Police Officers, What Arrest Broke Your Heart To Make? (AskReddit)

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law enforcement officers have read it is there an arrest in your career that broke your heart to make but it was your duty to make it I had to arrest a juvenile who was on probation the kid had to obey his mother's orders she called us because he was refusing to sleep on the kitchen floor his mother literally was attempting to punish him by making him sleep on the linoleum floor she was a pill-popping junkie who was unfit to be a parent I had to call the kids probation officer Pio and the Pio wanted the kid lodged in the County juvenile detention facility I was [ __ ] pissed off this occurred the week before Christmas while I was transporting the kid to jail I asked him what he wanted for Christmas he told me I just want to be happy I asked him what he liked to do for a hobby he told me he played a lot of basketball in the park across from his apartment building but his mom took his ball away My partner and I bought the kid a good Spalding basketball for Christmas and he told us he never knew cops could be so nice I think about this kid all the time even though he has moved away to live with a grandparent I consider this to be one of the best things I have done in my career this happened six years ago I posted this story and another link awhile ago but figured I share it again it made such an impact in my career about three years ago I got a call from a man who was concerned about his friend he wanted us to go with him and a local mental health group to check on him at his apartment I'll call this man John the caller myself and the mobile mental health work has met us at John's apartment if I would even call it an apartment it was a basement apartment with two small windows looking out to bring light into the tiny living room the place was pretty Spartan except for a bed a kitchen table with no chairs a couch and a small coffee table with a three-inch thick journal that was completely filled up with John's writing on the front and back of every page I quickly learned that John was a marine and had very recently returned from a two-year tour in Iraq and Afghanistan those two years completely and utterly [ __ ] him up he knew basically we were there and admitted that he wanted to just kill himself but was not brave enough to do it he went on to tell me about how he had to kill men women and children while he was at war and read some pages for me out of his journal I won't write what he read to me but they were the deepest and most heartbreaking words I have ever heard read out loud I learned that after he was at the end of his tour he was shipped to Italy to await his trip home and tried to kill himself he was placed in a mental facility that he described as something out of a horror movie once he finally got home the Marines gave him his honorable discharge and booted him out without another word it took every ounce of strength I had to not cry it took a long time and a scary moment where I thought he was going to fight us but we were able to convince him to go get real help I told him we could call him an ambulance to bring him to the hospital because if I drove him my department rules stated I would have to handcuff him he didn't have insurance so I was forced to take him in handcuffs he got in the back of the police car and started to cry quietly to himself I broke down at that point when we got to the hospital I took him out uncuffed him and hugged him he broke down into violent sobs in my arms and we ended up on the ground just crying and holding each other what did I learn from this one call that the military and America failed this man they sent him to war offered no help when he needed it and then booted him out into the world flash-forward two more years John is 100% better he was transferred to of the hospital and got the real treatment he needed I happened to pull over his friend who made the call for speeding and he told me how John had made a complete change and was so much better it was the best ending I could have imagined for the worst call I've ever been to my father was friends in high school with a guy who was once a police officer but later resigned he was forced to shoot a pregnant woman because she was firing a weapon towards him her husband had drugged her earlier that night in hopes of killing the child but called 911 when she became violent and threatened to shoot him the meds caused to her her loose and she used the gun on the officer who arrived at the scene when I was a kid my dad was a huge druggie one night he came home after being gone for several days on a binge he was completely stoned and wasted and from what I remember he was also in possession of coke so my mom calls the cops and they come to get him I remember I was crying and yelling because I didn't want them to take my dad away so one of the cops come up to me to try to calm me down and I remember telling him that I hated him and I just wanted him to leave me alone I can still see the dejected look on his face I feel so bad about that now because I know how much of a piece of [ __ ] my daddy's and how nice it was of that officer to try and calm little six-year-old me down in not law enforcement but the cops in my town had to arrest my mom on Christmas morning I was 17 and my dad was already in prison they knocked on the door and she went with them with no fight they didn't contact anyone because of my age so I was completely alone on Christmas the arresting officer came back to my front door with tears coming down his