Rich People, What Do We 99% Desire That Actually Kind Of Sucks? (AskReddit)

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rich people have read it what is something us 99% is desire but you've learned actually kind of sucks having full-time staff at home you never have any privacy growing up none of those crazy house parties you see in films without the estate manager cleaning staff or chef knocking on you you can't even jerk off without being offered a tissue guy from a formerly rich family here still comfortable but not rich anymore all products come in four tiers ultra cheap crap which lasts six weeks because it's so low quality decent stuff which lasts a few years or decades amazing stuff which lasts several generations and ultra expensive crap which lasts six weeks because it's so high maintenance one of my dad's buddies is a multi-millionaire CEO of a fortune 500 and my dad is one of his only friends you know why once you are that powerful and rich every body is trying to get something from you he'll be at a party and everybody will either be a total suck up and ass kisser or be try to get something from him slash pitched something to him my dad's a plain-spoken conservative Republican and nothing like the guy but he loves him because they can actually get a beer together without my dad pulling that [ __ ] I'd say being wealthy overall has made your downsides people don't always anticipate I would summarize the issues I've faced as being trust building relationships and dealing with people's expectations trust do you actually want to be my friend or are you just hoping I'll pick up the check this happens a lot and especially considering many of my friends are fresh out of college and don't have as much I often do pick up the check because I draw the rust bail out on me then not go out at all but if I'm not offering to pay nobody shows up what's worse than that is when people get used to you doing it and start to expect that you'll cover everything if I'm offering it's a gift if not it's [ __ ] to assume I'm paying I joined a fraternity in college and at certain points covered the expenses of an event say by buying all the party supplies or decorations paying a fee or a bill for the house covering a new members expenses or someone's dues one month and I was happy to do it and then one day during a meeting we were discussing our chapters debts and it came up that everyone was hoping I would pay the entire chapters debt about ten thousand dollars altogether I had to have a very frank discussion with the guys that day my dad's a prominent corporate attorney people constantly hit him up for favors jobs legal advice money etc constantly as I started working in the industry the same thing has started with me more and more building relationships as I mentioned it can be hard to gauge if the person is interested in you or your bank account it's also difficult to just get to know someone some people write you off because they think that you think you're better than they are people are usually either really interested in your money or they're really not sometimes to the point of resentments people judge themselves through what they think are my eyes you don't know me just because you find out my bank statements are financial porn people's assumptions and expectations I do not live like a reality TV star I Drive a nice car but it's three years old and I'm not upgrading anytime soon I live in a nice loft but it's primarily because it's a block from my office and all my furniture is from Ikea some of my clothes are from Target some are from Nordstrom's my favorite restaurant is a hole in the wall in the ghetto I'm completely liberal people assume if you're wealthier a conservative a snob an elitist a materialist they sometimes insist that you are even in the face of contradictory evidence friend of mine insists I'm a fascist because instead of giving money to homeless people on the street I donate to a homeless shelter I've asked people out and taken them to that beloved hole-in-the-wall restaurant you can visibly observe their disappointment that it wasn't a 5-star place with valets and Cristal and if you do do something romantic or over-the-top you're expected to outdo yourself the next time sorry babe but sometimes I want to eat spaghetti OS out of the can am i wearing my Walmart sweet pants the CEO of a company I worked for bought a Ferrari whenever he wanted to take it out for a drive usually to impress family members the battery was dead he took it to the shop and they asked him how often he drove it he said once every couple of weeks they told him that he would need to drive it more often to keep the battery charged he was not happy friends of my family are super filthy rich they are nice people even though they are a bit odd the thing is they always assumed money would solve everything sandy flooded their summer home money can fix that crashed their Merced's whatever it was hardly a dent in their fortune then one day the wife of the family gets sick so the husband spent hundreds of thousands giving her the best treatment in the best hospitals were the best doctors none of it helps and the wife died about two years ago since then he and his remaining family constantly donate money to research facilities in hopes that their money can fix the future when it couldn't help them in the past I spoke to a multimillionaire once and he said that finding love can be quite a challenge everyone you meet could just be