When did the "Class Clown" go way too far? r/AskReddit Reddit Stories | Top Posts

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serious when did the class clown go were i too far class clown decided he was going to rip a loud fart during the middle of a test and ended up [ __ ] his pants on accident i've always wanted to put on defense eat a gassy meal to save up a huge fart and then ask somebody to pull my finger then i would slowly squeak out the fart and just keep pushing it until i shat i feel like with a good humid group it would be legendary he put a hit of acid into our wood shop titch's coffee fortunately our wood shop teacher recognized the onset and immediately called into the office and said that he's leaving right now as he's feeling very unwell but will remain in class until the replacement arrives we had a teacher fill in in about 15 minutes and our workshop teacher left at lunch we saw that his car was still parked in the parking lot this was well before cell phone so there's no way he called someone come to find out he ran to a local park and waited out the storm as he realized that he was dosed with acid and that he was a teen in the 70s so he knew the next day he taught class as normal and didn't mention it he made weed brownies in culinary class that were distributed to teachers lots of blazed and very confused teachers that day he got caught and had to pay a huge fine and serve like three weekends in jail meanwhile someone in austin brought weed brownies to school and was caught the total weight of the brownies was counted as marijuana and when arrested he was facing life in prison he would try to jump around parker style desk to desk all class long sometimes would fall comically breaking things and falling in people trying to get a laugh constantly redirected for trying to do run flips on the wall telling horrible jokes or balance large objects on himself he always wanted attention we just wanted to learn beginning french we all including the teacher took to ignoring him one day he couldn't handle people not paying attention to him so he tried to see if he for the first time ever could do a backflip landed on his neck was out of class for a long while in sixth grade 1991 our class clown put attack on someone's chair his victim screamed so loud that it startled everyone and the clown's laugh turned serious immediately you're an [ __ ] derek pierced his ears in the middle of class then used a pair of earrings he was given from the bottom of some random girl's purse this all happened while the teacher was asleep another one hit a bunch of dead fish in the ceiling tiles the day before summer break the school wreaked for many months joking around how the class was sht and he'd rather die took off his tie and stood up in front of the class and pretended to hang himself teacher just came back to work from a long break after finding her son hanging in his room none of us knew that's why she was off work but i remember her face going white and just seeing her heart break all over again when he done that safe to say nobody even laughed and he was made to feel like utter [ __ ] when he made fun of the quiet kid for crying in the back of class because he had a family member pass away and he turned up dead the day after hung in his room um my time to shine one time in year eight one of the class clowns stood up on his desk pulled his trousers and underwear down and started swinging his dck around shouting anyone wanted taste the teacher called the head teacher and he got expelled from the school and now is known as dick swing boy i wish this was a joke but it's not he called in a bomb threat and got in very big trouble so many bomb threats at my school as i don't live in the us there were not many consequences for this and the terrorist was usually in the class that had a math test that day without fail he put laxatives in the titches coffee and he just went crazy he ended up getting suspended and the teacher tried pressing criminal charges on him he got kept back in class over break as a punishment for being too annoying or something along the lines of that the teacher then needed to leave the class to go and photocopy something and he got up and started messing around at her desk when he saw her coming back into the room he thought it would be funny to bolt over to the door and slam it as hard as he could on her hand she broke two fingers and had a bad panic attack he got suspended for two days and the school tried to press charges on him trolling a girl in the first class of the semester she makes a comeback about comebacks and he uses the all-powerful comeback joke and she gives him the finger he says if that finger had balls you'd be pregnant the teacher with half a smile on his face calmly says dude get the fck out man double quote in math class we were watching a video on some material i already forget and the video was around two minutes long once the video ends the class clown says that video lasted about as long as your last marriage mrs t mrs t's husband had died a few days after their one year anniversary high school trip to london finally boarding plane after many security stops after a bombing scare in the city get to our seat and he says yeah we got a bomb on board as a joke had to wait four plus hours for team to search the plane i've got one two guys in my ap