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should we do a classic for the lads should we just go for it should we do a nostalgic intro why not god of warning ladies my name is accepted guy and welcome back to another video instant karma babies oh that actually fires me up it gets me ready to record whenever i do that maybe i should just do my intro again what is instant karma we all know what karma is what goes around comes around if you're not to somebody then something bad is going to happen to you it's karmic retribution it's the universe's way of correcting itself to be like you be nice you get nuts you be bad you get back i'm a firm believer in karma i like to treat people nicely day by day no matter what's happening because i believe like it's gonna come back to you it's gonna the universe is just gonna be nice to you and people will be nice to you if you're nice to people they'll be nice to you that's just how it works and if they're not then maybe punch them there's a whole subreddit dedicated to people getting instant karma whether that be good or bad usually it ends up being bad from some of the posts that i've seen on the subreddit anderson silva gets cocky only to get ko'd and lose his belt which one's which well well it's definitely the dude with his hands in his hips dude keep your hands up in a fight why why would you do that why would you act cocky like that if you win you just look like a douchebag if you lose everyone just laughs at you you know what it's entertainment but the universe said no instant karma you're not allowed to do that if you do that to other people you're gonna get sick guy attempts to steal package but gets caught when he drives away his car gets stuck in snow oh baby [Laughter] oh that's beautiful to watch dude you steal packages like you drive cars terribly does this happen anywhere else though because every time i see these clips it's always in america that people get their packages stolen have any of you gotten your packages stolen cause i've never ever had anything stolen if anything my neighbors like hide them and point them out be like sorry i put it over there just in case it actually got stolen waitress isn't playing around with sexual harassment oh oh yeah get him kick his ass ew what kind of degenerate do you have to be like come on bro what did you get out of that you got you got you got an ass beaten which you absolutely deserved but at best you get to squeeze a little bit of butt it's like squeezing your own ass at that point just go around clasping your own bones it was bro man that's [ __ ] silly really [ __ ] oh damn i mean yeah bully got what he deserved oh lord damn dude got school and he's getting up for more get out that door boy why am i talking like this i'm talking like i get into fights all the time i've never been in a fight in my life i've gotten punched once and it was when i was like 12. and it was my best friend at the time he got mad at me because he kicked my football away and you know what i got up in his face and then he don't bully people [Laughter] you're going to get kicked or spat on leave go alone my camera is absolutely ruined after this because i love watching children fall down there's something so hilarious about it they're just like little adults and then they just flop all over the place they have no idea how their body works yet stupid kid oh this is off to a great start oh dude this is so wholesome oh that's nice you don't have to carry you don't have to climb any steps now that was that subverted my expectations and he landed it at the end what a legend that dude's going straight to the pearly gates and anything happens to him that sounds a lot more morbid than i meant it to be annoying dad while he's trying to grill [Laughter] there was having none of it he just [ __ ] [Laughter] woman gets what what's coming to her for making a scene in fast food look i'm not i should i should just put the headphones on drop the bar uh-oh drop the bar oh you're about to get tased drop the bars do not move you understand me what was the start of this did she break that window with a lump of steel he told her to drop the bar also i like how she was hiding behind the door like as if she was going to close the door it was going to protect her you broke that window well well well if it isn't the consequences of my own actions hmm i wonder if anything i did as a teenager is actually going to come back and bite me in the ass at some point like some karmic retribution is going to be like remember that time that you said that your friend was an ah well oh god are you lighting the car oh my god that is insane oh god [ __ ] i shouldn't be laughing what is going she crawls away like some sort of [ __ ] creepy pasta hold on let me get my evidence my gosh for not stopping at airport checking on it [Applause] oh you're gonna get tased [Music] dude you're tasing him i think if you tase him he's going to involuntarily move you can't really stop that why would you not stop at airport jacket he was walking through like he just had to go collect his laundry or something he looks like he's on a catwalk what an epic fail the guy sitting down is just like what are you doing are you okay do you need a hand up oh barely spilled the beer though what a champion my child has a dose of instant karma [Laughter] oh that is impeccable timing i was like i'm sorry i'm sorry please don't hurt me please hurt me i'm just having a bad day that's the thing though isn't it a lot of these people are just having a bad day they're all over the place emotionally and then they lash out at people these people are trying to get minimum wage if even hold my beer while i pass you on the right as a person without a driver's license i understand this i never know who to look at in these clips oh i guess i know oh jesus holy literally went off the rails so quickly oh i'm actually astonished this has sound i thought there was no audio in any of this i hope they're okay guy refused to wear a mask then fight with customers and promptly arrested humanity is a mistake [Applause] dude just wants a sandwich what are you still fighting outside what the hell is going on that dude woke up that day and just chose violence he was like all right i'm i'm gonna get arrested today let's see what we can make it happen for i know a sandwich that's worth getting arrested over i don't care about your damn ass i want a sandwich also is he telling the other guy to get on his knees [Music] nothing says intimidation like voice cracks traffic versus motorcycle thief [Music] i know he just has to stop in traffic oh idiot versus a small gate what has to be going on in your life that you fight with a gate are you okay you fell downstairs maybe he's just drunk but my god he's trying to beat up that gate like that gate [ __ ] his girl did you just throw a rock at him they get kicked in the face oh just some banter throw rocks get sucked it's my motto [Music] dude come on posing on a burnt out police car for the insta first of all instagram sucks why would you go through all of this effort just for something like that and then you didn't even pull it off now you just look foolish like a fool like a fool um like a fool guy escaped prison broke lockdown travel restrictions to buy a video game and kick the police officer in the nuts what could go wrong these read like just pure jokes at this point all right it's not appropriate travel okay i'm going to check your details because great blatantly you both saw us walking up here and you turn around and you've come walking what dude you need a better exit strategy than that keep the kick and run also i think we need to talk about the fact that he escaped prison he had absconded from prison back in november that's such a weird way of saying that you should be in jail but you're not [Music] free surfing lessons if you mess with this guy oh classic just someone falling under ours oh no oh okay you don't mess with drummers oh jesus what i mean it is a rock show you shouldn't mess with drummers all right there's a reason that we know how to keep a beat we will be able to beat your ass in time all right that does it for enough instant karma for today so absolutely bizarre people are weird i don't know what is gets into people half the time they go out about their day going along they want a sandwich and then suddenly all hell breaks loose you're getting arrested you're on the ground you're getting punched stuff is getting broken just can't we all just stay inside and play valorent or something play minecraft it's great but i'm gonna leave this video here thank you guys so much for watching thank you guys for being so understanding in the middle of all my move it's been very hectic and there's a lot of stuff to get in place and videos are few and far between but i'm glad that you guys are still here hanging out watching stuff with me it really means a lot and it's fun to just kind of like sit down and like shoot the [ __ ] together every now and then so thanks i i really genuinely appreciate it but if you like this video please go ahead leave a like hit that button down below it's easy to do so it's one click away and also if you see a red subscribe button down there that means you haven't subscribed yet and apparently 40 of people who watch my videos aren't subscribed so go ahead and do it it's free you can always unsubscribe later if you want to but until next time be good to each other because as we've seen today like and subscribe or something bad might happen
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,303,090
Rating: 4.9857059 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, instant karma, instant karma reddit, react, reacting, karma
Id: k7MQUalv9uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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