10 Wild Furry Con Stories

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hey hey how's everyone doing today it's the one and only super coyote face ash the coyote face the dumpster dog Oh with a little bit of sass a few weeks back I did a video on five things so you should not do at furry cons well this week I am diving off the deep end with some convention horror stories joining me here today is the lovely bubbles hi I'm bubbles I'm a fennec if you can't tell by my ears I have a couple other characters so I have my fennec bubbles something I have my red fox and then I have a kid singing too she'll be sharing some of her wild con experiences with us later on in episode couples yes of course look at me Vincent chair for five cons so she has some crazy stories to tell us but already so I will start this one off with one of my favorite convention horror stories have you ever been to further confusion it's a con out in San Jose California Japan I used to go all the time because we have a ton of friends out in California one of the unfortunate happens Sansa's with this condo but Sydney just so happened to be on the same weekend as a volleyball tournament like we literally shared the hotel in convention space with them don't this by itself isn't all that big of a deal or at least that's what I thought so we fly in and get to the hotel and settle in this is one of my first years with a person I had literally just made of myself and I decided that as soon as we unpacked we should just go down to the convention space in pursuit and hang out so we get in suit and hop in the elevator on the way down of course it fills with volleyball players and their moms the usual selfies and side comments commands I mean I get it when we are just a little bit weird but I mean that's okay on our way over to the convention so don't we walk past another group of players and I immediately do a double-take it's my cousin and my aunt walking by oh my god I was not out of Burnie at that time and let me tell you that it felt like time froze I just kind of stopped until chip dragged me out to the fursuit lounge I proceeded to tell him who I thought I saw and he assured me that it was probably not them he was wrong over the first icon I dodge like 12 interactions with him years later my cousin stops by her house and of course she remembered the whole thing we still laugh about it to this day so I'm gonna talk about a fun little incident at a quater fur we were walking by just wrapping up some stuff for the night and we saw a guy following a woman they were probably like in their 40s or 50s and the woman was hiding something in her arms and the guy was following her with a camera like really really close and her like okay something's something weird is happening because they're trying like scouting out the area and the lady then opens up her arms to a giant American flag with a picture of Donald Trump on it that says Donald Trump for president and she starts parading it around in front of her attendees and everybody's just looking at them like what the heck they were apparently not hotel guests so we have no idea what went across their head when they're like I'm gonna go to a furry convention and start waving around a Donald Trump flag in front of a bunch of faces and see what happens luckily the hotel security went up to them almost immediately and was like what are you doing they're like this is free space like I'm allowed to do this here and they're like actually you're not this is a hotel please leave but just the fact that some random person decided to come do that was interesting for some reason every con I always end up talking to the police and just outrageous outfit late at night the first time was that Painted Desert and 2019 it was late at night I think it was probably like 2:00 in the morning and the dances were going there was a thumping beat and a bunch of non attendees at the hotel tried to sneak in and the hotel security ended up calling the police on them because they're being a little too rambunctious so they called me and told me that they were getting the police involved and they wanted me to be there I pop out from the photo shoot in pursuit I take off my head I'm just drenched in sweat and I walk outside the police get out of their car and they're with the hotel security manager one of the cops comes by just super serious what's going on and the other cop comes out and just comes up to me and says so what does the Fox say and I just started crack it up then I just had to do the whole incident in pursuit without a head looking ridiculous when we were going to FC for the first time that's further confusion in San Jose we didn't know there were two hotels Nick to the same Convention Center and our friend told us to come up to the room they gave us the room number sort of like okay so we just get in the elevator go up to the room and we're like knocking on the door and we're like hi and they're like hi and we're like we're here to see your friend and they're like oh well they're not here right now I'm like okay so ash and I walk in and we're like just sitting there waiting and there's all these other people in the room we're just looking around I'm like okay are they gonna show up I thought they told us they were in the room already it turns out it wasn't their room it was like in a completely different hotel on the other side of the Convention Center so we ended up like just sitting in a room with a whole bunch of strangers I didn't know eventually like you're just like okay we gotta go we don't know who you are and we just went downstairs they're like what the heck happened and then we later get a text it's