Why This Gun Could Change Everything...

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[Applause] [Applause] hmm it's a library welcome to demolition ranch glad you're here uh also don't forget we have hats and shirts for sale link in the description this is the air 15 eagle shirt if you don't see your size like if it says sold out just check back every couple of days because we get a shipment in a couple times a week you guys are just like cleaning this out which i greatly appreciate but it's made it very stressful in the warehouse um also it's kind of freezing out here to be in a t-shirt so i'll put on my jacket real quick keep me warm you know oh much better much better oh what what is that matt we have patches check out that new logo focus on it so these are the uh the rubber patches they're not embroidered they're rubber look how good it looks it's 3d and if you want to be an official demolition member you need to support this on your plate carrier or on your patch wall or wherever but it looks good we just got patches in i'm really excited about having patches this is right okay feel good so today let's get to let's get to this video this video basically i showed the maxim 9 in the last video and i didn't really spend a whole lot of time in it and i i wanted this gun deserves a little more time so this video i'm going to show you the maxim 9 in detail not like detailed detail like too much ranch detail and uh then we're gonna shoot some different rounds through it and compare those rounds so matt what makes this gun so awesome good question let me tell you this is made by silencerco silencerco up until this gun from what i understand only made suppressors silencers you know the kind that you screw on the end of a regular gun not that one because it doesn't have a threaded barrel but a normal gun with a threaded barrel and they make suppressors for them so this gun is what you'd call an integrally integrally suppressed pistol and we've seen these before in like 22s and rifles and things like that the barrel is a suppressor but we haven't seen any like mainstream pistols like this in a nine millimeter that are suppressed so this is pretty sweet it takes glock 17 magazines glock 17 is a full size glock 17 rounds in their magazine it takes those magazines which is nice because that's like literally the most common nine millimeter magazine and it's super reliable so you can put those in here what's even cooler about that is the glock 17s also can accept the glock 18 magazines which are the 32 rounders which means also the maxim 9 can hold 32 rounds in a glock 18 magazine or you can get like those drum mags i'm sure and they'd probably work too but that's pretty neat so we have a suppressed pistol that holds 32 rounds matt what else does this pistol do let me tell you before we go any further though i do need to say this video is not sponsored by silence or co they didn't pay me they did not give me this gun for free they did nothing for me so uh take that for what you will um so yeah anyway sounds coo's not paying me youtube's not paying me so um buy some batches please here's what a regular full-size pistol looks like you can see that it you know it's normal sized and then this one goes about five inches past that and obviously it's a lot taller here you can see if this will focus which it won't come on see the lines in it right there you actually can remove some of those and make it shorter it will also make it louder so i have mine as long and as quiet as i can get it it will never be as small as this gun but if you put a suppressor on this gun even the smallest suppressor this gun would be bigger so this thing for a suppressed nine millimeter is actually really tiny and just imagine you can make it a good inch and a half shorter what else matt what else well it has a place here where you can remove this cover and you can put a red dot sight a you know one of those little vortex or the rmr's trijicon rmrs and that's on my to-do list get a little red dot side on this it also has keymod down here i put this rail on here so that rail is hooked to the little key mod you can put flashlights or i guess if you uh did the paperwork you could put a a little forward grip on there which would be pretty sweet if you don't want to use the red dot sight location it does have night sights on it you can't see them because it's not going to focus but there it is night don't look at me this thing focuses on faces see what we're going to do today is shoot some subsonics and some supersonics out of this for those who don't know subsonics are going slower than the speed of sound and supersonics are going faster than the speed of sound nine millimeters naturally go faster than the speed of sound so you have to get like downloaded ones to shoot subsonic and the reason that that matters is because when they're faster than the speed of sound even though this will muffle the actual explosion going off in the gun the bullet going through the air since it's going faster than the speed of sound has a crack behind it and it's pretty loud but if you shoot a subsonic it's quiet it was still too cold so i put my jacket on so it's going to be really hard for you guys to tell i think because this camera is not going to show you how loud these things actually are but what i'm going to do is first round is going to be one of these like this is legit nine millimeter elite performance by sig so the first bullet out of the gun is gonna be that the second bullet will be really cheap focus nine millimeter tool ammo steel cased really cheap stuff and then the last one will be some subsonics so the first two are supersonics one is good one one is a cheap one and then we have the subsonic now let's see what they all sound like suppressed still loud hurt my ears a little bit so that was the supersonic that one sounds exactly the same still supersonic and way quieter so that one pretty much all the noise you're hearing is just from this thing racking back super hard okay so you guys may not have been able to tell anything from that so why don't we go ahead and move to uh just testing how much power each round has let's go ahead and just quit shooting the steel case we're just gonna switch to the other ones the the fancy nine millimeter and the subsonics the first test we have 12 milk jugs six in each column i had to drink so much milk this morning to get this for you my camera did not record that i just shot it and you guys missed it and i can't do it again because i busted the water jugs i think i need my new camera this one's all beat up anyway so i'm just gonna tell you what happened that was here that was there this was there so our supersonic came in to the left here is there a bullet in it nope came out the back and oh yeah went all the way through the subsonic i think i see it right here yeah so the subsonic is here went through five came out the back right here and just bounced off of this and fell right there in the dirt well i feel really bad that that one didn't work out for you guys you didn't get to see it it was really fun you just had to be there so i'm gonna do a good one for you next we have our uh why is it so dirty it's just falling out of the tree under this guy we have our um clear ballistic shell guy and he has no bullets in him you can see some like bubbles those