How Many Toilet Seats Does It Take To Stop a 50cal?!?!?

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hey guys been tracking Matt for 16 miles I smell his musk on this windy morning he's just around here I'm his biggest fan mm yes he's taking this morning poopy we'll just wait this one out now poops desert Eagles welcome to demolition ranch this episode of sponsored by simply safe and that's because well simply put I spent a lot of money on toilet seats today I went to the larger store I bought 30 toilet seats totaling about 400 dollars if you ever want to see some lady at the register give you a crazy eye that's did you walk up with 30 toilet seats and she's like why what did you why you why do you need that mini toilet seats and I told her I don't want to talk about it have you ever wondered is a toilet seat bulletproof I have I think about every time I sit down on the toilet and I honestly don't think it is but I was like well how many toilet seats would it take to be bulletproof and so I bought all they had what we got we got the nice thick plastic ones we've got some that are for round toilets and then some over let's see where is it where is it here for the longer oval shaped toilets we also have the ones your grandma likes the wood grain toilet seats look at that the lid is just so nice the seat matches it your grandma would love those seats I actually look for the ones that had like the carpet on the top turns out they don't make shag carpet toilet seats anymore and you know what I don't really care to find out if it's bulletproof against like 9 millimeters in 40 calibers and 45 you know what I want to know I want to know can it stop me from an actual threat that would come into my house like a desert eagle 50a e because that's what most people come to my house with they come in with 50 AE and I have to defend myself and I want to know how many toilet seats so I need to armor myself with this stop that giant round hold on me so I can get this to focus for you nope this channel is all about scientific information that is not actually important at all like will the toilet seat stop a out-of-focus 5080 look at that thing that is a big boy round right that will just blow yeah that's so good look at that bad boy so my question to you is how many do you think we are shooting through toilet lids and seats I think a 50 AE will not go through all of these I think it's gonna go I think it will stop in the tenth no no I think it will not touch the 10th the last one it hits is the ninth toilet seat one two three four five six nine I think it will not touch that it'll stop there what are your prediction oh that's so cool so apparently the inside of toilets are particleboard Oh even the wood one its particleboard cheap I guess that's why they're nine dollars a piece or something okay oh okay it's slowing down here you can see it's starting to break apart and then a small dent so that is eight nine I said it wouldn't touch the tin and it barely touched it god I am really close to being a genius on a different day this thing would have stopped it look at that I mean that made a huge hole through there that means the bullets got to be close then alright I feel like if it it's gotta be here hold on I'm gonna keep looking cuz the pole bullet went through that for sure where is it two things one I found the bullet look how cool that is so it just mushroomed out a little bit probably because it slowed down over like ten feet so I didn't like get a full like spread like they should if you're hitting water these things will open up real wide but this thing was slowing down to that particle board which is packed in there now by the way but that is the entire bullet all still there but what's also interesting is right where it hit here so this thing came through I thought let's see it was this one I thought I thought it was breaking apart but it was just pieces on the other toilet we're flying into that and hitting it because this thing is still all together so it fit right through there came through and went don't and hit that and bounced off it was right over here in the dirt but what's really interesting I saw this back behind was like what is that it knocked out a chunk out of the backside of that toilet where it just got hit so hard there didn't go through but just knocked out a big piece there so uh interesting went through nine stopped on the tenth now what if we had a 50 Cal that was more powerful it's not a 50 BMG no no no it's actually one I haven't showed you in a long time remember this this is the 50 Beowulf this is an ar-15 chambered in 50 Cal this is the Alexander arms and 50 Beowulf is a very serious round for comparison the 50 AE a desert eagle has about sixteen hundred foot-pounds of energy downrange the 50 Beowulf which as you can see takes up the entire magazine has over a thousand more foot-pounds of energy it's like almost at 2,700 foot-pounds of energy downrange for comparison to something a little easier to understand a nine-millimeter everyone's heard of a 9 millimeter 9 millimeters have about 400 foot-pounds this round is over six times more powerful which means it's basically like hitting your enemy with six plus nine millimeters at one time if you take a bad guy or an animal or something down with this that is a lot of energy now what about when I hit the toilet seat I will show you and we will find out together after a word from our sponsor simply safe who's making all of this possible simply say is incredibly effective and easy to use home security it's all monitored 24/7 by professionals who will call you the event of emergency and can't call police help if needed it's easy and intuitive to set up a lot of thoughtful features like a reminder if you leave a door open also super tiny little sensors that you won't even notice around your house and a big one fair and honest prices no contracts which is one of the main reasons that I was drawn to it and no hidden fees and it's a quick for worst case scenario so if your Wi-Fi goes out if your power goes out or your system is attacked it will still work my house is safer than most and that's because I have some tools that are specifically made for protecting a house and I'm very good at using those tools as is my wife she's very good at using those tools as well and whenever we leave town we always have someone watching the house but I wanted a little bit of extra peace of mind that's why one would simply say these are all their devices they have camera they have a glass break sensor they have a motion detector this is just a panic button you can have like you know if you're in your bedroom or something or want someone to be able to set off the alarm at any time I regret this okay got it this is just a little key fob you can have in your pocket in your car if maybe you're like whenever you get in your garage you just hit this thing and set the