What Horrible Punishments Did You Think Was Normal Until Later? (AskReddit)

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what is the punishment your parents used to do to you that at the time you thought was normal until you got older and realized it wasn't when I was young seven twelve my dad would take apart my talk knob and lock and put it on backwards so he could lock me in my own room he would let me out only to let me go to school and to use the bathroom once a day I'd also only get food once a day in which they would open my door toss me some food then lock it right back up I got used to him doing that so I kind of thought it was normal looking back I realize it was incredibly abusive my father never physically disciplined us even though he would threaten to do so once in a while if he got really mad he would go back to the bedroom and close the door then my mother had to deal with our problems she never understood why he never took any initiative in correcting our behavior after he died my father's sister told my mother that his father used to beat him all the time then it made sense breaking my staff but one time my mother grabbed an n64 game of mine and used a pot to bust it up the game survived the pot died she tossed the game in the dumpster by snuck it out I have no idea why but my mother had a thing about us drinking water at times I would be outside playing and come in saying I was thirsty and my mother would put her finger on my tongue to feel it and say that I was fine I guess because I still had saliva she didn't always do it just sometimes this was in the 80s and I've come to learn that she was always pulled out of her eyeballs on prescription drugs at the time and also suffered lifelong depression it's just something that I think about sometimes it seems quite cruel but at the time I just go and drink out of the garden hose when she wasn't watching my dad's thing was using his belt and making me take my pants down so he could whip my bare ass I never thought much of it until my gym teacher pulled me aside one day and told me to skip class that day because I had cuts all down the back my legs it was the seventies so nothing else happened I guess for some reason he didn't want the other boys to see it my dad would jizz on me and my siblings a lot here's the actual story my dad is Iranian so there's a little language barrier even to this day he had found that if he wrapped his hand around our wrists and pinched just the tiniest amount of wrist skin it would cause us enough non-harmful pain to where we would give in to whatever he wanted us to do and I think that he thought on some microscopic level the noises pinching would make was juice so there were times that my siblings and I would be dashing through the house in terror and my dad would be chasing us brandishing his hand yelling I'm gonna jizz on you and that's 100% true I would get in trouble for simply expressing an opinion if it was counter to what my parents thought my dad's punishment of choice was the belt of the bare bottom I'm female and this went on well into my teens he'd make me take off my pants and bend over the bed it was as humiliating as it was painful he was also the king of gas lighting and would sometimes ignore me for weeks if I'd slighted him in some way there were times he acted like I didn't exist and I'd have no idea what I'd done to upset him it made me very insecure because I never knew what would upset him or sometimes something that I'd said that made him laugh one time would piss him off the next time I said it so I'd say of things that had amused him before in a desperate attempt at gaining his approval only to set him off and end up getting beat and or ignored I thought all of this was fairly normal I once told my dad I was calling the cops on him and he so confidently told me to go ahead because they'd take his side and I'd be the one in trouble I believed him I thought this was how all families must be and that it was all my fault anyway I was horrible for making him do these things it wasn't until I was a teen that I kind of realized not all parents acted like that so then I just thought I had strict parents it wasn't until I was an adult that I realized what I'd endure was actual abuse yet I still felt weird calling it that the fact didn't really hit home for me until I had my own kids then it was like someone finally turned on the light that's when the therapy started when my sister and I were younger about four and seven she would pee her pants and I had trouble sleeping my parents solution to this was to make my sister where her peed underwear like a hat on her head and only address her as gross pee head they also decided to the way to cure my sleeping problems was for my stepdad to drag me out of bed at 4:30 / 5 a.m. he'd make me march up and down the street with no shoes chanting I will let my parents sleep at night I will not wake people up we'd do this for an hour or until I started to cry he called the mommy days I didn't realize how insanely abusive these things were until I was telling stories to a boy friend of mine a couple years ago and he got upset about my abusive childhood it honestly seemed normal to make my ex step that was weird if I left a cup of soda out he would pour the whole bottle down the sink he would take away Christmas or birthday gifts if we were bad whatever that meant my things got taken away a lot feelings were frowned upon he was super protective of my mom during a