What's the creepiest thing you've seen other families do? r/AskReddit | RedditJar

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what's the creepiest thing that you've seen other families do that they accepts as totally normal my family collected dead people cards when my grandparents would go to funerals they would get those arbitrary cards with pictures and stuff and collect them I think it started out as getting them for memory purposes but then they'd get them for other people and it became like a card game my grandparents and their friends would trade them and they coveted the ones that had misspellings or limited-edition more like his one man's name was Hayes but they misspelled it as hazel and the ones before the funeral home reprinted them with kind of showed off as a novelty I didn't realize it was weird forever and mom still in denial that it was weird we had to throw out boxes of dead people cards when my grandparents died and they're stilling living friends actually got mad that we didn't distribute them again WTF I'm seeing a lot of overly affectionate families here but my buddy gets to me with his lack of affection rather than mom or dad or something similar he refers to his parents on a first-name basis it's Doug and Karen when asked why he looks at me like I'm a crazy person and responds those are their names I don't know why it threw me off so hard the weird thing is that as an adult I have reason to use my parents first names but it always feels weird I call them mom and dad to their faces but say my father and my mother when talking about them my grandmother finds this weird but she finds most things she doesn't do weird , she questions why I call her daughter my mother instead of mom it's just more professional I'm willing to go to myself and my family one day my then girlfriend now wife witness house putting sliced cheese on our doughnuts her face was disgusted I was not aware other people don't do that until that moment also it's delicious so save your protests edit since everyone asked just a regular glazed Krispy Kreme doughnut and a slice of American cheese now for the twist the cheese is cold my family was a weird family from like 3-7 I would only wear my underwear when I was home I felt free and comfortable that way so as soon as I'd get home from anywhere I'd strip down to my panties and it didn't matter who was at our house be it my friends my siblings friends relatives or friends of my parents my family acted like it was completely normal I'm sure people thought we were weird as hell not that creepy but my ex-boyfriend used to call his mom whenever he was stressed so that she could assure him that everything would be okay he used to send her messages like is everything going to be okay mom and she'd reply with don't worry you'll be okay he was 28 at the time he also gave her all his passwords so she could access his bank accounts and take care of his finances and he got sent to a really cool destination for work for two weeks and spent the entire time moping about how much he missed his family I love my parents and all but Hmong sounds like he had some pretty bad anxiety issues and his mom should have sent in to the doctor yes I agree he did eventually seek help with his stuff though I don't know the outcome the thing that bothered me was that his mother never encouraged him to develop the skills to handle these things she just took care of everything for him without question there was a weird kid in my neighborhood named Neil he had a clubfoot that's not what was weird it's just sort of memorable anyway we were invited to his birthday party down the street his parents sent invites that we were to bring a present and $10 to cover the costs of hosting the party my mom was annoyed and confused but sent us with the presents and the money we had to give the money to Neil's parents before they let us in the house we were each given one water balloon to throw and exactly one slice of cake then we gave this kid his present and his parents sent everybody home after maybe half an hour I have an ex whose family would literally burn any meat they cooked for dinner chicken fish stay call completely burned they were terrified about bacteria on their food I got them to cook my steak medium-well less burned but still about well once but I got some serious looks of disgust the mother also forced me to draft a living wool and instructed me on the proper way to seal a room to protect from a very likely chemical attack with duct tape and plastic sheeting I know a woman who was a manager at the restaurant my wife worked at who was living through her 13 year old girl to an extreme level the girl would come up to the restaurant from school and her mom would trash her for how shitty her makeup was and ask her how she expected to get Brent or Jason or whoever looking like that 90% of what she talked about with coworkers was their daughters school drama she would read her texts give her strategies and things to say etc always trashing her appearance or telling her she needed to dress [ __ ] before going to the football game and which tea like that talked about how she encouraged boys coming over and how she liked to spy eavesdrop and with a twinkle of pride told us how she walked in daughter's room recently and found her coming out from under the covers in her bed this boy was in right in the middle of a possible BJ I was 16 dating a 14 year old and this could easily have been her mom she was always trying to get us to f ck basically made rules that meant the only way I could see her daughter was to spend hours in the girls bedroom just a girl and me and yeah we usually ended up in bed but this was the nineties and we were taught that having a sex would lead immediately to pregnancy and death by evade so we usually just spent hours between third base and home plate but never scored any runs because you know pregnancy and death we had a family friend whose dad would take cuddling and kissing with his two daughters to another level like they're both in college now and they still sit on his lap cuddle up and kiss him all over cheeks neck lip pecs etc comma old in public it's not the first time I saw something like this but it's probably the worst case something that I have witnessed fears only began to hit me as the realization slowly unfolded a family that I visited frequently with all adult children who still lived with their parents would coincidentally always have the same exact movie on every single