When The Popular Kid At School Became An Absolute Outcast [Part 2] (AskReddit)

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what did the popular kid at your school do to go from cool to an absolute outcast part 2 was a proper decent guy and footballer he develops a persistent knee injury which cut his youth playing career short he was never going to be pro but he was the best we had he developed a dependency on pain relief and became a massive dick to people and to his GF thankfully she stuck with him and with her help and persistence he got clean and the proper sound guy missing since our childhood was returned to everyone's delight last year was my freshman year so there was this kid who was literally as dumb as a pile of rocks that he was popular he was also an ass so idk why people liked him he was selling Juelz and other vapes to the other underclassmen well this dumb be stored all of his stock in his locker and when the school did their Locker checks vapes & juelz just come pouring out of this guy's locker we were all kind of laughing but anyways he got called to the office and asked to explain what the fudge just happened they offered to lighten his punishment if he could tell the mothers who might have AIDS needless to say this kid ended up ratting on a good 55 kids who all got suspended in the great vape bust of 2k 19 at my school no one bought from him again and no one really talked to him after that law there was one newish kid who had just entered one of the cool kids groups when he was caught [ __ ] his sister yes his sister in a school cupboard well he literally ran out of the school and home completely naked so everyone saw him running he and his sister transferred after that never came back in the cool kid group that he hung out with there ever really suffered they had to split up and join other social groups bullied [ __ ] everyone I went to school with a girl from first grade to third and then later again from 7 to 9 grade this girl was very very popular in middle school she was rich wore designer clothes and had a big house in a town full of middle or working-class people that made you special it did if you were a kid anyway so this girl let's call her Karen was a rude [ __ ] even as a child she constantly looked down on the other girls in class for not wearing designer or not owning the latest tamagochi I remember Karen having a ring of girls around her showing of her latest things at recess I was a bit more tomboy as a child so I hung with the dudes mostly so I mostly watch her worshipping from afar I also thought this might make Karen and ko ignore me b/c I want even the other but now I was wrong me hanging with only guys was weird and me not wanting to look at her new handbag was weird and so on and so on weird me as I said Karen was a huge bully and she loved making comments about me and how I dressed and acted to her group first it was mostly behind my back and I remember everything looking at me and laughing it escalated quickly and soon she said it to my face but you know in that nice condescending way I mostly tried to avoid her and hung with the boys as stated so I soon wasn't her main focus no it was a nice slightly overweight boy we'll call him skate because later he was always skating around on his board Karen loved picking on skate because of his very low self-esteem mostly about his body this brat knew where to pick where it hurt it was so bad that skate almost cried nearly every week because if something Karen had said to him the thing I remember most was when skate at his birthday which for kids it's almost a holy day we had pet and we're in the woods playing a sort of hide-and-seek suddenly I hear a loud crying skate screaming everything found Karen and him very quick because of the noise she had apparently pushed him over the edge and he had a full-blown meltdown not hurting her but crying so hard I'm not sure but I think he even said he wanted to die because of the things Karen said he went home the rest of the day in my hate for Karen grew I know she was mean to everyone but this is what I more specifically remember but again she was a bratty child just mean she hurt me many times but I can't list them all it's so much also an animal abuser but that is a story for another day 4th grade I moved to another school and Karen left my mind I liked my new school better in my small town there were a few middle school but only one higher school for grades 7 to 9 which means I was to encounter Karen again and I did at first it looked like nothing had changed she hadn't still a [ __ ] but I slowly came to see that fewer people talked to her more and more people started making mean comments about her even I joined in BC I was angry and vengeful that you're that age ngl karen went from being praised for her new shoes to people trying to throw mud on them her mean comments suddenly was answered with ten more about her 9 grade rolled around and she had almost no one I had friends with her and while I still actively hated her I remember her coming into class soaking wet someone had bombarded her with water balloons and watercolor I remember coming into class and just look defeated I did feel a tiny bit sad for her but again I was still angry so I didn't care we graduated grade 9 and she had no friends it was a long way down but she crashed hard enough in her own time last I heard she has anorexia which really sucks and I hope she gets better but I don't think anyone from our school will ever forgive her she's no one now when I was a kid my best friend had a popular older sister who was a junior in high school on the varsity cheerleading team a party got busted that the whole team was at when it came