face he told me what was going to happen and what there rested her for embezzlement I could tell the man's heart was broken he kept apologizing saying that it was just his job and he was so sorry it turns out the whole four years she was in jail that officer would look out for me triple time due to the fact that my mom's abusive ex was after me he is probably one of the best cops I've ever met I'm grateful that he was the man that arrested her he also arrested her ex when he broke into my house two weeks after he set me up with a PFA and looked out for me he changed my view on police completely I talked to an officer that had to arrest an eight month pregnant mother of three after she slapped her husband the husband spent the family's money on booze and other women leaving his family in an impoverished state to the point that the mother was using newspapers as diapers for her youngest children when the wife slapped him the husband called the cops and she spent the night in jail the person who tested me for my driver's test told me this story she works both jobs a 19 year old male got a 17 year old pregnant they absolutely adored each other and were the happiest couple and planned on raising the child however the girl's parents hated every aspect so they called it rape and that he must be arrested when the child was being born the officer had to drag him away in cuffs moments before the child was born two years into the arrest / trial he never got to see his son it ruined her to the point of which she needed to take time away from being a cop and needed a second job to keep up with payments this was four years ago and I really do wish I could have found her to hear the rest of the story very early on in my career I went to a domestic a husband and wife were on the outs and separating they were arguing and a neighbor called the police during the argument the husband takes their wedding photo rips it in half bright on one side groom on the other and hands half to the wife saying here's your half in my jurisdiction I have discretion over nearly every enforcement I want or don't want to take except for domestic violence advocacy groups have forced the issue so hard that I get no discretion at all without placing my job at risk by definition the picture was communal property ripping it was criminal damage and thus a TV crime the wife didn't want anything done but in DV crimes because if advocacy groups the state assumes the role of the victim and I was forced to arrest him he spent the night in jail for ripping his own wedding picture because his marriage didn't work out I understand why some domestic violence laws exist we have pushed the umbrella so far to encompass things like ongoing sexual relationships or romantic relationships and we have lowered the bar of what crimes are included so now if the third party here's something they didn't like and you and your boyfriend of four weeks were arguing you can go to jail people have forgotten that couples argue arguing is normal and healthy bit the hands of the officer have been bound by legislation people are being arrested for losing their temper using their voice and are taken out in handcuffs in front if their spouse kids and neighbors those arrests never sit right with me back when I worked in the legal aid office in a local district court I had an old lady seventy plus knocking at my door on a Friday afternoon she said that she was late with her payments of a penalty order and wanted to know what to do it looked like she got used by some of her relatives in connection with fraud she got a wrist slapping form of a penalty order and was supposed to pay the fine in monthly installments apparently she was late with some payments and asked if she could pay them once our retirement money was due next week I did a routine check and found that she had an outstanding arrest warrant because of her missed payments as it stood then I was supposed to arrest her or give her the option to pay right then but she had not enough money and no way to get her hands on enough on short notice I tried to call the des office to ask if they could temporarily lift the warrant but as it was Friday afternoon no one was there what that meant was that this seventy plus year old lady would now have to spend at least the weekend in jail I called the police to have a transport ready to get her there but when the police officer and I talked it through on the phone we both came to the conclusion that we both did not want to send an old lady like that to jail for eight payments that would be dealt with early next week and that she never really was in my office that day in the first place so it was my duty to arrest her but I did not my very first arrest here's the back story I'm fresh out of training one of my first shifts on my own I've been out patrolling just trying to get a feel for my sector I work in a major city in the Midwest my dispatcher calls me for a domestic dispute in progress I arrive and radio for another unit as I approach the area before I can even get to the door a man comes out bloody is all Helen just looking like a rack he starts telling me that his girlfriend hit him in the head with a baseball bat and she did some serious damage I was in disbelief that he was standing I had him sit on the ground and after I called for medical units I went inside come to find out this lady had been beaten by her boyfriend regularly for around the last five years but she had never reported it when he started yelling at her on that day she had enough she smoked him with the bat and he called the police the boyfriend