Bartenders, What Stereotypes Come With Specific Drinks? (r/AskReddit)

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bartenders of Reddit what are the stereotypes that come with specific drinks people order JJ Abrams are ordered by students which just want to get fucked up a SAP pina colada you care more about flavor than image also want to be in the Caribbean pornstar Martinez I'm going to be loud and obnoxious all night and my vomit is going to be neon orange when I drank five of these one Caucasian please neck but Fedora dude ordered about ten white Russians from me one night and called them Caucasians every time while chuckling to himself every time he came up to the bar if you pull up a drink you found on Pinterest and it has 25 steps and is more pretty than tasty I can tell already you are a future I want to speak to the manager type of mom from my experience if you order a Bud Light Miller Lite Budweiser with a shot of bourbon or whiskey you probably work a manual labor intensive job most older women want vodka with water slash tonic slash soda younger woman tend to order vodka with cranberry or sweeter mixed drinks younger men tend to order IPAs or craft beers I can always tell who just turned 21 due to all the complex sweet shots with fancy names being ordered old ladies that want to party usually start with margaritas i bartend on the weekends at a shot and beer spot so I don't get a lot variety add extra vodka to my drink I give them the bill why are you charging me for extra alcohol idiot but usually someone who wants to get drunk for cheap and is going to complain that the drink is not strong enough life pro tip for bartenders before serving fill the straw with well tequila you will never get another complaint about a weakling martini shaker not s TIR r ad equals idiot who knows nothing about booze and definitely has no idea what they are ordering and will most likely not like it that said I'm pretty tolerant of most drink orders people are allowed to like what they like even if I don't share the same tastes I usually go up to the bartender and order coke but make it look like an alcoholic drink I don't drink bartenders usually understand my plight thank you for letting me fit in when a customer orders a fireball for himself a coke for his young friend some blowjob shots for the two ladies with their boyfriends across the bar and two Cosmopolitan's for their boyfriends a damn cool bar fight is about to happen any variety of Boilermaker guaranteed the customer is an alcoholic I had a guy who would regularly order 22 ounce bottles of some limited run macro brew he preferred the beer poured over ice with a shot of vodka radit he also didn't own a vehicle unless you count a bicycle as a vehicle here's to you who do child ma'am I feel like the compliment to this question is what we are really after bartenders have read it what can we order that doesn't disappoint you and won't make you judge us my go-to is a bourbon old-fashioned a bartender once told me this means I'm an old woman from the south I work pretty exclusively in small cocktail bars ones that seat 50 iced people tops and you're expected to be able to have a good chat with the bartender and rely on their classics knowledge party so we don't even expect tips since this thread turned into a bit of a judgment fest and some insecurities from people about their drink orders I thought I'd talk about that honestly there's not much hype judged you for as long as you don't complain about the outcome unless someone absolutely knows what they want they usually get a steal asking what they usually like or if they like sweet sour slash try /et see Long Island iced teas are a valid drink but you're only getting 1015 NLS of each spirit of the limitations cosmos are an excellent cocktail but it's coming out line heavy and a nice opaque soft pink instead of the cartoonishly pink they appear on TV want your martini shaken Oh baby I love a vespa martini but it's gonna be half - half vodka and a healthy dose of coqui americano the only common enough burneth similar to the now-extinct original fair mouth used in the James Bond original old and run Ryle bourbon I might thrill a little bit of a spiel your way about the wonderful world of sazeracs if you look like the adventurous type want something sweet that you can't really taste the boozing enjoy your Charlie Chaplin you like gin tonics but don't really know cocktails enjoy your Hendrix smash you like sours and want to try something new but Trinidad sour for the Wild Ones New York South or something safe you like French Martinez get the hell out of my bar jokes enjoy your Charlie Chaplin to be completely honest if you ever feel like you're being judged for your drink choice then that's just pretty car D service because frankly even if they are judging you you definitely shouldn't know about it if you live in larger cities try small cocktail bars if you genuinely don't know your own tastes if they are good enough they should be happy to help you find something to your tastes used to be a bartender in a pub in London typical bar you're selling a lot of beer the odd CIDR or glass of wine there was a local gangster type that even the other hard bastards in the pub used to be wary of friendly enough guy but definitely not someone anyone wanted to be on the wrong side of he drank nothing but bright pink watermelon Bacardi breezers taught me not to judge Vegas bombs either having a great time and one guy's flexing cash with a bunch of friends will tip well or doubt your back flexing cash around random people he barely knows will not tip well vodka soda whether splash of cran will either be an obnoxious white girl or a slender game an IPA drinker severe dude dads who want to ask 15 questions and try 15 samples Long Island drinkers are almost always garbage and bad tippers there is an entire demographic of female drinkers that don't care what it tastes like as long as it is pink or blue the woman who would add a lemon drop is the only person to this day who has screamed at me at work so I'll say that's a drink for high-maintenance assholes guessing from the reactions I get when I order an old-fashioned people expect those who drink it to either build or a fan of Mad Men I neither as a grown man who orders Shirley temple's I can say the stereotype is usually that I'm joking I'm not Cosmo this person is almost certainly a pain-in-the-ass question for bartenders do you judge people who order soft drinks I usually end up being the driver that feel as though I'm getting judged by the star / customers at the bar for ordering a coke rather than a beer or something alcoholic even more so at a proper club rather than a regular bar anyone who would is a drink and says make it stun means that they aren't going to dip no I will not give you free booze this is how I make my living I always ask if they want to