like oh we're in this other hotel all the way across the Convention Center and her friend is like oh you just ran into a whole bunch of weird people didn't you were like yeah we didn't know they were a bunch of strangers it was a little awkward so yeah that was that was pretty silly 20:22 first suit I don't have hi I'm Ashleigh Eagle um or whatever species I am right now that's close enough G years back I decided to go to MFF I had never been before I didn't know hardly anybody there I think I decided to go like two weeks prior to the actual climb so is very last minute I didn't have a room I didn't know like what I was gonna do when I got there I just wanted to go and check it out so I ended up going on - I think it was Khan roommates comm Archon roomies or something like that I just try to find some people to stay with was not expecting much because it was two weeks prior to the convention starting and while I was there I just got super lucky and happened to find someone that I actually knew who said they had a room available so I jumped onto that offer and was able to room at them but it was the hotel the furthest away from the Convention Center so you know this hood there's like but main hotel then there's one right next door that's kind of a describe bridge and this one is connected with the parking lot we were in the hotel that wasn't connected to anything so we've had to walk and it was like a 20-minute trip just to get to the hotel to the place when the con was actually happening and that was like really cold and I wasn't prepared for that overall I had a pretty good time um but I also happen to time it so that my first time at this convention was the year of the infamous chlorine incident with you if you haven't heard about that someone let off a chlorine or something and in the main hotel space I think there's actually in one of the stairwells when that happened I was in a broom party and I had been partying pretty hard so when the alarms started going off no one really had any clue what was going on there's a lot of general confusion it wasn't like chaos but there was some sense of panic for sure I left the room party that I was in because I was mostly with strangers I didn't really know too many people at this con this year and I'd kind of just wandered the hall as everyone was about and I just remember feeling like I was wandering through a dream it just felt very surreal because it was late at night on people were either dressed in fur suit or in their nightwear or whatever they had been wearing to the various parties are going on at the time and there was a very interesting assortment of people gathered on the street while we were waiting outs this incident trying to figure out if they can get back into the main hotel very fortunately I ran into some people that I did know and I was able to go with them into someone else's hotel room to kind of just wait it out but like I said I've been partying pretty hard that night so I can't exactly tell you what hotel I ended up in or what we did for the rest of the night I just know that it was not until like 3:00 or so that we actually got back to the main hotel and it was a very weird first experience for mff I'm surprised I kept going back after that but it quickly became one of my favorite conventions it just kind of started out really intense with that with that whole incident so PDF see the first year we always run a patron dinner for with our guest of honor now I was super excited brand new hotel they have a make your own ramen bar that they offered I was like okay this sounds awesome so I set that up it was I think six members from the hotel management and five from our staff that went over there called B O's so it's our contract with the hotel that explains how they're gonna set up the room each day it goes over our food as well so the food we went over it ramen bar whatever everybody's all clear yeah Saturday night dinner it sounds great so what happened was that we didn't realize it was Friday night their kitchen brought the ramen bar into the sponsor lounge now nobody told us this they didn't understand why the fifty people we said would be there weren't there they just packed it up and left and Saturday comes around we're sitting there with her you know thirty to forty dinner people that were able to show up and there's no food we're like what's going on we go and we find out from an attendee that was in there like yeah it was really weird I was in the sponsor lounge yesterday and there was ramen Oh so we had to call up our event manager we had to call the hotel and say like look we need a dinner right now like we told you Saturday night when we emailed you we said Saturday night all of our programming stuff says Saturday night and we all missed it apparently on the video saying Friday because that's what the kitchen sees kitchen doesn't see what we talked about and the event managers coordinate and they ended up coming out with a bar they comped for the bar for an hour for like open drinks so people could drink if they wanted to they brought us like shitty pizza and the brat like chicken wings we ended up like haven't giving everybody like a discount on their Reg for one of their Corgi cons of choice and it was a nightmare though we were so upset but hopefully this year we're gonna try the ramen bar again so hopefully it works out this time well my next one involves the police again and also involves a crazy costume this was at Denver 2019 late at night I get a call about someone who's intoxicated and kind of causing some trouble so I go out I go on help me investigate bubbles bought me a skirt from Costco for Denver so I was wearing