What It's Like To Work For A Hated Company (r/AskReddit)

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redditors who work for a company everybody hates what's it like to actually work there I've microwaved your fetish scene at the Olive Garden and stalked your maxi-pads at Walmart along the way I did a stint to that hip retailer target the only difference between Target and Walmart is marketing I was so young and naive at the time I didn't even realize target was supposed to be cool until a shift manager told us I mean seriously target you sell detergent and pooper scoopers get over your bad self already all three establishments give off a 1984 news peak vibe at Walmart you're an associate at Target you're a team member and at the Olive Garden were your family [ __ ] that [ __ ] I'm a worker and my ass was just as expendable at one place as the other Olive Garden denies more family members during my time there the drive kevorkian and target was more ruthless with cutting team members than Bill Belichick oddly enough our lasted the longest at the most evil of the three Walmart I work Dish Network customer service during college it wasn't too bad the reason their service sucked so much was their focus on handle time you callin I nod my head and pretend to care about your problem click a few buttons and offer you a free trial of HBO that you'll call back about after three months because you'll forgot to cancel it and it charged you and get you off the phone in under four minutes if you have a ravage handle time under five minutes there they treat you like a god I just quit my job at a bank where I worked in customer service the amount of pressure that they put on us to sell things and to be ambiguous about solving problems is shocking I always wanted to help people more than I was allowed to and usually just went ahead and did it for example a check was deposited into the wrong account by the teller causing one client to get an overdraft fee managers say don't refund it because they sholde caught the mistake while they were depositing the check I refund it anyway and get written up that's one of the millions of reasons why I quit that soulless job I was working for Netflix and sometimes I would have to take 3-way comcast calls happens like this customer calls Comcast with rebuffering problems Comcast rep says everything's fine on this end let's call Netflix just try to imagine the shittiness that ensues on a Comcast / Netflix three-way rebuff a call from how I work for one of the Blue Cross Blue Shield plans I think that most people hate the health insurance industry and for good reason this company is filled with worthless dumb lazy people there are entire departments that exist simply because another department wasn't doing their job for instance a technology office was created that does everything that the architects and senior engineers in the different it area should be doing there's an entire group that prints out incoming faxes writes something on them scans them and then ml's them to a different group that then manually enters the information into one of the systems due to a complete and utter lack of planning we just recent purchased an additional multi-million dollar storage array that will end up being used for tests / dev storage an array a quarter of the price would have been more than sufficient the bottom line health insurance is so stupidly expensive because the companies are bloated wasteful full of idiots and if there were any real competition they'd go out of business fast we could easily be returning premiums to members with minimal effort but instead we find ways to spend your hard-earned money on stupid shirts because we are a not-for-profit company and can only keep a certain amount of cash I worked for a teller isarc company so I would call people in their homes and ask them survey questions it was a part-time nights and weekends job that I took after high school looking back it really wasn't that bad although every other person I spoke to thought they were so clever asking for my home phone number so they could call me back thanks Jerry Seinfeld I worked for Best Buy for two years only thing that was worth it were the friends I made in the discount that's about it they treat their employees like [ __ ] and we are extremely under compensated for the [ __ ] we had to put up with I still sell TBS for a locally owned company now but actually have professional training other than what the editing's taught us as far as the whole best biome doze it's unfair what they want us to do with every customer no one on the sales floor is on commission but they treat you like you are we were basically sheep that were given minimal knowledge about a certain product anything we did want to know we had to learn on our own time which I did because home theater tech fascinates me we had these worksheets called customer experience worksheets or Sue's which we were required to fill out with every customer and turn them into our supervisors all of them had the same cheesy questions which are supposed to give the customer the complete experience which was complete [ __ ] I rarely filled them out and my sales numbers never dropped below our required five hundred dollars an hour in revenue then there was our solutions which include accessories and services protection plans and installation et Cie both of which needed to be at 15% GSP and services combined total revenue accessor is a pretty simple and sell themselves 80% of the time and yes I could argue with you wire $100 me cable is better than a $10 me cable situational of course I never really needed to pay attention to my sales numbers quite frankly because I just didn't care when a customer walked and this happens quite frequently if you're in a high-traffic store you have to explain to a manager why they walked the store general manager often posted by the exit to ask customers why they weren't buying then you had the conversation of what you're gonna do better next time to close the sale I didn't get any compensation for each sale other than the occasional path to excellence points which we could spend on Best Buy shirt whenever I would ask about a raise or bonuses or any benefit as such they would sale you have a great benefit with your discount and p2e a [ __ ] you I can't feed my dog with rewards own points there really is no appreciation other than the occasional high-five like the time I put out a Best Buy for boost Nestle that was for a local casino that ended up being dollar sign one ten case sale that benefited our store because of me and since I was my managers associate she was the one who got the bonus I got a high five American Apparel it's probably the best retail job I've ever had in that you're allowed to cool out awful customers as long as you're well dressed while you do it downside is that my assistant manager is younger and less qualified than I am and sits in the stockroom smoking weed during lunch hour we also get monthly inspections where photographs are taken of us to make sure we haven't gained weight or