I'm Gonna Put a Grenade in a Porta Potty...

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they're right on my tail do a barrel hello it's me i was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet just kidding my name's kevin but my friends call me the kester uh okay uh yeah are you you guys open does the pope wear a funny hat all right yeah uh my friend said that you like tune up cars and stuff um i'm just having some problems with my car man well is it running yeah it's running oh no we better go catch it yeah okay i actually i just got i gotta go no i'm sorry i'm sorry what seems to be the problem okay um i just kind of want this thing looked at i want you to kind of go through it and just do whatever you think would be beneficial for it i'm on it will get to it right away i'll even top off your blinker foot i'll i'll be back next week hey i'm back oh hey back nice to meet you i'm kester oh i forgot about the way you are good news you're gonna freak out okay yeah let's see it [Music] what what happened invisible engine [Laughter] why did you take the engine out of the car i did it oh hello there come on in come on in welcome to demolition ranch we're in a port-a-potty as you can see we're gonna blow up a porta pott what is this we're gonna have ideas you like grenades i like grenades but in the movies when grenades blow up like it's this big fiery ball and it's crazy in real life it's not necessarily like that a lot of that special effects a lot of that's a little extra gasoline added so what i want to do here is do a test a controlled test everyone you know if you just watch movies you would assume if you set a grenade don't don't look in there i was just had to go if you set a grenade on top of that toilet lid right there the movies would tell you this will explode in a huge ball of fire and the walls of this will go flying in every direction grenades a lot of them actually do their damage by throwing shrapnel in all directions so it's not necessarily a really big fireball it's a big explosion that just chunks little pieces of metal everywhere so we're gonna see today will this thing go up in a fiery mess throwing panels everywhere or just poke little holes on all sides there's only one way to know demolitia and we came out here to drive tanks to find out this is a german sticker oh it's a that's a dud that's not a real one this is a german stick grenade this is what we're gonna use we are going to set this in there we're gonna remote detonate it so we don't have to chunk a live grenade we're gonna set it right on the toilet we've got about probably five or six people here uh we got the explosives guys we got people helping me on this video today and so everyone kind of has differing opinions some people think the walls wall's gonna explode some people think it's just gonna poke holes i'm in the poke hole camp if you know what i mean that's not one i don't know cut a lot of people think that it actually might knock these walls on they're held on with just rivets the roof i assume is probably the same way okay so we have our grenade on the toilet right there we're gonna blow this toilet up we're behind this nice blast wall we've got really thick glass here and uh yeah it's not getting through here all right place your beds comments below are the walls gonna explode or just gonna poke holes cool guys don't look at explosions what did it happen i wish i would have seen it i see a bunch of the holes i think i think i won this bet so actually almost almost both dude the toilet seat's gone all right so it did pop all these rivets it was close look at this one too pop these rivets it honestly was close to opening up but i mean look at all the shrapnel all of these things came through and this is thick plastic all around the sides here that grenade was trying to rip through look at pop these rivets too these are out here here and here that thing was going oh man somebody must have taco bell earlier today there's our toilet seat some holes in the roof as well it smells terrible in here you know what's funny is it's smoking out of that vent pipe but i know what some of you guys are going to say is like well matt you were right but like we want to see a fire explosion i've got you demolition oh hey we got some um uh this is just water i'm gonna pour it down this urinal right here that's gonna take forever let's do this we just thought like what if we fill up what usually is full of poop but with gasoline it seemed like a good idea that's that's not gas that's not all gasoline ah there's some other there's water in there i think rain has some water and um some of that solvent that they usually put the bottom up that's that's not not all gap that's all gas you might be thinking matt how are you gonna light that that's dangerous you don't want to go stick a match in that no you do not i'm gonna stick a flare in it with this rc car my thought is we we light the flare drive the remote control car up there and it just lights everything on fire and this is also kind of a test because in the movies also gasoline will explode like this i think it's just going to burn i think we're going to get just explosion mostly on the last one just burn on this one then maybe some other video we'll put them all together fire in the hole oh here we go oh yeah look at that suspension working coming in hot about to get real hot oh yeah it worked come on get out of there there we go it hasn't actually reached the uh main tank yet that's just all the the gas was on the ground get out of there come on i'm trying to save my buddy yeah the tank is definitely on fire like the gas inside the toilet bowl is on fire and as soon as that fire melts the plastic it's going to pour out and really get big i bet because it's got a only a controlled amount that can burn right now oh it's melting the thing's leaning oh it's going to fall over it's going it's going there it goes okay i thought we'd see a bigger fireball by now gonna be a big old melted pile of plastic at the end of this i also thought it'd be a lot blacker smoke this is like a real clean burn epa don't know what they're talking about gasoline is clean look at that in case y'all are wondering you know we're viewing this from a sherman tank which is pretty pretty cool it's making up for the fact that this was much less exciting than i thought it would be i mean if that hasn't exploded yet it's probably not going to explode did we put water in this thing or gasoline well that was a little disappointing but we proved another movie myth wrong i mean like you would think a freaking thing full of like 20 gallons of gas would have at least gone and instead of just burned like a bonfire for 10 minutes i thought as soon as that plastic melted and it poured it all on the ground it was gonna go crazy alas physics had other plans picking up a little bit look at that blaze pretty sweet we're also getting that black smoke now now that our porta potty is in a burning puddle of plastic on the ground hey gopro did you did you catch the explosion in 240 oh my gosh this gopro is hot you catch it in 240 frames per second because i bet it looks so epic like if you think about how epic it looked in real life and think about like slow motion [Music] thanks for watching now we know what happens when you dump a bunch of gasoline in a port potty thanks so much for watching this episode of demolition ranch thanks so much to drive thanks for having us out here thank you guys for being here thanks for putting up for videos like this that are subpar next time gasoline plus grenade thanks for watching i love you i'll see you next time [Music] [Music] oh [Music] it's quite simple there's only one rule in the demolition you don't tell mayor
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 2,774,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Id: OyunLZhKPyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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