What Are Some Customer Stereotypes At Your Job? (r/AskReddit)

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what are some class exterior types of customers at your job that people outside your industry might not realize exist one thing i've learned working in jewelry is that you don't stereotype customers the guy coming in and filthy work clothes might own his own construction company and want to drop some serious money on an engagement thing for his girl the person who looks like they can't afford [ __ ] might have been saving up forever to buy themselves something really nice as a treat the kid who only has 50 dollars to spend on a gift for his girlfriend now will remember years later when he's more comfortable financially that you treated him like a valued customer when he was young and broke if someone has walked into three different jewelry stores before yours and you're the first person who approached them and treated them like they were worthy of your time you will make the sale that said there is a certain type of little old lady that is addicted to jewelry and you can pretty much immediately tell they are usually wearing a bunch of well coordinated pieces and they stare at anything you show them like a dragon who wants to add something shiny to its horde if they come in and you can start a friendly conversation with them they will pretty much always buy something often they are hiding their purchases from their husbands and because they already own so much jewelry they can get away with what this i've had it for years don't you remember the disclaimer now of course i'm generalizing i have done plenty of small tattoos i have really enjoyed and large pieces i have despised but the opposite always seems to ring true thus stereotypes the more basic stereotypes people getting the smallest simplest and cheapest tattoos are almost always the biggest pain in the ass finding non-existent problems and making you reapply the stencil 15 times and then getting you to go change to size 20 times and then pulling the famous 180 and changing their idea completely and then chickening out and thus totally wasting my time if they go through with it they'll never say stop if they have to move or cough will make a huge deal over very little pain ask for five bathroom breaks in 20 minutes bring 20 people to come watch their work getting done whom all have seen einkmaster so they are experts and presumed to annoy you with inane questions when all you want to do is concentrate on holding the wiggling client down attempting to put a solid line in one should get what you want but jesus christ you're getting a tattoo i have done 1000 times in the same place and the same size you aren't unique or special you saw it on pinterest and so did thousands of other girls who are being a pain in the ass to other artists the most agreeable clients will get a huge back pieces or full sleeves surrounding a theme they like spend thousands and basically agree to whatever you think looks good you're the artist i want to cry and hug them at consults they are either silent and sit like rocks or interesting that you book extra time at no extra charge so at the next step you can enjoy the conversation and relax they come alone or with a good friend or partner who adds to the conversation and you hope they come to the next act the downside can be when you finish to peace you feel like you've broken up with someone so you always have a few ideas to encourage them with at health food stores kids handle being said no to better than adults kid do you have pepsi me sorry we only carries these healthier sodas kid okay mom do you have vodka me sorry but we don't carry any liquors mom are you kidding me what kind of store is this i'm never shopping here again i clean vacation homes for extremely wealthy people the ones that worked hard and honestly are the best most appreciative employers you could ask for the ones that got rich overnight inheritance real estate lottery etc austin g paranoid and mean they also tend to be complete slobs my second job is at a mall kiosk and middle eastern people will ask for the most ridiculous deals not only them and not all of them but most of them they then will pout at me when i say no you cannot have that for free in the immortal words of my slightly racist father watch out for those arabics they'll do you down i'm an app developer that creates apps for cities municipalities want everything for as cheap as possible while expecting the highest level of quality service and customization considering the prices we ask for and the budgets they have access to it's ridiculous i actually had a city manager during a demo off at me and tell me that our prices were ridiculous and they could do it themselves yeah buddy you go ahead and do it yourself see if you don't end up spending hundreds of thousands of dollars building out that infrastructure it's actually uncanny how many just don't understand what goes into building involved and customized apps they book at our prices but will drop tens of thousands of dollars on websites without batting a lash indians are the worst people to deal with in a sales environment when i was selling cars they'd offer me half price stay on the lot for hours and never agree to anything when i sold mortgages they would throw out rates that simply did not exist and say their friend got that deal last week whenever i have to deal with an indian client i do my best to just pass them on to someone else or say [ __ ] it and pretend an inflated number is the best i can do if they don't like it go elsewhere the idea of cremation makes black people really anxious my employer only cremates pets and we don't get a lot of black customers bringing us pets but everyone where i've gone to return the urn to the family i have been heavily questioned about if this is their pet how i can know that this is their pet and how they can be sure i'm not giving them an urn full of sawdust or sand at the same time they don't want to hear any of the details about the identification number or pc terms for cremation 98 of indians don't wear deodorant i know of one from india who does and a few american indians who do but on the train i ride from jersey to nick or vice versa all you smell is bo even a new indian guy who started into office recently doesn't wear it when he passes me to go to the bathroom i hold my breath can someone tell me why this is i don't mean to be mean just curious this is pretty general but no one knows how much money they can actually get in a lawsuit people love to throw around these huge numbers just because they are mad i stubbed my toe on the shelving i'm suing you for 10 million dollars yes sorry buddy tort only compensates for the actual amount you were damaged and punitive damages have to be within a nine to one ratio of that so your stub toe is at best worth about one dollar fifty good puffer fish impression though before i worked in the id industry i had no idea that being a female put me at a disadvantage kinda gotten used to it but i regularly have to reiterate yes you are speaking to tech support or no need to transfer you to the tech guy because you are speaking to her i can't tell you how many conversations i've had where the customer doesn't believe what i say