time I visited they all huddle around as though they are only watching it for the first time once when I actually stayed over for a longer duration when the movie finally ended the TV was finally turned off only to be turned on again in the play button was then pressed for the same movie I finally realized that this movie has watched multiple times a day every single day almost like a ritual and all the members of the family react the same way to the same scene repeatedly as if they have never seen it before edit for all is asking what movie it was cool just ask my children I went on vacation with my buddy when we were kids they weren't religious but before ever meal they would all say the same chant about being a better person and trying your best it was really creepy because they would all say it in the same monotone voice it turned out the mom was just tired of everyone eating before she got to the table so she made up the tradition I think this is hilarious I can almost picture her laughing inside as they reluctantly monotone their way through their little chant that'll teach the little [ __ ] to wait for me double quote definitely has to be my neighbors when I was younger I hung out and played with these three siblings they were all pretty normal kids but the mom seemed kind of clingy during the summer we would play outside a lot baseball hockey go-karts swimming the norm every single day at about 12:00 the mom would call the kids back to the house one at a time they would have to go inside for about a half hour then come out and the next kid would go in never thought too much about it until one day I was actually in their house with them and found out why she called them she had mandatory cuddle time with each of the kids they would lay on the couch and she would spoon them in the quiet for about 30 minutes weirdest thing I've ever encountered edit no her name was not Beverly Goldberg my senior year in high school I lived a town over so I would have to get a ride to and from school didn't have a license that ride was always from my 50 year old uncle that has been living off of my family since 2009 one day on the way home we are driving down a road that has like a 15 mile per hour speed limit I glanced over at my uncle and he isn't even watching the road he's looking somewhere off on the sidewalk I noticed we are about to drive past two girls that couldn't have been older than 13 I think to myself there is no way that this is what he is going at we start to pass them and sure enough his head turns as we pass them looking back at them I go you're a pedophile double-quote this man says not yet double-quote a friend from high school theater used to invite me over to her family's house all the time her mom collected large vintage dolls like child sized ballerinas Victorian girls and this one overly happy clown they dress it up in their own clothing and place it around the house like it was a family joke that it was alive they also collected and played didgeridoos as a family group it sounds cool but they were all pretty odd individuals I went to a friend's house and we put some cartoons on while we were watching I asked him a question but he didn't respond he was fixated on the TV absolutely glued his children mind adjust laughter he'll be like that all evening now so I just had to wait for my parents to pick me up was he unflinchingly watched TV for hours my sister is like this as soon as a TV comes on she gets so distracted she can barely make comprehensible sentences she has a PhD she runs a medical lab for cancer research as well as owning a nutrition oriented produced delivery service she is literally trying to cure cancer but as soon as a TV comes on around her she gets all confused and distract it's hilarious actually my dad just loses all sense of the outside world I've screamed at him from about three feet away and nothing it would be impressive if it wasn't so f king annoying and creepy I am told it is a little disconcerting at first but people warm up to my very mixed family here is the background both of my parents have divorced parents that never spoke to each other and never wanted to be like that when they divorced so we have large family get-togethers where all my siblings and all of my step siblings hang out with my mom dad stepdad and Stedman this includes International vacations various birthday parties and Valentine's Day we just all get along and we are from a small town it's especially helpful because last year my stepmom was paralyzed from the chest down into my mom helps take care of her the act itself isn't creepy but I was very creeped out until I realized what was happening I was at my son's house and her mom was cooking and said I think it's about that time immediately the entire family mom dad and six siblings started simultaneously mumbling something I couldn't understand after they finished and saw the look on my face my so said they just said grace but everybody is in a rush to eat which is why I couldn't hear what they were saying I thought they were going to sacrifice me bless us O Lord for the suffragists which were about to receive a from the bounty throughout christelle ottoman my family says this in one breath before dinner family meals it's considered bad form to have food in your mouth while mumbling it but mostly because nobody wants to see here that my aunt's were teasing each other recently because they realized that most of us don't actually know the words we learned it as well before we learned how to talk and just know the sounds to make not the actual words edit i f ked up the prayer because i don't actually know the words an old friends mum was completely paranoid that al-qaeda would storm the small British town they lived in herSolution have a massive bomb shelter built under their house not the weird part though about about five times a year she would spend literally thousands and thousands of pounds on groceries to stock the shelter with by this I mean she would genuinely buy out the whole supermarket it would take her about 20 trips over a week not just canned food but perishables - I only found this out by sleeping over on one of her shopping days where food covered literally every single surface of their massive house my friend just shrugged it off and was oh yeah just restocking our bomb shelter we always need to be ready for invasion da fuk I knew a girl in high school who had parents who were obsessed with dinner plates they had such a huge collection of