Coronavirus Respirator info

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hello so it seems YouTube's recommending my mask videos again due to this coronavirus thing so lots and lots of people have been asking me in the comments about it and I thought I'd do a dedicated video rather than trying to reply to hundreds of comments using the same sort of reply so basically at the moment I don't think they fully know if it can be transmitted from humans - humans easily if it's airborne if it becomes airborne like influenza that's a big worry at the moment no it seems to be you require close contact with people also basically touch or eating off the surfaces that other people have the have the virus so essentially I suppose that means it's more like waterborne blood-borne and it is airborne but well over not if it goes airborne lots of people have questions about masks so I want to basically go over masks so I've done this on other videos but I would do lists for ones you know people are specifically looking for zinnia so first off completely avoid surgical masks surgical masks are designed to protect other people from you as in if you're a doctor and you're operating on somebody it's to stop your spittle and stuff like that flying off into somebody's open wound if you're operating on you know something like that they do not protect you from inhaling airborne threats so first off anybody wearing on those masks is either doing it to protect other people from them or they have no clue what they're doing when it comes to masks if you're going to go with dust masks style mask let's make sure that pee free rated or P 100 rated basically that means are a very good particulate filter level of protection the best you can get on regular respirators and make sure it's a good dust moss it makes a good face seal like around here most don't sir so I'm gonna go straight on into this video to recommend metal masks so if you're going to go for a half face mask I personally advise this type the advantage of a half face mask is you can generally wear them with glasses if you're like me the issue is if you get a full face mask you need to actually buy quite expensive optical inserts because your glasses would break the seal of masks so this is an MSA I think it's advantage 410 it's called I can't remember that at the point is if you're getting a whole face mask or not is what you want is ap free rated filter I said this is a combination filter but you'll see at the end it says P free there we go so what that means is the power filter inside is very good p1 is the worst rating of particle filter p3 is the best so p2 sort of in between so what that essentially means is just yeah the particle filter that's at the front is very good in terms of you know very small holes it lets air free but sort of you know things that particulate fretts can't get through and we're viruses and bacteria the risk of you inhaling it Arman getting interests British system is from a particle front I still recommend combination filters over plants called filters just simply because a combination filter because it's got more in it it's more likely to not let stuff through so basically yeah with a half face mask this is probably what I recommend to most people because they're lighter if you've got them on eBay and you know it makes most people less claustrophobic so the idea is of course you can see how this how and even if they look a bit sneer with and if you're out in public this would actually protect you because it's got a proper filter on it and it makes an airtight seal to the face so that's the important bit unlike sort of little dust masks surgical masks that air coming in through the side so they don't important thing to notice with respirators if you're meant to be clean-shaven I've got attached now but as long as you keep your chin and all that shaved most masks will still fit that's why mustachios very fashionable one weirdly because you know you could still wear your mask of it but be it would break the mask seal as well as lots of other she's obviously having a thing of them you know so you just needed to look wasn't struggling and here's the other recommendation full face masks now for most people if you are gonna go over full face mask I would recommend a panoramic full face mask simply for the reason that you get a better field of view if you're wearing it and it's less scary for other people because they can see more of your face it's not like using an old military Massacre there's just two little holes you know and it looks like you're up to no good nice thing with these or masks because I was quite often they've got a neck strap so you can just hang them about when you're not wearing them now important - no in the video like this as well is it's not completely down to masks most people who have come here want to ask me about masks I'm sort of interest in masks but a lot of it just is common sense with washing your hands you know don't eating off of dirty surfaces you know the best advice that a lot of people can give you in a situation like this if you already worried particularly I'm not particularly but you know he's carrying around one of those little gel sort of sanitizer you know alcohol based gel sometimes a sort of tubes the reason being you can spray it on your hands you know before you eat and stuff like that if you're out and about you know and it massively cuts down the risk - the problem is let's say you've got a mask on like this so that's the little scenario then protected and I've touched door handles and things like that on my way around you know I've been on public transport or something I don't wash my hands thoroughly and I go to have some food ooh oh dear I've got [ __ ] on my hands and I've eaten it then I'm infected so yeah if you're out and about use hand gel because you can you know especially if you've got little cuts on your hands I'm very prone to getting little cuts on my hands because see what we're getting and I personally wouldn't recommend people go full NBC suits or hazmat suit that seems a bit overkill at the moment but you know just the point is that I think for most people is make sure you clean your hands properly if you are very worried wear disposable gloves I guess and you're thin them as soon as you get in fresh set on when you go outdoors but it's just washing your hands constantly and if you didn't want to go with a respirator I recommend half face ones more than the full face one I've said in the video but the point is understand what the filters actually do in health certain face masks work don't use a surgical mask because they're to protect other people not yourself go for a half face respirator or a full face respirator that you can put P free or P 100 rated filters on because the point is that they actually filter properly you know make sure you know what you're doing because it's pointless spending money on the mask if it's not even going to protect you so there you go people after you for a Crone virus video this isn't so much about lots of info and facts about the virus in question because I'm sure there's lots of channels that have done this already it's what you need to know when it comes to masks to protect you from potentially things that go out you know and I'd always advise things that give you a good field of view and I'll or a claustrophobic people who aren't reinter you know masks full stop you
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 142,725
Rating: 4.9078946 out of 5
Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, gas mask, respirator, surplus gas mask, NBC mask, CBRN mask, real gas mask, air filter, breathing filter, Protective mask, coronavirus, corona virus, airborne virus, disease, bacteria
Id: YiB0oE1-UMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 13sec (433 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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