We play games with the voice of Sonic: BEN SCHWARTZ - Guest Grumps - Aladdin

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 50 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/robomechabotatron πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Holy shit. So glad he’s back and wanted to come back! These 3 have really good chemistry together.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 41 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Skeletor1991 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ben doesn't show up to do GameGrumps. Ben shows up to have fun playing games.

Edit: bestgamermoments.com links to this video.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/xavined πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I've never noticed before that the big snake statue at the end has a very detailed and anatomically correct vagina.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KindlyOlPornographer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm a few minutes in and I'm almost screaming at the screen


Edit: Also, Ron Funches on Funhaus yesterday, Ben Schwartz today, it's a laugh-a-palooza!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 33 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KindlyOlPornographer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love when Dan asks Ben the editor to add in the Wheel of Fortune noise, then Ben Schwartz does it thinking he's talking to him xD

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cowpool20 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

What a great episode

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/StaleMovesMcGee πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh my gosh this was fantastic. The last episode was great and I was so excited to see this, their conversations are just so chill and real and hilarious. This solidifies Ben as my favorite Guest Grump (sorry Jacob...)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Velocibaker26 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The ending is so wholesome.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Rekme πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
y'all ready for this been an ant ant ant ant ant ant ant ant ant ant ant ant ant ant ant ant ant ant ant ant ant cutting Schwartz is our guest on the show when the show it's David's Crump's to be star the abscess welcome to game grumps everybody and welcome back one of our very favorite guests the gorgeous Ben Schwartz oh thank you for calming gorgeous what a view a this is I have my total mental capacity now folks I haven't started the game yet is there anything real that we want to talk about before I lose the ability to talk yes I've always been curious is it short for Benjamin and game start very excited to be back on the grumpies all were soaks the gamey grumpy is very excited to be back does it has it been discussed that Schwartz is my mother's maiden name well I think probably the last time right that seems like something you'd bring up but you could be related you and I yeah why not how do we figure that out is there is no international Jew registry yeah I believe there is everybody actually I think 23 and Jew 23 skidoo 23 skidoo yeah you do that blood test man I know what your what your part whatever I did 23andme did you did you find out you were like 1% like yeah couch or something I was I was a 99.9 askin Ozzie do that's yes no yep I feel like we might have talked about this before yes okay yeah cuz I do remember that does sound familiar well yes I am also mostly Ashkenazi do you know what that means Aaron yes though well just different types of Jewish people yeah sort of based on where they traveled in the early days where they split into tribes and Ashkenazi's were the ones who I believe went towards Europe is that correct I think so that make sense they're the ones that left the Mediterranean and got a little whiter did we I mean look at us can I say I'm very excited to be back I really enjoyed my time the last time I was here what we did last time if anybody had seen is we beat a Nintendo game oh you're so modest you beat that yeah okay all by your lonesome not a group effort there was not an Iowa yeah we distracted you but I remember being very excited that how does one get that be very excited that we completed a game so this time we're gonna try to see if we can complete another game that's correct Aaron Dan Ben is capable of beating multiple games in one sitting according to Ben Wow and this is one of them so he's playing right now I'm playing it I'm trying to complete it but I I've beaten this game but I don't know if I needed to use the safe did I nail this pursuit no way no it's impossible what's nailing it trying to get that little dude off the bat yep Ben can we get the Price is Right loser horn thank you bye look at the estus on the side that is literally prices right yeah really is no we there's a movie that I did with Sam Rockwell where when something goes bad it's called Blue Iguana you've never seen it but where something goes bad in the movie during onset I'd do a bit and go but a foul and so I did it so much that