collectible plates in their house that every room was full of them on display their entire house was basically a library set up for these things her bedroom was a mattress on the floor surrounded by display cases of plates you couldn't even lean on any wall they were all like this the last time I went over there I knocked one off the wall by mistake I caught it and it didn't even break but my god the rage a dad flew into his f king horrifying he was inches away from punching me never went back they tried to nervously laugh it off like how her good ol a that being funny hahaha the one time I asked my friend why they had so many she went on a passionate tangent about all the cool plates they had and why they were so awesome it went on for an hour I never asked again because hearing about neat dishware for an hour was like torture edit I just looked her up on Facebook she works now as a Tupperware consultant seriously went to her friend's house when I was 17 she asked her mom for a snack and her mom brought out a huge raw white onion completely slathered in mayo on a plate and she and my friend just went at it with their Forks like it was filet mignon three years later and I still think about that sh t from time to time sounds like a pretty good strategy actually get your kids to eating super inexpensive weird [ __ ] like raw onions and mayo early on save a ton of money on food dad you want some of my my onion double quote no thank you son that's your special snack I'll just have these nasty Doritos double quote there was a family of girls I went to church with and none of them were allowed to cut their hair they had to wait until they were sixteen so they wouldn't get a haircut they'd regret because the mother had they also weren't allowed to talk at the dinner table one time one of the daughters was laughing at something and caught on her food the mom was afraid of one of them choking and dying so talking was banned no one told me that when I came over for dinner I just talked and they all stared at me saw my friend's dad like 13 years ago on Halloween pull his 20 year old daughter Tiffany over his knee took down the Spanx she was a zombie cheerleader for Halloween and give her like a real angry dad spanking it was so weird a 50-something father of five giving his adult daughter a punitive bear a spanking in front of me my buddy and their other daughter we were all 15 stroked 16 did she allow this willingly cause apps like assault I was a teenage boy I was more focused on friends on elder sister but and not the social implications of adult relatives spanking one another my sister dated this guy in high school for a couple years he had the biggest helicopter parents in the world he would call to see if my sister was around and then his whole family would show up mom dad and sister would be with him it was almost like they were going somewhere and dropping him off except they would come inside and crash in the living room for hours while they waited on him I felt so bad for the kids cause he was 17 - 18 while and his parents would third-wheel him everywhere I was about seven - eight I used to play with this girl that lived a few houses down and a the street I live in a cookie cutter very safe and fairly decent neighborhood across the street from the high school her mother never let us play outside because there could be a drive-by any car we see driving by could be someone with a gun and could very easily shoot us and kill us she never let us play in the living room near the windows either for that same reason another time I was over there playing with my friend and the mom pulled me aside she pointed to a truck she saw parked outside my house on the curb my uncle's truck she told me that it's actually probably a burglar and he was inside my house and killing my family at about moments she wouldn't let me go home either for the fear of me also getting killed she finally let me go home after my mom called later and requested I come home for dinner that family is still crazy even 13 years later the father would walk around in his underwear after work as in you couldn't come to the house and ring the doorbell because the dad would be pulling a Breaking Bad and be in Underpants only they were a weird kind of super religious where you couldn't sing it's raining it's pouring the old man is snoring because they thought it insulted God I was quite young when we were friends with their kids so finding out the underwear thing was really bitter for me no one in my house did that I knew a guy who was the eldest of 12 children he was 20 at the time he told me that a few months after his mom would have a baby his parents would go on a hotel date and when they did all the kids would get excited and talk to each other about if he's gonna get her pregnant and then they would all bug the mom about it until a few weeks later when she would announce she was pregnant and all the kids would be so excited about it I had a classmate from six three weeks grade who had a child about I view as terrible she's really successful now and just graduated Law School and everything that she posts on Facebook seems to indicate her happy full and interesting life but jeez Louise was it weird to see her family mistreat her back in the day I barely know where to start but her mom was absolutely determined to make this weird sort of Victorian prim and proper lady one day she came in with bruises on her arms and she told everyone it was from volleyball practice but I didn't buy it she asked me to dance with her at the school dance a few months later and I just flat out asked her what happened to her arm that day I think she wouldn't have told me at all has she not been flustered by my direct way of asking but she told me she forgot her math book at school and her mother knocked her around a bit she once told me she got grounded for a month because she had written the name of the cute guy of our class and her mother found it when she had gone through her notebooks her and I were choir kids and the only ones in the school who took voice lessons so when we went to my smile we sang level one songs at the local high school and I ran into her mother screaming at her in the hallway apparently during her piano solo she hit a wrong note and got a second place ribbon instead of a first place which meant she couldn't go on to the next level of the competition I tried to comfort her but she wouldn't listen to me and would only congratulate me that I had gotten a 1st place on