What Did My Mom Text Trisha? - Families #9

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Donna is gonna quit โ€œFamiliesโ€ and start her own tea channel called โ€œDonnaAlertโ€ and be sponsored by G-fuel.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 904 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ShamChowder ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 22 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

"Wet noodle" I'll never get over that.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 534 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/uhohimdead ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 22 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Crazy how we all knew what the message said. Itโ€™s not the nicest thing to hear, but Trishaโ€™s behavior warrants it.

On to more important things. Iโ€™m willing to go into hock for this new TF collection.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 285 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Love4Beauty ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 22 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Soundbite of Donna calling Ethan a juicy caterpillar please. Unreasonably funny.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 144 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/killingmehere ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 22 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Garyโ€™s UCLA enthusiasm is still so funny. Iโ€™m a Cal bear and I dress the exact same because the obsession is uncontrollable

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 141 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/beekerino ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 22 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This is what she texted Moses: "Moses, if your sister has a miscarriage because of this stress, I will hold you and Trisha responsible. Stop this nonsense. Enough."

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1191 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ashlynxo ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 22 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Itโ€™s good they said something now because Trish was planning to hold it over their heads for months & bring it up later on down the line to get some more attention.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 115 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Love4Beauty ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 22 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Trisha is allowed to go online and say people are vile, evil, sold their soul to the devil, call hila the c word, say Ethan and Hila are bad parents, say sheโ€™s scared of people murdering/stalking her, saying Ethan borderline sexually harassed her and much more. But god forbid Donna privately sends a message to Moses to try and set a boundary to let it be known that what Trisha is doing is not okay. I donโ€™t think the message was far off the realm of possibilities and I think itโ€™s sad Donna felt it had to be sent because she was so worried about her son and daughter in law :(

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 338 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Ladadidadadida ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 22 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 293 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/-Strawberries- ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 22 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
two okay it's families episode number nine mom mom specifically you now are the subject of intense youtube drama my goodness uh well before we get into that today's episode is sponsored by policy genius ting bright sellers and quib thank you for supporting us also shout out to teddy fresh our presenting sponsor today yes on thursday on thursday there's a jerry garcia collaboration i'm passionate about jerry garcia this is something i personally pursued i'm a deadhead there's a bunch of really really cool stuff that is very by the way all the pieces come with like a freaking guitar pick oh get out yeah oh wow that is so cool on the tag oh and it says teddy fresh yeah it's eddie that's really cool and then this is coming out at the end of the month should i stand up yeah stand up show it yeah yeah work it out work it work it work it try not to work it work it okay whoa mom can you see the hood yeah this is so cute this is really so that's obviously coming out for the women for the ladies um here's a little uh preview of what's coming out on garcia this thursday oh wow uh this and so much more cool stuff oh wow that is really cool and follow teddy fresh on instagram for all the updates um thank you thank you peace and love thank you can i get a shirt from my neighbor uh your neighbor yeah yeah what's next you're grosser well no he's just a big fan oh of course i'm kidding of course you can get whatever you want mom all right you got the ultimate hookup thank you and how many teddy fresh t-shirts i have in the closet we can give them one of those i think you want to give them one of your users no hardly used no you would do that that just reminded me of a story listen to this [ __ ] listen to this [ __ ] you are going to get so busted now tell me what you think tell me if you if you think this is bad or not so when i was about let's say 13 i used to rollerblade i know shocking confession i'm sorry it's embarrassing end line yeah that was popular rollerblader i'm just kidding okay there was like a rivalry between skateboarders and uh rollerbladers they would say they would say the skateboarders used to say this joke which i don't condone i'm only saying it for posterity's sake and i'm sorry to do this but the skateboarders would say do you know what's the hardest thing about being a skater telling your parents that you're gay oh god that's what really i never heard that you said skater though did you mean rollerblader yeah it was a roller blader i meant like well skater blader blader i guess that was screaming oh my god who won that anyway listen i disavow that i never said that joke i was i find it in poor taste a horrible thing that we used to say only saying it for posterity that's fair thank you mom yes you always have my best interest in heart i always do always so anyway i put out a pair of inline skates that were at the curb i think you were set you were donating them to goodwill right i don't remember i don't remember that either i think there was like you guys used to schedule like goodwill they would come and pick up a bunch of junk and fly i did that i did that yeah and so the neighbor our next-door neighbor um who we were always in rivalry with you remember yeah they were always like throwing rocks at our dogs or squirting our dogs and me and sean once left a piece of dog poop on their front oh i remember them they weren't our next-door neighbors they lived around the block no they were our next door neighbor no no no no no because our next neighbors were really sweet you believed that dan no no we liked them i'm telling you yeah i had a bitter rivalry with them and spunky ate their rabbit she listen the rabbit burrowed under i didn't know about the fence oh yeah oh they hated us i don't know you're talking no they had a pet rabbit that burned under them right into our yard no they hated us because our dogs wouldn't ever shut up and it was driving them mad our dogs would never stop barking ever i don't remember water at them what really they would bark all day poor guy he worked at home he worked at home and he was losing he would he wasn't he a teacher stop saying names let's not say name okay i thought you're thinking on the other side so anyway there's this biddle in my mind and then one time they were so mean to our dogs all the time that me and my brother we were so young we were probably like 10. we went and took a dog poop and smeared it on their door oh my god you did that i blame that was shawn's idea such a troublemaker yeah oh yeah oh my god being sarcastic i am dude sean was a punk dude when he was that age he was doing it and blaming me are you talking sean or sean yes our sean we were john the other we were protecting we were standing up for our dogs i thought he was like the the well it was shawn's idea to rub dog [ __ ] wow i'm gonna have to talk to him about that we did anyway there's there was always a bunch of [ __ ] literally and so anyway so there's a pair of in line skates in the front it's basically garbage and he comes knocking on the door he goes hey you know uh or he asks me he goes hey ethan uh if you guys are just getting rid of that my son would love to have those can i have these and i said let me go ask my dad i go inside ask my dad he's like watching tv or something he doesn't care he goes he goes yeah tell him 20 bucks what i don't remember that and so i went out and then went to the neighbor my dad says 20 bucks and what'd he say he said i'm fine