Sam put it into a scene when he enters what does that do so what does that do I know you got it knows the Scarab no it's a school it's a scrollable what does that mean oh maybe it's maybe it's toilet paper I've literally beaten this game to I don't know what that it you can't throw a scroll why not it'll flutter away does any feel like it should be like a mat that could be yes but for what why would you need a map in this game oh [ __ ] you sorry no the first minute you know if you're out we're clear except the first minute talking about Jews this game is often criticized well at the time that came out was often criticized for being like the lesser one you can lesser one he's a bigger one the Genesis one you had a sword Julia what in this game you only have apples oh I didn't know that but it's not the same game it's it's absolutely different game oh then why I've never even played the Genesis one bro brah what are you doing with so is this a better or a worse game I personally like this one more I think it's better I think but you don't get to kill me there's a lot of pressure playing on this thing because so many people play video games that watch this that you don't want to be bad Oh welcome to everyday our life do I think that ship sailed in 2014 for us I would say that up who is kind of the tails of this where he just runs around does [ __ ] nothing oh yeah yeah he really is just kind of kind of flavor text come on Schwartz you're better than this David when the camera it's like quantum physics dude when the cameras on like suddenly everything changes look at this guy there yeah there's no there's no excuse it's Sam Rockwell cool by the way he's the best that's awesome he's the most wonderful guy I've done three things with him I did that blue go on a movie oh please just be bread is it on a platform that we can watch it on you going to I do I have to go on buy the blu-ray I don't know you might have to go buy it it might be on a streaming thing surely it's on a streaming thing who's in one of my top three favorite movies of all time a Galaxy Quest whoa oh that's up there too but Moon Moon yeah oh yeah I get it moon is unbelievable yeah I don't it's possible we had this exact conversation how many tell you've had guess I'm more than once yeah yeah true that you guys can only talk to people one time yeah yeah once we once we've exhausted the 10 things we know about it's over okay all right I get it I can see how you guys could be like really boring after the first time they know what I mean yeah dude it's the honesty that we appreciate I did with Rockwell I did a drunk history I did okay a movie called better living through chemistry and then I just sold a movie for me to write that'll be announced in the next couple months you can write movies too and then crazy is there anything you can't do beetle Adam maybe yes I said love oh my god what let's talk about the real oh yeah we're not afraid to have that conversation you guys talk about real stuff all the time sure yeah [ __ ] one of the appeals of the show some people would say the real stuff is that we can get real do you guys start getting real well Benjamin that was a leap of faith and you Benjamin nobody good better than this Benjamin oh you answered my question with that when I what do calls me Benjamin well just if you go by Benjamin yeah no it is my mom and girlfriends in my life call me Benjamin especially girlfriends when I was younger call me Ben but like girlfriends or friends who are a girl great question dance yeah girlfriends mostly Wow and then my grandpa my grandpa my grandpa Benjamin or BJ he's the only guy coming BJ all my initials are the worst initials for any young boy so it's a DJ or BS or my initial well I mean if you if you own it that's true I'm BJ Baby come on Oh like Britney then it's cool I'm Britney [ __ ] VJ baby Britney Spears is a popular pop artist I don't know if you guys would ever heard her what's your favorite pop artist a great question I like Britney B somebody's come in the house yeah only my wife my wife should we get her on the show she's on the show all the time yeah sure you walk in a huge fan of the Haunted Mansion yes right can I talk about other specifics I know about your wife sure or now is that time you know I mean oh here we go a boss oh he's got a sword oh dude it's Jasmine take him out with apples it's just mean oh you taught my jazz mean yeah I don't think you can kill man apples can you sure have you got you got a jump on him he's got a sword hanging up on it yeah so maybe he's got to get a pad you gotta make him smokes and then I got it all right come here Nene very sweet beeps I call little kids and Nene's is a child for you my friends kid's name is Nina so I call it we call her Nene and then you just adopted that for every time yeah I see a dog that becomes a Nene those kids beard is coming in great Oh our video game is great look at that pool how excited he is that I'm we're doing combat look at him helping out great job if we beat a game today you know I'll be pleased do excellent work what's that called for Chrome movie are they gonna kiss already okay no no there's credits game over next game yeah back to