stats class who were always goofing off usually pretty funny no victims etc one day they for some reason decided to go in on a very smart popular relatively quiet girl just roasting everything she said would not let up no matter how many times the teacher or other students were like okay chill finally one of them made a crack about how she was so sensitive because she'd probably been raped as a child whole class went silent she burst into tears from what i understand she had a good family life so that probably did not happen to her but it was clearly so upsetting to her that she ended up leaving class and going home for the day so i mean don't make f king jokes about trauma to people when you don't know if they've actually experienced that kind of trauma threatened to bring a gun to school and shoot me he brought a fake gun to school and chased me around with it oh wait he got away with the stunt and everyone else thought it was funny you all suck we went on a trip to the country courthouse in ottowa canada comma and some kid put a pin on the prime minister's chair he got arrested the time that this happened was when this kid we'll call him billy came back from the bathroom we were told that we were getting a new student who had a little bit of autism when billy got word of that he sat up and said hey teacher we're getting an autistic kid right the teacher nodded then billy squatted and flailed his arms while wildly screeching the whole class including the teacher was mortified i'm just glad he got in trouble and couldn't go to recess we were in fifth grade btw recruiting most of the class via text to download a dog whistle app so whenever the teacher called him out and took his phone away someone else could do it and emit a high-pitched sound that was hard to tell where it was coming from and his name would be cleared until he would do it again this ending with tears on the teacher's side and went on for almost a week as the teacher was too kind for discipline and eventually ended when the teacher left her job and chose a different field this is 1999 it's been six months since columbine we're attending school about 40 miles away from littleton lockdown drills just became a thing due to our proximity ours involve the local police drilling alongside us clearing rooms etc etc might just be publicity might not we're all lined up against a wall in our dark as [ __ ] room and the class clown grabs a stapler off the desk snaps it open so it's fully extended but not dumping staples then whips it against a kid's leg next to him driving a staple into his kneecap of course the kid screams bloody f king murder three dudes in full tactical gear stream in take like six seconds to assess grab the class clown drag him out literally never saw the kid again don't know if he got sent to expulsion school or what but he was like a ghost you bet your ass reminded our p's and q's during every lockdown drill after that he was actually a friend he and his gf had adult relations on a sports bus we were all sitting there thinking what the absolute [ __ ] it was no secret that they were involved but we were literally half an hour out they could have waited and death in the parking lot and nobody would have seen or cared both were expelled his father had a construction company good one and he wound up there and has done well she moved states away and i have no idea he was pretty popular with the girls and at least year older than everyone we were on a school trip for a week he ended up making a voice recording of the making sx sounds moaning groaning rattling the closet door and put it through a very loud bluetooth speaker in front of random people's rooms too bad for him a bunch of teachers were staying in that corridor as well so that didn't go well for him edit we were all like 13 years old he was 15. he did some even weirdest tee later down the line but that's not too classic lonely [Music] two class clown boys in middle school tried to teach a mentally ill male student how to masturbate in the bathroom one day the mentally ill boy's mother was a teacher and caught wind and the two boys weren't seen for a while their lucky sexual assault charges weren't pressed last year one of my classmates poured hand sanitizer on his desk and set it on fire i wish i was joking a friend of mine a true class clown had heard that if you poured rubbing alcohol on yourself and lit it you would not burn only the alcohol would so at a party he poured alcohol all himself lit it and started walking around like the mummy it began to burn he began to panic unfortunately adults were there and they put it and took him home to his mom a nurse he was covered with first and second degree burns for me it was that time he put a stunned bee in the hood of my sweatshirt people were laughing so i reached back there to see what it was in it stung me lucky me i'm allergic to bees so i got all f ked up and had to spend the afternoon in the nurse's office it was the first time i wore a hoodie to school too definitely didn't do that again lol shoved a piece of eraser in his ear then again and again was taken by ambulance out of the classroom while screaming and crying he lost his hearing in one ear and couldn't participate in gym for a while he also couldn't sit down for a bit not sure if related this was like early mid-90s this girl in fourth or fifth grade