after your money and there is not really any way to tell besides coming up when an elaborate lie to convince them that you are poor or limiting yourself to only dating people who have more money than you do here are some observations from a 17 year old still growing up in a wealthy household one I live in blissful ignorance of my family's finances ask me about my parents yearly salaries income our investments household net worth etc and I couldn't tell you anything except that we are ultra high-net-worth us 50 million dollars don't know how much exactly my parents deliberately keep me in the dark when it comes to money and I'm completely okay with that I think they made this decision because first off one wants some loudmouth kid talking about which their family is especially not where I'm from in the first grade one of my classmates was kidnapped for over Russ 100 million dollars she was safely returned a day late it is not very safe to be rich and high-profile about it it is also considered low-class to talk money no matter who you are also they never wanted me to develop a superiority complex because of my family's money in my view I never have that being said I guess there is one downside to this so the rich kids invisible hand notion of having a never-ending limitless amount of cash to spend obviously this isn't a truth but a perception by never-ending I mean that wealth has basically been a constant throughout my life not visibly affected by financial crises tax raises and so on by limitless I mean that I have never faced something that I cannot afford as such I think that rich kids are not necessarily big spenders but are careless spenders for sure when you literally have an unfathomably large amount of money at your disposal it's so actually easier to spend them to save three in terms of spending my family has a very much quality over quantity min cert for my family budget constraints are so high they are out of sight out of mind it's not that the price of a good determines my perceived marginal benefits from it I love the US dollar sign 0.50 street foods in my native country but I do have the power of choice to substitute a less desirable good for a more desirable luxury good and I do this often my mother once told me if something is going on - or into your body it better be high quality for on that note I guess you want anecdotal evidence of the above points so here are some cool things I've grown up with / noticed growing up we always had maids drivers cooks etcetera this is actually a very common among upper and upper middle-class families outside America my family all has Alex black cards Centurion we don't use some of the more ridiculous services i.e personal Butler's in concierges but have use the hotel and travel benefits many times personal shoppers u.s. dollar sign 10 comma zero zero zero sat boot camp etc etc a home security systems have included bodyguards temporary biometrics bulletproof glass panic rooms fake security cameras to prevent the domestic help from stealing etc I have never had an allowance budget scholarship or part-time job wealthy Americans will gladly renounce their citizenships because of the income tax the rich kids of Instagram are considered very shameful to their families where I'm from as a reality TV shows about rich kids rich housewives etc etc my parents grew up dirt poor displaced by various dictatorships persecutions etc at the time as a result they are very humble not big spenders at all and while they aren't coupon clippers they do love a good deal I have a friend who married into money I've noticed he's taken on his in-laws fear of being sued a few years ago we were at a party at his house just hanging out when I noticed one of those portable breathalyzers you can buy it was just kind of sitting there on the bar but I thought it was kind of a strange thing to have sitting out at a party given our history together from before he was married then I realized it was there to protect he and his wife from litigation if someone got in an accident on the way home that night it made me kind of sad to realize they suspected us of wanting to sue them another time I was talking with his wife about this event she was organizing amongst their friends me included I joked that my white shirt would be pink after my many scrapes and bruises well didn't we all get there and find a release form Weill had to sign absolve Ingram of any responsibility if we got hurt nothing kills the mood faster than signing a release form before you can hang out with your friends they are having another party soon I'm thinking of not going just to avoid having to see that [ __ ] breathalyzer sitting on the bar I'm not sure how to say this without sounding selfish but I'll try honestly the thing that sucks the most not being able to spend more money on friends sometimes there are things that would be really fun I know everyone would love or just something that I really want to do a lot of my friends can't afford to do a ton of extravagant things which is totally cool I understand and appreciate that I came from a very blessed background the easiest thing would just be for me to buy everyone tickets to the concert or just pay for the hotel or whatever needs to be covered to ensure everyone can participate but people get weird about that I've been confronted about showing off or flaunting when really I just want everyone to have a good time the difference is whether you've inherited it or earned it and