the future okay if we beat this game in time mm-hmm I have to I have a man we spent so much time hanging out and helping with other video game stuff that I blew it yeah but I only have an hour left now but if we if we if we beat this game with enough time I'll try to be back to the future and whatever time is remaining that would be very fantastic together Aladdin that did you see how annoyed up who was well it's because he doesn't like jasmine in the movie right Wow I'll pissed off that she's like got his attention it's been a while oh dude and sweet Cyn says like oh this makes me feel like what game is it that locale sylvania really and the things I try to get bread oh god yeah and actually this much like Castlevania has chicken like whole roasted chickens yes that's what I'm thinking about it had chicken where how is it possible that that has a chicken yeah a well-cooked chicken just in like a whole oz that's been there for an hour I wouldn't eat that yeah well market you know yeah I saw that old meat really want this oh come on and scary got it no you got to touch it again what really yeah how no no I blew it dude I don't think I've ever heard as much sadness in your voice go to our last game grumps oh here it was just absolute power no I don't know look maybe I go down thanks up he's not on the show anymore is he no they got rid of him cuz everyone was upset he was to race alright you complained Aaron sent in a letter and so they took him off yeah and that crazy it is strange I'm glad they at least listen to me you know yeah that makes me feel bad what are the other things that you've recommended another TV shows which they did not listen to you Golden Girls didn't like it took it off the air yeah you heard the theme song for Fraser and said if I see one scrambled egg in this guy [ __ ] you for being afraid I thought you wrote great you have great theme songs Danny must love theme songs of course great theme song mod yeah I thought about it very early I'm aging out our demographic on over here like cool I'll just how much younger are you that' me I'm 32 I'm 38 you should look look at mono as a Bea Arthur Shaw yeah it's a great show where she was very funny thanks man I love bread does that give you health more but yeah yeah it shows you that glutens good mm-hmm question is is the only way to get back on this cuz you know I'm gonna hang on that thing it's not gonna work we got a nice dude these are some real gamer skills Uli's if anybody had any doubts whether or not Ben Schwartz TV's Ben Schwartz was a real gamer and films Ben Schwartz oh yeah how about that and literatures bench warrants how about that my god man the gamey Grumpy's is anybody else call you the game of Grumpy's just you man but that's what makes it more special yeah can we make that a t-shirt without of the gamey Grumpy's yeah you give and give 50% to some charity Wow all right you had me right up until the charity god you're right I apologize that you weren't kidding no it seems like what was the game that we were gonna play Aaron but you can get it to work oh yeah I was excited by school house sonic squad looks I had a morning it was like four hours of trying to get games to work in them so what happened this morning can we chat about it all right yes let's get real well so I got up way early and I was like hell yeah I'm gonna get all this stuff ready and then I wanted to play sonic schoolhouse you can't play it on a 64-bit computer you have to put it on a 32-bit computer in order for it to work because it's a 16 check on the game so this is very interesting I think everybody stopped listening anyway couldn't get it to work was really pissed off about it I was like all right I'm gonna go to the office and this is not a fun story no it ends with me like screaming at the top of my lungs - humming - the world odd maybe it was he think God listens when you scream do you guys believe in God every so often got to exist you believe you got it me no no no so when you're screwed would you pray ever um yeah just accept it right not not direct praying so spiritual means you meditate and stuff like that yeah yeah okay what about you Dan um I I don't know I'm pretty agnostic about the whole thing really yeah it I thought your hair nice what about it I mean it's long enough for you to believe in God that's true that's a perfect I do like I do well do we talk about this little episode no I definitely not dude when I was when I was a young kid there was a girl that was really into Jesus and she I had long hair as I've always had in my life yeah and she was like did you know that long hair is an abomination in the eyes of the Lord and I was like Jesus has long hair yeah oh god this destroys me yeah um I don't know the thing I keep coming back to is that I don't recall creating myself so uh oh so that's that's the thing that catches what if I told you that I created you well then Ben we have a lot to talk about you you've got a lot more explaining to do than I do we met well done sir guys we're flying car laughs I mean you know oh no oh oh no I believe that's one of the enemies from Double Dragon no no there's one stage that's there's two stages are very difficult one