out the school kicked every girl off the squad and banned them from extracurriculars but took no action against voice from the football team that were at the same party her dad was a lawyer and sued the school over it on behalf of all the girls they didn't even win but the rest of the school hated her for trying to get the football team in trouble it was a small community and there was a lot of bad blood over it her dad ended up moving so that she and her brother who was a freshman could live with him and go to another school we were in elementary school when it happened and my friend stayed with her mom by the time we got to high school it had blown over but the separation was hard on her family and her parents got divorced guy was a total douchebag used to send random dick pics to my girlfriend and tons of other girls until most females blocked him 3 years later he died of a hero overdose his brother is a great guy we are good friends and he enlisted and is doing great I'd like to say I feel bad for him but I don't his own choices drove everyone away his funeral is on the same day as another guy in his grade who died of cancer everyone loved this kid chances are no one will come to his funeral I just feel bad for his family at this point one popular girl got really drunk on a night out and took a [ __ ] on some random family's front lawn right out in the open in front of people the family took pictures of it happening and they ended up on the front page of the local paper with a headline about teens going wild they blurred her face but enough people were there that word got around who it was turns out it's hard to look someone in the eye once you've seen via picture of them [ __ ] made fun of a cool teacher behind his back but in hearing distance so the teacher obviously heard several times the teacher dragged a leg slightly and the kid would drag his leg behind the teachers back and laugh about being a gym his friends would laugh with him eventually though they told him it wasn't cool he kept at it though and apparently made fun of practically everyone behind their back it caught up to him and everyone hated him but his small group of stoner friends eventually someone snitched that he had drugs in his locker and he got expelled the principal could have easily not involved police but even he knew about how much of a dick this kid was that's what you get when you piss everyone off and even the principal / teachers don't give a [ __ ] if you ruin your life I don't know what happened to me but for whatever reason everybody in sixth grade thought I was the [ __ ] and then after summer it was like my time was up I'm a funny [ __ ] but I'm definitely nerdy so I don't know maybe I had some really good jokes in sixth grade and then my seventh grade was kind of B material but I really felt like somebody that summer just said hey that's enough of this guy and that was it I'm still an outcast / loser nine of them actually who all cheated constantly for four years to get flawless and pass and became the top ten of our class they also all got into prestigious universities the high school I went was extremely academically competitive so needless to say when the top 10 were announced everybody was livid especially the kids who should have been top 10 including my friend who was the 15th ranked only the unpopular salutatorian earned her grades honestly and she got the loudest applause at graduation you may ask did they ever get caught no we all saw them cheat there was an underground test answers dealer at my school believe it or not but nobody took it seriously all those years also honestly because most students were cheating themselves and did not want to lose their source of answers by ratting someone out the academic pressure at my school was that high by the time these kids were top ten and had been accepted to college they slacked off so when people finally reported them there was never any proof that they cheated she moved here from Africa and no one liked her at first after she made friends with two other outcasts of the class they devised a plan to get back at the popular kids so she befriended all the popular kids and when she did that everyone started to love her but then she told them apart from the inside fed one girl weightloss bars which really just made her fat still that girl's boyfriend and spread rumors that one of the teachers sold drugs and to top it all off she pushed that girl in front of a bus is it weird that I can't even identify who was popular in my high school I was so disconnected from my school at the start of my sophomore year I have no idea who wasn't wasn't I had my friends and mostly ignored everyone and everything else and then even shortly after high school only kept in contact with three to four of them I skipped dances pep rallies etc so there was really no way for me to know for sure now I'm curious maybe my yearbooks will tell me if I even bought them those years there was this football player at my school who bullied a gay student the gay student got back at him by giving the football player a [ __ ] willingly he wasn't drunk the gay guy told everyone about it and he had a picture of his peepee which ruined the football player he shied people the picture instead of stting it to avoid her charge for children pornography I'd say he played his cards right today we would call this a pro-gamer move young pretty girl let's call her Karen Karen is a children cross country run a really popular junior then you have chat who is pretty much stereotypical of Chad tall baby blue eyes star quarterback good grades nice to everyone senior both got drunk and high at a party and decided to have consent all sex Karen never