that and I just had my tail on and then my staff shirt and the skirt and my tail and so I just run know what's going on what's going on I get out there and this guy's kind of being combative he's kind of coming at me we're outside trying to get back inside I'm closing the doors making sure he can't go back inside we get to the last door that I closed so once you realize is that he can't get back into the convention you just kind of starts walking towards me lunging a little bit and then kind of drunkenly falls over and I just like oh let me just get you down here so I'm just gonna say that that was my first fight and also my first write that I want because they fell on the ground before they got to me but then unfortunately they went on couches for a little bit so the police came and then when I had to talk with that in my skirt and my tail and they were very serious you've ever met Aurora cops they're very serious it was just really funny I didn't really realize what I was wearing until after the fact I was like oh well this is two for two now for crazy costumes and talking with cops we can't talk about convention horror stories without talking about the MFF chlorine attack man that wasn't fun the alarms went off in the hotel we had no idea what's going on there was fire trucks everywhere ambulances and we're like we have to get out of here we don't know where to go we had a friend invite us to their room in a different hotel it was just a you know just across the street and so they go up there and there's like 40 maybe 50 people in one hotel room it was crowded so we're all just sitting there kind of waiting it out seeing if it's okay to leave seeing if we can just fly in a place to be for the night because we can't go back to our hotel room at all there's no place to sleep there's no place to eat everything's closed because it's super late at night and so we just try to make the best of it and talk to her friends in the room but the problem was there is a couple people who just couldn't keep their volume under control they were so loud and so obnoxious that all the neighboring rooms started calling the front desk they were complaining that there was loud noises we kept saying like please please be quiet we have nowhere else to be come on just chill out and I guess maybe they were just too excited about partying or something so we got like the hotel security called on us and everyone had to leave and social security was like pounding on the door saying get out of there get out of there they open the door and they're like shocked his room is just packed full of people and like 40 or 50 people walked past the security guard like sorry we try to keep it quiet but couldn't do anything about it and then we had to go like wander around Chicago looking for a place to sit we finally ended up at Denny's by that time it was probably 3 or 4 a.m. we were exhausted by the end of the night like we finally got to be able to go back to our rooms early in the morning like 6 a.m. we just slept the whole day and I think everyone else did too because nobody got any sleep that night my first time for a surname well funny story I'm not so much of her first suitor myself I know properly because my first experience was a little weird I guess I had a friend who made first suits for a living and Arie at the time had never tried one before and its really wanted to see what it was like so she had some spare materials lying around mostly orange fur I'm a purple eagle so it's not exactly a perfect match but we decided to use that material to create a brand new character for Denis so that can go to Nick so we created a fox not too unlike the ones that he's sitting in right now and we called it ash Fox I was I was a terrible first suitor it is possible to be really bad at it and I remember going out and I just didn't know what to do I spent so much time filming and taking snapshots with people in their suits that when I actually got out there I just wasn't prepared for like embodying his character and like being bubbly and and stuff like that so when I went out I just kind of stood there expecting people to come around the 1 get their photo taken with me and they all just went to the next guy who was actually doing stuff so that's when I learned that you actually have to kind of give yourself over to the character and it was a learning experience for me because I also realized that I couldn't just embody some Brandon character that we threw together I really needed to have a connection with the character at first so I think that's partly why I haven't bothered to get a first suit of my own since then because I really wouldn't make sure it's like special to me something that I really connect with so this had to do with a hotel employee this was pretty interesting so we had an attendee message our social media page that apparently a hotel employee was saying that these fursuiters were disgusting and that she can't believe that we're at this hotel like took a picture by one of our banners and said like oh my god I hate myself I I could quit my job and saying like all these fursuiters are hugging her and that she's grossed out and doesn't want to be there and it got a lot nastier than that but to keep it short we went to talk to the hotel management like look we have a really good relationship with that hotel and whenever there's a problem employee we say like hey this person is causing a lot of problems can we not have them work the rest of the weekend like they hate our attendees why would they want to be here like tell them they have the rest of weekend off apparently they fired her from all the stuff that she said it was it