is on a series of clouds and the other one is when you're on the carpet getting away from this cave mm-hmm if I remember correctly and this this is I believe think was one of the hardest yeah you want to save state it raining a lot of go for it oh okay good yeah should we save state it I mean that's up to you man you're the one who's in control yeah you're the helm well well maybe saved I feel bad I won't try to beat without safety let's let's see what happens first I feel that we're gonna have to there's a lot of pressure for save state it might know Aaron kid next time when we go to that end screen and the genie comes whipping by all fabulously can you please throw in one of your patented like I can't do it but r2d2 I guess it in the nor - yeah it's a very r2d2 sound it's a great r2d2 so yeah Aaron hasn't seen the new Star Wars of you Dan I really really enjoyed it did you show today yeah I loved it but I'm also like the most easy to please when it comes to movies I I mean I love JJ Abrams very much I also I'm I had a special thanks on that film and the reason why I bring it up is because I brought it up with with a I brought it up somewhere so now I by mistake talk about so I could Dominic but I helped in I think there's five jokes in that movie or four jokes in the movie that I helped write you're kidding yeah which is very exciting for love Star Wars yeah yeah I did think it was funnier than the last couple yeah I was very funny what was it what was the what was that process like really that process oh I got it you see the that process oh nice that process for me was the movie was already done and they wanted to add some more jokes in ADR for for some character right and then JJ was kind enough to ask if I had come in do I have any pitches and stuff like that that's awesome yeah and I of course said whatever you want always of all time so I'm still the most inspired by him he's a brilliant dude and I thought he had a lot to do in one movie like oh my goodness yes to land to land that plane safely yeah and I thought he pulled it off I think he did too I think he did such a good job and it just passed a billion dollars just moments ago yeah that's so you get to see a lot of that huh yeah that special thanks money man yeah those five jokes go a long way oh my goodness special thanks money is like insane all right listen here we go I don't even know what happens when you get a genie but oh I did it yup did you do it I am 100% positive I got it whoa does any better make a bet five bucks nope can't do it never got rich for my blood it's impossible although that's pretty good ya haven't save stated yet do people save sail out when they come how many people finish the game when they're here then nobody so I'm the only one that's ever done it yeah okay this is taro rules and chills this is gonna be bad those boulders are falling at an alarmingly this is where we should save State and maybe we will save state okay no one will judge you I want two tries and then it will save state oh because you know why it's so difficult because it's one of those things where it's one hit and you're dead any game that's like that becomes so sweaty yeah I'm spaghetti oh dude they make this game easy for children because let's be real this is a game for children game is not for children okay first try yeah that was pretty outstanding knowing that we did not I thought I was me playing back to the future today so I haven't played this since whatever maybe within the year though because uh Aaron was kind enough to help me with video games and this is another difficult thing and put video games on a thing to make this turn out I mean everybody does and then he score me a bunch of coke and yeah good guy that Aaron Hanson I've never done have we talked about this before I've never done drugs before any drug I've never done a drug before oh no including a ban on Tylenol right now hi doll yeah I'm constantly a midol including totally legal weed yes including including total eagle week you know what I was afraid I'd like it a lot I bet you exactly why I didn't do it for a long time yeah and then what changed your mind I had weed and freaked the [ __ ] out and never did it again oh so you've done it once I've did it like four times oh oh this is difficult right there you go as someone who hasn't smoked weed in like eight years but smoked it an awful lot before that yeah I think your your time to smoke weed is in your 20s your your your body in your brain just more oh nice well see that's the part I didn't even drink alcohol until last year right so ever yeah oh that's exciting oh you're a dude lucky it was kind of you drink and uh Dan no I have a I have a sensitive juice stomach and I got one of those too yeah so what are your thoughts on alcohol now so that's the thing I feel like it's the opposite of what Dan was saying at least with alcohol is is that like I didn't have like a party phase like I started drinking when I was an adult and then you have a company and responsibilities so I'm like so the moment somebody was like drink a lot of water I was like yes so every time I drink now it's like I drink gallons of water yeah I get that and then I'm just