time when I needed her the most I was ten and my parents had just gotten divorced and we moved a few hundred miles away I remember maybe a month after we moved I had a massive ear infection I was crying because it hurts so bad and instead of comforting me he was just holding my mom telling her how great she was like me and my siblings any bad feeling we had just ruined her life or something what made it hard was a lot of the things I was getting punished for were because I had severe undiagnosed at the time anxiety happy ending she dropped his ass when I was 15 and her and I have an amazing relationship my mom hated me being fat so she would make me just eat iceberg lettuce while everyone ate real dinner I would cry so much but she'd say it's my fault for getting fat she also would only buy me clothes way too small for me probably hoping I would be inspired to fit in them which sucked because of time I told her I didn't have clothes for school she would throw me down and beat me up savagely she also made me go to stupid [ __ ] from exercise classes to acupuncture alone to find the cure for my chubbiness I hated going and it made me hate myself even more finally a thread I can comment on in seventh grade we were talking about how our fathers would smack us et Cie when we were bad there was this kid who once told us about how his father would poke his and his little sister's butthole if they were bad meaning if they did something naughty his father would stick his finger up inside the kids are soul at the time we thought it was so gross but not abuse two young years later I'm in high school with him he's a little withdrawn but he always was GBH never brought it up but I always remembered sorry there is no justice to this story like you may have wanted at least to my knowledge my dad would punch and break things all the time yeah we got belt spanked but his anger outbursts caused me the most long-term damage for instance he might get mad at breakfast for something random and then he'd just punch our TV and break it one time he scratched his truck so he got out and started beating up the mailbox and going crazy on it while we just sat there and watched holes in the walls temper tantrums you name it he did it he would also get in fights at softball games and whatever else as an adult I have a really bad startled reaction to any sudden noise I don't like violence of any kind if I see people fighting or even animals it causes huge anxiety in my gut I don't spank my kids and never will or resort to any sudden outburst they are amazing children and it's proof that kids can behave without spankings sometimes abuse is not obvious to anyone reading if you have an anger problem and take it out on things get help even if you don't hurt your child directly trust me that violence is still sinking very deep into their psyches let's see what else my mom used to do this thing where she told my siblings she loved them but would purposely not say my name this taught me from an early age that I was damaged and not worthy to be loved it was also very normal for my dad to call us stupid idiots or completely stonewalled us and respond to our questions with dead silence this was the worse growing up though I just always assumed every household was like this I have trouble even writing a lot of things on here b/c I always fear there's an abusive parent reading this thread to get ideas to use on their kids I think the paranoia and sensitivity will be something I'll always carry severe verbal abuse I only just recently realized this but my father has severe anger problems and whenever he was pissed off at me he would throw things yell and point out every one of my flaws and tell me how I'd never amount to anything because of him I started believing him and now he's the reason I have no self-esteem not my parent but this guy my mom dated before he marrying he would put down uncooked rice on the floor next to a wall and make me kneel on the rice while having my hands on the wall as if holding up the wall I still get chills just touching uncooked rice I'm 25 this happened in the late nineties when I was around five this has to be some kind of old-school form of punishment no when my dad was in grade school teachers were allowed to give the strap to students for punishment and when my dad got the strap at school his old man would strap him again for getting in [ __ ] at school so when my dad was raising me back in the day it was not unusual at all for parents to spank their kids I was lucky he only ever used his hand on my ass he didn't hold back though my ass was tanned plenty he was a big dude and an angry dude a fair amount of the time today we call that abuse I honestly don't want to debate anyone on whether it was or wasn't because I'm not really sure I lived it and I know the studies that had been done and they aren't wrong I just don't hate my dad for it he was only doing what he was taught and what many other parents did as well back a few decades ago and if it had been called abuse and had there been awareness about it back when I was a kid I don't think my dad would have done it not my parents but my aunt who used to babysit us always threatened to have us put in a mental institution anytime one of his kids acted up she would go on a rant about calling the mental hospital and having us sent there and locked up I mean we weren't teenagers or anything we were all 5 to 10 years old it didn't take me too long to really she was most likely