What can a Gas Mask protect you from?

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hello everyone I said in a video the other day about what sore masks are useful and which aren't with surplus masks due to mostly the filters they take and sort of what's still made in terms of filters and a lot of people watch that video compared to normal I spread it to a few sites where people have been interested and a question I kept getting asked or a lot of people sort of were interested in is what can I guess most actually protect your games because there's a lot of things that you probably aren't going to survive even if you have a mask in reality so what levels you actually need to protect yourself against or well it's a good idea to do a video on sort of explain it a bit more in depth like in the comment so we'll report you millimeter gas mask v2 style for one of those you've got your mask and your masks mostly in a protects your head helps you protect your eyes with the sort of glass lenses or plastic lenses and if textual respiratory system by filtering the air that comes for it removing any poisons or absorb biological elements from it so military filters are called NBC filters or they called CBRN now is pretty much the same thing that stands for nuclear biological chemical or CBRN is chemical biological radiological nuclear but radiological nuclear are pretty much the same things but it's important to note they'll see the gas masks not going to protect you from everything in a really consolidated area you've actually water self-contained breathing apparatus so there's absolutely nothing coming through that has to be filtered and there are certain things that regardless you can't be protected against so for example nerve gas which is probably Damascus for the chemical weapons that was developed by the Germans during World War two or just before World War two and they kept improving it now the irony is Hitler onto the weapons of mass destruction and Hitler really wanted a nuclear bomb but he could have pretty much wiped all the wars population with the amount of nerve gas Germany's stockpiled caja Germany didn't use them those yet so there might be several reasons but the main one is probably the they for in retaliation from using those gases their allies of the drop nerve defens Wow the Allies didn't have enough gas in reality so it would've meant that Germany could have won the war quite easily by bombing major cities like London with nerve gas so foul nerve gas works is it can kill you very quickly from inhaling it or getting in your eyes but it can kill me through skin contact and the latest form of nerve gas that we know exists is called VX which is really not you stuff and VX nerve gas is basically if you get I think it's almost like the pin of a needle if you think the needle when you think helps from all the actual tips the needle is there would be enough nerve gas through skin contact on the tip of the needle to UM kill you within seconds with it touching you or at least send you into shock and you know death later so I'm last alone won't protect you from nerve gas you need a full nuclear biological or chemical soup and BCC also those Molly suits in a natural thing chemical suit hazmat suits but the practicality of actually putting one of those all is almost impossible so what I'm going to do is I'll keep talking about cut to footage from from my older videos I've done wearing for NVC suits I offer you my collection but in reality they're pretty much useless for survival situation because unless you have proper testing kits by the time the gas hits you're already dead because you wouldn't know in time to put the suit on and you can't but the suits on quickly they're quite you know it's only going on some trousers putting on the top faster than your all up taking your guards on making sure the masks film as well making sure there's no gaps between the suit a little tiny gap and those gaps will get you that's not to say having an NBC super civilians totally useless low because if you have a NBC so you can actually use it for a lot of purposes that they weren't designed for I've used it when we've been snowed in before wearing for all the waterproof trousers basically on the Communist Soviet Union USSR Warsaw Pact boots you have these leg bits that come all the way up to about your waist and summer suits a full-body ones some of the trails are anything separate but the boots that there are like basically giant waders so you put them on like Wellington's and the trousers and it's a rubber bit that comes up to your waist sort of area so if you're waiting for a flood water or you know in deep snow or something they're really useful so it's not that chemical suits don't have their uses it's simply that for a civilian I don't think you have any chance of getting them all in time you know to protect you several people have told me as well that in the Gulf War the soldiers were wearing the MDC suits and masks or stopped on the frontline just because they wouldn't have had time to have got them on when the alarm sound developed dying or taking us for casualties just because of how little time you would have a nerve gas even to something improve its primitive liked having also sarin it's still very very deadly stuff the actual chemical don't need to touch your skin is very very