What is Tear Gas and how to protect yourself from it

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I've been asked could I do videos on specific chemical weapons and then ways of sort of protecting yourself from us I thought yeah why not that's a really good idea for a series so I'm actually going to do this as series not an individual video so I think somebody wanted me to do like a 20 minute video or I said like this is nerve gas this is what it does is how you protect yourself from it but I thought that it's kind of quite a broad subject and you're gonna either have one kind of video or I forget lots of information or we could do it as in each kind of family of chemical agents has its own video and then I can go into a lot more detail on the ways to protect yourself from it and what they actually do so that's what I'm going to do so gonna start the series off with tear gas and there's a couple of different agents and the tear gas series but mostly going to focus on the CS I will briefly talk about some of the others now tear gas was first used in World War one where I had a weird chemical name it something like Zillah Zillah bromide or something like that no idea how it's pronounced and I don't really care although I'm sure lots of people run in the comments about me not pronouncing it correctly and basically it was quite a nasty thing but it wasn't very effective in Mobil 1 mostly because I guess in large open areas it would disperse quite fast by the time chlorine was already bu being used as a leafage and obviously soldiers had respirators and then having a respirator will protect you from the weaker sort of tear agents so there's lots of conflicting information online but it seems lots of the tear gas agents that we know today we're developed by Porton Down and if you don't know what Porton Down is it's basically where the UK does very dodgy chemical weapons research so important down came up with a load of things I think CNN CS gas CS gas is the one that we mainly focus on because it's what everybody knows is tear gas now CS is really nasty stuff to be quite honest but it's not actually a gas as the name would imply CS gas is actually CS itself is a powder and then that powder has to basically be spread normally by sort of shooting it from a tear gas canister and what happens is they break on impact or explode and then the actual powder propelled out words you can use pyrotechnics as far as I'm aware to actually burn powder in a sense and send it out that way and there's lots of other ways of distributing it often sort of watering it down with an actual gas which you can then spread but CS itself is actually a particle threat so it's stopped by a particle filter now LC s works to actually kind of make you feel ill and everything there's CS gets in your eyes and your nose and your mouth and throat and what it does is it irritates all the mucous membranes so again I'm not a biologist I don't understand all these things work the idea is it makes your throat very sore makes you sore cough it's a bit like if you had bad sort of acid reflux and you got a load of stomach acid in your throat if you've ever experienced that you'll keep coughing and coughing it's very hard to actually breathe and it's you know really painful and horrible CS basically does that it's where you know your eyes will be you're wanting to be shutting your eyes because it will be in your eyes your eyes will be watering you know it'll be in your throat it will be causing you to cough long stop now CS is considered less lethal but it can kill you very easily in fact because it's fairly life banned for military use if you're in a military you're not allowed to use it against erm other militaries that's a war crime however is totally okay for police to use it against civilians because logic so and I think military's doing a policing activities are allowed to use it as well but so what CS basically does as I said is it causes the irritation to the eyes and throat causing you to cough sneeze you know have tears in your eyes really painful eyes now the idea is the in less lethal scenario you shoot it into a crowd of people CS goes everywhere everybody starts coughing you know and they're in a lot of pain and discomfort and they leave the area and then they feel better a bit later so that's how it's meant to be used the issue is lots of police forces and everything don't use it the way it's meant to be used and some people are likely to have bad reactions to it so if you have asked more any other kind of breathing problems I have asthma it's not too bad most of the time but if they were to use CS against me that could you know cause really serious consequences because it would just cause my lungs to close up and all your dead I was reading about this and yeah a lot of people with asthma especially more severely us what if they're exposed to CS gas often they need to be on a ventilator for hours afterwards to actually be able to carry on breathing normally I guess that doesn't really concern the authorities very much now the big problem with CS as well is that from everything I've read online it seems that if the police have old stocks of CS gas in storage and I think this applies to CN and a lot of the other tear gases as well over time they break down and actually become more harmful this isn't like the tear gas effect gets stronger it's the chemicals that are used to disperse the gas break down and create you know actual poisons like cyanide is one of the things that very commonly forms from CS gas so in theory as much as you could just use a pee free filter against tear gas I would definitely recommend an a B or a BEC filter or whatever you know fill on the CBRN filter or a back filter of a pea free filter on it the reason being that if it's just the CS gas you're exposed to it in itself then the particle filter would do fine the issue is often it's not so you know if there's other chemicals breaking down from the CS you could be very little dead from those so um my opinion you want your full-on filter anyway just because you don't really know what's gonna happen now CS is also used in products like pepper spray not always as a hundred percent of it but you know that's just basically CS in gel form although loss of pepper sprays do compare you know contain chilli and pepper type ingredients