Why did gas masks have hoses?

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right time to answer a question I get asked a lot on here and it's why do old gas masks use hoses and big filters or why do some modern masks still use that what's the reason you know all sorts of questions relating to it so if I take you through the history of it and then we can hopefully you can understand a bit more why it was done and why some masks will still use it or similar systems so to begin with we ought to start right in the beginning so we'll go to World War one and in this box I've got my replica that you've seen before it's not the highest-quality replica in the world but the replica behavior gas alert so here's the pH gas hood and this is a mask made out of a sort of flannel material and the idea was that it would be soaked in a kind of acidic chemical it did have a name and I can never remember it it was not piss as people keep saying you'd soak it in that chemical the soldiers would wear it when chlorine gas came it would neutralize the chlorine gas now as far as I'm aware the ph gas hood couldn't necessarily neutralize other chemicals other than chlorine because it used you know one type of chemical soaked into the cloth to neutralize it not an actual sort of proper filter so Britain for we need an actual filter you know a filter unit not relying on a mask soaked in a chemical my son Western powers had been using things like the pH gas hood or cotton wool soaked in some sort of chemical or the smoke helmets you know all things very similar to this so an idea came up that you know everybody in each nation did their own sort of thing of it they you need an actual filter unit so what Britain did was developed something called the English box respirator there's also later a collec corrected English box respirator you ever see the words EBR a mobile one that's normally what they're referring to and that's one of the first proper gas masks it's you know mask with a big filter unit inless actual hose running up to the mask and you've got your gas masks they're quite famous if you search English box respirator you'll be able to see one I don't have one or a replica of one but anyway so I'll see the thing was if you had an actual filter unit you could fill it with a lot of charcoal and particulate filters the mouse would be able to block more things from getting into the person's lungs who are wearing it and obviously having a big filter would last longer because you could fill it with more filter medium as opposed to a small filter now Germany in World War one did have masks actually had small filters on the masks and Germany since one would keep doing that so the Germans were kind of head of the game but the problem was in world war one world war two the technology wasn't necessarily good enough in some ways if that makes sense of filters bigger filters in some ways were an advantage because when you pack a filter historically they were hand pack so people put the asbestos cloth in they put the charcoal in they you know sealed it up taped it up whatever and if you do that by hand in an environment where there's air and other stuff in the you know environment I doubt if people are smoking or I put them together the filters are going to kind of partially expire by the time they get to you so you know having a filter that small is not a good idea with the modern things filters can all be made by machines you know in an app in a vacuum almost so I guess packed you know so they're like and then sealed up properly old masks didn't really have the filters done to that scientific level when they were made so a bigger filter was an advantage simply because it would last longer in the field and because filters will never like brand-new in a sense when they got those soldiers on the front line you would want a newer filter or a bigger filter rather than a smaller filter just simply because that gave you more time you know use the filter in a contaminated environment okay so here we have a british mark v general service respirator from world war ii the old GSR and you can see that there's this big asbestos filter live taped up but this would be a specialist in the bottom section of it and then the top sections or charcoal some are not sure it's the exact layout or the filter bit would be particular pistols layer first then the charcoal layer and it's connected via hose the reason is you can wear it on your central bag and that obviously proves to be a massive massive advantage while I'm trying to juggle this yeah there we go that sits in there it's got a breathing hole in the bottom of the bag you put the mask on which I'm obviously not going to do and then you could breathe in this supports the way way to the bulky filter and when you've got the mask on it also means it's not too bad for shouldering a rifle because the pipes come in directly down it's not coming from your shooting shoulder so if your left or right handed it doesn't matter because the thing is in the middle of the mask it also means the mask itself is quite lightweight you've got a bit of a hose there that can be a bit of a pain but as long as a hose is long enough and the bag support it at the right height it's not really an issue so Britain during World War two for the most part like the hose design for the military gas masks were the big filter canisters but they were realizing at this stage that maybe they wanted to move away from that however some nations prior to world war ii had already developed you know small filter masks as I say Germany was the main example of a nation and mostly used those type of masks but I think France to deploy a few mask of screw and filters you know so Britain and America although they like the big filter desiring attached to pipes lots of nations had already done away with that or were starting to do away with it and again it's a bit difficult to say you know were they ahead of the games a bit like when you talk about small rifles and things like that where some nations originally developed intermediate cartridges before other people would have moved away from them and moved back and all that sort of thing because often you know the theory changes at the time so something that might be good today wouldn't necessarily be a good girl good idea back then because of technology changing whatever else but anyway by defining it to World War two lots of masks use the big filters and hoses some of the nations were starting to go to the smaller school and filters to the last release small filters that went directly onto the masks and as you go into the Cold War America develops em7 team of cheek filters bad idea Britain uses the sixty millimeter like anti gas respirator before going to the forty millimeter as six lots of other nations do similar things of 40 millimeter masks and whatever but the Soviets are interesting because the Soviets don't do that so let's have a look at some Soviet stuff okay so let's have a look at a mask from communist Poland I'm using this because I don't have a Russian hmm 40 but this is a very similar thing so we're going to look at the OM 14 mask so the master will be very familiar with everybody says it's a GP 5 is actually an SH m41 style