Reasons why YOU should own a Gas Mask

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hello everybody I wanted to do a video on practical reasons to own gas masks not as a collector like I am if you actually needed a gas mask in an emergency so I want to do in this video is look at several reasons you might need a mask and how much you really need to pay for them all the subjects of gas masks there's a lot of misinformation out there because the problem is if you're a company that sells gas masks and you sell expensive gas masks you want to tell everybody the cheap masks won't work and won't protect you which isn't necessarily true but we'll get into that so I have here is an old Czech gas mask bag the in the bag are actually have an old Czech gas mask I have before she de f 2a4 now you can get these for around 60 pounds to $100 online and these masks are very very good I'm very impressed in life so is my 42 f2 so while to get into in this video is actual reasons you might want to own a mouse like this or even something a bit more primitive and cheap and what these mouse can actually do to protect you so basically the main reason I'm going to get onto is industrial disasters if you're familiar with news you will know that pretty much every year you'll have a minor - a big industrial disaster they always happen there's lots of reasons for it sort of not very good safety regulations poor training for workers corporate grieves probably one of the biggest ones where safety things aren't followed because it cost the company too much money so not every one of those disasters the gas laws can protect you from that a great many they could now probably the worst example of an industrial disaster or a gas mask could have protected people was the Boop or gas leak extremists currently in India where several thousand people died because a pesticide factory had a leak the workers didn't know how to contain it in the factory most of the containment systems all failed because they were never tested and refurbished and it led to many people dying and even more people having birth defects and other sort of illnesses afterwards so an airborne pesticide a gas mask could definitely protect you from and it's not just sort of things like that of industrial disasters if you live near train tracks that's a bad example well good on my part but you know not a bad thing bad things happen to you if that makes sense is there's been a few in America where trains carrying harsh chemicals have derailed if you live nearby they seep out they get into the air they can cause severe damage to your respiratory system if you inhale them again the gas masks can protect you from that now one thing I want to mention before I go any further because a lot of people mistake this and I want to try make this as clear as possible is that a gas mask can't provide you of oxygen while a gas mask does is sill to the air coming in to remove harmful substances so you're inhaling clean air if there's too many contaminants in the air a gas mask won't work and for the same reason if you're in an environment where there happens to not be very much oxygen a gas mask can't provide you of oxygen your best option in that case we have some sort of self-contained breathing apparatus with a sort of oxygen tank some of what a firefighter would use however I think that's getting too impractical for most people so what we're going to look at is where you could use a gas mask and in many of those are the same incidents even if you couldn't use a self-contained breathing apparatus to sort of escape but at least a gas mask would be much better than you inhaling this stuff even if you're not getting enough oxygen your survival ought to go up with a gas mask if you're trying to evacuate now to add to that while I was saying it gas masks should always be used to evacuate you shouldn't ever sit in a cloud of poison gas with a mask on that's sort of a misconception what people have master design to evacuate from somewhere so if there's a disaster you get the mask on you get your filter on you get out of there as fast as possible the mask there to protect you or you escape not while you wait somebody to come and get you and that's sort of one of the things that I think I want to cover in this video is as much as I have a lot of respect for emergency service workers quite often that underfund it and they won't get chewing time or you know by the time everybody knows how bad the disaster is you're in it might be too late so some the reasons I think you should really own a mask so we've covered industrial disasters ad said it'd either be a factory that leaks me you it could be train derails maybe you could have a fire somewhere so you have a chemical fire that releases very harmful smoke into the atmosphere if you inhale it you're in a lot of trouble so what you have a guess most is your house filters now filter is the most important part the mask basically a filter simply screws onto the side or bottom of the mask depending on the model you have and I'll get onto industrial athletes are swayed different filters and what that filter does is that purifies the air as it comes through so you should only be breathing healthy air or the rest of stuff gets stuck so you have two kinds of filters this is a particulate filter also known as a HEPA filter and this is where you basically have paper cotton maybe fiberglass other materials that form a filter barrier and what that does is big particles that come in the air they get stuck on the filter they can't get through eventually your filter will clog and then you will be in trouble and if you've got spare filters you can swap them or hopefully it have got out of there by that period so the filter doesn't constantly keep cleaning the air what the filter does is it blocks harmful things from getting through now there are two types of filters as more than two types but taking this video I'll just cover these types of filters see how the simple particulate filters like this and then you have a film ND c filter that's a nuclear biological chemical these are also called CBRN filters chemical biological radiological nuclear sent uses the same wording for the same thing now in the front section of this filter you have your particular filter saying this thing here in a back section you have activated charcoal activated charcoal carbon is very useful because nasty things stick to it so stuff that gets rid of first layer of the filter gets stuck on the