just kept pushing the teacher until she finally just told the girl something like fine you want to run the class then it's the show go ahead so the girl went up in front of the classroom and sang and danced and yelled for 15 minutes to get everyone's attention the teacher just went to the back of the room and wrote her up he threw the foreign exchange students back back onto the roof of the school and then locked the window when the student went out after it he wasn't class clown after that but total [ __ ] some of my upper school class clowns decided to key swastika symbols into the car of the german language teacher she was always getting sht about being german and teaching german language her classes were always a mess because of kids playing bomb yelling bomb and everyone getting under the table doing thin as a salute etc she was pushed to tears on several occasions but the car was the last straw and she ended up having a serious breakdown she finished that school year but afterwards left to teach at another school i'm not sure if the students that did it were ever caught or if anything happened to them ha hacked into our catholic school's twitter account and changed the location of the school to neoland and tweeted to the portal years back to africa and then posted interracial porn jif saw throughout the afternoon he tweeted out sega heil sick it was kind of funny for a while cause they weren't his personal beliefs he just wanted to post f kedup stuff on a catholic school twitter page this was until he started posting the nudes of girls who went there with their names attached and some inappropriate upskirt shots he took of female teachers while he held his phone under their skirts while they answered questions of kids next to him needless to say he was expelled before some legal action from the girls made jokes about how the depressed kid's father raped his mother class clown instantly became an outcast when the person said their mom was dead and their dad was in the hospital this wasn't at the school i went to the students from my school had a city-wide reputation for being a bunch of theater kids teachers pets and snobs but a school one town over where i did a placement when i was fifteen during those three weeks some jokes as who were apparently the class clowns of their grade decided to pour chocolate milk into the school's fish tank which wasn't very big this was on a friday afternoon but the teachers only found out about it monday noon by then all the fish had died already i can't tell you how the students in question were punished that was handled privately but it was decided that for the foreseeable future there would be no more fish it was like teacher review day i can't remember the official name comma and he poured a flammable solvent on a workbench during chem class and set it on fire the teacher freaked put it out with a fire extinguisher everyone ended up in the powder stuff that came out of it and the teacher told us not to tell anyone he didn't get reviewed when we were there but apparently he would be next period needless to say the class clown got suspended these two girls were always really mean to the german teacher and constantly pushing her buttons one day they broke into the german class trailer before school and covered everything with pads and tampons that had been colored to look like they were used she didn't come back to school after thanksgiving break made a torch out of pack of tissues impaled on a pencil and then lit up he threw it in the unaware teacher writing on blackboard luckily he missed her head by about one foot then he ran up to the burning remains and stomped on it putting it out acting like it wasn't him and asking loudly who did this dot no one got informed teacher didn't knew who did it none of classmates snitched him he was clowning around in comet class and in his infinite wisdom cracked some eggs and began hiding them in various places the sugar container other people's binders and even in the goddamn toilet 2003 this dude named ryan brought a batch of weed lollipops to our school gave them to absolutely everyone including teachers if you think it was funny then you're right it did however ignite a [ __ ] storm of super colossal proportions the parents teachers cops even the state government got involved queue up expulsion i think the dude even went to juvie for a little bit it created a cluster [ __ ] it was funny though kid put two full packs of intense laxatives into our teacher's coffee she ended up going to the hospital and he was nearly arrested for poisoning and attempted murder but got off with like six months of community service and was removed from the class not naming the people so we're gonna call him tommy so tommy convinced another kid well call him timmy to climb the roof in the boys bathroom and look in the girl's bathroom and tommy pushed timmy through the roof into the girl's bathroom timmy was fine except for a few bruises but he got suspended and tommy got expelled my brother is a high school teacher back when we all use vhs they watched a movie in class that they were supposed to finish watching in the morning the class clown somehow got into the classroom and switched the tape to a butt sx porno q to the last few strokes money shot which was viewed by all no individual moment but our class clown so consistently raised