People who quit a job, what sh!tshow did you leave them to handle? r/AskReddit

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people who quit a job in the heat of the moment what [ __ ] out did you leave them to handle I worked as a small engine repair tech for a larger company I'm also in the National Guard I had gotten hurt and needed physical therapy and one or two days a month I would have to miss because of an extended drill weekend well my boss didn't like that and she decided that she would punish me by making me stay later than everyone else she was punishing me for going to physical therapy for a workplace injury and for being a soldier now you may be thinking having to stay late to keep up on your work doesn't sound like that much of a punishment normally you would be right but trust me she was doing a lot more to make sure it was a punishment well one day after being told that I was not given approval for the one day a vacation I asked for three months in advance to go see the Eclipse and generally being treated like a slave I was like why am I doing this to myself and clocked out at the end of my shift that next Monday after drill weekend I showed up packed up all my tools and took off my boss started freaking out when she saw what I was doing I left and found out that me leaving cost her over 100k dollars because she had to ship my workload to another state to get another shot to work on them that meant she needed to pay to ship them and then pay to ship them back and since her shock didn't do any of the actual work she never saw any money for any of the repairs it was over 80 riding mowers worked as the engineer at the mill was responsible for operation and process adjustment of certain piece of equipment made it works with better than specified results but my managers required more production less power etc so at the point machine reached it back quote s capacity and further pushing was risky and huge amount of invest was needed I was told by brass that you didn't even try to do it only say some Lamy excuses I was full of this [ __ ] and cool to the manufacturer of this equipment long story short instead of instructions in vices they sent me a job offer for local service rep after I quit the mill my ex colleagues tried to push machine above the limits and successfully broke it and stopped the production for a couple of weeks always work the close shift at a fast-food joint my managers loved to hand out citations for any little thing the policy was three strikes and you're out I had two strikes left and was told to clean up the entire front end and bathroom in an hour or risk getting a third strike to put things in perspective I had to close the register count the money clean up the front end restock everything sweep and mop the floors and clean the entire bathroom including the toilets for basically eight dollars and five cents I walked into the bathroom just to see what to expect looked like someone had finished projectile [ __ ] all over the toilet and then decided to piss next to the sink I knew I wouldn't be able to do everything in an hour and that I would get fired regardless so I took my uniform off and walked home shirtless Shoppers Drug Mart I had simply asked for better hours after working ridiculous late night hours for over a year instead they hired a new guy and gave him the exact house I asked for and then had me trained here so when training wasn't going very well because new guy was super slow they blamed me for it now I had a good standing with everyone at this store that I didn't need shoppers and I let a lot of [ __ ] slide every day so again when I asked for a vacation that I deserved because I was never sick and punctual as all hell I was denied it and the next day the manager had four weeks of vacation set so to make it up to me they offered me all these insane overtime shifts for the next three weeks so I waited for the frozen deliveries to arrive that same day the boss was packing up to go home and when he said good night to me I said but who is going to do this frozen delivery he laughed and said you are so I replied no and he became super cross so I started laughing what are you laughing about he says so I said yourself I quit now there was no one to finish the night shift he immediately asks for the uniform when all now i said yourself I quit I had never done that before or since uniform went in the trash 18 years old assistant manager at a big pizza franchise had been working open to close for two weeks straight because the new GM went on vacation right after taking over the store when she got back from her vacation she worked a half-day I opened and still closed then she changed the schedule and took two days off this was the last straw on top of a ton of other [ __ ] piled over a year multiple new GM's shitty district manager awful store politics I was alone during an unusually large lunch rush and was just done with everyone's shirt I had a Mac aligned full of orders phones ringing ovens full of pizza orders to be picked up and a massive batch of dough sitting on the prep table I said get I shut the oven off walked out and locked the store didn't call anyone to let them know it would be hours before the evening driver would roll in no prep for the day no dough for the day except for dad lob in sure would become a massive mess after rising for hours a double deck oven with both belts full of pies wasted and what was probably shaping to be a $1,200 lunch out the window I hope she was well rested after her time off worked for a landscape company doing new installs our owner was cheap with a bad habit of constantly biting off more than he could chew one year he asked if we wanted any part of a