in them so when it gets in the eyes is extremely painful and irritating and you know causes confusion whatever else but the important thing to know about CS gases are saying is it's not strictly a gas it's a particulate that's a very fine mist of particles and again it's defeated by a P free filter so yeah it's very very nasty stuff now another issue with CS is it's very flammable which means that if you have it sprayed in the right scenario and somebody throws a Molotov or there's another source of ignition everything can literally go up in flames very quickly now if you want to see just how nasty CS is in this sort of conflagration I guess you'd say look up the Waco Siege or the Waco standoff or the Waco massacre basically where the US government decided it was going to murder lots of religious people in the building because the ATF screwed up with gun operation and what they did is a pump CS into the building for about six hours now as said before CS is meant to be used in wide open spaces where people can actually get away from it what they did is they penned them in they gassed them for about six hours of the CS gas lots of people by this point had already died supposedly just from inhalation of CS because of this the overwhelming amount of CS the government also fired pyrotechnic charges into the building and there's lots of our ignition sources eventually it just went up like a powder keg they kept the fire engines from going in nearly everybody inside died either from dying from CS poisoning being burned alive or I'm dying from the cyanide that comes off the CS when it burns which is another great thing about them so as I was saying CS is basically something that should never be used because it is in fact a chemical weapon designed to kill an you know main but it's alright for the police to use it against civilians just not military use it against each other because what a funny world we live in so yeah for protection gang CS you want your respirator you want a full face respirator if you're going with a half face or a spray to you to have some sort of swimming goggles or something else on to protect your eyes full face respirator is good for obvious reasons that it protects your eyes and your breathing front let's get this on just to demonstrate or see let me see us guess that was a mask like this on obviously you've got your particulate filter on to protect you from inhaling the CS gas and the mask will protect your eyes and everything else as I was saying you might want to fool a Beck filter just simply because CS can create a lot of toxins if it burns or if it's slightly too old stuck or whatever else of it now another thing to know about CS gas is one of the uses for it is to train soldiers in mass confidence tests which is normally what they're called a respirator confidence tests and the idea behind those tests is that you get a load of soldiers to go into a gas chamber they're gassed once normally I think there's a standard way of doing it without a mask on and then with a mask on and the idea is that when they haven't got the last one there are lots of pain confused feeling sick you know all those things from the CS gas when they do it again with respirator on all of a sudden they don't have any of those symptoms because the CS can't go into their eyes or lungs so obviously it's good for training people how to use respirators there is nasty nasty stuff No another thing to note about CS that I was just going to get onto is how do you actually get it out of your system if you've got it in obviously getting away from the area is what most people would do now supposedly you know washing your eyes out with water isn't necessarily a good thing because apparently CS reacts of water but I found lots of conflicting information on this I've also heard people say you know washing your eyes out with milk is very good I've heard other people say antacids like you take if you had stomach acid things funny like when I was speaking out acid reflux earlier and even hang on to this but apparently you know dissolving sort of antacids and into water and imploring that on your eyes and drinking some that is good for uhm getting off of your phone but the main thing is to try to avoid contact with it in the first place and obviously make sure you have respiratory protection if you come into contact with it because it's nasty nasty stuff now CS apparently also burns the skin a load of over TR agents cause skin damage as well basically if it touches your skin it causes skin irritation lots of degree those of the eyes you know and nasal tracks and everything else it's all respiratory tract but if it does come into your contact with your skin apparently it can cause you know skin damage chemical burns things like that so they're saying CS and tear gas is very very nasty stuff it's probably the mechanical agent you're most likely to actually encounter simply because it's something that's actually still used and you know think very sadly it's still used because it does kill people and you know I don't see why lots of governments I actually have the right to use it against their own people especially because you see in lots of countries it is actually used on peaceful protest not actual riots but sprayed on with a load of CSU a load of cs canisters into a crowd that's not even to mention that when you fire CS grenades from grenade launchers often they kill people if they hit them in the head or you know elsewhere because you're actually shooting a projectile at people at very high speed so again CS is nasty stuff but yeah the best way of protecting yourself from it is obviously with most cameras a most chemical weapons to be honest is the full face for a spray too of the correct filter but yeah it's nasty nasty stuff that should be totally banned as it is bound for military use but suddenly they can still use it against civilians because democracies you
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 43,895
Rating: 4.9553905 out of 5
Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, gas mask, respirator, surplus gas mask, NBC mask, CBRN mask, real gas mask, air filter, breathing filter, Protective mask, Tear gas, CS gas, CN gas, riot control agents
Id: FJoiYf8oIk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2018
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