and he went and got 20 bucks are you kidding me i swear to god and i went back and gave the 20 bucks to dad he never even moved i have that twenty dollar bill framed but it's like that he shook down our neighbor for something why did i not know about this right again i don't remember it's not hysterical it's branded in my brain 20 bucks i had to go back and be like my dad says 20 bucks oh my god all right well wow so what do you think dan is that pretty bad or or he's not that's horrible i mean america i'm getting to know your dad pretty well here and he's a hustler what can you say yeah he saw a way to make 20 bucks i think i did get like five bucks out of it so i was pretty stoked at it you got a commission what are you complaining about i got a cut thank you but i had to be a little punk ass hustling our neighbor oh my god and then you just were sitting watching tv but you would think you would be like yeah of course you can have that i'm still traumatized about the poop well it's things like that i and he's like your kids did this and then we had to go over there and clean it and apologize which was you mean wow yeah you didn't mention that you got busted yeah we got busted oh well good i'm glad that you got busted no recollection of that i don't know i don't remember that you guys think that we were like best friends with them and i'm telling you you did i really oh my god i had no idea yes they hated the whole family wow yeah and here i'm going la dee da i think they're so nice they hate they i remember once they came over he's like you guys need to install a shock collar on your dogs because they will not shut the [ __ ] up and they're ruining my life wow you guys were like the nerve of him to come over and put on a shotgun you guys don't remember that huh i don't i although i thought it was odd that they helped us move things when we were ready to move that was oh yeah kind of unusual yeah let's get the clients out of here when we moved in the first thing she did was knock on the door and say do you guys need a vacuum cleaned yeah it was nice she was really scared before they knew us yeah exactly before they knew us or she was nice in the beginning oh no but we were there for like what ten years or something no we never lived anywhere for ten years you know we lived in mexico longer than we ever lived in any one spot we were only there for five years i feel like i grew up my whole well we stayed in ventura we just moved around from different houses yeah well anyway i remember them they hated us that's the story about my dad that's true yeah we felt like we were the nightmare god i thought we were getting along with all of our neighbors our other neighbor brought us a plan the truth is you guys weren't at home so me and sean were at home with the dogs and they would not they wouldn't listen to anybody they would just bark and bark and bark and bark and so we were there when the neighbors were like shouting at them and squirting the hose at them and throwing rocks over the fence at them wow oh my god maybe because we were working so much yeah you guys were never home me and sean were fighting a war all right good job good job well you guys didn't even know what the hell was going on oh my god oh lord so anyway uh who's your mother who raised you nobody raised me that's the problem the wolves yeah exactly so i was speaking of which we're actually speaking of nobody raising me we're actually part of the episode today is we're going to be doing a fan family bonding speed run okay so dad we're going to do the things you never taught me like throwing baseball tying a tie you're going to give me a birds and the beast talk but you're only going to have about like 30 seconds to do each okay i'm starting to think and then mom you're going to teach me how to knit you're also going to give me birds in the beast talks and you're going to tell me how to plant milkweeds but only in 30 seconds so can i confess something sure i don't know how to knit well then i guess we're gonna well you know what teach me you know what we can i can i'm a fast i'm a fast learner maybe you can teach me how to talk to girls talk to girls talk to girls is it that is more dad's job yeah what's something that a mom teaches their son i can teach you how to knit i'll teach you how you you know what grammar we're doing knitting we said grandma anne was an incredible knitter so i watched her so i yeah i'll figure it out okay so but before we get into all that we've got a lot here to talk about slang term you guys get your bonus 100 100. today your slang term is all facts although a printer all facts yes so that will be spelled f-a-x right not f-a-c-t-s right all factors no printer okay what does it mean all facts no printer you do would you like to guess the meaning oh yeah um all facts well facts is a no principle now already uh old-fashioned hardly used manner of transmitting communications right a fax machine opposed to a printer very good very good all facts no print certainly onto something there so basically say show it don't write it show it don't write it and no dad you got to guess facts no printer say i would say all irrelevant stuff and nothing important so you're saying none of it's irrel it's all irrelevant but but it's all facts f-a-x okay so what it means what it means is it's all true it's all true it's all facts no printer it's a play on words all facts no print maybe somewhere stupid came up with that and just couldn't spell well no i think it's pretty good so basically that's when you want to cosign something so if i say like you know that burrito was uh the sharkies has the best burrito all facts no printer okay so that's your word 100 bucks no all facts no printer yes ma'am so you think sharkies has the best burrito no okay no definitely not still traumatized eating sharkies so much years ago okay well we got to talk about first of all the oh boy you guys really you guys yeah what do you mean you guys i'm not responsible for this mess oh for what you said you're not okay first of all before we get into this give a little context of my mom's literacy literacy on twitter she she got into an internet beef with trisha paytas which is like what the f so just to give you guys a little bit of the literacy of my mom on twitter is that she when she's trying to share photos she pastes link from her phone and i don't know why you erase this ended up getting like 10 000 likes i know everyone said don't recycle but it doesn't make any sense because you can't pull up the image so i erased it and everyone cannot believe it why did you do that i was like funny i thought well that doesn't make any sense to me that's going to be your best tweet ever and you and you erased it yeah well anyway so you know i tweeted out the image of trisha with keemstar and i said it made me sad and um so my mom immediately was like oh no like whatever i expressed i literally just said it was sad and then when i saw my mom getting involved i was like oh no no what is mom doing mom said what i'm feeling doesn't fit the word she's such a weasel what does that mean you're what you're feeling doesn't fit the words i didn't how i how i felt what what i was feeling you know how can you put it in words okay you were you were that upset i was really upset can i tell you why i was so upset please okay um she's wearing your your merchandise the frenemies hoodie right um this guy who i've read so much about is not well liked by anybody he's got such shooting freudia or schadenfreude is no it's it's shoot him up freuda if you look it up it's schadenfreude ah anyway with someone else's problems and and and he's the biggest piece he's terry he's not a very i mean he's not he's harassed ila for years saying she looks like a horse yeah i mean talk about harassment that's only the best just i know i mean keemstar has lied about us stealing money for you i mean the guys i don't know him all that well i just know what i read about him and it wasn't it wasn't in a good light at all he was he's not well liked by a lot of a lot people people yeah and the fact that she go and this is interesting because when this came out well let me you know what i'd like to put a shout out to somebody okay and because it's all tied into this picture okay okay first of all since dad and i have been with you on this format on you on our family podcast family journey yes um i have grown to enjoy watching tea tea your tea i'm a tea i'm a tea connoisseur and there's three people that i'd like to put a shout out to all right and i enjoy i think they're all intelligent i think they're have a lot of charisma i think they're going to be extremely successful whatever let's send them a milkweed from donna well no i want to keep those milkweeds oh we're not gonna oh oh oh yeah oh yeah no no no no i have some rollerblades we could send them yeah no we can send them in milk yeah maybe we can use rollies one of them is a young lady uh and her her podcast or her tea thing is called hot tea tea yes she's really good i like her hot tea and she's beautiful by the