How to Filter Airborne Viruses and Survive! A Complete Guide

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hi folks Canadian prepper here so today we're gonna talk all about virus filtration let's get to it so first off let's talk about why you might need a face mask to protect yourself from viruses certain viruses are what they call airborne some are droplet airborne in some are aerosolized airborne droplet airborne is larger particles which succumb to gravity a lot faster so say you coughed now there's gonna be a mist a splash that's excreted out of your mouth and there's gonna be fine fine droplets most of those droplets are going to immediately fall to the ground now you can have a situation where you have airborne nuclei where it's such a fine mist that it's going to actually evaporate in midair in that airborne nuclei they're so small that they don't succumb to gravity as fast and thus they're gonna be able to float around in the air for longer periods of time and that's essentially what aerosolized airborne is now most airborne particles even the aerosol eyes form still have to piggyback on something in the air so most virus particles aren't just free-floating by themselves now I gotta post a link in the description below which goes into great detail about everything I'm talking about here it's an excellent article written by 3m the company the company that manufactures a lot of this kind of stuff and they go into great depth about particulate filtration now all of these filters here will filter out particles which can carry viruses some of them will actually filter out the virus itself because they filter down to such a small size that they actually prevent the virus from going through the filter most filters like n 95 s are relying on the fact that most viruses are gonna be piggybacking on much larger particles as they flow freely throughout the air now you would think that the smaller a virus is the harder would be to filter but that's actually not the case the viruses which are easiest to filter out are the tiny tiny viruses and the larger viruses it's actually the middle-of-the-road size viruses which are harder to filter out I'm gonna explain why now when I talked about larger particles succumbing to gravity and that's the reason why they're not aerosolized airborne there's also other forces that determine how efficient a filter is going to be at filtering out viruses there's a few main forces at work there is gravitational settling like we talked about there's inertial impaction there's interception diffusion and electrostatic attraction an analogy to help you understand this would be something like a water slide say that the water slide was the filter and the pool was your lungs okay and you're trying to not get anything coming through that water slide into your lungs so the water slide has a certain diameter to it and big people can't fit through the water slide so if you have a person who's too big they're not going to be able to fit through the water slide that would be like a big particle like a bacteria or something like that would never be able to get through here okay then you would have things which are so small that they actually struggle to get down the water slide also so let's say a hair or a crumpled-up ball of yarn or something like that that might stick to the edge of the water slide easier even though it's much smaller than the pore like the diameter of the water slide there still is a higher risk of it succumbing to various forces along the way that are gonna prevent it from actually getting into your body now if you have a normal sized person however that person is gonna rock it through the water slide and they're going to be able to penetrate the protective membrane which of course is the water slide in this analogy so in the same way then if you imagine the tight weave of a filter system or a HEPA filter system what that means is that the tiny tiny particles aren't going to be able to circumvent the filter as well they're gonna get caught up in the filter easier and it's gonna be harder for them to be pushed through with the flow of oxygen because remember when you're using a filter like this you're sucking in oxygen so there's going to be a constant pressure in this direction pushing particles into the filter now the particle are gonna get lodged in there especially if they're really really small even if even if they are actually smaller than what is capable of being filtered by these filters so this is why to make a long story short you can have something like this which only filters down to 0.3 microns but it still filters out viruses very efficiently because of the fact that most viruses are piggybacking on things and the fact that most viruses are so small that they succumb to those forces that I just talked about so the question is then what virus filter is the best filter for you they're all gonna be good to some extent or another this is a new one which just came on the market this is a 40 millimeter p3 filter so this will filter out 99.999999% of particulates so essentially everything it's basically just a HEPA filtration system and it screws into any standard NATO 40 millimeter thread so this is strictly a particle filter this is not gonna be for a carbon monoxide this is not going to be for chemicals or nuclear biological radiological this is strictly for virus filtration and the reason why this is good is because number one it's lightweight you can use two without it causing a lot of weight on your face mask and it's gonna be easier to breathe because you not you don't also have carbon now some people say you know it's good to have activated carbon in there as well because it provides extra protection but realistically it's overkill this is more than sufficient to filter out the particles which