minor anyway this is an NBC filter on bottom the gas mask NBC sort of commuters surplus pretty cheaply and even expired ones will protect you from tear gas because I think in all reality tear gas is one of the main things you want to ask for if you think of what you're commonly going to go up against I don't think nerve gas being dropped from civilians is kind of your biggest worry if it happens you're dead and you know it's not that likely to happen so why buy something to protect you from a proper but forty millimeter even expired NBC filter should give you protection from tear gas you can't test them if you've got some in your stockpile open one test it against their pressures can you smell it no if you can't smell anything at works game tear gas then also keep some seals for use in emergency games tear gas so we know that these working is tear gas what's the chemical weapons probably not when they're expired another note is about masks what's masks expired that doesn't mean it's useless basically the military almost military to use a ten year shelf-life rule for a gas mask so say masks built in 2000 that mask can be kept in service to 2010 some more private is 20 years 15 years five years whatever and that for use them only solder surplus that's not to say the mask doesn't work the point is that they have rules in place to make sure the troops have good equipment and because there's risks of park failing and masks they're in a sole service after like a best-before date on a food item there's some food items that will last years and years and years after their best before but you know for actually selling it you have to make sure if you're selling it in the shop but it's you know within the best before day same logic applies that it could be inside the best before date and whose could have gone off its you know something like that this market dated 1979 live still no the rubbers in tax because it creates an airtight seal would my face and if you put phil collier work so there you go so what might be more practical for a lot of people is industrial not rather like spectacular so i actually use this on a volunteer for Blue Cross against arms or pollutants in hay and straw pipe a fever entered the 4 to 5 1 by 3 M and what is conceived industrial masks is they're color coded so really by able to attend to cursor four to five one is basically gives you white and brown protection four to five five again four to seven seven has more colors on it and the four to seven line has even more so what does that mean well I don't know what every color stand for but the basically different claims the gases or irritants and get inside the mask so four to five one which I have is most standard and white comes for some sorts of gases brownstone for others if you get a full on industrial filter it will be all those colors okay I didn't buy it for use for protection from all those but you know you can get industrial masters do that some full-face some with the goggles mast separate like this one or just get a card showing you so the idea here is quite simple it's that you've got honestly a mask for the filters built on sand these has replaceable filters I would always recommend replaceable filters over non replace one I bought this simply so when I'm in an environment where there's dust and things that irritate my asthma my hay fever I can pop mask on pressure check peer pressure checks and obviously I have something that I can breathe through and I won't be irritated by pollutants so that's another thing to consider if you're getting one of these masks you don't need necessarily need on source or biological chemical protection you can get something just to protect you from as they are all hating little irritants and you know common industrial uses that you might have wiki jobs so that's something like this it's very simple and works detection for most things one of these filters works just as well the issue is that it's a lot clunkier having a full one of these ons and it is just having one of these but so with industrial masks you can get ones with replaceable filters some that you can get the full type gas masks that takes 40 millimeter when you get 40 millimeter industrial rather than 40 millimeter NDC hopefully that's not too confusing so the difference of industrial filters is that probably going to be more practical for what you might want in some sort of survival scenario or you know [ __ ] hits the fan sort of thing and the reason for that is if you get a full on industrial filter it's designed to protect you from anything that might be an industrial gas leak and tear gas is easily filtered by those filters so a full-on sort of industrial filter with protection for everything like chlorine gas for steam that might be used with a chemical weapon sort of the less serious ones i'll see your new NBC filter would protects you from that as well but they also have the ability to you know source a lots more of the gases you might encounter asain industrial accident if you live near a factory and out of the fire and harmful gases came out you could put one those on and your lungs are a completely fine while you escape and i would if you are getting them ask for some sort of survival purpose i would always get full face and or co-write protection as well and not needing it separately but there isn't