Cashiers Talk About Suspicious Items A Customer Purchased (r/AskReddit)

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cashiers of Reddit what is the most suspicious set of items a customer has purchased man bought eight hundred dollars of roblox shift codes and when I questioned him on it he said I asked my daughter what she wanted for Christmas and she said she wanted roblox chips so now for not being specific she can try and find a way to spend her Christmas budget of robux I really aspire to be more like this man not a cashier but I've bought suspicious items together I walk to the star to get a bathtub plug to try a bathroom but just as I left my mom asked me to get a toaster I did the lady working the stand looked at me are you okay I didn't realize what it looked like at the moment I once bought nothing but a toy from my two-year-old nephew a bottle of motor oil and condoms at the same time all for separate reasons but it was not lost on me what connections could be made I worked at a hamburger place we would portion ground beef in plastic bags management was awful and we ran out of things constantly I was usually the only employee with a car so I'd go to the store down the street and buy like five to ten boxes of 200 number flip top plastic sandwich bags I realized after I while they thought I was a drug dealer razors kitty litter and lube I feel sorry for your cat I bought a case of a 100 shotgun shells and a loofah a tuam at once with my buddy and the cashier was like what are you two boys up to I once bought four cans of whipped cream chocolate sauce sprinkles and condoms funniest bitters that I didn't even think of how it looked the first three items were for my daughter's birthday party and the condoms were just her oh yeah we are out afterthought the cashier Mayo checked me out then winked and said now you have a nice night and I sort of stared at him for a moment until my brain fired ahhh and made the connection then I laughed and said oh don't worry I will my husband still makes fun of me wouldn't say suspicious but the amount of people who came in to buy large quantities of poppy seeds and a 2lt of soda I later understood what they did but for the longest time I was confused as to why so many people were using their foot stamp card to buy so many bread sprinkles this is only one item it's the circumstances that make it suspicious my brother was driving along behind someone who hit a deer they stopped and he also stopped as is common in rural areas he asked if they were going to eat it and when they said no offered to clear it up for them he started butchering the deer and after gutting and a few other things realized that he had nothing in his car to put the meat in so he went to the nearest store to get something he got the weirdest look from the cashier it was only then that he realized that he had walked into a gas station late at night bloody to the elbows and bought black plastic garbage bags worked at Barnes & Noble's for a year if there is something I learned from working there is old people are free Kiev this 72 year old women is checking out with me and she has a couple of books a Bible a home-and-garden book a book on grieving and a book about sex toys different shapes sizes and how to use them we are trained not to question / comment on what purchases are being made if the purchase includes sexual content I apparently forgot my training in said looks like someone is going to have a lot of fun tonight insert awkward stare and silence she looks at me and says praising Jesus is always fun if you have the right friend I giggled awkwardly and finished wringing her arm turns out the sex toy book was for her granddaughter and the Bible was for her and her congregation till this day I still feel like granny was going to a weird gangbang Bible study group once when I was younger 1718 I I went to the store with some friends and bought several 1 to 2 litre sodas a bottle of muriatic acid and a roll of tinfoil as we were leaving the store a plainclothes security guy stopped us and said I've been to bomb school two boys at first I thought he had said I've been to bang school and I was trying to figure out what kind of bond we could be making and where one would sign up to go to bond school anyway he took down our names looking back on it I probably didn't have to give him my name but I was young and obviously stupid and told us that if he heard about any bombs going off in the area he would send the cops to our houses we still blow up the bottles I don't think they could even properly be called bombs and we never got in any trouble as part of a lost bet a friend had to do a dare we sent them to the supermarket with a specific set of actions in mind one go to the cash register with a big box of condoms to realize you don't have the money to buy them go put it back three go to the same cash register again holding cling film and rubber bands I was the customer I bought an old lady style cardigan a later singlet and a g-string thought I mail I realized how bad it looked at the register I was also 26 I work at a craft store this isn't really suspicious but some sorority girls came up and bought an unfinished wooden paddle among other things selling Graham scales was always fun our Epis system would direct us to ask if they would like a relevant item so whenever anyone bought Graham scales we had to ask the customer if they would like any little plastic baggies and then asked to take their personal information to sign them up for promotional staff obligatory not a cashier not my purchase etc my six-year-old cousin was murdered in 2002 her killer was intending to kill her father not her once they arrested him they were able to pull store surveillance and a receipt the sick [ __ ] had stopped at a store and bought a butcher knife Coleman fuel and lighters on his way to commit the crime that's always haunted me a bit I worked in a pharmacy here in the u.k and a customer brought in a very old chemistry set so they get the relevant items and teach their kid it wasn't long after the seven over seven terror attacks in London and some of the ingredients looked familiar I asked the pharmacist to double-check what was needed and she asked the customer to go into the consultation room for a quick chat turns out some of the ingredients could be combined to make heavily corrosive chemicals and in the worst instance a very crude explosive device we denied him the sale and the guy never kicked up a fuss just laughed and asked that we throw the Box away at our round someone bought 12 bunches of celery two grocery bags for not sure what they were doing with it because I don't know who eats that much celery I'm not a cashier but as a sex worker I'm ever so grateful for self-serve checkout always got depending on the person weird / cheeky / horrified looks when stocking up on various sizes of condoms lubricant sea sponges sandwich bags baby wipes and massage oil law I worked as a cashier for a certain hardware store chain that has an affinity for the colors blue