was really bad and a lot of our attendees got up sick they thought the the bar were taking pictures of him and posting them on the Internet so that was interesting this isn't a convention Horror Story per se but if you consider film festivals to be kind of like conventions and it's convention Horror Story so a myth filmmaker and I went to a film festival in San Francisco called frame line and I went there because I had created a short documentary called fairies and I was premiering it for the very first time to the public to the non furry public and I was very fortunate and that several local furry friends came out to the premiere and the festival actually looked them wear their suits so they got to come up on stage and and just be them they're furry cells in front of everybody so that was really cool but I remember all of us waiting outside of the theater yeah previous screening was still you know wrapping up so we weren't allowed to go in yet and we were all just kind of standing out on the street waiting to go in some random person in the city kind of just runs up from the crowd and takes a good empty beer bottle and just kind of like strikes one of the first suitors on the head fortunately suits are pretty blow padded so the bottle just kind of bounced off than the person in the suit barely even knew it what had happened but everyone else kind of standing around was just shocked like oh my god that that just happened on and we ultimately end up Lloyd trying to like flag down security to see if they could do anything about we didn't know that I was gonna come back but it was just a very alarming and unexpected moment uh and I don't know if he was doing it for attention or if he was just you know not in his right line but it was very alarming and fortunately no one was hurt but we were definitely a little bit rattled and going from that right into the film premiere was not the best way to start my night a lot of nerves already because I was about to present this film but then all of a sudden I'm just trying to play like you know care take care for these first suits cuz have to watch the crowd to make sure that no one else comes up with any Maddie beer bottles it was a weird night but thankfully the the film itself went over very well and people seem to enjoy it so aside from that one moment while we were waiting outside the rest of the evening went off without a hitch now let's jump into this week's ask cash for those of you new to the channel ask cash is a segment where my patrons and subscribers ask me questions and I answer them this week I'm answering a question for one of my patrons should they be at very alternative to Twitter to avoid harassment from furry haters oh my that is an interesting question indeed let me start with a discussion about Twitter and then we can shift into the potential alternatives twitter has a platform has been really up and down for me I think it's a great way to keep in touch with folks and that's primarily what I use a platform for but on the flip side with it comes a whole lot of crummy people but there's like Twitter tend to favor controversy and drama as it is directly beneficial to the company's ad revenue this sometimes gets out of hand and put some negative personalities on a pedestal sometimes it turns into a gorilla which I workers say to crush whoever opposes their point of view now there are ways to fix this on the platform itself you can use block lists to keep those furry haters off your timeline and of course this extends beyond the fandom as well all that being said should there be a pretty alternative to Twitter I mean I would certainly like it I think it would be a lot of fun as a platform and with the right moderation it could be amazing but I don't think that will stop the haters and negative folks from finding away in I think the hardest thing at this point would just be to convince people to switch platforms think of it like Facebook or burn affinity once people are Auto populated platform it's really hard to convince them to jump ship for a new one even if it is better all right I think that about wraps up this episode I hope you all enjoyed it don't forget to hit that like button if you enjoyed it subscribe if you aren't already and leave a comment in the comment section below got a crazy con horror story I would love to hear about it I hope you all have a fabulous day goodbye a big shout out to all my patrons starting with my super fans we have Diana to pray Brad the Fox who writes lazy trash pendant beasts lead rohan wolf writer Billy daxter Helene Excel and cutter next we have my fans steer with sky Draco bears sinneth dan Fox TX Nova Hal Verne and Sullust the wolf and finally we have my early access here with scruffy fen cat elixir Cosmo skaila 'the Shadowfax see Tyler furlong Tara lioness Elisha Edith Everett Cochran L Katie Rose burns and Kaz Samantha Sawyer meets Takata of Wild Rose thank you all so much for your contributions [Music] you
Channel: Ash Coyote
Views: 78,442
Rating: 4.9376597 out of 5
Keywords: Furry, ash coyote, Furries, Fursuit, Furry animation, furrie, furry cute, furry secrets, tik tok, furry mod, majira coyote, majira, fandom, meme, inside, convention, Ragehound, Furry drama, furry controversy, furry contraversy, Odin wolf, Odinwolf, Five things not to do at furry cons, what not to do at furry cons, furry con drama, top 10 furry con stories, Furry con horror stories, furry con stories, top 10 furry, furry con, horror stories, stories
Id: 7S5aq0rcvy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 6sec (1386 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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