his hand to ask stupid questions that our class was literally a few days to a week behind the other class that didn't have him in terms of getting through all the slide shows the teacher literally made a rule that he could then only ask one question per day just before basketball regional or something he took something like 20 000 silica balls and spread them in the gymnasium apparently those will react with your common floor lacquer so they had to strip the entire floor and refinish it i'm pretty sure he spent some time locked up for vandalism i had a study hall where 75 percent of my class was the class clown we were watched by the librarian who was known to have a short temper mrs shawstack it was essentially their goal to give her an aneurysm for entertainment each class they would always do something to piss her off and before you knew it half of the class was in the office one day they started playing the shostak game think the penis game but screaming shostak louder and louder instead of penis by the end of it kids were screaming shostak at the top of their lungs while she was shrieking shut up shut up shut up and threw herself on the ground crying she was so pissed poor sho stack class clown got called out by the substitute teacher who happened to be jeffrey damer's dad in essence he told him to control himself and class clown fired back by saying like you controlled your son audible gus in classroom and teacher sent him out of the room and took a minute to collect himself my then science teacher had just had a miscarriage and the kid who was usually known as the class clown knowing exactly what had just happened made a dead baby joke she ended up yelling at him and then broke down and cried in front of the class he called in a bomb threat to get the day off school we didn't even get to go home but had to sit in the soccer field for half the day while they searched and found no bomb then we had to go back to class people were taking turns at throwing things at the fan in class and the objects kept on getting larger as time went on with pencils pencil cases and book bags being thrown the class clown picked up a locker and legit just ye eated it at the fan like two lockers on top of one another by doing this he endangered like four kids sitting below the fan because the lockers didn't actually hit the fan in sixth grade the class clown at my school threw a lock from our lockers at the back of the teacher's head and was an excellent marks woman because she succeeded brought firecrackers to class teacher caught me right off the bat she kept all confiscated items in a tall glass jar cool part was that at the end of the year she gave them back this was in fifth grade seventh grade i ate a bunch of tamarind candy and would sometimes joke around a blurred stuff out one of those times i started choking on the candy i started coughing uncontrollably and i panicked i jumped up and ran to the restroom puked an urinal and i thought all was fine till i see a trail of puke running from my desk all the way to the restroom shirt covered in puke etc kinda shitty tbh i really think i had a good amount of adhd not sure if i just learned to live with it or what the class clown was my older brother this took place while i was in elementary school just a few months after nine stroke eleven so everyone was really on edge he stood up on the bus and shouted he could kill everyone on the bus with a bomb he did not have a bomb he went to juvie about six years later he would convince a bunch of his high school peers to tear out a bus seat and throw it out of the back while the bus was on a busy highway he ended up jumping onto the field of the phillies game and got taste he then peed his pants and was on national tv they wouldn't let him walk at graduation or go to prom he was one of the nicest and funniest kids he even got on tosh oh for that one rugby tackled a guy during tag or something might have been cops and robbers idk it was a few years ago and shipped both of the other guy's front teeth taking massive chunks out of both needing the other guy to have to have surgery to get plastic-ish grafts on them to make them look normal again once again can't remember and i didn't go into the hospital with him tldr rugby tackled a guy and messed his front teeth up this kid in my pay class last year had nicknamed ethan the boy with down syndrome as ashvin he had eshvin hauling dumbbells across the gym due to the fact that he convinced escheven that he had a dumbbell hauling business this lasted for about 40 minutes until the teacher realized what was happening eshvin is all right to this day so we had this one tich's aid that was pretty fat most of it was in her ass she had probably the biggest ass i've ever seen not really in an attractive way but just honestly a huge ass one day she bends over close to the class clown big butt sticking up in the air this guy proceeds to smack her ass as hard as he can we were in seventh grade the class was shook it was so loud and the look on her face after everyone was too scared to even laugh but looking back it was hilarious she screamed at him and was beat red in the face he gets suspended and a strong talking to about how it's sexual harassment act the balls he had to do that still impress me honestly i used to be surprised by this but now i wouldn't be surprised if every