viruses are going to piggyback on now I believe this filters down to 0.1 microns now the virus in question here the the reason why you're all watching this video is actually around 0.125 microns in size so this then actually will prevent that from passing through so it doesn't have to rely on all those forces I just talked about this will actually filter it out entirely so this is essentially you never want to say that something is 100% efficient because of course you know for legal reasons and all that but this essentially will provide you the best possible protection you can get like I say it's lightweight it screws right into your natal 40 millimeter or you know any gas mask which has those 40 millimeter threads most CBRN masks which are modern fit that universal standard so this is probably one of the best filters in terms of Mira's filtration and incredibly lightweight I think it weighs probably around 100 grams or something like that maybe a little bit less so this I would say is the number one now we do have these I'll post a link in the description below where you can get these if you want to pick some up now there's some other filters here that I want to show we'll start off with the really good ones so this is your standard this is a mesto filter this basically filters out everything it has activated carbon in it as well so it's gonna filter out a lot of various chemicals and toxic vapors so this is gonna be something which you would actually use say if there was a riot and there was tear gas or if there was you know a chemical attack or something like that this would protect you against that this also does that but it uses a proprietary blend of activated carbon and some other minerals in order to make it last longer so this is actually a 20 year shelf-life filter this one is around five year shelf life now I don't have the cap on it right now actually lost the cap so what's gonna happen here is that the activated carbon is constantly absorbing the toxins in the atmosphere so eventually this is going to be useless because it's going to be clogged because it's going to have absorbed all of the the toxic vapors in the environment so unfortunately I can't find the cap for that so eventually this is going to be useless I'll still keep it around you can still vacuum seal it these actually do come vacuum sealed when you buy them they have a 20 year shelf life like I said longest of any type of gas mask filter and will filter out anything now this this is the King Kong of filters and it is the most expensive filter these go for about $90 USD these are $80 USD these are about 25 to $30 USD and these are around $40 USD but this $90 USD and the reason why is because this actually can filter out carbon monoxide that's very important if you live in a wild fire prone region I would absolutely recommend anybody who lives in a wild fire prone region have something like this now you can use what's called a smoke hood which are disposable single-use masks but that's why I love the NATO 40 millimeter is because you can get so many different types of filters this has everything in it it has a p3 filter for viruses as activated carbon for all of your chemicals organic vapors gases nuclear radiological stuff and it also has that carbon monoxide filtration so it has a chemical composition that relies on a catalytic process which converts carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide which is less lethal so this is an absolute must if you live in a wild fire prone region I've seen videos of people trying to you know save their animals or you know get some of their personal belongings while the flames are coming in and they're not wearing a mask and those people are probably going to succumb to smoke inhalation and it could be a fatal decision that they make but if you have something like this this can buy you a lot of time this is probably one of the most practical gas mask filters on the market it's metal design so it's gonna be incredibly durable and I believe that the shelf life on these is around 13 years and with all of these I would advise a vacuum sealing if not in use obviously if you need them at the ready you might not want to have the vacuum sealed because that's just another barrier you have to get through in in times when seconds count but that's something for you to consider also now there's also some more cost-effective options obviously the n95 is gonna filter out 95% of particles that are now the 0.3 microns again the virus in question is 0.125 microns but there's a good possibility that that is going to be piggybacking on something which may even exceed 50 microns so airborne aerosolized particles can fairly large comparatively speaking to the virus itself so just because something doesn't have a Merv rating of 20 which is the highest which is what this has a minimum efficiency rating of 20 which is the highest filtration possible just because it doesn't have that doesn't mean it's not going to be useful the main thing with these is that you want to make sure it's a tight seal you want to get in the habit of not touching your face it almost be good if you were doing some preparedness for an outbreak that you actually prepared using your mask and and gone into the habit of not touching the mask once it's on because it's in the touching of the mask especially for pathogens which stay on surfaces for long periods of time they could potentially get to your hands and of course you would touch your face now if you do have to adjust the mask you know using some soap or some hand sanitizer some anti virus wipes or something like that before you adjusted the mask that would reduce the risk that you were going to contract something so and 95s are useful in the sense that they're very lightweight they are effective to a degree but they're