MIRA Safety ParticleMax P3 VIRUS FILTER Review #Coronavirus

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in this video we're gonna take a closer look at the merest safety p3 particle max virus filter that's right this particular virus filter is specifically designed for handling pandemic and biological threats it's designed to work in conjunction with a full-face gas mask such as the mirror safety CM 6m gas mask which i did a review of the previous year during that review we featured a different filter which is a CBRN filter this is the NBC 77 sof filter that's for CBRN events so this is a little bit overkill for a virus such as the one that's currently going on right now what you really need to have is a particle filter because you want to filter out particles from getting into your system similar to what you have with the n95 mask the problem with these particular masks is that they're just a half face mask sometimes the seal is a little bit rough to get a proper seal on there and then you still have the risk of contaminating yourself by touching your eyes with the full face gas mask you don't have that problem it's gonna have a really good seal especially if you shake your beard and then you also won't be able to touch your eyes like you would with a half face mask or an n95 mask so there's a lot to cover in this video this particular particle max filter comes in a six pack so you get six of them for the cost of a hundred and fifty dollars so each one of these filters is around 25 dollars so what we're gonna do there's a lot to cover we're gonna go into the specs of this talked about some technical details we'll talk about particles will talk about viruses we'll talk about what all these little numbers and letters on the side of it mean we're gonna do some demo scenarios we're gonna do some decontamination shower demos we're gonna do a particle demo I'm even gonna start dissecting a few of these filters so we could see what's inside so there's a lot to cover in this video this one's going to feature the merest safety P 3 particle max virus filter let's get started if you happen to stumble upon this video and you're new to this channel I like to welcome you my name is cliff otherwise known as the urban prepper and I cover a wide range of emergency preparedness topics in addition to product reviews my overall theme is that I try to keep things fairly organized family-friendly and practical and that lend themselves more towards people that live in an urban environment so if you like those type of videos you'll probably like my channel so let's get right down to it let's talk about the particle mats p3 the virus filter let's start off first by going over the specs the particle max virus filter features 40 millimeter NATO filter standard threading and offers p3 certified protection which is a European standard so again this filter isn't the same as that NBC 77 SOF filter which is designed for CBRN events like mustard gas or something like this this particular filter does filter out 99.9999% of bio threats such as ebola corona virus and h1n1 it does have the same diameter as the NBC 77 sof but it is much lighter it weighs in at a hundred grams or 3.5 ounces this one features a high quality opah filter which stands for ultra low penetration air which filters out particles as small as 0.2 microns in size the particle max filter features an awesome 20 year shelf life when you get it it's wrapped in plastic and it even includes an expiration date for example on my filters they have an expiration date of February of the year 2040 by that point I'll be an old man but maybe I'll still be making emergency preparedness videos the filter paper itself is hydrophobic so it works really great for decontamination showers you could pour water directly into the filter and it's not going to go through that filter paper because it is hydrophobic the paper itself has a phobia of water so feel free to get sprayed down with water while wearing a mask with these particular filters on it so again with that OPA filter construction the particle Maxx p3 will filter down to 0.2 microns in size now initially some people have a concern with that because viruses are much smaller than that they could be anywhere between 0.004 to 0.1 microns in size but the ultimate goal of a virus filter is to capture the particles that would host the virus not the virus itself let's do a quick little demo scenario to explain this a little bit more so in layman's terms this is a virus it's very very tiny this is a particle it's still very very tiny but a lot larger than a virus viruses just don't like floating around like this viruses like the stick on to a particle and they flew it around like this and so the goal of your filter is to block out the particles from getting inside into your lungs in your airway so for the sake of this demo we're just gonna say that this right here this is our virus right there connected to the particle so filters are designed to not let particles get through the smallest opening of that filter kind of like a basketball going through a basketball hoop so what the filter is really doing is making sure the large particles with a little virus stuck on it is not getting through the basketball hoop so the p3 filter make sure that tiny little viruses can't write on to a particle to sneak into your system so again let's run down