school had that one kid who would do thin assistant during a documentary about the holocaust every time the teacher turned around class clown brought a flask inside of class proceeds to open said flask and drink from said flask as the teacher walks in teacher then runs out to get the vp student also runs out of the classroom and in the process of trying to leave he drops his vagal mayo edit he dropped it and did not notice so double whammy not the class clown but one of them the popular boy class clown was having an argument with another kid and decided to take his notebook and smash it on the floor fourth grade the class clown decided to hide under the teacher's desk before school started teacher walks in sits down at her desk and the kid says hi catches her so off guard that her heartbeat skips over itself and she nearly has to go to the hospital when he said i don't know what slavery is it sounds funny then he looked at his two african-american friends smiling and giggling we were 12 and had gone over slavery twice that school year i chose to take history during the summer to get it out of the way this kid named hunter was the class clown and it was amusing at first our teacher was also young around mid-twenties very easy going they got into a joking light-hearted argument during class everyone was laughing and hunter throws his sharpened pencil across the room hitting the teacher instant silence he made the kid leave the room and talk to us for a long time about boundaries and respect the kid barely spoke a word the rest of the summer 1969 we had a guy that lived on the next street to mine that made a bomb it was made of old-fashioned ceramic drain pipe filled with a type of black powder and plugged on both ends there was hole on one end where he'd place a lit cigarette as a fuse he drove to the high school on halloween night set it in the middle of a grassy field and set it off i lived about one mile away as the crow flies i was handing out candy to kids as i heard a loud boom way off in the distance the explosion blew out house windows for a couple blocks i had friends that lived a few hundred yards away and they thought their own houses blew up the police said on the news that they were surprised it didn't collapse the gymnasium also said that the gun powder used could have gone off from a good bump in the car's trunk it left a hole about five feet across and three feet down all the grass about 10 feet out was sheared and laying on its side like it popped out of the ground the guy that did it got expelled i heard he only lived another 10 years and had a tough life short as it was when i was a freshman the senior prank was to cover all the staircases and veggie oil at the end of one of the last school days of the year people got severely injured including a very pregnant teacher who ended up having to give birth after they fell [Music] not something really big but still messed up in middle school there was this kid with a mental illness so he was slower than the majority and had ticks but he wasn't the crazy type just needed people to be kind to him the class clown for some reason just hated him there isn't really a way too far moment like others here but one time the class clown threw the poor guy's backpack down the staircase something like two stories sometimes he just insulted him or threw his stuff out the window one time he even slapped him later we found out that the class clown had big family issues but whatever he just disappeared between the second and last year of middle school when he start acting like a prostitute behind the teacher and he dances continuously he's a boy by the way and so is the teacher the teacher turned around and caught him he got a headbutt i remember back in elementary school there was a kid known for his dark humor i was actually good friends with him at the time until this happened during a lockdown drill he screamed as loud as f king possible and said we're in here come get us all while giggling during it he got after school detention for the rest of the year he put homemade stink bombs in the trash can inside the boys locker room it caught fire and we had to evacuate the whole building he sadly committed suicide that summer because he had a really rough life with his foster parents the dude brought laughter to a lot of us and it's still sad that he's gone not so much a class clown but a lover of attention nonetheless she came to school one day and at recess she's like hey guys i can make myself faint check it out so she does the thing when you kneel down and hold your breath and stand up and then faint so she fainted obviously but then started having a seizure router and we were all like what the [ __ ] and an ambulance came and it was all crazy but aftermath she never really had seizures before but then after that and all throughout high school she had mad seizures i think i literally witnessed permanent brain damage he started masturbating in class which was not much of a big deal in our class coz me and some other guys have done it multiple times but he took it a step further he started doing it while the teacher was teaching while walking around the class and guess what he got caught first-time teacher ignored him probably out of embarrassment but that mf was dumb enough to got caught again this time teacher told him to get the f out of her class