the one who should have been carted off to a mental institution I was completely in charge of my younger brothers I had to change diapers give them baths feed them get them dressed everything was my job when I was in high school I was responsible for watching them over summer break and if I wanted to hang out with friends I had to take them with me my mom bragged about it to her friends said it was the best form of birth control so I wouldn't want to risk having sex as a teen and getting pregnant Thinnes she essentially made me a teen mom in trying to prevent me from becoming a teen mom I had to make all the sacrifices a teen mom has to make without even getting pregnant destroying my things making me cook for myself from the age of five and up I didn't realize this was unusual until my therapist just last week told me with Olding food with Olding water slamming my head into walls manipulating me into doing things I didn't want to do laughing at me if I got hurt and telling me to toughen up and stop with the crocodile tears to this day the phrase crocodile tears gives me flashbacks stopping me from sleeping for days on end locking me in cupboards for days on end prohibiting me from showering ripping my hair out cutting my hair violently with blunt scissors isolating me to the point where I don't know basic things most people my age no beaten cut my twin sister if I messed up or became annoying et Cie ET c ET c i never thought twice about it anytime I tried to tell another adults they would tell me to respect my elders or to stop misbehaving or assuming I was acting like a teenage brat even at 7 and deserved everything I got and more nobody reached out to comfort me nobody tried to protect me nobody did anything rarely in my life have I ever experienced human kindness and yet I'm not a sociopath I hate to see other people in pain and I'll always extend a hand if it won't put me at a detriment I will be ok even if I'm a bit traumatized and mistrusting I'm a functional and reasonably successful young adult with a future ahead of me and I made it all on my own my mom had a pretty short temper and was overall unreasonable she verbally lashed out at us mostly my dad over the dumbest stuff she talked crap about us behind our backs to each other she'd for example asked my why I didn't do my laundry I'd tell her that it slipped my mind apologize then tell her that I'd start it right away she would then get pissed and among that I had remembered to do it in the first place you can't make things right for my mom you just let her put you down until she's satisfied the whole if you tell the truth I won't be upset thing parents tell us his complete garbage when I was 15 my grandparents her parents were struggling medically we were the only family they had in town so we had to take care of him grandpa's going see not around this time and would often respond negatively to our help he hated doctors and wouldn't take his meds he was more than we could handle we recommended an institution that could take care of them grandpa reposed the idea every time we brought it up eventually my mom got sick of it and pretty much disconnected us from them we didn't visit them on Mother's Day or Father's Day or any other holiday for that matter when I wanted to visit them I had to ask my dad for permission while keeping it a secret from mom we moved about a year later and my mom didn't let us share our new address with anyone but close friends because she didn't want her parents to know where we went they're still in and out of the hospital but I don't really know how they are you can't call out her BS she liked incriminating others saying we were selfish for not let we have feelings put yourself in my shoes she'd say because of this dad was always on her side defending her she targeted most of her rage at in many ways kids aren't playing outside it's his fault for being at work rather than taking them fishing or something break another laptop slash phone must mean he's being stingy and buying his wife garbage because his stuff never breaks straight up just not happy find something he's doing wrong and create an argument about it growing up I thought lashing out at others for stupidity and being inconvenient was just a normal thing people did she was a terrible example that way and it really hurt my sister she's constantly struggling to control her explosive emotions and frequently is depressed mom and dad berated her for her emotional instability and she felt like she couldn't do anything right she's currently fighting to become a more independent and confident adult personally I noticed the ways her bad example we are affecting me early on but it's still really hard to be a better person everybody rants I noticed but when I rant people around me get super uncomfortable I always catch myself too late it was really difficult to decide how I felt about my mom because she was also genuinely loving and really cared about us she just put herself first I loved her yet I hated her for the way she treated my dad he deserved better [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 1,411,538
Rating: 4.9507685 out of 5
Keywords: horrible punishments, horrible, punishments, until later, later, until, punishment, horrible punishment, think was normal, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, emkay, ToadFilms, GioFilms
Id: NQV5xh5gGhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2019
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