Men, What's The Most Hurtful Thing A Girl Has Ever Said To You? (r/AskReddit)

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men afraid it what's the most hurtful thing a girl has ever said to you you are like perfect boyfriend material I just wish you were better looking word-for-word after talking to her for a couple weeks I'm not a good looking man so imagine my surprise when a beautiful girl approaches me in a crowded bar this had never happened before she beckoned me close and said hey do you mind if I kiss you it's a dare then looked over at her table of friends in the distance who were in absolute hysterics s s s s sure I mumbled not out of nerves for once but out of sadness after I realized that I was just there but of another joke I didn't want to kiss her at all but I'm socially awkward at the best of times and saying no world prolong the situation even longer no I didn't enjoy it as her lips met mine I could feel tears welling up in my eyes her friends were cheering across the crowded bar and my own mates were starting to crack up I wanted to disappear other people say much nastier things to me in public all the time but this was the most hurtful it was something about how quickly her words lifted me to cloud nine and then dropped me back to reality when I was about twenty one of my best friends came around and was upset that a guy had rejected her and said she wasn't attractive she was crying and slightly drunk as I hugged her she said now I understand what it must feel like to be you about twice I've gotten it isn't your personality or figure I'm just not into black guys I'm not mad people are entitled to their preference it just sucks but the only thing wrong is something I have no ability to change I was 14 on board of Ororo ship in the middle of the Adriatic on our way to Greece yes the exact same ship that caught on fire last week it was really frigging hot so I decided against sleeping in our cabin I took my sleeping bag topside and installed myself half an hour later a couple of French girls show up I was almost to sleep but heard one of them say hey there's someone sleeping there - which another girl replied peut-être a less jolly maybe he's pretty close bracket immediately after those words the whole world erupts into a blinding white light the girl had taken a flashlight and shone it directly into my face and then she spoke that single terrible word not I once had a girl I was interested and openly flirting with tell me too bad you aren't as good-looking as your brothers I have self-confidence issues but being told I was the ugly brother was absolutely brutal to hear for the record I have four brothers not me but a girl I know read a text she sent to her ex bf you're the most pathetic person I've ever met it's no wonder your parents don't want to have a relationship with you you work out at the gym so people will like you and not talk behind your back but in reality everyone says how much of a loser you are you're a balding 30 year old with a physique that no one could be attracted to and never will you're hung like a baby and most of my friends think you're actually gay a part of me died after eating that women know how to uncover a man's deepest insecurities and pulverize their self-esteem honestly I'm not sure I'd ever recover from something like that god be with you man nothing when you make plans or they text you wanting to do something as friends and then the time comes and they don't show you put your time into trying to make a get-together work while they completely dissed it they lost nothing from doing this in their mind they did nothing wrong their world is still alright for you though it's time wasted preparing telling all the friends no you can't hang out there because you've already got plans it's a betrayal on all levels you've lost time in your life sometimes money if you bought a ticket relationship-wise you aren't any better friends with them or anyone else this goes for everyone but I've had girls do it to me the most you're cute and an awesome guy you're just a short for me it's happened on more than one occasion but [ __ ] it just gives me more time and money to spend on hobbies and doing fun stuff edit yes everyone is entitled to their own attractions it's just a blow to the self-esteem when you work out work hard for a good job and try to better yourself in every way only to be rejected by the one thing you can't control though don't post much but I might have a good one for this dated a girl around a year and had just brought her home to meet my family during winter break since my family lives in Hawaii I stayed behind an extra two weeks to spend time at home before the next semester started three days after she got back from her visit she decided to break up with me over faster doc really took me by surprise this was the first real relationship I had ever had and the first girl I ever loved I took it pretty hard after a pretty rough on me two weeks being confused I gave her a call to set up a time I could pick up a few personal belongings I had left in her apartment for safety reasons she had a lock on her door she told me the last time we spoke in person I don't know why you are taking this so hard you shouldn't let someone mean this much to you in your life just move on it's no big deal you will be fine might not seem that bad to some but that [ __ ] will stick with me forever at the time I felt like I would never get better have to say though it was probably the nicest thing she ever did for me got my [ __ ] together and worked on myself honestly I couldn't be happier than I'm right now sometimes things happen for a reason why are you being so quiet I'm pregnant what why didn't you tell me when did you find out this morning it isn't yours in hindsight it's better she was up front almost immediately about it instead of ruining my life but the second she said it wasn't mine it was just a world of emotions I love you SID as I dropped her off at her shitty apartment allegedly I could never come in when her roommates were home since they were hostile and very embarrassing people so it went for months later would turn out it was because she didn't live there her other boyfriend lived there her apartment was a short walk around the corner from there apparently it was too long at a walk so she would simply have me deliver her to her other man she would kiss me goodbye say she loved me and less than a minute later be wrapped around another guy this will probably get varied that I felt I had to share I had a girlfriend that arted with for a year before I moved off to college but we stayed together we got into a big fight really quickly after that and she was legitimately trying to make me break up with her she said every mean thing she could think of short