not entirely effective because they're no matter how hard you try they're still going to be air that comes through here and any gap in here that you can suck oxygen through is going to be large enough to allow viruses through so it's better than nothing but it's nowhere near the protection of something like this if you were a person who you know was getting up there in age and you find yourself in a high-risk population or you have other comorbidities other health problems which would make it far more likely that this current virus would be a problem for you then something like this in this would definitely be a life-saving option now this is the mira safety mask if you don't know this comes actually with a speech diaphragm which makes it easier to communicate with people around you one of the problems with a lot of gas masks is that if you don't have that speech diaphragm you're gonna have to talk a louder because most people aren't going to be able to hear you that well and if you have to talk louder harder for you to breathe so this is gonna minimize that and if you use two of these filters then you're actually gonna have better air flow but these are a little expensive you know 25 to 30 bucks for a filter is not cheap so and these are technically single-use but here's the thing with that the virus is only gonna be able to live on surfaces for so long so essentially if you were to use this and you were on a very tight budget and you knew it was gonna be an sh TS situation for like a year I wouldn't just toss this away if anything I might put it somewhere where you knew that it was gonna be out of harm's way it was not gonna be disturbed let it sit for a few weeks and that would ensure that anything that was on it was now inactive and that way you could potentially use it again because the filter itself this is an all Poe filter which is a step above a HEPA filter the filter itself is gonna last twenty years so you know you could potentially use this for a long long time now you could wear this you know all day with this drinking straw and obviously at some point you'd want to eat but you could potentially wear this all day and you would know when it was starting to get too clogged when you couldn't breathe through it as much so if it gets to that point then yeah you're gonna have to toss the filter but if you're only using it for an hour and you're on a tight budget and you have a safe place to store this for two weeks to kill whatever is in it you know that might not be a bad idea of course the manufacturer is never gonna recommend that and I'm not necessarily recommending that to go on record but if if it was me you know and I was on a tight budget and I knew it was gonna be a prolonged scenario I would be reluctant to just toss these after an hour of use because theoretically whatever is on it should die within a period of time you know I think that the maximum amount is like nine days for this virus to live on surfaces so that's it do that at your own risk I'm certainly not recommending you do that if you have the means at your disposal just discard it after you're done using it because it's not worth the risk now these pancake filters RP 100 filters so they're gonna filter down to ninety nine point ninety seven percent efficiency these work with Honeywell elastomeric half face respirators an elastomeric respirator just means something which is as here as it here's to your face using a gasket and elastics that to make it tight seal to your face so you can have a full face elastomeric again have hospedaje elastomeric and make sure that you are getting the right filter for the manufacturer because Honeywell filters won't work with 3m filters 3m filters are not going to adhere to 40 millimeter nato most of these are used more for industrial applications whereas these are used for CBRN that's chemical biological radiological and nuclear protection now you can also get these which are a bit more advanced they're about the same price as something like this only you get two of them so it's going to allow you to breathe a little easier because of course there's just gonna be more airflow with this you're breathing through this small channel which is filtered with this you're breathing through two of these which are filtered also so this has activated carbon so it's gonna protect against organic vapors and provide some resistance to chemical vapors and it's also and it also has AP 100 HEPA filter which is going to protect you against particles which can carry viruses same thing here this is a Honeywell HEPA filter and it's essentially this - the activated carbon so what you essentially have here is you have your n95 which is just a multi-layer thought filter then you get into your actual HEPA filters which are folded the the more folds in the hepa filter the more protection you're going to get because the the greater the opportunity that those particles are going to attach to the sides of that filter system so it just provides more three-dimensional resistance to particles and Honeywell also makes their own version of these which are these circular ones they have activated carbon in a HEPA filtration system the only difference is the shape so that's essentially the type of filters you can now the thing with n95 masks and these half-face elastomeric masks is that if you're truly talking about an airborne virus whether it's aerosolized or just droplet airborne you're gonna want my protection because there are mucous membranes in your eyes that the virus can get in through so if you're gonna want ivory tection you're gonna have to wear goggles so the goggles that you should use obviously should form a tight seal around your eyes so if you're gonna have to wear goggles anyways that's wear a full-face respirator is just better because you get that full