where you are within the top percent this is a great article on the massive differences of wealth within the one percent investment banker on 1% I'm at the bottom of the spectrum and here are my observations taxes suck I pay over fifty percent of my income back thanks California sacrifices whenever I hear people bitching it's almost always apparent they aren't willing to do the things I've done to get where I am ballgame on the weekend working birthday party working ski vacation working sleep working girlfriend working after five years in graduate education at dollar sign 25 case last year I work 80 hour weeks every week I hit down and on Delta in five months 125 K miles I have a nice two-bedroom bungalow that I slept in three nights in February and a new car with less than 500 miles on it since November I miss cooking my own meals sleeping in my own bed and doing nothing on a day off I grew up for in the Midwest so I feel like I'm making a better life for my future family but I have to laugh when someone is envious of my life I'm not crazy rich like some of the people posting here but my wife makes really big money that probably puts us in the top 1% but not top 1% also neither of us grew up rich at all stay in school kids I keep trying to explain to people that when you get into that top income bracket most of your extra money gets spent on [ __ ] that doesn't really make you any happier my wife always complains to me that she doesn't feel rich and doesn't believe she's in the top 1% it's because she's comparing herself to the neighbors or the people she works with who always seemed to have more staff at least three times I had to show her articles saying what the cute offer was for the top 1% before she would finally believe me it couldn't possibly be that low she said to me the first time so let me tell you a little story about our kitchen fridge I call it the Toyota kind of as a joke the reason is that it cost $15,000 more than a Toyota Yaris how do you wind up spending dollar-sign 15k on a fridge you ask well my wife wanted to renovate the kitchen in our neighborhood that means you're going to spend at least double sign 100k I put it off for a couple years but eventually gave in she doesn't have time to run around to stores big job equals no free time and she hates my taste so she hired both an interior decorator and a kitchen designer we already had a pretty new stainless-steel Jeff Ridge that probably cost $3,000 or so but when the cupboard designs came in the kitchen designer absolutely insisted that we get a counter-depth fridge so that that door would not stand proud of the cabinets but would instead be flush I thought it was a bit stupid to throw away a perfectly good fridge then buy a shallower one with less room to put stuff in just so that it wouldn't stand proud of the cabinets but I'm not the one paying so my opinion wasn't really the one that mattered as a compromise my wife agreed that we would get one that was wider once you go wider than standard right away that puts you in the dollar-sign 10k and up range we looked at the Sub Zero didn't love it saw a meal that had nice halogen lights inside and next thing you know we are buying a $15,000 fridge ridiculous decision but it doesn't even matter I didn't even notice a visa bill it just got paid but you know what in the end it's just a kitchen and it's just a fridge it doesn't suck or anything although lots of super expensive phryges do but it doesn't have any magical properties and now that I'm used to it I don't even notice that it looks nice it's just there and it keeps the food cold maybe it's because I'm not the one making the big money that I can't help noticing how much of it just gets spent on [ __ ] that's expensive for no reason other than to get rich people to buy it that's one reason that I never complain about taxes we waste tons of money just because we have so much of it if the government wants to take some away and use it to build a subway who'll pay for someone's health care or give it to a poor person I seems to me that's a better use for it the people who complain about their taxes it seems to me have just totally lost perspective if people understood just how much money us rich folks are spending on meaningless crap they would be outraged dealing with the complicated tax structure that comes with accumulated wealth I'm not super wealthy that I have an annual income that puts me in the 1% of Americans through property and equities I have a net worth in excess of dollar-sign one-millimeter dealing with how to account for different pools of income coming from rentals w tooth's dividends straight taxable income from fixed income state and federal historic tax credits from renovations capital gains etcetera it takes me roughly a week of two hours a night that I'm not playing with my kids to ready myself to meet with my accountant to make certain that I'm clean with the eyes I'm sure this sounds like the biggest first world problem rant ever and I'm happy to be in the financial position ayman but keeping it all together is tough
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 1,056,542
Rating: 4.9140363 out of 5
Keywords: rich people, 99 percent, rich, people, desire, actually kind of sucks, kind of sucks, actually sucks, sucks, actually, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ToadFilms, pewdiepie
Id: OhhUFuAa7No
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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