told other teachers in the class clown got in so much trouble for that in high school the little sht punched a special needs kid i'm not sure why but before i could even blink me and another stranger had him on the ground proceeded to kick the living shti out of him before the cop and a few teachers pulled us off of him after three weeks of suspension apparently the story was that the clown was the victim and that me and the stranger who i ended up becoming very good friends with were just bullying him not a single word of what he did to the special needs kid because the clown was really popular we ended up becoming social outcasts to the point that i ended up leaving public for homeschooling had trust issues ever since he called a girl's mother pretending to be the school and said she was caught watching porn her mother being an african christian woman beat the living daylights out of the girl and came to school the next day looking like she was pushed down a flight of stress drag back up then push down again open bracket also the day i quit pulling pranks on people somehow this really cute girl w a large chest area ended up in our science lab group of me and this other goofy guy one day she brings an overnight bag into class she goes to the bathroom and the goofy guy starts looking in her bag before i had a chance to register what was happening he's putting on a pair of her panties over the top of his jeans she comes back into class and i run out the door she and i were still friends after that but she was never in our lab group again we had this awesome substitute teacher he and i talked about metal music a lot which was rare for teachers at that time in my life he was an overly feminine man everyone assumed he was gay which is important because it was 2004 and it was a class of 14 stroke 15 year olds who aren't known for their tolerance he was a great teacher though and put up with a lot of shti from these [ __ ] he was a great teacher though one day they set off fireworks in class he thought someone had a gun took a panic attack it was awful i felt pretty bad he didn't end up subbing at that school again [Music] i remember a time in high school when the kid some guy named roland ended up getting arrested for one prank so we had just finished history chemistry spanish and we were in algebra when he says when pay comes emma give all my prank east i was like god ensure he don't do anything stupid he mustn't have heard my prayer cuz what happened next we were playing dodge ball and the coach was eating lunch at that time and soon he hit the coach he was like we gonna talk after this so he bends down for the fork and soon roland throws another dodge ball at him but the fork rammed into a nearby electrical outlet and let's just say that was the last time i saw him you should have seen him kicking and screaming as the cops hauled him away for unintended murder the class clown was making fun of our history teacher when she said that before the planes hit she got out and she was walking on the sidewalks and watched as the first plane hit it took her 17 years to stop ducking when she heard planes flying when she was near her car or in a building the class clown called her a pssy and was laughing last year on a show who i bet thought he was hilarious through a book at me where he doesn't think he was so funny after realizing i'm not a fun guy to anger mainly because i beat him with the book until i got sent to the office before you ask no i'm not an overly violent guy he and his friend just always made fun of me for liking anime and i got tired of it middle school when chroma books first became this popular teaching tool i started using crush to bypass the security measures and watch youtube in class pretty soon i was leaving hotkeys and back doors on kids laptops for money the principal caught on when this guy snitched but the suspension i should have gotten was dropped because he was convinced it wasn't me he called the front desk to make sure they sent him the right kid lol i was in the group of class clowns one morning i decided to bring in noise poppers that sounded like small firecrackers i handed them around to my friends and one decided to set one off in morning recess the teachers freaked out and immediately started moving kids towards the building for fear of a shooter or bombing my friends and i were laughing our asses off so the teachers caught on pretty quick we got called down and told how stupid we were resulting in all of us getting suspended and since i brought them and i was almost expelled he put staples into the eighth grade sign stitch's banana and his family ended up getting sued and the kid almost got charged for assault the teacher is a known pedophile and is hated by everyone that's probably the reason why the staple was put there i was the class clown joked about how i was gonna shoot up the whole school had to attend to multiple psychologists psychiatrists and have many tests done to prove the school i wasn't a psycho and it was safe to keep me around [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 617,667
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, memes, r/
Id: 87QjN5q5MUI
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Length: 35min 47sec (2147 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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