My current favourite gas masks

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hello so this is going to be a video of my current favorite gas masks now one of my face obviously won't be a surprise to anybody at see Avon CT 12 probably the most asked question onlin in my streams or is your favorite gas nozzle there is a leave on CT 12 so this is the only Avon mask I'm gonna be including in the video the FM 12 is very similar to this it just has two drinking tube this is the model where you can swap the filters to either side of a blanking plug as you can see that some models of FM 12 certainly don't have a blanking plug on one side the light yes can be a fixed filter port but you can get models of FM 12 we've near sort of to fill clips well the reason I like this mask is a very good field of view white cloth polycarbonate lenses it's easy enough to hear what people are selling when they're wearing the mask and just overall it's quite lightweight and comfortable it fits the shape of my face very well well I saw of all I don't really have any complaints to make for this mask it's when the reasons I like it so much if you wanted a drinking tube with the exact same Mouse basically go for the Avon FM 12 all the straps can be adjusted easily but the bottom two straps are designed to be the quick adjust straps the others although it's quite fast to adjust those are designed to just sort of stay in place but yeah overall the Avon CT 12 is very good if you like the s10 it's basically just an s10 improved in every way unless you really know what you're looking for from the side profile lines they look very similar to the yes 10 it's just basically a bit more slimline and lightweight inside that's what it looks like as you can see no drinking tube or anything like that in there very simple layout but you get a good field of view and everything and it's all in all a very good mask so that's probably still my favourite mask ever right now let's go to my second favorite mask now this is a Moscow got very recently and it's one that I've come to really liked so this is the spicy on ETR 2002 so a bit of a mouthful but this is basically an Italian industrial mask it's a one size fits all little very comfortable industrial mask with a big panoramic lens as you can see you've got a neck carrying strap there so when you've not got it on you can hang it just comfortably from your neck like that and then you've got a five-point adjustable rubber head harness it's pretty any size head food you pop it on do all the scraps and then you've got a master it's quite comfortable gives you an excellent field of view I can see right down as well what I'm gonna do in a minute is try all these masks for binoculars to see how good they are for looking for optics because this obviously has a slight curve on the panoramic lens so that might mean you won't be able to look through binoculars and things like that all that well but as far as I'm concerned it's a very good mask in terms of visibility comfort for wearing for a long time you know again it being a one size fits all Mouse that's very good there's a lot of stuff going for this mask currently you can buy them quite cheaply on eBay normally less than forty pounds I've recently bought one of these for weapon collector as a present because he needed a new gas mask and I thought I gave him something like this that would be really good for him to use in the shed and things like that I use this mask on on volunteering if I want a full face mask on because the last likeness looks less intimidating and using a military-style sort of mask of two eyepieces so there we go so the spazzy on et al 2002 very good Italian we just pull her arm it last sort of in designed for industrial use but you can use it whatever that's what the mouse looks like on the inside and as you can see very good field of view in there for a nasal cup works perfectly it doesn't it up if they wanted to improve it all they'd about to have done is put a clear silicon oil nail all renée's look up in like the Scot m-98 which I'll show next because that mask does do that which just means when you're wearing the mask you get an even better field of view so now let's talk about the Scot m98 so there's a couple of variants there sometimes it's called the pro mask but the m90 AIT's the military variant basically the only difference is this one has some a drinking tube connect to that and as you can see there's a drinking tube on the inside of the mask so as they've done with this mask which is really sensible they've made it with clear silicone for the oral nasal cup which basically means you get a really good field of view because you can actually see fruity or nasal cup so your exhale valves directly on the bottom the voice diaphragm is here and the filter intake is here so as much as lots of you know I'm a bit of an Avon fanboy and I hate the Scot GSR I do really like the Scot m-98 if Britain adopted a mask like this instead of the GSR it would be but suddenly they didn't the only thing I can complain about really of this is the oral nasal not the owner cup sorry the voice diagram is a bit buzzy which you'll hear when I start talking with it but all demonstrate up now so let's just take the Avon filter off of there stick that on this mask so whether or not this one's actually made in Finland whoever not the finished military ever adopted any of these I don't know because there's the stop m95 Finland did use an e/m line ta is meant to be basically a very similar mouse with a panoramic lens very comfortable five-point head harness with sort of one of these mesh head straps lots of masks are going to I'm a head harness system like this now which is very good the skullcap kind of ones are much better than just having a simple you know like this makes excellent can see into my face so um makes very good because I said I can see it I can see through that wall nasal cup no problem if I put the fingernail for example I can see it because the awnings have company in clear means you know yeah a very good view so I said the only thing I can complain about really of this mask is it's got a bit of a buzzy voice diaphragm