How To Build A Gas Mask!!! // Under $30

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hey mechanical engineer and this is my homemade gas mask you smell that neither do I in today's video we'll be building our own homemade gas mask that not only covers the full face but also has interchangeable air filters this mask works great is easy to build and can be built for less than 30 bucks I'll of course leave links down in the description below for Parts I use to make it both alanine further ado let's get started on how to build it that's the only thing so here is what is going to be the foundation of our gas mask so as I'm sure you can tell this is actually originally supposed to be a snorkel mask of course you have the actual mask and then you have the air intake tube gears pop that on top of the mask and what's really cool about this is actually comes with a built-in float so if you go underwater it'll close the valve and stop water from getting in and since this mask is watertight that of course means it's airtight plus it protects your eyes nose and mouth which makes it perfect for our gas masks so to begin we can go ahead and get rid of the float because we're not going to need it for this project without the float we are now left with a decent sized hole at the top of the mask so what I'm going to do is take a hacksaw or some other small saw and just cut off this little intake that the float used to plug into to make it smooth with the rest of masks you just like that now we're going to wanna fill in these holes with something like silicone or even hot glue we just want to make sure we have an airtight seal not necessarily the purtiest but they'll do and if you're the tallest person in the room no one will even see it so with the mask now completely sealed off we're going to have to open up a new airway if you look towards the bottom of the mask you'll see there's this little plastic piece towards the mouth and if we remove that it'll expose this little rubber piece if I'm not mistaken I believe this is what let's some of the air bubbles out so before you move this rubber piece you'll see that the groundwork for our intake has already been started all I'm going to do is widen the hole just a little bit to make sure we get plenty of air like this and although it isn't perfectly round it is perfectly symmetrical now here I have a plastic cup with a screw on lid that picked up at the dollar store for surprise a dollar this is going to serve as the filter caster for gas masks now we are going to have to do a little bit of work on the cup but that is further down the road right now all we need is the lid itself so what we're going to want to do is cut a decent-sized hole out of the center of the lid I'm probably going cut about a three inch diameter hole but the exact measurement isn't that important now the reason why we cut such a large hole in it is so we can mount it to the front of the mask and it'll mount somewhat flush Lee because of the hole is smaller it would stick out a little bit more in the joint would be a lot weaker I'm going to bolt this down so it's perfectly centered with the hole but before I do that I'm going to go ahead and spray painted black so it matches the rest of the mask no as soon as the pain has dried we can go ahead and bolt it down you just like this now once again we're going to want to take some caulking or some hot glue and start sealing up the side joints so everything is airtight and that is on there really solid now back to the cup what we're going to do is cut off about a three inch long section from the top of the cup because we need the threads I'm then going to cut out a circular piece of lexan that fits snugly at the bottom of the cup next I'm going to take a small drill bit I think I'm using 9/64 I'm going to drill a whole bunch of air holes into the circular plate because this is what we're going to be breathing through there we go plenty of air holes because last I checked breathing is important so after that we can drop the circular piece into the bottom of the cup and Hawk Luton place now unlike before of course the hot glue is not supposed to create an airtight seal it's just supposed to hold up the lexan and stop it from falling out onto the filter itself I'm going to take some of these thin cotton discs that I picked up at the dollar store and fill the bottom of her canister with a thin layer of them this is our first filter layer and we'll help filter out some of the larger dust particles next I'll take some activated charcoal I picked up the pet store and pour in a hearty amount I filled it up until there was about half inch from the top I'm now going to add in a few more cotton discs and cotton balls to add another filter layer and help hold everything in place then I'll drop in and hot glue down this thin cardboard piece that I cut out like that and of course all the cardboard does this help hold everything together so nothing falls out so once we screw this caster onto the mask and tighten everything up it should create an airtight seal but that's not good enough we need to know for sure that it will so what I'm going to do is take this giant overing and I picked up at my local hardware store and drop it onto the bottom of the canisters threads just like that now when we screw the two together they'll pinch against the o-ring making an airtight seal now all slip to do is to take some black duct tape and duct tape the outside the casters so it matches the mask okay I tried but I swear there's something wrong with the tape with that everything is complete and all that's left to do is to screw the canister on to the mask I'm going to test this the best that I'm capable of testing it right now which means I'm just gonna use some pungent cleaning spray but I'll leave a few links below to a few videos that test this kind of filter a lot more extensively so what I'm going to do is take this plastic trash can I have here and just spray tan unheavenly amount of smelly aerosol into it and then see if my gas mask can filter it out and I'll do okay so with the mask I could smell a little something but it was very hard to make out what it was without the mask when you breathe in the fumes and please don't try this but when you breathe in the fumes you can feel them go blow up into your nostrils and burn your nostrils and that's just not something that I was feeling at all with the mask I would definitely count that as a success but with that being said this is intended for more emergency purposes and is by no means supposed to replace a military-grade gas mask however if you won a gas mask but can't afford a couple hundred dollar gas masks this is definitely better than nothing and might bill get you buying a pinch mask like these usually do pretty well against pepper spray smoke and most forms of aerosol but once again don't bet your life on it but something that is really cool about this is after you use it you can unscrew the filter and reload it or if you bought extra cups you can make extra filters so with all that being said I'm quite happy with how it turned out and it should come in quite useful failings ever in vain but hey thank you so much for you guys watching I hope you did enjoy this video and if you did please feel free to hit the thumbs up and subscribe and another go and I'll see you next time thanks for watching and please feel free to subscribe
Channel: Mech Ninji
Views: 165,677
Rating: 4.7885323 out of 5
Keywords: how to build a gas mask, how to build a homemade gas mask, pepper spray gas mask, $30 gas mask, gas mask, mechanical ninjineer, mechanical ninjineers homemade gas mask, respirator mask, homemade respirator mask, how to build a respirator mask, how to, homemade mask, how to build a mask
Id: Scn90dHA3Fk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 4sec (424 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2018
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