panoramic view you get almost 100% protection or 99.99999 protection as long as you have a good face seal and the face seals on these are usually really good this is a one size fits all mask and mask like this to test the seal basically you put it on and if you can plug both of the in intake holes and you can't breathe you know what's working now I still have them get a facial here right now without much a little bit of stubble make it nice and tight to the face just blurbs a nice seal on the chin there now this thing here can actually stick up here so that can go out of the way perfect 100% seal so I'll just put this on [Music] the exhalation valve is down here so you'll feel air against your neck so it's okay that just means that's where you're excellent it's hailing this is a polycarbonate visor so it also offers face protection so if you were in an altercation that's gonna offer some really strong protection against attacks projectiles so I've done a review on this mask I'll post a link in the description below now it's your person who has respiratory problems you don't breathe well you may want to consider a powered air purifier machine and basically what that does if you ever watch that video I did called running with a gas mask and when you try to run with a gas mask on because you can't get oxygen as fast because they hilt the filter prevents you from doing that yeah you're going to be out of breath a lot quicker so typically you can take whatever your cardiovascular capability is and cut it in half and then cut it in half again and that's what it's gonna be like breathing with a gas mask on that's why they do that aggressive training with it when you're in the military it's so that you know how to use it when you're in a stressful environment because you're gonna be breathing heavier and gonna be carrying somebody or you're gonna be running so if you have a powered air purifier machine that's going to do the the hard work for you it's gonna suck the oxygen in and you're not gonna your lungs aren't gonna have to work as hard but those machines are a lot more expensive there there is going to be some of those coming to market more for civilian use I imagine after this event is over or maybe even during the event that depends but remember that Honeywell and 3m are no longer a selling to the civilian population at least throughout the outbreak right now obviously afterwards they're probably gonna do that again but right now it's limited to governments who are requiring the PPE for healthcare professionals and government officials I guess and other bureaucratic forces so US civilians have to what we can find and currently what's available right now we do have some Italian sge masks made by the mesto company and we also have some Mira mask coming in a few weeks and we also have a few honeywell in 3m stuff but that stuff is almost gone but you can still find it it is a lot more cost-effective if you go the elastomeric half mask respirator like these but like I said that there's certain drawbacks to that as well I think if you're gonna do this you might as well just do this it's going to look a bit more aggressive but you know when it's a matter of life or death especially for somebody who's in a high-risk population I would absolutely recommend something like this because that's gonna offer you total protection I mean if you're if you're gonna contract this and the risk of you dying is gonna be upwards of 15% then absolutely it's worth wearing something like this now if you were a young fit person and you don't have any health problems whatsoever then yeah you could get away with an n95 or even a half face respirator or something like that but especially if you live in a wild fire region having something like this is absolutely essential this should be in every Californians emergency kit who lives near a forest fire prone region or even up here in Canada if you live near a forest fire prone region having something like this behind glass in case of emergency break glass this and a gas mask is could be potentially life-saving not only life saving but it could help you you know give you the time you need to get your stuff you're sentimental together so you can get out of Dodge okay so I think that's about it that's about all I wanted to cover today and so let me know if you have any questions in the comment section below about any of this stuff I'll post links to whatever supply remains but the supply train is drying up and it's only gonna get worse from here on in I think a lot of this stuff is not going to be available within a month's period of time so get it while you can I suppose and if you have any questions leave them below I'm gonna post a link to that very in-depth article written by 3m scientists that goes into great depth about particulate filtration so go check that out in the comment section below thanks for watching guys stay safe out there because this has only just begun thanks for watching Canadian prepper L the best way to support this channel is to support yourself by gearing up at Canadian preparedness com your one-stop shop for premium high-quality brand-name products that have been tried and tested by myself and other youtube gear reviewers my subscribers save 10% off by using the coupon code survival prepper all one word in all caps enjoy the time you have with your family but stay ready
Channel: Canadian Prepper
Views: 139,772
Rating: 4.9027443 out of 5
Keywords: doomsday preppers, bug out bag, WROL, doomsday, prepper, preppers, preparedness, collapse, survival, SHTF, grid down, economic collapse, end of the world TEOTWAKI, survive zombie apocalypse, zombie apocalypse, survivalism, survivor, post-apocalypse
Id: VnoF6FduMII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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