school project in a city we didn't live in over two hours away and we said no he said that was fine and would just bid on one school for his crew who lived in that area instead he bid on multiple schools and got three of them obviously none of us are happy about this and he claimed that he'd put us up in hotels so we wouldn't have to commute he never did the work itself sucked way more than a crew our size could handle and the owners brother did absolutely nothing he was supposed to be the project manager / supervisor and literally all he did was play clash of clans on his phone and yell about people not being fast enough after a few days I was done I'd grown sick of the job anyway but this project really sealed it having to commute for plus hours a day and then physically destroy myself was taking a toll fast I woke up Friday morning called the owner told him I quit and to stop taking more work than he can manage he blew up but I just hung up the phone and went back to sleep two weeks later I get a call from him he's begging me to come back because after I quit two other guys did too the project is now woefully behind schedule and he's going to get fined if things don't pick up and get finished I told him he sholde thought of that before he bit off more than he could chew and expected a small crew to do it all in a short timeframe he got quite and then asks if a 50 cent raise would get me back no last time I ever heard from him and I can't find his company website anymore 50 cent raise I got stabbed in the shoulder while working as a bookmaker betting shop na na GE are asterisk I was the only key holder and while the paramedics were tending to me the area manager was on the phone asking me to open the store the next day I closed shop for the day came back once I got out of hospital put my keys in the safe and left my notice on the desk store didn't open for three days while they sorted a field manager I worked in a store where my assistant manager was held up at gunpoint early a.m. early enough that the insert wasn't open so they got like 150 pounds in change idiots I turn up for my shift at 12.30 and my area manager is trying to chase the forensics guys out so I can reopen the shop I was fired years later for calling a shop I was working in a [ __ ] on Faso book appealed the firing it was a first offense and had it reduced to a final written then quit on the day I was supposed to start working again vetting industry is the absolute pits when I was a programmer at an insurance company one of the longtime programmers had been with the company for nearly 20 years this guy originally wrote most of the financial system himself from scratch and had maintained it with the help of a couple of other people every month feeted the month end processing and every quarter he did the quarter end processing every year end yet it was him there was a change in management a couple of times and he kept getting treated worse and worse he was being treated unfairly asked to do unreasonably more work than he was already doing getting thrown under the bus that kind of thing he finally had enough and one morning he came in walked to the managers office and quit then walked out the door in the aftermath it took a team of four other people months and months to get things back together and to a point where things were serviceable didn't get a bonus because they felt the overtime might had paid me more than the bonus they gave to everyone else I didn't know what to say to that so after a few hours I offered to get coffee for everyone then I left and never came back or contacted them again I keep thinking that I should go back with coffee now I've been gone ten years and just act normal sprouts farmers market the second store manager I had to work with was awful her way or the highway I had been initially hired for Delly then I was sent to cross-train bakery because they shared the same space and I had done bakery at Kroger before which I worked for two months because they couldn't hire someone for bakery that would last longer than a week I then get pulled back over to deli for a week before I get told the news that I would move up front to be a cashier why because a bunch of new people got hired and their background checks cleared so they'd be going to bakery and deli important to note is that front ended schedules differently than bakery or deli bakery and deli each had a calendar where you could just write in what times you need it off front end had a form you had to fill out get approved by a manager before you turned it in two weeks beforehand they always said they wrote the schedule two weeks out but you never got that so I play her game I fill out my one request for one day off two weeks out I work as a cashier which was awful I started having nightmares of being at the register I was isolated from my friends in the deli slash bakery then the new schedule comes out and I'm not on it I question all the managers none of them know anything so I leave and come back Sunday to see if they add me back on they did up front working all week including the one day I had asked I came back the next day to hand in my name badge in discount cards saying that I quit the store manager began to flip out at me stating how much of a mistake I was making the assistant manager was nice calmly talking me through what would happen with my last paycheck as I filled out an exit form I have never returned to that sprouts or any sprouts have a nice day [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 180,263
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: dQknCghg2x4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2019
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