Top 10 Ways To Kill Ants

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to off the ranch so it's been raining a lot here in Texas and unfortunately that has made the ants move in and just start building homes all over our yard something that I will not stand for so today we are going to take care of these ant homes step1 step2 watch and learn this is really boring you know what I think it's time we step it up get a little more extreme up in here so I like threw the pickaxe method because it's fast and devastating those are baby ants those are eggs ah so the problem is they're all still alive this will be the top ten ways to take out an ant infestation quickly and without mercy one of my favorite ways to take out ants is with a lawn mower but an amateur would say you just drive the lawn mower over it no no no no no sir what you do is you lift the lawn mower up and you set it down on top chopping through layer by layer they're actually still alive so I think we're gonna have to get more aggressive sometimes in the lawnmower hits them and they're also live you just need to bring in the water and just drown them that working totally work this is great this is totally totally gonna work really pull the water away let's see let's see I think they're all dead nope still alive okay addy you know we got to do we need to step it up even more I didn't think it'd come to this but I know we have to do here we have a very tall anthill now putting water on it obviously it's gonna mess up their day but they're not gonna die one sure-shot way of killing ants he's by sealing them in completely you just block off all their exits and I only know one thing that can do that that's a lot of damage some people may argue this isn't good for the environment I argue yeah you're probably right it's probably not but what we'll do we totally seal them in here let it harden we come back in a couple days and then we can just grab the whole thing throw in the trash it just be like a big big hard ball of rubber and dead ants totally suffocating them inside a flex seal okay but it's still not super extreme so we should go a little more extreme [Music] this is actually pretty cool guys this is another theory so the other one the theory was we cover from the outside keeping them in this one though I want to attack from the inside so we've got some lighter fluid and the plan is we just doused the thing in lighter fluid right I mean you follow me just soak it okay this does two things for one it kills ants because it's poisonous and two we're gonna light it on fire but instead of lighting it with a lighter we light it with a flamethrower [Music] that's right ticket it probably will kill one and no think you're right next sometimes you just got to give her a full sindh and put the pedal to the metal sometimes you need to go back to your roots and bring out the big guns now what about to show you this it can be scary in the proper hands just know that I'll keep you safe it won't hurt you this is something that actually almost really caused me a lot of harm at one point in my life you know sometimes I feel like we go a little too far but other times Oh against these little devils you know I just I don't even feel bad that did you yet that's what you get for coming up in here on our turf oh don't get on me yeah don't won this thing I bet I kind of want to try something new I kind of want to put molten metal down in there so this is like soldering wire so it's really flexible and also has a very low melting point and we got it in this little steel can and our plan is to heat it up and then pour molten metal down on an ant bed oh yeah take that ants that's what you get who they're mad definitely made them mad it's kind of cool though like I mean if you think about it like we just made a little molten metal root for you guys you're welcome they do not seem happy though not one bit so the kids really wanted me to put some smoke bombs in an ant bed and I thought that sound like a great idea it's probably not gonna do a very good job of killing ants but it would be kind of funny to watch so just gonna stick these down in here and then we will get some smoke coming out ready oh I'm gonna smell really bad yes Bogut in bed the yellow one didn't work shove it down deep bigger fireworks this is called glitter bomb yeah what's up now what's it now the third loving that in their house your address oh my gosh okay you know what though those are kids toys those fireworks let's step it up to some man-sized explosives I hope mayor does not come out and see this all right addy last lesson of the day that your dear old pop is gonna teach you this is it courage lack can okay that's just how you talk whenever you pick up a curse light you talk like that this is a blasting cap it makes a little bitty spark and I'm thinking we put the blasting cap in the bottom of the courage lock handle and we fill her up with little black powder mm-hmm and then we get back real far and we blow her up are you with me I feel like you're with me we put some black powder in the can we put our blasting cap in the black powder and now we stick the black powder in the ants and send them all to the devil send them to the dental setting the charge look boom okay now we're gonna wire it up and head back to cover wild coyote this thing and now we just need to put a charge to the blasting cap which we have hooked to this extension cord and I think it should blow also my brother came by it didn't make it hey Mara you came by to thanks for stopping by what do you think we're just taking care of the ants so that you don't get your cute little feet bit yeah let's go check it out and yeah so that was actually kind of wondering like will it destroy that can or not I was worried if I should get like something weaker like a little plastic cup so that some of the forces go down but it totally blew can wide open that is awesome there's really still smoking there's really not a whole lot of activity either I thought the ants would be going crazy but maybe the shock from the explosion killed a lot of them I think this may be my new method of taking care of ants from here on out it just makes sense a little bit of black powder a little blasting cap ant bed is about 50% gone should put more black powder always okay here's a lesson we learned always put more black powder than you think you need in there really Sinop sky high obviously this video is a little different than our regular videos we normally make vlogs on this channel but I kind of want to do some other stuff too and I don't know why I just felt like being silly and doing kind of a little demolition ranch-style video for you here and just I just all these ant beds and I was just like I want to destroy all these ant beds but not in like a really boring way and so I thought you guys might want to watch it and so let me know if you like this kind of video I will do more of them in the future a little bit a little bit different a little bit crazy wacky I just felt silly today and wanted to destroy some ants so hope you're cool with that let me know what you think about it let me know how you would destroy ants if you could do anything you want what would you do to take care of that ant bed in your backyard I want to know thanks for watching up the rent [Music] oh shut up down there [Music] [Applause]
Channel: OffTheRanch
Views: 24,518,015
Rating: 4.5633087 out of 5
Keywords: matt, dr, dr., dr matt, dr. matt, vet, ranch, demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, vetranch, off, the, offtheranch, vlog, vlogger, vloggers, vlogs, vlogging, blog, daily, best, vlogged, ant, ant bed, bed, mound, fireant, fireants, fire ants, ants, red, carpenter
Id: yg61SBZcJCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 23 2018
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