order and therefore pay for a double the answer is always now you can fuck right off my good sir the nice people ones who look around the bar really quick to see how busy I'm before ordering something that needs to be month-old / blended / requires more than five ingredients I want to shout for joy when someone is like I'll have a mijito actually this place is super busy just a gin and tonic thanks nuts to the group of 10 who will want Diaries with extra fruit mixed in a strawberry daiquiri with a handful of blueberries and how dare you forget which one of us specified this during happy hour rush once in Nick I overheard a dude ordering of seven seas turned out it's a splash of the first seven things that bartender sees yeah instantly judged as an alcoholic Long Island iced teas rarely get tips and are almost always asked to make it strong it's nearly an entire cup of liquor how TF am I supposed to make it stronger can you make me something fruity a charanpur an at around may send this back for being too strong we'll probably make out with that creepy regular that drinks Bud Light drafts on the dance floor after one cocktail and a wood world tended bar at a pan tropical Bistro when I was in graduate school naturally we had a few pre blended fruity frozen drinks which were typically served in a hurricane glass with garnishes one evening a very manly man ordered but requested that did not be served in a fag ot class apparently real men during their mango ma'am posed in proper old-fashioned glasses i bartend on occasion I don't really stereotype what you order so much as when you order you need to realize as much as you may think it's first-come first-serve it's not it's drinks per hour you want a legit O or anything that takes a bit of time to make try not to order it when I have six other people ordering I will put you to the back of the line you will see those six people likely get there Amin coke whiskey neat bit and gg bombs before I even start on your mijito my job is to make the most amount of customers happy if those six people have to wait two minutes while I get out the mint sprigs muddle them properly add more lime and sugar let it soak a second muddle again add the ice and drown stir add the club soda we stir garnish and serve they are not going to be happy if you have to wait two minutes while I get all the rest of the easy drinks done you're not going to be happy so I can either annoy one person or I can annoy six people sorry man my job is to sling the most drinks I can now sure if it's a constant rush I won't keep bumping you to the back of the line I'll probably make yours while taking other orders but you're not going to get my undivided attention if you order a high maintenance drink during a rush we turned an outdoor shed into a tiki bar shortly after the smoking ban we melibea gave us these little buckets to make fun fruity drinks in as a promotional thing I was 18 but knew the basics of bartending and three couples came in and asked for it in those damn buckets of course I screwed up my alcohol portions because the drink is fucking straight booze in a bucket and all three couples went inside to complain to my manager about my drink making skills in the prices I charged we gave the buckets away to make sandcastles after that we also had a bartender who refused to make a Bloody Mary after 4 p.m. said it was a day drink vodka soda you're on a diet margarita Europe pain in my ass scotch and water you're over 50 with heart issues orange juice you're gonna tip me a quarter we had a bar nearby that will guess your drink basically the bartender would profile you and try to figure out what you would order he would write it on the beer napkin thing and turn it over after you ordered if he got it wrong you got a tiny discount it was good fun Manhattan slash old-fashioned forties businessman Negroni hipster 20-something cosmos slash felony 20 year old girl that asks for something jelly anything blended this varies but they all tend to come off as kind of oblivious to the world around them vodka cran pretty Universal boo - and JMO the Irish of course Shonda goth shout-out to the Brits Bud Light any man that walks in and says what kind of beer do you have Long Island iced tea equals let's get fucked up fast old fashioned equals either someone who knows their booze really well or not at all and they want to look sophisticated a Platini equals I'm away from the kids for the weekend Bush Lite eco-silver is n small-town folk vodka on the rocks equals someone who has been drinking long enough to enjoy the nasty burn of watered-down vodka w no mixer while in college I was a bartender at the only sports bar in the town our clientele was mostly locals with a few college kids at night especially on the weekends if you order a cement mixer for your naive friend you're an asshole if you order a cement mixer for yourself there's something wrong with you if you oughta picture after picture of the cheapest draught beer we have and only need one glass or mug to go with it you're most likely drinking to numb the pain of existence and probably just want to be left alone if you come to the bar frequently and only ever order one or two different types of drinks it's safe to assume that you've been around the block and you now know what you like you have my respect even if your drink is an amaretto sour if you lean over the bar and try to grab the plastic box of in debt scoffs where I keep all my drink recipes so you can look through everything and all of a weird-ass drink you can find you're an irritating individual and I want you to leave my bar as soon as possible unless you're going to tip me well which you most certainly are not if you're in a group of squealing girls wearing matching t-shirts and/or tiaras you will most likely order some shot or drink which is always complicated messy and involves fire you are the bane of my existence because in the seven minutes you're there you will swoop in make a racket order 30 of something make a mess demand to see me throw bottles around like they do in the movie cocktail argue with me over the tab argue amongst yourselves about who is paying the tab and tip poorly if at all before hauling your obnoxious asses to the next bar down the block leaving me with a huge mess to clean up decreasing the level of service I'm able to provide to my regular customers the ones who spend lots of time and money at my bar if this is you you're an inconsiderate act please go die in a fire [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 693,587
Rating: 4.8950939 out of 5
Keywords: stereotypes, bartenders, bartenders of reddit, specific drinks, stereotypes of drinks, specific, drinks, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit, TZ Reddit
Id: BEId_3-BTak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2019
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