way she is a really beautiful girl um have i not heard of this child i don't know but she's great i really enjoy her channel and then there's another guy wet noodle death noodle i think it's definitely oh by the way wet noodle is kind of derogatory isn't it i don't know i thought that was that's what i wrote down was it a wet noodle something like boring you still call someone a wet noodle it's like derogatory i don't know maybe that's what he's no i don't know i don't know anyway i know him yeah i'm a dude noodles okay you like him yeah well you know sometimes he's got ucla stuff on i don't know if he's an alumni but he's obviously a fan but he's very smart love duff and and i really enjoy watching him and the third person who i absolutely love is adam mcintyre oh yeah you guys have a i really like him he's smart he's intuitive he's charismatic oh my god no the kid i i like him too the kid is great he's really great really supportive i wish i i wish i got that much that amount of support from you growing up oh come on ethan i'd be so you might be so much better adjusted oh please anyway i was watching i'm jealous of adam mcintyre of the praise he's getting from my mom [Laughter] i was watching his his channel he's in spain right now and at least he was when i was watching his channel anyway he had an observation that i thought was very astute about keemstar and this whole this whole photo of the three of them and he said it's interesting that they put this stuff out and he actually knew that you couldn't uh post your videos for a week oh yeah and it basically he i think his fingerprints are behind this whole thing it's his fault that that you know oh and that's all everybody knows that you're saying it's keemstar's fault that i got suspended not adam's fault no not adam's fault yeah everybody knows it was keemstar's fault you literally admit it right he said but but the mere fact that you couldn't you know respond they put that up there knowing you weren't going to be able to respond and they're sitting there and he's giving you this gesture he's flipping me off with his finger for sure you know i mean it's it's a real in your face and if she's supposed to be your uh sister-in-law what kind of a what is that she obviously doesn't like me very much but anyway listen let's talk about let's talk about your anyways good job you guys i love those three two channels we love the tea we love them so what you said is uh she's a weasel and then you also said this was your first one and then i was like man i don't know why you had to tweet twice because the first one was like i was like okay it's a little bit of a you see can't wait to go to our wedding not it's like wow i was being snooty you know what's funny is this one it comes off as a joke but i know when i read it then my mom meant it like no i was just being snooty you were being snooty i was i was being snooty i think do you what do you what what i was being snooty i mean you know i i did you i'm not gonna dance did you expect it to get 20 000 likes because it like blew up and all the teachers you know and then trisha which we'll get into like responded to you my first tweet was this is my first tweet i mean i didn't well that was who knew yeah you know that i was gonna get and what's people watching and all that i just you know this whole thing is above me no you don't know what's going on i don't i really don't that's that's kind of the beauty of it i guess i really didn't know what's going on and so i don't i'm so scared of me okay so let me reach out it's fun i'm having fun all right all right fair enough you know she can say all these terrible things i don't care trisha responded it's fun you called her a weasel trisha responded what you texted moses is the most evil thing to ever put out into the universe if i'm a weasel you are satan oh my goodness she thinks i cast a spell on her too she said you are satan for even putting that energy out there you're an evil woman to write down what you wrote it's unspeakable to put that burden on me the way you did is the worst karma and then she continues she said i wonder why she just didn't post what i said maybe because she knows it's not gonna everyone's gonna take the steam out of their balloon she i'll continue she says the air out of there below what ethan's mom texted moses after our fight was the most disgusting thing i've ever heard i'm tormented with it daily i won't even speak what she wrote because i refute that energy that negative bad energy is something that paralyzed me that now and then i mean she's clearly not paralyzed by it she's literally and adam pointed out that she called another youtuber a weasel oh she has called she has she has called someone a weasel ethan ran my mom and said okay here we go please i don't need to get in all this but i'm livid i'm angry i've been carrying this evil ugly burden she placed on me um blaming me for an unspeakable thing she's evil i just have never encountered anyone to put such an evil burden on me a curse a curse on your family something to even write unfathomable okay so trisha's been kind of she's been talking and talking about like uh you know what is this thing that you told her i think we should just i can read it yeah let's just read it it must be so horrific don't we need some kind of word okay let me set that let me give you a little bit of a backstory okay when i i tweeted a private message to moses no no no you texted him no it was on messenger okay but you didn't tweet it no no no no no no no oh did i i didn't mean that yeah yeah no no no i do i sent it on a tweet and a message well it was on messenger it's private and what's the difference between it tweet everybody can read it okay all right i'll accept that you know that's the only difference no this was a this is before families even existed okay okay and before you are a celebrity okay if that's what you want to call all of our personal interactions with her had been fine they were over to your house for passover and we were very cordial and everyone was friendly there was a little bit of a beef when me and trisha were talking about that the food was bad and i know that that upset did you guys which i accept i accept the blame for that i should know jessica made the chicken and i thought it was really good yeah and jessica's a great chef so that's that's that's unfair yeah but we've made amends for that right yeah but let me give you let me for a lot of you who don't understand the jewish culture there is a language that's specifically to trisha no no to the fans for people to to understand there is a language called yiddish and so many of you use words that you don't even know are yiddish like like for example the word tush which means you know your bum your dairy air it's a cute word a lot of people use a lot of yiddish words one of the words which you probably have never heard it's called machinister and it means family of your family so it's your family but it's a little more extended and whenever we went well whenever the few times that we were uh we were with trisha it was the last time i think was a holiday a jewish holiday it was at your home yours in ila's home and she was there with moses uh before that before moses even started dating her we at our house i think is when we were in the apartment um we yeah uh in uh in thousand okay where well whatever oh no way yes yes i was we had the big round table remember we were all so squishy that was so long ago yeah it was a long time ago well it was before he ever knew her dad's saying no well i thought she was going to say trisha was there no no no no no no she wasn't there before so what's the point moses i'm just saying he was there oh you it was a holiday it was a holiday and he is you're talking about it you know yeah okay i mean we're we're family yeah so a lot of people don't you know i've had a lot of comments saying oh she's not even your family moses isn't your family but in the jewish religion they are jewish people i mean that's not it's not that like it's extended he's he's my wife's brother yeah yeah yeah with us all the time right exactly he's with us on every holiday right right right so you know we interact with with your brother and she's been over here too yes absolutely yeah so um yeah so where was i going with this i don't know i don't i got so off the track i don't remember um oh yeah so i sent this is before thank you dan um this is before families even existed ela has been trying so hard to get pregnant and if any of you have gone through this program is it called in vitro is that no we didn't do in vintro what did you do it was we did it's like fertility treatment which is right before vintro or we've turkey-basted her with my uh right and you know what it's really hard i mean i can tell you well i'll tell you an example we talked about it a lot but like yeah i mean we were doing this for a few months and it didn't work and then it finally stuck but it was a horrible process where she was taking i was giving her shots in the stomach right of this like saline