anything stopping you from putting safety goggles on one of these for right protection so yeah it's a lot model from in many ways getting industrial masks but as I said that's not to say gas Murphy useless I think for a civilian it gets a lot of is useless against nerve gas but they have lots of other practical uses that you might not initially think of which is one the reasons I think they're quite good to actually you know keep around like I said I've used NBC suits before if you need to way through flood water or for deep snow like use an NBC suit for the mask and I wanted to spray wasps nests in you know that meant I couldn't be stung because the wasp which is harmlessly trying to sting the suit we're then b/c suits you tend to be to get rubberized won or activated charcoal ones activated charcoal and have a shorter shelf life now so personally I would recommend going with the rubber type ones that the Soviet Union use because it's nice thick rubber and while it's not comfortable at all to wear if you're wearing in deep snow that does the exact same job it's like having a pair of waders with a very thick raincoat on basically so there's that as I said the mask you want either an industrial one of interchangeable filters or 40 millimeter sort of the gas masks that can take 40 millimeter industrial filters another thing to know is industrial filters tend to be cheaper if you're buying on the surplus than NBC filters the shelf life again will totally depend but I think the most things you want protecting from other civilian or you least have a hope of surviving from industrial filters or new NBC filters are the way to go but like I said Industrial is more practical simply because of the things I think you might encounter they'll filter also you can get industrial filters the high-grade ones that will protect you from airborne viruses I'll see the NBC bit and biological bit in a gas masters that as well but that's more intended for something like anthrax whereas in industrial filter obviously have boxes that might be working with patients with an infection that could be quite serious so if there was some sort of serious flu outbreak you needed to go somewhere you might be in contact with some be a full face mask with a 40 millimeter industrial traumas good much is a good idea so yeah to sum it up I would say that industrial filters are the way to go I said either with a full face industrial mask where you can replace the filters I can't replace them on this but I didn't buy it for that it's just going to be used as an example but you know you actually want to think what might you come into contact with and what can you protect yourself against and tear gas is easy to stop so any sort of mass that takes a filtering but an industrial one on or an industrial mask or protects you from tear gas and then as you go up fret level you really need to say what is going to be the Atmos I'd be able to survive you know it's a bit like saying I could have all this stuff if a nuclear bomb was dropped on the city I live in you're dead anyway so there's no point but you know you want to look at practically what could you survive if you had the right equipment and what is a reasonable level and expense to go to because if you're going to follow military rules you know you get a mark that's within 5 or 10 year life span 20 years pushing it it's going to be quite expensive to do that I have so much were written 20 years a couple of miles in 10 years eyes get'em of the collector and you know we're filters again it can be quite hard as a civilian to try and buy in DC filters that within their shelf life because why would a civilian want that sourcing and their questions might be asked how they should buy industrial filters lots and lots of trade and need those so that's quite practical so I'll leave it at that that's sort of what a gas mask cannon can protect you from and again saying about chemical suits hopefully we're like intercut those clips you can see how heavy and cumbersome of chemicals film is they're not practical but they can come in very useful so against nerve gas I think as a civilian screwed the against some of the lesser gases and industrial accident or tear gas a good full-face industrial mask or you know all the stock military masks with a good industrial filter on will protect you so hopefully that's cleared up some questions people have been asking me and if you like this sort of stuff or into gas plants and other stuff just subscribe and you'll see other chump that other videos I do on this channel which you sort of lated to that all right February I was a nice day thanks for watching
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 46,838
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Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, What can a Gas Mask protect you from?, gasmask, gas mask, gas, mask, respirator, nbc suit, cbrn suit, hazmat suit, industrial mask, industrial filters, 3m, industrial, ppe safety, personal protection equipment, personal protective equipment, safety, prepper, survival, shtf, wrol, tear gas, tear gas mask, filter, gp5, gp5 gas mask, gas mask protection, are gas masks worth it, surplus gas mask, respirator filters
Id: QhCsSudv3OQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2017
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