-shirt i still don't remember if the kids told anybody but i completely blocked a house until a few months ago and i really don't know what came of it middle school in general is kind of a blur also remember aol instant messenger away messages and how you could make someone click a link and it would make them go away with the message you wrote well i think this was when i was 12. i made one that said i'm gay or something oh and i'd abort someone i don't know why i thought it was a good idea but i sent it to a friend his mom was on his aim and she clicked it i couldn't talk to that woman for months and got in loads of trouble with my parents please don't make me remember any more of these i swear i'm different and normal now at least normal in the sense that i don't pee on myself in public places swell just remembered this one one time i went to my friend's house with sunglasses and a backwards hat on and i think he asked why i was wearing that and i said something along the lines of oh i'm trying a new style i'm very white in the suburbs and i was pretty chubby back then someone kill me i don't want to live with these memories a girl dating a guy then dating one of his friends while one of her friends dates the guy she broke up with then the original girl moves on to one of his other friends and her friend takes the last boyfriend i hate that dating circle crap that went on during middle school and into high school eighth grade at the beginning of the school year we're in spanish class about to learn how to salsa dance i ask my good friend in front of the entire class if he'll be my dance partner as a joke he just stares at me and so does everyone else his girlfriend just says um what the teacher also adds on and says that was a pretty awkward question i almost died of embarrassment i had just moved from a new state and was going to start the year like this ended up getting a hot girl as my dance partner so i ain't even mad you just made me realize no one had a sense of humor in middle school there was a kid in our class that always wore sweatpants he masturbated during class all the time and everyone knew it even the teachers but they just ignored it one time he was at full mass and went to talk to the teacher at her desk thought the thing was going to poke her eye out she made him go to the principal's office and he was banned from ever wearing sweatpants again i guess i didn't cringe but it did make me laugh again lol full mast all right i get itu buttholes like full mass more dancing in gym class boys were supposed to go pick the girls my lanky bray's face didn't get picked so i got paired up with a star football player no word of a lie danced for 10 seconds and he walked away leaving me to waltz on my own the gym teacher did nothing and my young awkward teenage self-esteem was stomped on i wore the frick out of a fuzzy near orange sleeveless top i don't know why but i thought that it was the coolest thing ever probably when my teacher inquired what the red dot circles on my face were thanks for the 20 sets of eyeballs judging me because i had acne our health teacher always stopped teaching about five ten minutes early and yet to spend the rest of the class doing whatever and two of my friends would sit there and head bang every day at the end of that class to know music if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 14,176
Rating: 4.9230771 out of 5
Keywords: school, chool stories, middle school the worst years of my life, middle school hacks, middle school vs high school, cringe, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: Y9V9nBT5Tjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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