I think people can at least do here comfortable to wear for long periods not much distortion short vision at all this panoramic lens that's very good one again made from polycarbonate so very tough you'd have a hard time breaking this by accident if you drop the mask or something like that last month I'm sure actually have some very strong similarities between this one oh it's kind of like an amalgamation of both yes hence no masks so I go is that one fair you can see completely fine didn't break it's the for tf2 a for now I'd really like to get the military variant of this because this is the civil defence variant needed for a bit but yeah basically so here's the fish eat up but what's interesting of this mouse is that basically the rubber it's made out of them stray a very very similar to Lee Scott m-98 so the point it feels like you're pretty much wearing the same thing when you've got it on but obviously design wise I think it owns a lot of influence when these were designed after the sort of s10 generation to the sort of able musts lots of the components are in the exact same places now the military variant of this would be better if I had it because it actually has a proper blanking plug on that side so you can swap the filters around I mean ideally what you'd want is even if you weren't using a second filter you don't blanking plug like the CT twelve pounds away you've got a voice die from it so you've just got an extra voice diaphragm this doesn't have a particularly good voice diaphragm as you can see there it's mostly just an exhale valve at the front this bit does act like a slight voice diaphragm but not very well but this is a very very comfortable mask if I had to wear one of my miles for a very long period of time I think this would probably be the best one in that regard the rubber is very very comfortable and the strap is very comfortable what I really like for this mask was it does a really really good facing Ultimo face a bit like those things smoking my t8 did the rubber just seems to want to actually stick properly to your you know face in all regards so even to the point where you could probably undo the straps again excellent field of view in this mask absolutely no problems than that so yeah very comfortable that said the only disadvantage or this is like military version as a drinking tool and a blanking plug on that side this would be better if it had a better voice that I affirm or even more of an actual ones that I've run what it's good but otherwise I really like this now said it's comfortable it sticks very low solution for my face you have no worries and this coming loose and you know breaking seal so I'm just gonna do now is get some binoculars and I'm just gonna see you know do all these masks work with optics to a degree because that would be an interesting for me to find out okay so here a little bit oculus hopefully now fit around my neck or mask so I can just take the mask off to test it so we're going to go in reverse order we'll start off with a fish feeder and Eng go for all the other masks that way so yeah I can look through two binoculars but it's not a perfect optical picture but yeah I can do it so yeah this would work for optics it's not the most brilliant master working with optics but you could at least do it I am psyched and obviously work better but yeah it works for the other mask so I'm not gonna bother chucking the filters back on them because that's not gonna affect the ability to use binoculars at all so now it's doing to the scope right let's try this one you can just about do it but is nowhere near as good just because the problem tanana McClellan's masks have obviously is the obviously the lens is a lot further away from the right so using an optics isn't as good i do really like this mask but again you can just about see down the binoculars but it's like looking for a pinhole kind of thing but yeah you can use them it's just not brilliant and sad if you didn't want a mask like this to you bring of optics there wouldn't be a problem anyway I imagine it's gonna be a similar case of the Sebastiani but we'll see anyway so let's put this one on all right so here's the Sebastiani and again a similar issue to the Scot m98 because of the big panoramic lens you can see down the binoculars but it's a much smaller field of view than you'd like but yeah it's possible so it's not a complete failure you can do it you can get both are you seeing out the binoculars but I said it's not ideal but now for the CT 12 still my favorite gas mask and yet you can do this very well not as well as something like the shims of an actual dedicated optical mask but in terms of a regular sort of military Wells yeah I can see down the binoculars very loud and you can actually push with this mask binoculars slightly closer to your eye and ask the rubber of the mask bends in you know that works again it's because these masks although there's a slight curve to the polycarbonate lens they're relatively front-facing and sit quite close to the eye so there's not actually a problem getting you know the binoculars into the bit again yeah that's a really good field of view at the moment I've managed yeah that's actually very very good so yeah there you go rayvon CT 12 I think because it works well with optics is still my favorite mask that the Spacey re and I think now is a very close second and the Scott M 98 and the full she'd wrath to I fall are still wore some very very good masks if you can find any of these masks for a reasonable price online in a good condition I definitely pick them up because I trust my life on any of these masks provided you've got a good filter with you
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 29,452
Rating: 4.9524326 out of 5
Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, gas mask, respirator, surplus gas mask, NBC mask, CBRN mask, real gas mask, air filter, breathing filter, Protective mask, My current favourite gas masks, gas masks I'd trust my life on, great gas masks, very good gas masks, top gas masks
Id: quFtwcqiS3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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