solution it was super painful so she sitting there like arriving in pain as i injected her every night actually no we i think we were doing it several times a day she was taking these hormones that were messing her up and it was just a really hairy it was really harrowing and then ela finally very expensive as well yes and and uh and she finally gets pregnant we were all thrilled and then we find out that maybe you guys are having a multiple yeah birth yeah you know and when you have twins possibly triplets you have to be really careful you know i mean i've lost a pregnancy right and it can be really hard very dicey the further you get along the less likely like uh miscarriages but in the first three months miscarriage can be extremely calm it can it can be very common and when you're trying to get pregnant for a very long time it can be it can be heart-wrenching yeah so trisha just kept on going on and on and on with some of the things that she was saying i didn't understand let's be honest you're team ethan obviously you're team ethan and ela so i know she she said some things that were just i'm sorry you know okay you're my son yeah eel is my daughter-in-law of course i am absolute i am i'm a grandma i you know teddy is my my uh son and moon and my granddaughter eleanor same thing and the baby in your wife's tummy is you know it's really it's important i'm grandma okay all right so i got so upset with all the stress by the way and i didn't know she sent this right until god how did i find out but i would i'll be honest i was a little horrified to know that you were texting i it was moses it was one time uh but you know what i also at the other hand i get it you know i get why you sent it well i was so upset because of some of the things that she had just okay go ahead read the tip i sent a private message on messages you texted moses i mean it's not well i didn't really tech did is that called texting yes messaging is that texting okay all right this is everybody this is what i wrote cover your ears is it the worst thing you've ever done horrible thing you've ever heard okay well it's moses okay moses if your sister has a miscarriage because of this stress i will hold you and trisha responsible stop this nonsense enough that's what i wrote yeah i'm surprised the message didn't catch on fire it was so horrid oh my god so so well okay i mean on one hand that's obviously a strongly worded message it was and that's how i felt yeah it was ridiculous she was causing you so much stress the truth is we were all thinking it and i would i wouldn't wasn't gonna write it so when i saw you read it i was like she shouldn't have sent the text but like sorry i wasn't thinking the same thing honestly sorry all facts no printer right yeah that would be that would have been a good thing thanks so much 100 bucks dan dan beat me to it thanks dan she was just about to say yeah i was just about to say it not so like look i mean yeah obviously that's a lot to tell someone but at the same time i get so that that's the message i don't know you guys can judge for yourself i get it though like i mean as the grandma as someone who you're like family with moses you felt you could speak frankly with him at the other hand i understand that it's kind of a shocking message to receive you know as well so you know that's the message though so you i mean i think trish is playing it up a little yeah i mean come on people can decide for themselves if she overreacted a little bit i i cursed her [Music] you know well at the time it was really intense it was it was really like she was making like a billion videos and tick tocks and elo was in a really vulnerable point yeah she had hormones rushing through her whole body and we were scared well so there you have it um bada-bing let's go ahead and go throw it to a break and when we come back we are going to wrap this up i don't want to talk about trisha anymore ever i'm i this this is coming out on saturday or sunday okay i'm doing i did a big episode on thursday which you guys saw and this is it i wanted my mom to speak her piece get her get the clear the name clear the air or whatever and now after i have a few more things to say and we're done trisha will never be uttered like baltimore like baltimore like voldemort like voldemort the one who must not be named or something all right we'll be right back stay tuned thank you summer is almost over and responsibility is about to rear its head again get ahead of reality and get life insurance done right flipping now with policy genius you can get free quotes in minutes policy genius makes it easy to compare quotes from over a dozen top insurers all in one place why compare well you could save over fifty percent on life insurance by comparing quotes with policy genius or you could save thirteen hundred dollars or more per year on life insurance by using policy genius to compare policies listen you know life insurance we recently got it it's like you can't you got to make sure your loved ones are taken care of absolutely it's a piece of mind because you know we all it's just and sometimes you know um they might fall off the back of a truck and then you get a big 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in a spot like like this and you know since i have done the show with you as a co-host you know i'm really learning about this whole youtube oh yeah uh multiverse world and you know i gotta say i like it she likes the drama you're keemstar it's fun you're a kid star if keemstar was a mom i'm keemstar well you love the drama well no i mean i just love the whole thing you love youtube i do yeah exactly everybody loves you i love it i mean i i think it's a way for all of you guys to stay close and communicate with you i mean you know yeah that's negative positive you're and you're all those are like your guy how do you feel dad you watched the tea too well i was gonna say don't insult your mother like that first of all come here you're right i'm sorry vile person i know don't compare me to him well because you're like i love the tea that's like keemstar's thing oh i'm just kidding of course you're not keemstar thank you for that you're welcome yeah it's been fun you know i was on twitter before so i was slightly more versed in how this works which isn't saying much of anything but uh yeah it's been it's been fun so far i've i've enjoyed it yeah it's funny but like to be feuding with somebody well you know i think it's different than just using the internet yeah you know you're an internet beef that people the t channels are talking about i don't think i i mean i think it was a knee-jerk reaction because you're my son would you know unsend the tweet if you could yeah i probably would in retrospect i you know i just think it was just a knee-jerk reaction i was just uh like what you're not used to people even yeah yeah i had the same reaction because you know anyway here's what you said about you on tick tock mom uh oh sick of this [ __ ] this is your christian oh my god you're taking off the invite the minute you sent moses that text donna klein so more about the text that cursed her for eternity oh my goodness you crank it dan okay i'm so sick of this [ __ ] i am so sick of this [ __ ] i can't wait to go hunter what not you and you're taking off the invite the minute you sent moses that text they all know what that text was on the last episode of frenemies which we also well now everybody knows what the text is yeah i that's okay everyone was recording i i brought that up i said why would your mom text the most vile disgusting i can't even speak it right now i cannot speak her right now because she puts she put blame and the weight of something so heavy on me that i have to wait this out now talk about her she's a vile scum i cannot she said she said [ __ ] vile scum i'm vile and i'm scum pretty awesome to hear someone talk about my mom that way in a way i mean i don't think i don't think any of us take it seriously but just like the fact that my mom is being called vile scum by trisha paytas is something i've never expected yeah it's crazy it's just crazy repeat i can't even put out what she said and when i asked ethan like your mom texted this like that that's something that's unfortunate like the nastiest thing i've ever heard from anybody and he's like well i told her not to text that it's disgusting no i okay she's she's lying i didn't say i told her not to text that i didn't know what i said trisha is i didn't know she sent it all right okay so let's not let's not act like i was party to that okay trish is lying you know speaking of things that trisha has said oh she made um a comment about your fans oh they were occult you know really nasty things and i gotta tell you since i've been doing this cameo thing you're fans i love your fans donna they're smart they're not my fans anymore they're your fans they left me a few episodes ago no no no they are your fans no they're your fans i love them they are they're not going to call me like they are the sweetest most respectful and they're