to what OPA filter construction is we're all probably familiar with the term HEPA filter which stands for high efficiency particulate air it's a filter used commonly in vacuum cleaners and even in Tesla vehicles OPA stands for ultra low penetration air and is used in most modern clean rooms it's a not better than HEPA filtration a HEPA filter has an efficiency of 99.97% at 0.3 microns however an opah filter can remove from the air at least 99.999% of dust pollen mold bacteria and any airborne particles with a minimum particle size of 0.12 microns but Mira Safety's official statement is that it utilizes some of the highest quality alpha filter construction that works on particles as small as 0.2 microns so that's what this one is mirror safety specifically states that since the filter is hydrophobic you could wear your mask in a decontamination shower without compromising your safety so let's do a quick little demo scenario on that particular topic the particle max filter is designed to be used with decontamination showers so for this particular segment of the video we have my assistant kid prepper he's going to be showering me down while wearing the mask and hopefully no water gets in as I'm trying to breathe so let's get started now with the decontamination shower [Music] and that wraps up this decontamination shower most people do not have a decontamination shower so that leads to the question on how you remove the mask without getting contaminated well the process of removing personal protective equipment is called doffing which actually requires special training while you could read up on a lot of resources online it's best to take an in-person class to learn about doffing and to be able to remove the mask safely now let's do a breakdown of all of the little markings that you see on the side of this virus filter and explain what they represent the letter P means that it's particles and three is the grade for this particular particle filter and then R means that it's reusable the next few markings all start with en which represents for the European standard this particular filter in addition to the mere safe DC m6m gas masks are not NIOSH approved however they are compliant with European standards the marking en 1:43 /a one represents particulate filters this european standard specifies the particulate filters that are used as components of devices with unassisted breathing some of these types of filters could also be used with other types of respiratory protection the next marking en 1 2 9 4 1 /a 2 the european standard specifies the minimum requirements required for filtering breathing apparatus incorporating a helmet or hood and anti gas particle or combination filters used as respirators the next marking an-12 942 / a2 this particular standard represents the european standard that specifies the minimum requirements of assisted breathing filtering devices with full face mask half masks and quarter masks and anti gas particulate and combination filters used as respirators again this one works with amira safety CM 6 em gas masks so that's what this one represents the marking en 1 481 represents the european standard that applies to the standard threads of respirators again this one is a 40 millimeter nato threading so that's what this is then the bottom section lists th 3 / TM 3 P r SL Rd 40 times 1 / 7 inches the part that reads th 3 / tm3 is related to the european standard one two nine forty one there are three protection classes of this particular standard th1 th2 and th three from what i have researched it would be unwise to consider anything less than th three RT m3 respirators for bacteria and viruses again P stands for particulate are reusable SLE is a marking that's very commonly seen with other filtration options and it stands for sideloading Rd is round so it's a round filter and then the last part the forty times one section represents the threading again this one features standard 40 millimeter nato threading so what all this stuff basically means is that the p3 particle max filter provides the maximum protection for pandemic and biological events that you could get the OPA filtration technology is the same one that are used in clean rooms the grade 16 filter paper results in a Merv rating of 20 which is the highest attainable for air filtration quality basically this is top of the line for virus filtration now we're going to test the p3 particle max inside of this isolation chamber so I'm gonna be putting on the mask going inside of the isolation chamber and then we're going to use this ego blower with some baking flour and we're gonna blow all the flour in there while I'm wearing the mask hopefully I'll be able to breathe while the flower is still blowing in there I have a GoPro setup and we're gonna use kit pepper as my assistant so let's get started out with this flower test in a true emergency situation I'd have to shave off my beard to get a proper seal with the mirror safety mask I'm not going to be shaving off my beard for this particular review video so it's not going to be an ideal seal but I think it'll still do the job so let's get started out with this demo test with the flower three two [Music] [Music] so while my buddy's completely pelvin in flower right now the filters did a great job of filtering out that flora that is hail any kind of flower and the master the good job to