are just bubbles inside them those aren't bullets so we're gonna shoot some rounds into this guy i've never done this before with a nine millimeter on shooting ballistics dummy first we're going to shoot the supersonic next we're going to shoot the subsonic and then we're going to shoot this little guy this is a g2 research rip around and when it hits things it's supposed to like break apart and be really crazy looking someone sent me these a while back and i just haven't had a reason to shoot them yet but we're gonna try it out and ideally we'll be able to see it in that clear gel oh also it's been brought to my attention that i say ideally theoretically basically and realistically a lot the commenters have been been noticing that and after editing my videos for years and years i too have noticed that and theoretically i would ideally try to not basically say it all the time but realistically i don't have the time to train myself to do that so it's just going to keep happening okay supersonic subsonic rip ready we're going to go left side of the chest for super looked like it went straight through right side for sub looked like it went through as well oh the sub jammed oh no it's the rip round jammed hmm well that is interesting this is the nine millimeter it's so interesting that 40 smith and lessons do not fire out of nine millimeter pistols it's definitely a 40. huh okay i didn't even notice i was just sitting there talking and loading it and i just i didn't buy these someone said them so i just assumed there were nines okay uh let's edit that out matt theoretically i would put the right ammo in the right gun supersonic entry and it's so hard to see there it is you can see where it's going through and it exited out of a tiny hole right there subsonic entry and see where it went straight through did kind of the same thing in there and exited right there okay matt that showed us nothing thanks for that little thin sheets of tightly woven fibers and they'll stop all pistol rounds so i know they're gonna stop any nine millimeter round i'm gonna fire but i'm gonna fire both these and see if we can see a difference when one's going way faster supersonic first going left subsonic going right let's see what we did the supersonic stopped the subsonic went through super sub nothing on the back of this but this one you can see a line going through where he got hit in the chest so i don't really know what to think about that i'm was pretty sure this thing is marked level 3a plus so i was pretty sure that this thing would stop bullets but i'm gonna shoot it with a couple more subsonics and see what happens it looks like out of four two of them went through very curious i will say we're shooting these bullets and they while they're subsonic they are solid copper they're not lead and they're pointy maybe maybe that pointy makes a difference uh i don't know but um [Music] yeah that went right through there with a nine millimeter subsonic i just blasted this thing with five more supersonic rounds it stopped every one of them what so i actually found some bullets here is one of the subsonics that did not make it through and what i want you to notice is it's pretty much still bullet shaped it's a little bent because copper is not very hard but it's harder than lid it's a little bent let me show you one of the lead bullets it's totally flattened out totally a disc this is the entire bullet i can see the front of it there the front copper there and the back copper here but it's totally squished and that's what these vests are supposed to do they're supposed to squish it but these copper bullets stay together so much better and have all of their force on that one pointy tip and we're going through in a few other places i'm not going to say the name of this company because i'm going to give them benefited out and say this was not a complete vest obviously it's pieces um i still thought it would stop at 9 millimeter but it didn't so i'll reach out to them and see just you can see we have here you can see how many times i shot the front of it and here's the back we have three holes one two three i think i shot six supersonics and five subsonics and three subsonics made it through here it's pretty weird there's one more thing that i did not know about suppressors until just recently so for those who don't know inside a suppressor they have what are called baffles and so the bullet fires through the suppressor and then the fire from the explosion behind it fills up those baffles one by one each time shrinking the noise and by the time it comes out it's fairly quiet so right now the baffles are empty they're just dead space they're full of air air has oxygen oxygen is flammable when you first fire that bullet through there and the fire fills up the whole suppressor it burns up all the oxygen in there so then the second shot is going through and there's no oxygen to burn and it is an audibly different sound it's quieter i'm not going to hit the target so you won't hear that noise so just listen to the difference between the first and the second shot [Music] i don't know if you'll be able to tell but they get progressively quieter i should have my glasses on you probably can tell that that is super loud compared to the gunshot it's actually really weird to be shooting steel without ears because it usually is very quiet compared to the gunshot but since i don't have any ear muffs on the gun is quiet and the steel is like super loud right now except when you don't hit it see how warm this thing is after it's hot it's hot so this is the silencerco maxim nine fully integrated suppressor into a nine millimeter pistol and as far as i know they've done this better than anyone has done this before i don't know if anyone has successfully brought to market a nine millimeter pistol but this thing is freaking cool it looks cool it uses glock mags which was super smart to do it has a place to put a red dot and a place to put a flashlight silencer co did a really good job on this and i've had no issues with it it doesn't feed 40 smith and wesson very well but it feeds every nine millimeter i put in it very well subs and supers once again please go check out our store get yourself a patch if you want to be part of the demolition we'd love to have you we actually are taking up these buzzers what's going on over here look at this i have no idea what's happening but i don't like it and i feel like something's about to happen that i'm not aware of but the buzzards are aware of them anyway if you want to be part of the demolition we'd love to have you because the zombie apocalypse is definitely gonna happen it's not a matter of if it's a matter of when and when it happens you're all welcome to come here i have guns for everyone but you have to have the demolition ranch patch to get in the door that's how i know you're a true demolition member and you and i will save the human race thanks for watching the most ranch go check out ranch merchant description i love you and i'll see you next time ah don't move [Music] bobby i'm a doctor yes
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 9,243,108
Rating: 4.8700256 out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Id: 8WKMx6aTm68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2017
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