so smart some of these people are so educated it just blows me away you know and and once in a blue moon i get recognized and every time someone has come up to dad or myself just to say hello and tell us that they enjoy the show they are just delightful i agree every every time i get approached on the street it's always a really positive uh experience so i don't know how she can say this about your fans i just well i think she's she's getting a different brunt i don't i don't i wouldn't say that's the thing she keeps saying it's all our fans i think a lot of them are her fans who are angry with i don't know that well anyway let's i don't want to get into all though let's just stick to the fact well i just want to say for all my all the people that on can can't cameo that asked for me to send them a message it was so much fun it's been so much fun i'm still on cameo but i i really are you plugging i am plugging am i plugging is that hard plugging no i mean even if i never get another one i just really enjoyed it it was fun again i'm on cameo also oh my god you guys yeah my what's the link my dad goes my dad you and sister we should do something man i know we should do i want him to do it with me we should do something funny where i was like you guys should do it together and my dad was like no i'm doing it by myself i did two cameos on the way over there yeah we've done and dad was driving it was it was someone's birthday well mom's got a couple where they wanted both of us okay yeah okay and i've gotten two so far so i'm oof how does that feel too small fanbase well nobody knew that he was on the the the what's your fans called the garret the beach ball killer the stab the stabs gary the stabbers the stabbies what'd you say then just gary kleiner's recliners for life yeah there was a lot of great fan art that people created oh yeah let's let's stay on the rails here okay let's and then we can go to the fan art it's okay i forgive you what she placed on me is evil it's downright evil i bit my tongue when she's talked about me and compare me to gabby i bit it i bit it but this she put a burden on me that i ca i will not talk about for a few months but it's the most disgusting [ __ ] blaming me for she says apparently she's got like a big thing she's planning for when the baby comes because she can be like okay the baby's out the curse is lifted and then she's going mask off by the sound of it [Music] i picture you like in a in like uh what was the name of um voldemort's uh cl like his uh what were they called the death you're like oh sucking out all their energy yeah for sure and she said i can't even print it out and go ahead print it out i know now we know what it is well maybe we've maybe maybe this is good for maybe we've lifted the curse by talking about it so this now she can feel like she's not cursed anymore because i don't want her to feel like she's cursed i know don't you think you need it i might not get along i'll go ahead mom's making a declaration i i might not get along with you at the moment because of things that have happened and i don't wish you any ill will i would never curse you i would never tell you who you should love or i would never say you know to to leave someone this is your life your choices and um you know relax relax that's all okay you did pretty good until you floated to relax okay here just slam this jumper the curse is lifted you just hit the dumping button oh oh i did oh no no no can i un-dump nope well you can't ring the bell no she should not no no there it goes they're in love so they're they are in love i don't know i don't take that away from them no no listen okay here's another one part 10 of uh down as a witch ethan sent a hate mop on my sister for making a tick tock that she deleted within an hour what ethan's mom texted moses about me i hate but it's like your sister lied about me i had to correct the record uh my mom sent moses a private message yeah i mean just it's like so absurd to compare them and not only that her sister was there at disney so when she lies and says something happened that did it then but if i don't say anything without her we wouldn't have five percent to throw around so we have yeah right thank you we banished that meme but i think we can bring it back now yeah what were you saying mom well i was just kind of saying she thinks i'm just i'm deceitful but i sent an a message and i couldn't have been more open and honest yeah i think she she calls you conniving here up how can i be conniving let's get to the barbershop too vulnerable and the b word i just i don't think that way i don't roll that way no you're not conniving no unfortunately i don't have a conniving bone in my body well here let's listen putting that is an evil monster [ __ ] the fact that she even monsters i can't even speak it because the fact that she even texted it and put that in writing was so vile and disgusting i had never met a more evil conniving [ __ ] in my life so she's never met a more evil does that mean you've replaced gabby as the most evil i don't know but like yeah she's most favor of the month i guess she says you're conniving you texting moses directly is the opposite of conniving yeah it's very direct so yeah but evil [ __ ] we accept that oh i'm just kidding i refuse conniving but the rest well the rest she's entitled to feeling like oh okay i mean obviously i disagree but she's entitled to her feelings it doesn't make her right she just sees it from that point of view i don't i don't get it but you know she's very angry she's mad at she's just mad at me and she's lashing out that's everything never to put that on you do not know me you don't even know moses like that and then she has got dastak and plays that moses and she knows moses as well stop trying to pretend like you guys are strangers i know for years yeah years how long have you guys been together i've yeah me and ella been together for a god 15 years now or more i don't know for a long time i know the whole family moses was shook did not tell me about it for such a long time and then once i heard i wonder why i've been carrying this i've been sick to my stomach over this i'm just so terrified of this of what she said and i'm just i'm on eggshells okay the curse is lifted right we lift this person curse whatever that was lifted we live we live dan you're shaking your head no good oh we have a third video i'm sorry this is it and then we're done okay okay we got to get a soundbite of her calling my mom an evil conniving [ __ ] to play i want to know who does her makeup she has good makeup people right yeah it's a lot of makeup though i mean i i wear so little makeup i i wish i could wear makeup can we not comment on her appearance of all well no i like oh that was a compliment yeah well you said it's a lot of makeup well she does i'm just saying i can't wear that i mean i think she looks great my favorite look is when she looks like she's not wearing any lipstick or any eye makeup oh yeah that is my favorite trisha she she looks great you know she's killing it she got great makeup we agree right yeah i know no comments on physical appearance peace and love peace and love no thank you thank you serious message something nice no no i just wanted to make sure what you were saying was nice yeah i didn't want to leave any dad his lips are sealed don't even do that don't even do that that's that's not fun go ahead say it no didn't say anything i thought you were going to do more of them how much of that can you do i think they made my point there here we go i'm involved in my wedding that you were not invited to after that nasty vile comment wait did we watch do not even talk about my relationship do not even talk about me because you weren't there all of this stuff is between me and ethan if anything was talked to his family about this it's fine but it's not a personal matter it's between me and ethan and ethan line ethan being a coward ethan being a hypocrite i have admitted to being all of those and more she's talking to you now ethan can't and donna chiming in on this after she i would hide in embarrassment and shame after what she texted moses shame shame and other people that moses knows she texts the same thing it's vital it's the sickest thing a human could ever say about somebody and to even speak that even text it what she texted into existence is so disgusting and you are all friends sick you're not by the wedding because of everything that's been done on the internet i mean even including your own son ethan said some of the sickest [ __ ] about people what you said is restarted okay i guess it all kind of just melts in yeah i was like oh okay well there you have it okay you know what now we're coming to the wedding anyway she can't stop us that's what i said you guys gotta save the day right i'm gonna come in disguise did you guys rsvp yes did you save the date no no no we're not giving a warning we're just showing up in disguise as hasidic jews wow all right listen the trisha saga is over we've got a new set out with the old in with