just with royal seals so I think the particle filters look pretty good for this test now let's move on to the next portion of this review the p3 particle max filters now I'd like a dissect one of these virus filters we could see exactly what's inside of it I'm also going to dissect one of the NBC 77 SOF filters which is a CBRN filter and then we can compare the two once they're opened up so let's open them up now [Music] hi here's what the particle max filter looks like when it's dissected so again you open it up and you have basically a sheet of paper that's going to the part that connects to your gas mask and then here's that OPA filter that we see on the inside it's basically identical to what we saw in the NBC 77 sof about the same size looks like the exact same filter this one has a little bit more wear and tear on it cuz I've had it for a little bit longer but other than that it looks almost identical to each other so you could probably even take the SL f77 filter and put it right into the particle max and it wouldn't Nesta the parka max is a $25 filter so this NBC 77 sof has this additional carbon layer that you see here I have it in a bag because I don't want the carbon spilling out all over the place but when you open it up it basically has this kind of looks like almost like a honeycomb design over here and that's holding all the charcoal into place and then this particular portion is the part that goes into the gas mask so if I were to open this up even wider all the charcoal and just spill out all over the table so that's the main difference between the particle max and the NBC so d7 sof with this particular one it's a CBRN filter so you need to have that charcoal for filtering out all the various CBRN agents like mustard gas and things like that that's where this comes to play that's why it's a lot more expensive so they're basically the same filter when it comes to the first stage of the filtration process so when you're breathing in the air it's going to be going through this OPA filtration on both of these particular filters with the sof it's going through an additional layer of filtration for CBRN agents so for things like mustard gas even like pepper spray and stuff like that that's where the charcoal comes into play you don't have that with the particle max filter it's just filtering out the particles and that wraps up this dissection of the particle max filter that's going to do it for this product review of the mirror safety particle max p3 virus filter I hope that you guys enjoyed watching it in summary if you want to have maximum protection against pandemics and biological threats you should get yourself a gas mask such as the CM 6 M gas mask that is made by mirror safety and also pick up a few of these particle max virus filters for pandemic events like what's currently going on when used in conjunction with a high quality gas mask you're basically getting the highest grade protection that you can for pandemic events you're protecting your Airways and you're also protecting your eyes from being contaminated again these filters come in a six pack and each one of them are individually wrapped with a 20 year shelf-life it cost a hundred and fifty dollars for that six pack so it's $25 per filter I think that's a fair price for the quality that you're getting for virus filtration for those of you already familiar with my channel you know that I have these mirror safety gas masks for each member of my family they also come in kids sizes as soon as I heard about the particle mats and virus filter coming out I purchased a six pack for each member of my family which has a total retail price of $600 which is a little bit expensive but I feel that my family's worth it ideally you would put on a new particle max virus filter on each day of use which would get a little expensive after a while you'd go through all six of them in less than a week when I'm planning on doing is numbering each one of the filters for each member of the family and just cycling through that rotation and if I needed to expand it out to multiple days I would maybe even up to a week after all these filters have a 20 year shelf life they don't really expire like a carbon filter would because the carbon is constantly sucking out elements from the air you're not getting that with these particle max filters it's basically like your vacuum cleaner when your vacuum starts stop sucking basically then you have to change out the filter the same kind of goes with this so what I'm planning on doing is just rotating them out through a cycle as needed again I've provided links in the description box below for the mirrors safety particle Maxx p3 virus filters in addition to the gas masks too please leave your comments below in the comment section regarding this video again I hope that you guys enjoyed watching it and stay tuned for more videos stay safe everyone [Music] you
Channel: TheUrbanPrepper
Views: 35,604
Rating: 4.887527 out of 5
Keywords: The Urban Prepper, Prep, Prepping, Emergency Preparedness, Survival, Emergency, Virus, Gas Mask, MIRA Safety, Virus Filter, ParticleMax, Particle Max, MIRA Safety PARTICLEMAX P3 VIRUS FILTER, ULPA, Filter, CM-6M, Coronavirus, COVID-19, COVID 19, Pandemic, Contagion, PPE, gas masks for viruses
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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