I drink responsibly and I don't get a drum never been blackout before like yeah you don't need to ever do that anybody listening don't ever get that drunk like I'm not rebelling there's no like joy there's no joy in any of that now just barf oh yeah I've been there I've been there one time when that was once enough yeah have you ever had the experience with like everything started spinning yes you're not moving oh yeah yeah man I've had like the motor function stuff yeah I got to the point where I could feel that if I went a little bit farther I would start losing memories no I like what just happened yeah I can't remember what just happened that's below that in college I never I never got that I never did that because I don't like not being in control right but we there's something called Beirut that we used to play or like beer pong yeah and then all my friends are like the three of us very similar we played you know like video games all day and so we did something called Triforce Beirut where we took three different three different tables put them as a triangle and anybody could throw it anybody else's cups and we have like upstairs we were in Schenectady New York it was so fun yeah so we would it was just like the best but then I don't oh I barely I barely ever drink now and cuz my it makes my stomach feel and all that yeah I'm not all that stuff is gonna yeah I'll have a beverage every now and then but that's it word yeah it is it is weird like it's it's just the chemistry in your body must change at some point because yeah the same things that used to feel so great just suddenly feel like if it's very weird you are really kicking the crap out of those flying turkey bosses I can get through this without using continue that would be a huge Donna Sheng yeah are those tongues yes yes they are they're coming out of a genie mouth Thanks now that's hot there you are now that's game girl there's a lot of stuff man in early min Tendo games where you're just like how can these be the enemies like oh yeah like with black to the future like we were talking about the burgers and the clocks and the clock the clock just fly you when the best part of Back to the Future was when you would get to like done with the crappy part and you get to like play the guitar for a round alright you know that's whoa you know remember this part I don't know it's like the most genuine child but there are times in video games like I just played Castlevania bloodlines again yeah where it's like a thing happens we're like wool that you don't I'm never play that game as a kid because I did use kind of it watch Twilight yips rips slow motion I hadn't lost the life and so this has been brilliant to watch yeah I wonder what like for the pros what the what the run for this is for the Aladdin pros I think it's like 32 minutes or something oh that's not gonna be possible that person is genius this is by the way like such a strong illustration of how vastly more qualified you are to do this show than we are because you're still funny and also playing yeah it's amazing I will say I'm getting more nervous now that we're getting to harder and harder round we do one or the other or neither [Laughter] it works out huh yeah it's incredible this is actually really impressive especially because like you're not falling for it his tricks of the diamond right oh yeah yeah that was so like like did wanted a better version of me would have gotten it oh and one more god yes Dan what was the password do you remember one second later a boo Jasmine Gino Jasmine Jasmine just listen guys I'm I'm not getting paid by the insult here all right we could though what is going on here like that could it go to Jackie yeah it is it coming out of are they coming out of clay or this I'm assuming it's sand beer dude sand makes a lot more sense actually oh is this another what kind of reminds me of what was the spider-man movie the third one ooh nice you don't Sandman yeah oh yeah yeah that was taking a serious right that's it that's exactly I was gonna say the only person a movie who looked like they actually cared to be there oh the guy from sideways did it I Thomas Haden Church yeah yeah he was great he was great oh my goodness this is astonishing I can't believe this right now I'm pretty impressed also I mean I gotta do anything I'm good you're grabbing scarabs do you believe wait stop do you believe in me or tell me when to stop cuz I've failed three times we're trying to get the genie tell me I'll press the second that leaves in you and he doesn't even believe in God now did it does that look like a tiny little wiener with balls hanging all right you know you know what I mean like for a second Aaron saying he believes in me felt like a huge thing and then immediately you get one of the worst things you could get another heart oh did you just add to your oh that's good Oh because I have too many hearts excellent as we haven't continued yet we did not even save our state no that's amazing you are is amazing more pressure of performance that's really making it happen like the Adrenaline's running through your veins it could it could you've only got 40 min how do you get that you got to