changed our hairstyles to anything dramatic the corporation is completely sleazy and shallow but I'm a student and I really really need the cash and the thought of working in a fast food chain and unsociable hours is biting down on my morality more than it should I worked for Aldi in college not really a hated company foressi but I've seen plenty of complains about the lack of bags and how the cashiers take no care in putting the grocery into the cart factors everything there was based on your cashier efficiency score or in layman's terms how many items you could scan in one minute they wanted scores of 30 plus which is one item scanned every two seconds which seems entirely plausible on paper but you have to account the 15 seconds it takes Nana to get her three items from the cart to the belt and the 45 seconds at the end when 98% of people look at the credit card scanner like it's their first time ever seeing one and awkwardly trying to touch the screen seven times before I had to tell them it wasn't touchscreen want more outs get a higher score want to become a shift manager get a higher score I became the best damn cashier that company ever had when the customer came up I'd literally log out place all of their double / triple slash e.t.c into the cart with one item on the belt and just speed through their [ __ ] hitting into for multiples you have produce leave it in the cart I have all the codes memorized three gallons of milk 1 4 0 5 - 1 - enter enter BAM [ __ ] was just thrown into carts and I literally perfecter checking people out as efficiently as possible my average score when I left was anywhere from 55 to 57 in my district manager loved me offered a promotion declined that job sucks literally two to three people running an entire grocery store Child Protective Services investigator for the state the families I investigate definitely hate me for being intrusive and judging their actions as parents the children often hate me on the occasions I have to remove them from the home because they don't always understand what is going on or don't want to leave their parents despite the maltreatment the media absolutely loves to hate us and report any time they catch wind of mistake the public frequently loves to find out about that as well so what's it like to work there stressful fast-paced every day is different and I absolutely love it I have to be able to think quickly and act confidently when working with families County Attorney's judges and others I rely on my boss and my team tremendously we can be cynical have a dark sense of humor curse frequently and laugh at things that would make others cry all in order to keep our sanity the camaraderie is huge and is such an important part of being able to stay in this job without a supportive and understanding boss and team there is no way I could remain in this job why do I do it because I believe 100% in the mission of my organization and that the work we do in CPS is necessary and right even if we fail sometimes no child deserves to be maltreated some families we can help in order to get things on track and keep the kids in the home other children simply cannot be kept safe at home and must be removed from the home our system isn't perfect but I have never removed a child from their home without feeling confident that it was necessary to keep them safe I worked as a mortgage refinance processor for Wells Fargo for six months before I ragequit to sum it up I no longer find the movie office space so much funny as depressingly familiar also every single person I worked with banked with some other bank besides Wells Fargo the simplest and most accurate way to describe what I did there would be that I sat on my ass every day sending and receiving emails and saving and organizing the attachments and occasionally I would call someone to ask them to email something to me on Fridays all the fat single middle-aged cat ladies would bring in a bunch of casserole and Diet Pepsi I work at EA which of course is particularly hated her on reddit you know what I [ __ ] love working here yes it's hard work it's stressful and we are on constant tight deadlines but we are making games that millions of people love and buy even though lots of people complain about them too we are well paid with amazingly good benefits and we work with a whole lot of talented people across multiple disciplines and of course we are making games not boring stuff like banking software or something and contrary to what most of the people on reddit I'm looking at you slash are slash gaming we spend very little of our time thinking about how to screw the customer in fact we spend most of our effort trying to figure out how to give our customer a great experience yes we care about how much money our products make because that's how we keep our jobs but we also recognize that the best way to make money is to make games that people are happy to pay money for I work at varies and Wireless and it's ok our plans are pretty expensive but I've worked for Sprint and AT and T and would say that ver ism has the best customer service and coverage of the 4 major US carriers the one thing that really annoys me working this type of job 'is when people call in asking what time are you open till I always say that we closed at 8:00 implying they might want to get here well before then without exception they will show up with a family of four a couple minutes before we close and I'm stuck at work for an extra hour any plans I might have had after work are now in jeopardy I used to work as a door-to-door salesman the customers were awful I understand you don't want to answer the door to someone selling something but they behaved like I was Satan incarnate it's eating their puppy on their porch I had dog six on me I was chased I was threatened with rape I had the cops called on me I had trash thrown at me I was framed for vandalism I had one person walk behind me down the block drunkenly bellowing over me every time I spoke to someone my bosses were amazing every Thursday when we got back to the office they had pizza for us every Saturday they took us out for breakfast before our last shift of the week if someone was horrible to us they looked them up in the white pages and lectured them sternly about behaving like adults they even got some of the [ __ ] to apologize to us despite the customers and because of my bosses it was one of the best jobs I ever had GameStop they treat me well pay me well and I have fun with my job sure the work is tedious and mind-numbing but it's a job best part is explaining to parents why GTA 5 is not good for their kids also watchdogs and the looks on the eight-year-olds face mm mm priceless [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 391,619
Rating: 4.9011345 out of 5
Keywords: work, hated, hated company, most hated companies, ea hate, work for a hated company, company, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit, TZ Reddit
Id: jy9My-wvivY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 18 2019
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