the nail in with the new this officially ends us talking about trisha mom you are not an evil conniving uh thank you b word yes i love you i think you're the opposite of all those things thank you sweetheart you're definitely not conniving you're definitely not evil no and you're definitely not a [ __ ] oh wow i got a hug for that thank you thank you for sticking up for me i love you even though it caused a little problem sorry i appreciate the thought thank you i like how i'm skating through all of this so we don't want to get you involved in this [Laughter] all right so um you guys want to look at fanart then we'll do the family bonding uh speed run okay let's see donna fan art here we go look at this oh my god i haven't seen that operation mom of the monarchs oh that's funny that would be a more donna monarch or very nice very great i know this one is crazy it's me as the you're the caterpillar is that i think i'm like the the catalyst wonderland [Laughter] it's a really amazing art i know see your fans are amazing they are i don't they really are caterpillar mentioned oh i love the one that you're about to show i just think that's so cute my mom goes first of all i send this to my mom because i thought it was super funny and my mom goes how do you feel about that they're like checking if i was offended by it yeah i think you know because you're sitting in my lap like you know because i look like this well no no no i mean you know you're you're you're a grown man but you'll always be my little boy oh you saw it as like i'm your baby yeah so i thought you thought i was offended because of the depiction of me as like a little fat no no you're a caterpillar right you're a juicy caterpillar well no i'm not offended by it mom okay okay and that's why i shared it i thought it was cute so shout out to our lovely fans the fan art yeah i love you appreciate you amazing all right let's let's move on to our main segment here today family speed run you know i often talk about how i was uh i was uh raised kind of by myself because you guys were working so much as a kid and so here today we're going to be making up for lost time so that being said let's get right into the family bonding speed run what the hell are all these butterflies doing here oh wait this is kind of silly you have to teach me how to shave in one minute so okay shave are you gonna shave off your beard i'm gonna do whatever he tells me he's my dad i'm just here i don't know what i'm doing i haven't shaved since i was a kid the guy never taught me how to do it all right let me go grab my electric razor and uh no okay all right we're starting here one minute now use hot water cold water right best to wash your face get some hot water in there soften your beard up okay this is cold but i mean i have a washcloth here i'll just do this okay good good it's so cold okay let's just shave off half your beard today okay so what the other half continue to grab so what do i do okay so now we need some shaving cream okay maybe you know just in a gentle area there and then it's not working oh great nice and clean shake every day always usually have to take that off of the shaving cream can i didn't even know that push it okay there we go yeah that's enough no no no they think that's enough oh my god no this is not going in a good place okay all right now no don't okay that's good now you want to shave against the grain here take this no thank you but his hair is so long wouldn't that hurt what am i supposed to do with this okay so like down here we're just gonna put a little bit there and then you wanna take the plastic off oh just like the cap on the can the bathtub a cap on the razor also then you're gonna take your shaver okay that's enough do we have a towel okay i think you've got enough shaving cream on there oh my god starting to look like santa perhaps i just want to make sure it's nice and soft right here it can be too much shaving cream okay so now what do i do so now we're going to start down here at the bottom and you're going to pull up how do i know that's against the grain well it's not be well ah perfect that's how you know is it supposed to hurt you know isn't his beard too long to start doing it a little bit it's pulling a lot it shouldn't be painful it is painful all right well bleeding so that's perfect no it's not bleeding so yeah you're just gonna go up like this wait why does it hurt you're not being instructive uh your hair is pretty long little pieces and if we were really gonna shave it i probably would have gone in with the scissors and cut it down a little bit and you might have the razor upside down no i don't okay just checking i don't think so you're a newbie you're saying i should be doing it like this or like that no yeah but okay so you want this is one of those newfangled what is this like 15 blade razors is that good or bad yeah well no it's supposedly good it's all marketing it hurts less when i do it this way yeah well right well no that's because you're not doing anything no i'm caught i'm cutting there we go that that that's not good that is more painful i'm telling you you don't know what you're doing be a man come on no pain no gain all right that's it all right all right that's fine i'm playing baseball better it looks much better me too all right let's see you look great though i did shave so let's see what's the result let me walk you're gonna go watch it off okay okay so dad clearly your instructions were really useful based on the fact that i have not removed anything and i was trying if you recall i said turn the razor upside down and he said it hurts it hurts so what are you talking about that's what happens it's appropriate to humiliate your son when you're trying to teach him something like you think that little boy inside of me has even like uh properly uh healed i do can i just say something um go ahead i by no means am i a barber or an expert on this but um i i the hole against the grain thing is not not the way that i shave or or did you know i was gonna save dan yeah and he what did he tell you i think with the grinch with the grain dan's dad said but but i could be wrong like i'm not saying that's correct but i was just a little confused as you were instructed against the grain didn't feel right that seems like it would be more painful excuse me you with the big beard what was your comment about shaving well here let's let's google it what's the do i shave with the grain or against the grain what the what's with the grain are we up for it are we against it now we know if you're cutting a brisket it's against the grain it's shaving against the grain which is what you recommend that's what i recommend tends to pull the hair follicles up and away from the skin which runs an increased chance for razor burn or scary irritation being left behind we recommend shaving against the grain only in areas of your face where there is stubble left over from your few passes with the grain oh so so with the grain first and then against right maybe that's because you use an electric razor gary well i think a lot has to do with uh our family we are not the thickest bearded people my my i mean well i was just come on we got gaps i was tearing hair out of my face i know but we have thin beards okay look at these guys they're they're much more bearded okay so you're saying because of our because of our family has such pathetic facial hair we go against the grain okay i'll go with that great thanks useful advice should be has to be something not perfect about us so there you go all right we don't grow great beards all right yes are you guys ready for your third and final bonding wait what about birthdays and the bees oh that's the finale right so you you know thai tie dad this little piece of cloth that man we have one minute we're around there all right so for some reason let's go ahead and start the clock you have one minute okay here we teach your son how did i remember no one wears ties these days okay go ahead okay so we're going to take the tie right hand left hand right hand side should be shorter than the left hand side a little longer pull it up a little more a little more a little more a little more don't be afraid like so long like this okay like down to my freaking shins okay these are very long ties okay now we're gonna take this cross it over okay then we're gonna come up come up under from the back right very good thank you and then are you proud of me donna i used to tie his ties on him i don't know what you're doing right now i don't understand that i thought i had this all thought out and did you research this there we go you unfight it wait i know i have to not look at it okay let's see so now i'm left in the trenches here on step three maybe i should be teaching him how to tie a tie okay all right we gotta go that's a minute that's it i'm sorry i'm stuck on step three and you and you have to wear it like that for the rest of the episode it's not gonna stay on it's gonna come off okay one more wrap oh god okay come on i retired 15 years ago i haven't worn a tie