of one untouchable subject to get me to say I was done when we were together she had been pregnant but had a miscarriage during our fight she said I'm glad I had that miscarriage you would have been a terrible father as someone who had lost a parent at a young age I have always known that I would do my best to give my kids the world when that time comes and I was not against the idea of us having kids together I loved her when she said that it cut deep kyo DRX who had a miscarriage told me that she was glad that it happened because I would have been a terrible father it doesn't matter how blonde or athletic you are you would still have been killed by Hitler I have cerebral palsy edit added context since I got a lot of response well it was a bit over a year ago now so I can't remember all the details we are hanging out at my place and talked about stuff she then started laughing and said that she thought about something awful or she could have said that she thought of an awful joke card I asked her what it was and then she said it so in a way it was kind of my fault for her saying so since I asked but it's still a shitty thing to say or event hink about tbh / how can you be his brother he's really good-looking can you tell your brother I was asking after him not to me about me like that I slept with her spread it around a number of people it's a weird feeling being sexually harassed in such a manner I don't even know what to say it's gross and pathetic at the same time I understand why girls get so upset about that sort of thing I want to marry someone just like you but with hair [ __ ] you I didn't choose to go bald at 22 but thanks to that [ __ ] I stopped letting it bother me don't like my chrome-dome not my problem I'm sexy like Pinkett after proposing to her getting engaged spending wonderful months with her I had to go abroad for six months for work about three months since she said I feel like I made a mistake I don't feel like I'm that close to you or I love you anymore my texts the way I felt at the moment was indescribable a few months later she came back to me to tell me that she actually loves me and wants me as a friend hurts terribly when you're still emotionally recovering a month later she got engaged to another guy who was already source of arguments when I was still with her my entire life felt like a lie at this point I felt like the three years I spent with her were just a big lie and this guy had probably already been around for a long time to save me from depression I decided that I wouldn't continue asking me questions about was it actual love or was she with him lying the whole time and chose to trust her still terrible though a bit of a backstory but the case has a bit of poetic justice as well this was in college and because I tend to have a large vocabulary the girl that ended up becoming my fiancee thought I was from some rich family out in suburbia as opposed to a scholarship student anyways long story short she begins to prepare moving into my rent controlled apartment and disillusionment begins setting in immediately she sees she's not going to be getting her white picket fence fantasy right off the bat and all effort into the relationship plummets she's basically chilling at the apartment online when not in class I come home from work one day to find she has been playing the town bike in our bed I tell the dude to get out of my place before I decide to blow his head off and tell the cops he was raping my fiancee and begin having it out verbally with a soon-to-be ex and that's when she dropped the bomb well if you were a real man you'd be much taller [ __ ] school boy now my height has never been a sensitive topic to me I've always found ways to make it work to my advantage but hearing that come from a woman who had basically been a leech on my resources in time so she could have fun riding a [ __ ] carousel on my dime was infuriating but I managed to keep myself under control well to be honest I'm not a fan of women who [ __ ] it up all over town but at least the [ __ ] has control over who she banks the good thing about sports though you don't have marry one she teared up called me an [ __ ] and said I had only myself to blame ha I shook my head and went true I'm an [ __ ] but all of this today that's on you and this [ __ ] is through with your lying [ __ ] get your [ __ ] and get out bonus round she showed up on my doorstep six months later with the baby and so trying to get a place to stay she got kicked out of her place she had been staying at because she got caught cheating again when I told her to confirm she looked down at the baby and tried to convince me it could be mine my response woman do you expect me to believe a white woman and an Irishman would form a mulatto baby get off my doorstep before I call the cops haven't heard from her since it doesn't count as six if you didn't come it was my first experience and I felt like a champ the next day until she told me that and it wasn't even my fault she finished a few seconds in and tossed me a towel laughter words and said to finish myself I don't know why it crushed my little heart back then she was my crush since I was 12 though we still messed around afterwards years later if neither of us had a relationship and needed to blow off stream but a callous way she said it made me glad we never dated she would have probably reduced my manhood to sad man being drugged behind his woman with a defeated face when I was a sophomore in college I had a ref WB that started freshman year we hadn't hung out in a while and she kept texting saying we needed to get together so we end up planning a study date on a Tuesday or some [ __ ] she comes to my place and we legit study for a bit then things take a fun turn we just make out course she didn't want to jump in where we had left off months before anyway I'm messing with her phone when she receives a text that says how was the pity date and I see her previous text calling a just a pity date I pretend like I didn't see it and she leaves 30 minutes later when walking her to her car she leans in for a kiss and I turn away saying I think that maybe one too many for a pity date her face goes to horror and she's speechless I walk away and she calls out my name like in a shitty movie never spoke to her again and now she's fat TL DR girl wants to hang calls it a pity date to a friend I win [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 1,740,655
Rating: 4.9401231 out of 5
Keywords: most hurtful, most, hurtful, men, men of reddit, most hurtful thing, most hurtful thing a girl has said, girl, girl has said, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit, TZ Reddit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2019
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