mentioned has a BF in college Karen doesn't want to lose her BF so she cries that Chad raped her everyone knew it was a lie because she bragged about finally being with Chet and hoping she will date him and marry him etc police get involved in they investigate found out she was lying she becomes a social outcast with no friends and her bf broke up with her he experienced a sudden bout of explosive diarrhea in the middle of changing for gym class he ran out of the locker room in his soiled shorts and smeared liquid [ __ ] over every floor and wall he came across as he ran home I mean you feel bad because it could happen to anyone that he was a real [ __ ] that bullied a bunch of younger kids he was out for weeks and transferred very soon after he gave up an interception for a touchdown that lead to a loss in the big game the entire school hated him his football career never recovered as he was so she'll shocked by that moment he couldn't throw right anymore he wasn't like a top prospect or anything that he did get the attention of some state colleges he ended up with a scholarship to a school that hadn't won a football game in at least a decade at that point he stayed there for a year before leaving college and coming home he's done okay for himself he manages several local car washes and has a family who op I've been waiting to tell this story in high school there was this girl who died in a car accident she was driving and I believe she either listed her birthday it got her license something big now I didn't like this girl personally I thought she was a [ __ ] and smooth so it didn't affect me at all but of her other popular friends we are heartbroken keep in mind I grew up in a small town so we all grew up with this girl enter in the dumb blonde shift who we will call Jodi Jodi was a girl who came to our school a year or two before this car accident and made friends with the popular crowd but damn she was stupid one day in class she tried to correct our teacher about farms and how high my corn and cows can be farmed everything else you can buy at the store anyway Jodi had been dating this guy Jeff will call him around the time of the accident Jeff was a very smart calm collected guy and everyone loved him and he was great friends with the girl that passed away Jodi who didn't get along with the dead girl started bad-mouthing her and posting stuff on Facebook about how the dead girl deserved to die I was at my locker in between classes and Giada's was a few away from me out of nowhere I see Jeff fly past me and repeatedly keep shoving her up against the lockers and screaming in her face that she's a [ __ ] and had no right saying those things Jodi started crying and calling him names and tried to walk away but he kept shoving her nobody was stepping in to help and who the hell knows where the teachers were I slid my bag in the floor and stepped in between them my front to him and she behind me and the lockers I asked him to stop and go left but he just kept repeating that I need to move this keine took me back because I had a small rep about not putting up with this in middle school I shoved / lifted a girl up against some lockers for saying [ __ ] about my friend who had cancer and outsmarted a physically abusive bully didn't even have to put my hands on earth but that's a story for another time he kept trying to get around me that I had my hand on his chest and just kept him at a distance it was clear he didn't want to hurt me so he wasn't trying too hard but I'll never forget the look on his face it was so out of character for him now at the time this was going down I had no idea what was going on and that Jodi had said those things finally a teacher came over and split us up Jeff was distorted to the principal's office Jody went to the nurse and I went to class towards the end of the day I was pulled into the principal's office to give my statement while I waited my turn there were two other people there who were the dead girl's friends and saw what had happened earlier that day I overheard them talking about what Jody said and got confused when I talked to the principal I asked if it was true what Jody had said and he confirmed it not sure if he sholde done that I was floored as much as I didn't like the dead girl I was so pissed at what Jody had done to this day I wish I had let Jody get her ass beat throw away as popular outcast kid is still a close friend and knows Myra did handle in eighth grade he was a popular kind and well-liked jock in a small Midwest school he was showering in the locker room after basketball practice as we'd all done a hundred times before but this time he suddenly got a no apparent reason boner dude was mortified and moved to one of the corner shower heads to hide and wait for it to subside one of the other popular jocks saw it call him out and it was all over he was ostracized by the jocks and bullied mercilessly from that time till he graduated senior year they nicknamed him boner and spread rumors he was gay I don't know how he managed go get through high school with his sanity turned out well for him in the end he dropped sports and focused on academics in high school got into a good college and is more successful than the assbags that built him he has an amazing wife and kids
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 995,595
Rating: 4.9149246 out of 5
Keywords: popular kid, popular girl, popular guy, popular, kid, absolute outcast, outcast, popular kid at school, school, high school, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ToadFilms, pewdiepie
Id: hXFy5VM4mGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 24 2019
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