I Have a German Stick Grenade!!!

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Matt welcome to demolition ranch I'm here with Todd we're out at drive tanks part of the Ox range we're gonna be doing something totally different today tell us about this Todd now what we have here is a German stick grenade it's an exact replica of a world war two potato masher stick your Nate probably most iconic grenade of World War two yeah we're able to actually make it into a live grenade with high explosives and this is not a dummy this is not a dumbed down version this is pretty much exactly what they were doing pretty much exactly it's a firing train blasting cap the explosives obviously different we don't have access to the world war ii german high explosives but we do have high explosives and we are an explosive manufacturers and that's what allows us to do this we actually have a same vault polt firing train and then people are actually going to just put it in the catapult and pull the lever set it downrange so we don't worry whether you can throw a grenade or not right because there's a lot of danger if I you know tried to throw it and something messed up and I dropped it or I got nervous you know maybe I get stage fright I don't know but it's dangerous so what we'll do is we'll actually drop it in this little contraption here it goes down into the catapult which we'll demonstrate in a second and it chunks it over to our friend see this is actually this is a bear and since I'm a veterinarian I like to neuter animals and so we need to neuter this bear and we're trying the old German method you know what I mean I'll just have like that and then perfect that's you want to this is a dummy grenade in here right now just so you can see what happened so from the other side of this blast proof wall it'll come through and then we pull a lever on the other side and it will launch I'm ready hmm bear won't have any babies anymore and then you may also notice that my gun safe is back on this range as well we have something special planned for you after we take care of mr. evil teddy bear over here we have to watch it all behind this super thick glass right here so this is a close proximity blast range they have so we get to actually watch a grenade blow up usually when you throw a grenade you duck and take cover and you squint your eyes really tight but we get to actually just sit here and what I'm probably gonna still squint my eyes because this seems really scary but we're gonna blow up that teddy bear from behind the safety of the blast wall all right there's there's the firing train don't pull that that's what you're gonna pull okay so what we do is we pull this thing really hard when it's already in here and then we close the door launch it correct all right I'm gonna put it into what is in I'm gonna be standing here good and a assistant holding that and now it's ready for you Paul you ready I think so okay I hold one hand here Swift polar like a slope good good hard no I want you know that was an endangered bear I think oh he's neutered we're sure [Music] [Music] range is a mess Todd oh man I meant to just do a neuter and I actually did an amputation as well so this is all shrapnel coming up from that thing so you said those grenades they kill by throwing shrapnel right yeah it's high velocity you know it's supposed to detonate at about 20,000 or more feet per second slow it down at a very light weight how close or how far do you need to be to how close is like a hundred percent kill on one of those things do you think we were killed in the kill range right inside really so we're good good what 10 15 yards right there yeah that's a 30-yard kill range generally Aggies yeah I mean he got he got maimed and killed old ones don't sit on a grenade that's what we learned here oh yeah so that goes India it's it's at 20,000 feet per second and this is super light and sharp but going that fast it's gonna rip you apart that is crazy he's probably got chunks in him too I guess oh he's got pieces of that wood stuck at him too oh that was in a femoral artery for sure that one got him right there the other femoral arteries over there I've put legs back on before this is no big deal teddy bear don't worry I've got you bro so you guys may remember this safe from a previous video where he fired a tank round straight through it also in the previous video where we shot it with a bunch of yeah a bunch of rounds so today we're gonna do something else to it tell us about this Todd well we got a shape charge that's part of our explosive experience that people can actually come out and do we can breach a one-inch stainless steel plate they can take it home with them and shape charges they they put all the force in one direction exact correct normally explosives go in all directions just everywhere twenty thousand feet per second or more this one we're gonna have a cone in it which directs a superheated gas needle into a pinpoint explosive and we're gonna actually use a smaller amount of explosive than what would be normally required we'd have to have a put a whole satchel charge on here to breach this unconventional methods gotcha we're gonna do this advanced steel cutting charge and we don't plan on actually breaching this door I mean we're gonna we're gonna make a hole through it but the door is not going to come open because it has big rods through every side of it so we'd have to put shaped charges on everyone to get through there I guess right right so we're just trying to make a hole through there just to demonstrate the power of a shaped charge blasting cap stick that in there okay I'm gonna go ahead and go downrange Todd you take care of this buddy so we're also gonna get to watch this one through the window pretty cool this place you can like actually sit there and have your eyes wide open and watch explosion go right in front of you two wires and I just crank it fast yeah okay good generated its own little mini generator pulse will go down there command detonate that cap cool this should be a little bit bigger blast than last one we're a little bit further away though that thing is cool so that's like a legit old-school what it is yeah absolutely as US Army can cap blasting machine and they use these in World War two yep yeah these these and they actually still have the ones that you see on the road runner okay yeah one of those as well really okay so these are all should be all set everything's ready to go so nowadays they use like batteries for these probably they have like a little battery one but in the old days you had to generate that electricity yeah like that now they actually have remote firing detonation systems where that sends it but you know what this is probably one of the best designs and still used today gotcha in it in a much newer no do I need to push down right no you just put the key in there you can see it's keyed there right and just twist okay I set the key in there reason this key to give you a little example is what you don't want people down here while you're downrange putting the cap in something right somebody comes al it everybody wants to twist something there's the end they're gonna push it twisted happens all the time so you bring that with you and this is totally garden that's a garden and accidentally twist okay right all right let's we're ready let's blow it that was instantaneously answer there any other nice you weren't at you interview messing around I was expecting him to twist it like twice okay I can't wait to see what we did let's check it out alright here's the bat you see all this dust coming through this is that insulation on the inside so it obviously stirred up everything it did not go all the way through to the back but it did knock a big hole here still not gonna turn though everything's all locked up from being hit by so many bullets and the whole front of the thing is way dirtier all the all the blasts kind of covered all this because all that forces generated that direction see what kinda just melted that metal away so we're out and like I said it drive tanks and what's cool is Todd anybody can come do this stuff right absolutely you don't have to have a military background you don't have to have any special clearance any special licenses or anything any regular person a dad and son can come out here and enjoy themselves absolutely we take care of all that part yes come out and have fun yeah and this it's they have everything they have tanks they had like a whole tank museum you can drive tanks you can shoot tanks and now that you didn't have this stuff when I was here a couple years ago this brand now they have shaped charges they have grenades it's pretty cool yeah I've enjoyed my time out here these guys only are like a few hours for me so if you guys have any other ideas on things that you would like to see us try experiments kind of stuff we can do all that out here at drive tanks and they find you drive tanks comm right tanks comm is these simple drive tanks comm if you're interested and if you have ideas for me comment below on what you like to see us do with grenades and shaped charges and tanks we can try all this stuff now we can do whatever we want thanks for having me thanks for watching demolition ranch we love you [Music] that's a great idea [Music] Bobby I'm a doctor yes [Music] [Applause] coming soon the demolition ranch
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 9,730,661
Rating: 4.8903699 out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Id: SgZGji2zB5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 26 2018
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