even confirmed that he had beat her before but I couldn't do anything about it I had to arrest the woman for domestic violence and I hated it I was so angry it was almost unbelievable I still think about a fight could have done anything different and have eventually I just had to move on TL DR I had to arrest a woman for basically defending herself from domestic violence not law enforcement but I gotta share several years back I had a lemon of a vehicle that had serious electrical problems I could not afford to fix I was pulled over for an out headlamp given a fix-it ticket got it fixed but I was late for work so the officer that checked it out said he'd take the ticket in and get it taken care of so I could get to work on time turns out he must not have because it spiraled into the worst law situation of my life suspended license driver responsibility fees [ __ ] Michigan and general hell fast forward two or so years and I'm still dealing with this situation I'm paying Michigan close to $4,000 in fees and trying to get my [ __ ] together in life I'm pulled over for having an out taillight and told my license is suspended for non-payment of fees to the state the officer pulled me out of my vehicle and cuffed me put me in the back of his cruiser he told me I was being arrested for driving on a suspended license multiple offenses I broke down in the back of his car 23-year old man crying like this doesn't look good so he asks me to explain what's going on my mom had just lost her job so I'd recently moved back home and was working double to make her mortgage payments and Michigan wouldn't accept the money I was sending them apparently $50 every two weeks wasn't enough so they'd suspended my license a third time without notifying me I explained all of this to the officer through the tears after sitting in the car for a few more minutes while he filled out some paperwork he led me out of the back uncut me and told me to drive home while he followed once I got back to the house he handed me a torn-up ticket and $200 he told me to send it into Michigan and get back on a payment plan and that he'd put a note on my file in the city's record that he'd given me six months to figure it all out then wished me luck and drove away everything got sorted by the end of the year and it was thanks to one officers generosity and understanding I wish I remembered his name but he's a shining example of what law enforcers should be like my first year as a solo officer I responded to a medical call at a bar where a woman was having a seizure I arrived shortly after medical units and found the victim's husband fighting medical staff he was pretty intoxicated and trying to get to his wife I tried talking to him and explaining that he had to back away so the medics could help her I tried pulling him away but the more I tried to calm him down the more he fought me medical staff was having a great deal of trouble aiding his wife and he was much larger than I I'm a female officer and was in my early twenties at the time I ended up having to engage him physically he kicked and punched me while I just tried to keep him occupied with fighting me and not the medics other officers arrived and together we were finally able to hold him down so the medics were able to load up his wife she passed away that night the officer assigned the call chose to lodge the man in jail for resisting arrest I protested but was ordered to place him in jail he spent the night in jail while his wife was dying all charges were later dropped and the officer who made that decision was later fired for other reasons I still feel terrible for having to be a part of what is sure to be the worst night of that man's life I'm from the yukon territory in northern canada no I don't live in an igloo or have a pet polar bear but I wish I did because a pet polar bear would be [ __ ] awesome and the cops are usually super cool one night a cop pulled over because we were walking and drinking a beer he lets us finish the bay and he took the cans after since we were not near a trash can another time my buddy was being cheeky and asked a cop what would I have to do to get tasered the cop replied something very stupid to which my buddy thought about for a second then proceeded to slap the cop the cop took the slap and car me back handed my buddy to ground and said you are a bal C [ __ ] but I'm still not going to taser you probably the funniest thing I have seen I'm not law enforcement but I did work as a store detective for a high-ticket depth store the Friday before the Mother's Day weekend I had to arrest a guy who got out of jail 36 hours before he was stealing over $1000 in clothes when we searched his bags he had bought his mother a card and a dressing-gown it's another store this one tore me up because of his mom no matter what mistakes he had made the son just spent five years inside and got out just in time for Mother's Day I know she would have been excited that she could see her son on Mother's Day and now she wouldn't I was so angry at him for doing that he could have fronted up with nothing but prison fatigues and flowers he picked on the way and she would have been happy seriously [ __ ] that guy
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 934,335
Rating: 4.937891 out of 5
Keywords: police officers, arrest, broke your heart, to make, heartbreaking arrests, police, offiver, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, emkay, ToadFilms, GioFilms
Id: tk3-m4ypl6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2019
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