alarm setup is super easy I mean literally a lot of these things just have some sticky tape on them if there's a motion detector you just stick it up in your house currently simply save only ships in the United States but they are working on getting internationally very soon go check out simply safecom slash demo ranch they have quite a good offered for you through cyber monday and after that through the holidays they have more good offers and it's a super good service you're gonna love it and it helps support what we do here and we greatly appreciate simplicity from back at demolition ranch i moved all the holy ones to the back so we are starting at number eleven now and then goes all the way to number thirty which is right there and then starts at number one and goes back I think it will touch the sixteenth but not go through the perfect shot right right all right and then I think it started moving or something know what happened here so five six pretty straight seven starting to get a little sideways eight completely sideways nine is this one it's all broken apart looks like completely sideways came through the lid and then nailed the center of the seat right there and broke our seat in half and this is number ten it looks like the bullet just kind of went down and hit the dirt these things are all sitting like this so it hit the dirt there did not hit the seat in the back but threw dirt all over it oh there it is sweet and it did not open up at all so very interesting that it just started going sideways and then stops way sooner probably mostly because it came down here and hit dirt dirt stops everything really fast there's our bullet the hollow points are not going to go as far down so what about if we do a full metal jacket this actually isn't a full metal jacket it is a solid brass bullet I don't think it's gonna come apart at all it should stay right together and hopefully not start spinning sideways I didn't move at all that's the last one but I did put a little red line next to each of the hollow points bullet holes so I'll be able to tell which is which we're gonna shoot them again with the I guess you call this Full Metal Jacket ish check it out we got some good holes there but this is number seven looks like we're already going sideways number seven oh definitely going side is number eight just like the last one look at those two two sideways number nine straight through sideways look at that perfect that is awesome number ten it went through so I went further cuz I didn't hit dirt yet number ten you on side with number eleven is where it stopped okay yes we got it we were covering every bullet this actually deserves a million likes would you please like this video because I have found three out of three bullets so far and it is usually impossible to find bullets and somehow we're getting super lucky with this but there's a bullet it looks actually pretty good you can see the rifling on it I feel the focus you see where the rifling kind of scored it a little bit I don't know if you guys would be able to tell yeah you can see it that was our eleventh it broke through the lid and stopped on the seat right there so this just got me thinking the Desert Eagle went through a exactly this amount it stopped on the tenth I think but it's it's interesting this one is going away faster obviously but the Desert Eagle didn't start spinning so for some reason both those bullets after that hits a certain amount of toilet see it started flipping and the Desert Eagle stayed true all the way through I'm not satisfied not at all I mean thinking about six nine millimeters hitting at the same time as well that's impressive but what if we bring out a 50 BMG yeah check it out this is the Barrett you guys know and love this gun and it shoots the 50 BMG which is a giant round I looked it up 50 BMG s have about thirteen to fourteen thousand foot-pounds of energy which is about like getting hit by thirty five nine millimeters a regular Glock a standard full-size Glock holds about seventeen rounds so it's like if you got hit with two full mags of nine-millimeter out of a Glock all at once there's the first one nice a little bitty hole still one straight here still straight it looks like it could be starting to y'all this is the fifth one definitely starting y'all this is seven definitely starting to y'all look at that I think this was this was either eight or nine definitely going sideways through these and now it's actually probably going backwards because it the the hole is getting smaller now so I think it's going backwards this one looks straight up sideways again this one went straight sideways again right there that is the length of that bullet so that is exactly its profile right there goin through sideways hit our seat exploded the seat came through hit this thing going sideways and broke our lid in half which that's the first time we've actually broken a lid in half but let's see if we can piece this back together like that yeah so I'm not really sure how the bullet fits in there but anyway broke our lid in half broke the seat in half and then stopped on this one which is number 15 it looks like something hit the lid and nothing went through the seat and it looks like we have a lot of dirt disturbed in it through dirt all up on number 16 back here I looked around I cannot find the bullet so I think our luck ran out so moral a story I think about 15 toilet seats and you should be pretty protected so if you have anybody come in your house if it's a desert eagle you know get about 10 if it's a Barrett get about 15 a few extra just for safety and you should be good I have one more thing I want to do for you find folks here on demolition ranch I'm gonna find a few of these maybe a couple of them that look really cool and are not broken completely like like this one we clean up real nice and we're gonna give them away like you can either just hang that this one's still good you could hang this like in your garage as memento I'll sign them or I would love it if you used it like in a college dorm room this would be awesome so what you're gonna do go to win go to bunker brand eco it's our Instagram page for all the merch I'm out of breath after shooting all the 50s that's our Instagram page for all the merch bunker branding CO and what you need to is like the page and there's gonna be a picture of me sporting our new sweatshirt go caption the picture and then in a few days we'll pick around a few of you and we will get your info and we will mail you a toilet seat that is the weirdest giveaway we've ever done look pieces over here look at this 50 Cal man am i right Bobby I'm a doctor yes
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 7,918,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Id: cXprNBWoFCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 20 2018
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