yeah right now yeah like you wore a tie to work i never wore tie to work either exactly ties and bike shops all right thanks for nothing wait wait story story of your life and now you know why he never taught you there how's that part that's great all right so shaving and tying is a disaster let's move on to the birds and the beasts the birds and the bees go ahead all right so once again one minute which is a talk i never got by the way really you never got you know kids kids don't need talks about the birds excuse me i grew up when i grew up the internet didn't even exist so don't give me that [ __ ] you kids were so smart i never got the birds and the bees talk so going back what's the appropriate age for birds and the bees like 13. i got it from my dad yeah around like 12 maybe even 11 somewhere around there i gave jessica birds and the beast talked when she was 9. why didn't i get a birds in the bee stock we tell we're talking about butterflies instead butterflies and the bees but the butterflies and the bees well why didn't i get that why did you guys decide not to engage that conversation with me i don't know kids all learn from their friends that's where i learned who better to get sex advice from than your 10 11 year old friends they must know better is i is you but on a [ __ ] on a serious note was there any uh collective decision to just say the boys are okay um you know i i could have given you the talk but i figured dad it would it'd be you know it could have been embarrassing having your mother i know but it didn't happen what happened you know i dad you dropped the ball well look he's happily married you jessica the talk but you guys could have met together and said gary did you give him the talk yet it's not all dad's fault is it um you know i didn't even remember who our neighbors were so i can't remember that part is it too late to do that no it's not too late now it's your chance all right so pretend i'm 12 okay all right okay all right one minute on the quad on the educate me and starting now you got birds and you got bees oh this is nice they cannot have babies together bees can have bees and birds could have birds but birds and bees they can't have babies why are you telling me all that because you have to stay within your own species when you're going to propagate otherwise it won't work why what i don't understand well just you have to be a little picky you know when you're out i'm not [ __ ] animals i don't know what the point is that's my point you just have to be picky about animals not animals what are you saying i'm not playing on [ __ ] birds well and then the stork comes and there's a baby it goes just like i'm so confused which part the birds the bees are the stork none of that made any sense to me i'm pretending i'm 12 and that didn't make any sense okay wow that was and that's one minute good talk good talk guys well done yeah at did you dad actually used the metaphor of birds and bees to explain sex steal no no it was a little more straightforward than that yeah i don't know where to go from there are we gonna have to put a parental advisory on this now that we've discussed such taboo topic based on that discussion i don't think so yeah probably not so um i told jessica i'm confused exactly what happened and she freaked she said oh my god that means you've done it twice because you know at the at that time it was just shawn and her that were born she freaked out all right i think well do you guys feel closer do you guys feel like you you've kind of rekindled the father-son bond definitely that's great i'm so glad that we could do that here on families today i think we've solved all the problems in the world fantastic well uh that was that was the worst birds and bees probably of all time well it we uh we're not just bonding fathers and sons here today we are also bonding mothers all right mom it's your turn all right so uh give us one second and we'll set up for the was my pleasure my pleasure we'll set it up with my mom and we'll bring her out so we'll be back in just a second okay where mom is going to teach me how to knit in one minute well i don't underst i'm already confused what's with the stick okay put one stick down okay take a hold of one the other stick in your right hand take the end of the string the yarn and make it about this length okay this part of the string of the yarn make yourself a little loop so it looks like it looks like this little loop okay so the the front should be the it should cross over in the front you got a loop right then take the part that's in the back and push it through push the loop and then pull it pull the loop and you'll have a little knot got the knot okay okay you got this i think so okay here you wanna oh make it a little smaller it worked it did work nice and then you want to take take note dad take she's actually teaching me take your right your right hand and put the stick in there and then take both strings and tie it nice and snuck okay we're going to tighten that right snuggy okay well not that tight snug it up okay now whoa okay there you go now sorry now with the string that's got the short end of the stick okay hold your hand like this we're we're technically out of time but this is going well let's see some more let's put some more time let's get a little bonus done okay you got it you got it like your [ __ ] and your thumb is up just like your thumbs up thumbs up okay what you want to do is you want to close your hand on it and you want to take your thumb okay and you want to oops you want to go behind the the string and then it's it's looped around your hand yeah okay i'm with you take the point pointy and go through it like this yes okay then with the string that is attached to the the the ball wrap it around in front and then go through here i'm getting a little lost and pull it okay yeah you did it i did it yeah i think so what do i do now i just have a mega knife we just do it um we just do it again okay what are we doing the short end what are we creating well uh whatever you want a scarf a blanket first we're doing is oh we're just making like a fabric well it it's you're knitting and the first thing you have to do is you have to cast the first just like this no no hold it with the short end i'm losing patience i haven't lost patience for the process here look well it's it's kind of complicated you put you like you're shaking your hand with your thumb up shaking your hand thumb up close your hand close and put your thumb so that you're pulling it like this pull it like this okay come a little closer e all right time's up ah time's up i mean he successfully did one uh i think i did one yeah that's pretty good yeah you made some progress okay i was afraid of this turning into just a full-on knitting course i was enjoying myself though to be honest because i was enjoying it too much i was gonna end up just sitting here knitting it's very therapeutic remember uh rosie greer do you remember the big big football player rosie greer he's the one that actually uh his name was rosie roosevelt rosie for sure rosie greer and he used to knit remember of course rosie greer was a football player and he was the one that was with bobby kennedy when he was shot and he uh stopped um okay his see her hands here hands he assassin's what's the second stick for well that's when you start to knit [ __ ] first you have to cast a row all right and then thank you mom that was fun fascinating stuff well you know it's really about the bonding between the two of you that takes place rather than learning cold on a cold day you sit by the fire on a cozy couch and you knit you just knit yeah why do old ladies love knitting or me i mean men you know what my mother was the most amazing knitter and she she knit me some beautiful blankets and sweaters and it's a you pass the time but you also create for your loved ones yeah and it's very therapeutic you know i love that yeah it's good so so much for those those are it's that's beautiful yarn too yeah beautiful really pretty you want it no oh i don't need it anymore all right what do we got here that's milkweed okay so nobody breathe because apparently it's going to kill everyone from places i'm gonna get up is that okay here bring this over here and this uh samantha got this for us and it's called narrow leaf milkweed and this is actually native this is the good stuff oh the native the good stuff this the butterflies love the narrow leaf is the good stuff this is the good stuff and it's really hard to find some place that carries this were these expensive sam no not it wasn't expensive but it's uh i think she's like 16 she did have to go to several places to find it you're right well you can get milkweed at various nurseries but they're not the native so what are we what are we learning here today how to plant how to pot the milkweed i mean are you gonna take these home i would love to oh yeah that would be awesome thank you you're welcome ah can't have too much milkweed in your yard okay so we're gonna oh is the idea is that we're going to