my vocal solo the crazy thing is that she has three siblings one older and two younger and they're all the most down-to-earth people you could ever meet I asked her younger sister what was up with all these crazy expectations for my classmate like being required to be fluent in French by fifth grade and taking ballerina classes three times a week but her face just went ashy and said we don't talk about that she was the sweetest girl ever and I was convinced at the time that she didn't know how to say anything mean against anyone I think about her all the time not creepy in its entirety but the girl I was dating at the time I went to church one Wednesday with her and her family and apparently speaking in tongues was just everyday stuff for these people the personal prayer times started while the service was ending then all of the sudden everyone starts mumbling to themselves in what I'm guessing was a different language reminded me of Steve Carol's part from Bruce Almighty Pentecostals can be a little creepy I went to a church where it was normal during the sermon for the Spirit to move over the congregation in the former world laughter the preacher mid sermon dropped to his knees and starts speaking in tongues then the women in the back row started cackling and the laughter moved through the crowd cackling belly laughs giggles even the children did it I never went back I've never really understood kissing kids parents on the mouth in my opinion that crosses a boundary but I guess not everyone thinks so to each their own edit okay guys I get it you all kiss your parents on the mouth and that is normal for you we didn't do that in my house when I was growing up and I personally find it a bit unsettling that doesn't mean you have to share my opinion I was answering the question with my opinion is it bad for you to kiss your two-year-old daughter on the mouth no do it if that's what you want to do I won't when I have kids probably on the cheek until they reach a certain age but that doesn't mean you have to do the same thing as me when you have kids you don't have to think it is creepy or weird or like it crosses a line I'm not telling you how to live your life when we were in high school my best friend's dad did some seriously creep stuff when we were 13 he gave her a large diamond engagement ring and told her she was forbidden to get married until she found a man who could buy her a nicer one wth we were 13 we didn't want to marry anyone we spent most of our time playing n64 and riding bikes when everyone started dating she wasn't allowed finally she was very excited and said her dad had had a vision from God that she was allowed to date now I'm religious so I'm not knocking religion but dude that didn't happen came to a school dance and pins the boy she was dancing with against the wall police were called dad was banned from school campus and all school functions even graduation her mom never said a word that I heard my friend was embarrassed by it but more in OMG dad long way rather than a wth this is creepy and [ __ ] way she had two brothers and they were allowed to do whatever they wanted growing up my best friend's family didn't have traditional snacks like fruit roll-ups gushes etc they ate sticks of butter sticks of f king butter whenever they offered me some I always told them I wasn't hungry they had multiple packages of butter in the fridge and freezer they didn't consume the entire stick rather would cut off pieces they weren't poor they weren't fat but they were f king crazy a white woman with two white sons two adopted young black children and no husband used to come into this fast-food place I worked at the mother and sons looked straight out of the 50s her adopted children did not look as well-kept she owned a popular Christian pizza buffet in town they even printed Bible quotes on the napkins the sons would come up order the same thing every time same for the mom same thing every single time she would always point to her adopted children and say they don't need anything please don't give us anything for them calmly we once paid for two kids meals for them she was furious close bracket they would return to the table and would demand we bring them their food seriously it would sit there for 20 minutes if we didn't bring it out to them they would pray eat sit there for ages and leave the black kids always look so sad I never understood why she refused them food edit to everyone telling me I should have reported her I know this I didn't know she owned the buffet until the last time we saw her I was 20 at the time and I didn't even know where to begin the children went malnourished or bruised if I were to see this now I would report it it is abuse and it's horrible I'm late to the party but I want to share anyway I once went to my friend's house for her birthday party I was middle school age the family was super weird all the walls were painted leaves horrific pastel colors also every single room had at least one photograph of Jesus if not multiple anyway we're all hanging out at the party and the mother comes up to me and very sternly tells me she would like a word with me first she was mad at me because we do not swear in this house okay but I said geez second we do not frown in this house but not frowning if you weren't constantly smiling you were in trouble joke's on those weirdos because my parents bought that house several years later we didn't even realize until after the fact we curse and frown all the livelong day f ck you Mrs Shepard not sure if this is creepy or just flat-out disgusting when I was about 14 or 15 I would go over to this girl's house I am also female and we would hang out bla bla bla one day she came out of her parents room with something in her mouth at first I didn't realize what it was but once she sat back down on the couch I saw that it was a ref King vibrator in her mouth um I kind of flipped T and asked her what the hell she was doing she said her gums hurt so she was massaging them the bad sad disgusting weird thing was that she didn't even know it was a vibrator she found it in her parents room one day and thought it was for your teeth gums on top of that her parents knew she used it for that purpose because they walked in and talked to her while she had it in her mouth I didn't go back [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 322,912
Rating: 4.8674769 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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