mask of the bigger intake and exhale valves but what we also have in here is an EO 14 filter very big remember it's like the world war 2 ones and a hose so what the process was here was that basically you would open the filter up just try and get line frame screw this hose in here then you could screw my nose to slay our frame of there with me so got a few Asian you dumb screw the mask into that now the advantage to this system is because they're using 40 millimeter ghost fred's they're actually able to do each sort of component individually so you could issue smaller filters if you wanted to that would screw directly onto the mask but you could also issue it with this thing this is also longer hose than that you would use with the World War 2 miles for the most part which is a great design so the course the logic is the same thing you have you felt about that would be open and inside you would have pop your big filter in so just do that as I said it's old call me stuff it's probably a house best Dawson or has got asbestos in so I'm not gonna use it so anyway you'd pop your filter in you've got a hole in the bottom the back to breathe through as usual you've put the mask on and then you've got you know this with a lot of reach as you can see you know you'd have no issue especially if you're wearing it like here as well of actual room for turnaround but you can't smaller filters direct you to the mask so this was a great system for the Soviets because it meant if they wanted to with the majority of their masks they could put a smaller sort of infantry size filter on like the Western countries were doing the NATO countries or you could alternatively use this set up so what is the advantage to this setup as I mentioned about the World War One filters and that similar things although the filter manufacturing is certainly better by this point or see having a big chunky sort of filter like you saw it provides you with much more time and a contaminated environment because there's simply more charcoal in a bigger particulate filter you know to suck everything up block it from getting of your lungs whereas if you're using a smaller filter on the pass that's going to expire quickly it needs changing so if you are only sort of issuing soldiers of one or two filters issuing them the bigger filters the last longer is kind of a more sensible choice as I said these masks you know you can adapt that way so what ends up happening is the EO 14 sorry yeah 14 is the filter the SH m41 style masks end up being issued to you know most of the Warsaw Pact nation armies the SH M 41 is late to the master you look at and say oh look we can make it cheaper and the issue it to the civilian side becomes the SH M 66 you or the GP 5 as it's known GV 5 gets issued to everybody so they have masks that all the soldiers are basically issued with or variants of this which can be attached either to a big filter canister or take small the filters on the mask great design because you can do either one that you want to but later the Soviets do start looking like with the PMT one to the idea that they actually want filters attached directly to the mask and to do you know the more Western thing so that's the route the Soviets ended up going down and now as far as I'm aware all the modern Russian masks actually have filters just directly on the masks like the Western countries do I think Israel still uses some mask of the hoses and I've seen videos and images of things and sometimes there's like industrial disasters and clean up some countries where although they've probably got the smaller filter issued masks all the guys have hoses of the bigger filters on I think I simply just sort of filter last longer in a contaminated environment but there you go that's most of your info on hoses on gas masks why was it used because it lets you have a much bigger filter that can filter more stuff you know and its weight is supported by the shoulder straps on the back so you don't really feel the weight of it you know a smaller filter yes it's more convenient but it doesn't last as long with modern really good filters that's not as an issue because on modern so you can only have the philtrum one the cheeks and the cheek that you don't shoot on say you know you can have a lightweight filter that you can take on and off easily that way this system isn't as ideal for obvious reasons but you know it's what they had and it works there's disadvantages and advantages to each but as technology moves on the filters get better and better small the filters mounted to the mask that make a lot more sense than using the big bulky sort carry satchels to do it with but there you go rather than having a carry satchel that just has the mask in that you pop the filter on put on your head you have a carry sexual that has all the parts that you need to assemble your mask and then carry you know bear the load of the filter and everything else so that's why they used to use gas masks with hoses simply so it could be more convenient because you wouldn't want to attach a big-ass filter like that directly to the mask I'll just show you what that looks like so yeah you would not want the big film to like this it's hatched directly to the mask I'm not gonna breathe for it as far as I said I've left to plug it anyway but that's why you have the filter on a hose because that way you can have a really big filter and the weight is carried on your sort of shoulders around your chest on your belt rather than having to you know actually have it on the mass directly better for the safety of the mask makes a better seal and also it gives you much longer protection time with a big chunky filter like this rather than the small sort of cheek filter type I forgot to mention this in the main part of the video so I'll just quickly mention it now before I pack the camera away to render the video but hoses with air sort of powered pumps are still used the reason being that if you have filters attached to the air pump and then it's on a hose into the mask it creates a positive pressure seal and means the person wearing the mask doesn't need to breathe as much so that's useful if your air really contaminated environment and racks using an oxygen tank you have the filters being with air being pumped for the filters into the mask you can just breathe normally and it creates a positive pressure seal so you know no contaminants and get into the mask so that's how it sort of done nowadays really if you're going to have a filter attached to a hose unless it's just a nation that's what other nations old stock but for the most part you have a filter now directly on the mask somewhere or you have an air powered pump pumping air into the mask through a sort of series of smaller filters on a hose but a go you
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 68,712
Rating: 4.9611254 out of 5
Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, gas mask, respirator, surplus gas mask, NBC mask, CBRN mask, real gas mask, air filter, breathing filter, Why did gas masks have hoses?, hose gas mask, respirator hose, filter cannister
Id: iOBYIMmlsrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2017
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