plant these in the pot that's right you're going to pot a plant all right we have one minute mom where's the there's yours right there oh we have uh oh pie okay wow we have to water it afterwards okay here i'll let you do it okay except for i can't open this thing oh i see it okay okay there we go all right so all right go ahead mom we have one minute well one minute are you guys ready really need to do okay this pot is pretty much okay usually you put i put broken pieces of pottery this is plastic so it's fine it just so that the drainage and it doesn't leach through and looks like we've got drain holes okay so what you need to do kind of e you only have a minute okay okay you just put here hold this okay sure you just put a little bit on the bottom that looks like good soil you know i'm gonna teach you guys a trick okay you have one minute i'm gonna teach you a trick so what you want to do is you want to put enough in the middle i mean here wait let me put a little more okay you want to put enough on the bottom and here is a really good trick for anyone who is a gardener and wants to do this take your plant it's going to make such a mess okay you take the plant out all right and what you do is you submerge it in water so that it really gets nice and wet you put the pot from the old one using this well you're using it as a form you fill the dirt around it and then when you press it and it's all perfect when you take it out all you have to do is slip your your plant in it it's perfect [Music] that's what you do and that's time what's the difference if you just put it in the pot well because it's messy like this if you like if you have a bunch of of them you can use the old ones and then all you do is you see you fitted you fit in you're saying you put the soil around yeah you you i mean what we would make a job yeah i see i see it but you put it around and you you pack it down and then you put it once you remove it and so i i put this in the pot i put it in the backyard and the butterflies come they will you if you build it they will come or if you plant it they will come we have two beautiful milkweeds for you here mom thank you thank you so much um and finally of course we have a oh birds and the bees are well maybe not about the birds and the bees but like how to treat a lady presuming i'm i'm i'm 13 years old and i'm going on my first date okay well you know what you have a short memory because actually i did do this with you you don't remember but your sister and i decided that you were going to be a gentleman and there was a young lady that you were you were that you had asked out and uh i told you that you know you were driving you were driving age and i told you that a lot of girls don't know what to do when you get out of the car should she get out of the car are you gonna open the door what do you do so i remember telling you when you come to a stop you tell the young lady that's in the in the seat next to you your girl your your date stay here you tell them i'm gonna i'll be let me get the door for you sit here and they know what to do you know what i do remember that and that was good advice that [ __ ] slays for sure i'm telling you i do remember that and then you you're you're prince charming because it's true it really helps you you're giving the woman you're removing the you know anxiety what do i do you're telling her although these days i don't think i don't i'm i haven't been i've been out of the dating game for a while but i don't think people really they worry like oh am i going to open my own door you know they should they really they guys should open the door for their girlfriends how about and their wives which you don't do either who's opening the door for me what what is the so-called fake equality well okay you know i just what if fila was like what if my date's like you know what stay right there i'm gonna get the door for you good for her okay i like it good for her what if everyone both turn to each other and say stay right there and then in unison stay right there i'm gonna get the door you first i'll get the next time love it right i do that was good advice it was it was super it's slays dude i'm telling you yeah we we i wanted you to be prince charming yeah it worked that was good advice she was really cute too that first you went out i have no record you always dated really cute girls and all of them loved you including their parents the mothers the mothers were in love with ethan well none as beautiful as my uh your wife's the last greatest yes absolutely the last and greatest that's what i said she's a keeper you better ask her to marry you yeah you apparently i did i really did pick a ring and my son sean i did the same thing you bullied him into it i didn't bully him i said are you how do you feel about via and are you in love with her is this still all giving me advice or have we moved well no i'm just sharing you know and basically out of time you know he was just like yeah of course i love her and i go well then do it already you know and and he did we did and that brings us back to the birds and the bees what do you think about the pulling the chariot at the restaurant that that one is just like a little contrived maybe or do you like it um you know it depends on the circumstance but yeah i i do you do like it i do does that i do it for you no depends how far you pull the chair out i guess because there are some practical jokes along those lines you know but when we were dating he always opened the car door for me always you always did when we were dating yeah i mean but come on not like me you know what do you want you want him to yeah you got me i mean we don't need to do those phony chivalry things oh it's not phony how about bringing a rose oh my god your dad was so romantic oh god don't tell me about it no no no he he brought a rose and it's funny because i was just talking to a friend that's pretty common bring flowers i mean a single red rose it was it was white rose it wasn't red it was white that's what i said one single white rose it was your mother's house no it was from his his father was really good rose who took a rose he got mad at you no he didn't say that he couldn't tell one thing that slays by the way just on the topic of doing nice things for girls that they really like what's that hand-picked bouquets yes pick some flowers from wherever you are give them a little hand-picked bouquet yes yes it's that's very sweet it's cute it's very sweet and less expensive that's not the the point is not to it's not to save money that's not necessarily what you want to open with is that hey i'm i've saved some money picking you these roads don't say that you can think don't say it yeah i mean it's easy to go to a store and just buy roses or flowers it's more money to spend on the date broke ass there you go [Laughter] all right we are have we didn't get time to go to the advice because we had just too much fun today yeah it really was we just had too much fun we did some bonding we did a little drama and uh i think i thought it was a great job it was next week we'll we'll do some butterfly stuff if you're you're fit you're going to be able to know i'm super excited we're excited butterflies maybe we could do a powerpoint you can work with one of the guys to make a butterfly powerpoint oh i'm so stoked uh for the butterflies uh we'll just keep we'll keep it condensed short i don't want it a long time you could do the whole show no no no i say no [Laughter] never let it be all right guys thanks for watching families we are back back back and uh next week um we'll be back again so uh keemstar uh uh eat [ __ ] whoa you can't stop me here here he's not a good guy i was trying to say like okay i want to insult him but like we got to keep it yeah i know he's going to complain to youtube i know what i can say ethan said eat [ __ ] okay go [ __ ] on you can shoot on cubesat all you want okay keemstar you need to update your look because from the 14th century that you know they had those beers like the musketeers look [ __ ] and and i think you're gonna poke somebody in the eye with that pointy beard i don't know i just think it's so bizarre that that that style amen it's time to update that look yeah yeah really got to get a new look dude he's like my age right he's no no one's our age he's pushing he's 40. yeah all right yeah pretty much yeah about your age he's older than me oh yeah oh wait wait dating a 20 year old son pretty cool not going to comment on that yeah i know you're not the right guy to comment on that honestly although that's a 20-year gap that's a big let's not talk what are we doing we're entering the show yeah ciao smash that like button thanks everybody [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,683,594
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Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, families
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 28sec (5368 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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