and red my most memorable customer was a younger Hispanic guy he approached me with a pair of tin snips and asked quietly if I thought that they would break through the typical locks used by storage units the round silver ones I told him that he'd need bolt cutters or an angle grinder would be his best bet I helped him find a cheaper angle grinder and a variety of disks I never asked what he was using them for but he said his key broke off in his units lock I still wonder sometimes if he used it to commit crimes or not not a cashier but we sell very much industrial equipment we received an order for north of 200k USD from an obscure post USSR state they didn't seem to understand what they were buying what it was used for they didn't care about any of the specs or configuration options but they were ready to wire the money ASAP they just wanted formal invitations into us for 12 people to come visit full training for very specific date range for two weeks normally takes one day didn't sit well with management so they started asking follow-up questions and the guys disappeared about 10 years ago I went to the store to buy condoms and called my wife to see if she needed anything she told me to buy our toddler some new underwear I went through the self checkout that day I don't think you're going to get a whole lot of cashier responses to this one having worked as a cashier for many years I can say in all honesty that when you're doing it you're totally on autopilot like ask me the blue code for any vegetable you want I absolutely won't know it but put me on a register right now and I could bang it out no problem I don't think it's particularly suspicious what they bought but how they got them I was working at Sam's Club a few years ago it's a warehouse store a lot like Costco I go in and very early on in the day a man comes up with nine flaps of food over two to three thousand dollars worth of food ribs steaks lobster potatoes all of everything I could see this dude was eating like a king he then paid it off using only at food goods multiple cards I don't know how he got them but he used at least six of them a single own-brand pot noodle zero pounds thirty-seven which he tried to pay for with a 50-pound note and an O can you just change this massive wad of cash while your tails open yeah right you are pal closely followed by the 1 pound pregnancy test and a 30 pound bottle of vodka whichever way you look at it that isn't ending well as for all the loot slash condoms slash Cochrane's slash tire here pills etc we literally don't give a [ __ ] we won't remember you unless you act weird about it I only remember the guy who came in to buy a new skirt and tights once a week because he kept going on about how they were definitely for his sister who couldn't come to the shop herself mate I literally don't care if you want to wear a skirt it's 2019 people are doing a lot weirder I worked for walnut as a trainee for two months and I remember some guy trying to get a pillow set with little frills on the side not packaged and it didn't have a price tag so someone told me to go find the item with a price tag so they can ring it up I didn't find it but I found a single pillow that was a different color from his then it hit me that he just grabbed a bunch of them and tied them together just a bunch of gift cards unfortunately nothing so interesting he came up and tried to buy about $500 worth of cards I needed a manager to approve it so I told him and picked up my phone to call he said what why never mind and ran out the doors condoms and fly spray I probably wouldn't have even noticed if the young couple buying them hadn't been very insistent that they weren't going to be used together also the couple buying strawberries and squirty cream at half 9:00 at night on Valentine's Day I was at a hardware store and I bought a hatchet because I need to trim some limbs on a tree which overhung my roof on my way to the checkout I remembered that I needed some heavyweight twine and duct tape to tie off some boxes that I'd been meaning to put in the Attic it wasn't until I laid them all out on the counter that I realized how it looked gulp once I went to the convenience store to buy multiple staff but the first three items I give the cashier are a small notebook a penance and razors which I don't even remember what they were for I also wore all black the guy freaked out and asked me if everything was okay I later realized he thought I was about to kill myself I know it shouldn't be funny but I laughed one time I was in line behind two very clean-cut guys slim well-dressed short hair and mustaches one was buying a box of latex gloves in the other hand two cans of ready WIC in the same line were a pair of obese young women one with a large cake the other with a box of ice cream and a copy of TV Guide apparently it was story night at Albertsons in NOT a cashier but I saw some guy buying a like 15 gallons of leek whoo and a mop and plastic wrapping and stuff like that mostly the ordinary stuff you'll see a serial killer and the guy looked like he hasn't slept in days what I suspect is that he did the thing from next away he wraps his victims in plastic wrapper and stabs them then cleans up a mess not a cashier but a customer so I was in a store with a small pharmacy on the side and I went in to buy condoms I was going to my gfs house and I figured I might as well come prepared I was going with a few friends though one of which was getting a right to my gfs house before so he came into the store with me he went to buy some chips while I went to find the pharmacy by going choose a pack and as I'm getting the receipt my friend walks up behind me I wasn't worried until the cashier looked back and forth between us a few times and I realized that he was seeing two guys buying condoms I live in Tanzania homosexual intercourse is illegal here and frowned upon I told the cashier they were for someone else God to this day I wondered what whould have happened if that guy decided to get the attention of the cops sitting right outside the building I'm a cashier at a local hardware store sometimes people buy weird [ __ ] like the guy who bow six double packs of gallon jugs of Drano like bro call a plumber local businesses also have charge accounts to use a Funeral Home guy recently came in and bough three hoses sprayers and about eight pairs of pliers what the [ __ ] is going on there or the lady from the local hair salon who bought out our stock of needlenose pliers about 12 then ordered site to store another 10 pair all charged to the salon account that one was really confusing [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 1,756,517
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Keywords: cashiers, cashiers of reddit, suspicious items, suspicious, items, suspicious items to buy, purchased, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit, TZ Reddit, cashier
Id: BB7a4qGW-5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2019
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