carbon there if you can always go for an NBC type filter or an industrial ABEC filter because these filters will get both block the stuff this will block and trap the other stuff the this sort of wooden however this filter does have its uses we'll get onto that now so a filter like this what is it good for well a filter like this is very good at blocking stuff like tear gas where the particles are big and stuff like smoke so if you're in a burning building you kind of have two options you can have a particulate filter like this and while this won't remove carbon monoxide will provide you of oxygen if you're fleeing you're at least inhaling less smoke the smoke will eventually clog this up and it'll be useless but for the time being you can get through the smoke now it sounds like this won't actually do anything extra may be activated charcoal will stop some more chemicals getting through with the smoke that saying this will work fine for that the other option is teargas or CS gas now if you have tear gas despite its name it's not actually a gas it's a powder they can either turn it into a gas form by attaching it to other nasty chemicals or it can be done to create smoke with CS agent on it now CA CS agent actually has very large particles those particles will get stuck on a particulate filter so you only need a little filter like this to be able to breathe so what you should obviously do the gas mask well I can get this all made within one second there's a wrench your health your mask you decided on we want to make sure that that mask fits you properly so you know it simply means you want to try including unpretty up quite a few times so you can get down to doing it quickly there's a thing you can do a gas mask or stick test once you've got the gas mask tightened you can click your hand over the intake must cut arises your face when it has negative pressure signal you know the gas mask is in a tight waffle it's all down to the silicon as despot master temple you know I also might want to do what I'm tending to do here and get a little practice thinking filters on and off the gas masks and when an event happens well actually not as you can get the filter on that issue No so I'll set these little particulate filters protects you from CS engines but you probably want to mostly stock file filters like this simply because they protect you from everything so it's better to have a heavy ass incident does everything them have a little chemical little particulate filter that might not spend all their chemicals now there's another kind of practical use her death mask and that uses against terrorism now there is also here potential that terrorists could use chemical weapons or manufacture their own the dirty bomb or something like that now with radiation how radiation works is you get alpha beta and gamma now with alpha and beta radiation again once can stop them it can't do anything against gamma if you have very harmful alpha radiation that sticks or things like dust or a radiates dust the filter like this will swap that so that will prevent you from inhaling irradiated dust and damaging yourself so the mask like this can also have a function at productive you know protecting you from terrorist attacks and the same thing if a terrorist made a simple dirty bomb or something in a chemical bomb that had a chlorine gas or something like I am a big filter lighters would protect you from that no problem again there's certain chemical weapons that are so nasty that I don't think a mouse could do very much it protects you because you need all the training and the NBC soo and everything else on before it hits which for most people isn't going to be practical so I'm not really going to cover that now there's something else you can do with a gas mask that's interesting in the event of a fire which I just want to show you here before we wrap this video up now the other thing I wanted to cover is obviously in the event of a fire heat and smoke rises so what you can do is attach a couple of roses to a mask and then you can inhale for anything if you try get along the flow and that's obviously a lot safer than only having anything at all if it's just a live show because the air flow is better if you want her my mouth is making us we have notice because there's not so much drama bringing in too much air but I talking agrees without having a sort of slowly improved and improve now in terms of pricing options you can get some very cheap surplus masks that would require new filters that malsum sales of work fine if you're something very basic you can get a Russian gp5 mask we must produce those in the Soviet Union times of civil defense masks very cheap to buy using your new filter on it nor the original filters one of the best options I think you have is to get a modern industrial mask free and do disposable half masks which cover you from all the chemicals for an industrial most your look formative ABEC on it that's a be ek and a back plus particulate means that they cover pretty much all industrial gases and block particles so you can buy disposable ones that count a little see what bag there are half more so you might want goggles to go with it but you can rip them open just put them on and you can keep them stored in that bag until the time comes where you need to use it also you need to be able to know how to put it on but not sort of see an option the good thing of industrial masks as well as although some of them have filters the specific for that type of mask the good thing is with a of the industrial mask is the filters and must produce to that brand of masks and there's a lot of them around and it's not really any questions asked where you get an industrial mass because they're very common for workplace use so you could get a mask you like fine filters that are sold for fairly cheap and then obviously put a lot on stockpile them and you're good to go right I hope this video has been useful and thanks for watching you
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 41,735
Rating: 4.9416666 out of 5
Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, Reasons why YOU should own a Gas Mask, should I get a gas mask, gas mask, respirator, ppe, personal protective equipment, prepper, survival, disaster preparedness, gas mask filter, respirator filter, industrial respirator, protective gear, surplus gas mask
Id: Q91A_AvWrpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2017
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