but as soon as i get a guy to repeat what i previously said a dozen times the customers like makes sense thanks worked in a grocery store something doesn't bring up then that means it's free right haha no have to check authenticity on a large bill lals i just printed that this morning so original mostly older men who say this also most old people refer to paper bags as a bag example would you like paper or plastic a bag and people who own dogs usually get plastic bags i know this because they feel inclined to tell me why they are getting plastic you don't have to tell me i don't care also a lot of men and most teenagers won't take their change your changes 99 no don't want it currently working at a call center in the billing department for an insurance company old people they are almost always the longest calls i take when a regular person calls in to pay their bill it's typically three to four minutes tops when an elderly individual calls in you can easily double that they ask way more questions than necessary and oftentimes wind up talking about something completely irrelevant to the situation don't get me wrong i enjoy some of the conversations i have with them but damn when all you're doing is calling in to pay your bill just do it and let me get on with my day there's a few more stereotypes i could rattle off but nobody's gonna read this so it doesn't really matter i work in a grocery store i've noticed that my asian customers love plastic bags they will get a fun sized candy bar that's like two inches long and want me to put it in a huge plastic bag i once helped an older asian lady check out and she had put every single item in her cart into one of those little plastic produce bags including boxed cereals prepackaged cheese and a can of soda everything goes into a bag and then it goes into a bigger bag they are all about the plastic bags and i have no idea why if a latino person gets a pastry or sweet of any sort it will almost always have cinnamon as the main ingredient cinnamon twists cinnamon bun cinnamon muffins doctors dentists and anyone else who is in the medical field are total [ __ ] and will pile up their groceries on your counter as they shop instead of using a basket they also don't have any problem with talking on the phone as they pay never acknowledging your existence i worked in it specifically for professors at my old university now this wasn't the case 10 times out of 10 but it held true a lot female professors were way more likely to interrupt slash undermine slash get in the way while i was trying to help than male professors the males would usually come in tell me what the problem was and maybe give a quick guess as to what it might be related to however the female professors would have this whole theory that usually was impossible and would literally stand over my shoulder the entire time i was working on their machine not sure what any of this means or if it holds true outside of my small corner of the world but i definitely found it to be interesting i work at the walgreens white middle-aged women in yoga pants with ponytails and baseball caps go straight for the photo kiosk every time also it's easy to stereotype who purchases what brands of cigarettes virginia slims for [ __ ] middle-aged white ladies new ports and cools for black guys usually american spirits for stoners maulbro lights for most other regular people paul mall 4 white trash it goes on and on i'm a bus driver and the nurses where i drive are known to be the absolute worst they get the most frequent service yet complain the most about a bus being late demand to get on and off when they please and generally have a short fuse for things we can't control potholes traffic the weather i know their jobs are much harder than mine and their hours are insane but they don't need to take it out on us we are just trying to get them home clients who mention they consider themselves amateur designers or mention that they have photoshop are going to be a nightmare everyone thinks they can design and that they have good taste they rarely do there are a lot changes for changes sake my partner says they have to piss on it to make it their own that's pretty universal until you get pretty high up on the food change usually at that level they have the confidence to trust you if they hired you those are the best jobs that get the best work tl doctor trust the people you hire to do their job they are the professionals at it not you i work front desk at a nice hotel black people are always incredibly difficult or incredibly kind there's never a black guest that just takes his slash her keys and leaves the hotel is mostly corporate so we have a lot of businessmen they're always in a rush and don't care about the money because their company is paying for the room so if i have to deliver room service to them they'll hand me a 20 tip while on the phone and shut the door in my face it's cool i got 20 dollars indian guests are very indian they never tip for room service i'm the only mail front desk clerk i can have four other open front desk clerks at the desk and be doing 100 things at once indian men will always wait for me because they don't want to deal with women if they call the front desk and a woman answers a lot of the time they'll just ask for me scam artists are almost always middle-aged white couples that try and trick people into having more money than they do they'll come in and ask to see their room before they check in fine here then they want to see another room then another then maybe another 10 minutes after they decide on a room and check and they call the front desk our toilet is broken and this is really unacceptable we need a free night if we don't give them a free night they'll just call the corporate office and they'll give them the free night old men smell terrible and old women smell like the inside of my mama's purse retail has shown me that people who will literally steal from you the most are the people who actually have money but don't think they are low enough to spend it on products not even good enough for them c rich suburban mobs also just about any asian will leave the store cleaner than they came i've seen a guy accidentally knock down a single binder then proceed to straighten up the entire aisle when renting apartments someone from the us will say what can i do to get the landlord to choose me someone from india will say they will take the apartment if the rent is 100 less and then move their mother-in-law from india in a week after they move in the chinese will take the apartment and then move their father mother mother-in-law and father-in-law in later several family members will visit from china and stay long-term during the tenancy at the end of the lease the signers will tell you you are asking too much rent and that they will not renew unless concessions are given
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 265,509
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Keywords: customer stereotypes, stereotypes, customer, stereotypes of jobs, jobs, you don't know, about, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit, TZ Reddit
Id: VRdPwPSjam4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 18 2019
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