balance on their heads when they come to a halt but that's so much time you only have 12 apples remaining just a heads up yeah you got a restock on the apples dude you know you could get a whole watch those apps yeah boy oh boy oh you can't oh this guy have to say nice that sick now that sick dansgame girls another what else hey guys Sonic February 14th that's right oh yeah all the time is there anything else we can talk about anybody bringing their date to see Sonic cuz I probably am and she's gonna hate it my girlfriend loved cats so I have a feeling did you go for like cash she adored it I mean is she a musical theater person she very into Broadway and she's a huge mr. Mistoffelees fan yes watch him more of a hugger more of a Rumple Teezer lady but she she sent me for him she's happy footage of I guess she and her friend went to see it and they and another couple were the only two people like four people in the theater and so they had free run oh it's okay crap yeah keep going but not your lady so yeah she just sent me a video of that her friend took of her like on her feet dancing to the music and I'm like you know see that's heaven you do you honey if I if I was in a theater like that I was not I was I saw it and I was in a theater where we went yeah of course kidding me Aaron and I Aaron and I have a mandate to go see it together that'd be a fun one for you guys to see we wanted to bring cameras and just tell the whole bit yeah that'd be incredible watching it are you gonna air you're gonna really see sonic on opening day maybe yeah for you you are so I'm gonna try to stop by I'm gonna try to stop by theater although I'm worried that I'll stop by and then people can be like who are you no no no oh my goodness no people know you well I mean they'll be like why are you here for Sonic poster dude it's it's one of the posters my name is on oh come on nice come on ice this is it this is where it all happens no this is this is we're all happy it's a little bit like the yes the last time we did do you remember the last time we did this there was like something that I kept dying on over and over again and I was going absolutely Ben Turner it's on a burner it's his bananas and nuts right of course the right of the course it was it was it the car one maybe that was the space one yeah we're flying through space wait do you think this guy gives me an extra life I forget what he doesn't mean you got an extra heart from the treasure chest so what do you think is gonna happen now an extra extra heart chicken manure big Aladdin eats that whole thing right there yeah there's no bones well there were bones they were sticking right out of bone yeah but when he ate it there were no bones up that means he just freakin gobbled it down oh yeah cartoon characters stuck it and then pulled bones oh yes like a guy that's like a cat eating a fish in a cartoon thing and you hear like a violin like this is not more I die I die where I fall xylophone you die where you think you're gonna die every time here and then your palms get sweaty mom spaghetti and then I don't even need that all right so this is where I die so I got to figure out a better way of handling this whole situation maybe maybe it's staying at the same one for a bit maybe just gonna do it better oh no okay do the same one twice I think I just missed it how many lives do I have left oh my god I think I think you just gotta go if you want to do it I think I have continues don't I you must have it that wastes time they wouldn't make a a know continued game for Aladdin all I know is I meant refugio there's so many moments where I've been like run listen it's it's because I know where I have to get to and I know how disappointed I am myself yeah I've made the same mistake more than once no yeah well that's it you tighten let's see if I can do more than one yeah you can angle and you he is fit have you guys done that swim stink what the switch thing where it's like a hula hoopers on roof it yeah I say just go for it no I messed up I gotta do on the way up refit that's what you do I would done that one before alright so this is where I messed up so oh it's it's the one maybe on the way down cool oh this is extraordinary that was I saw both your legs kick out yeah absolutely everyone in the world can relate to the heaven that was about okay Sam that was so funny the three of us were so invested in that moment oh yeah oh yeah no one will ever know we're just watching somebody else's playthrough and I'm so sorry another YouTube video I will say this you guys are very kind I asked beforehand ago do you wanna play some all three of us play and oh you quickly were like it really doesn't matter yes the level to which we don't put effort in is astonishing I also like that you worded that as if we were very generous or something and when in reality we're like how we get to [ __ ] take a break yeah when in fact it's really just we don't want to embarrass ourselves any further than we already have oh so you can't hurt some head dude yeah Apple man oh my god it's delicious what a great term he chopped your apples literally did ya wonder what happens if you use a continue does it take away all your you're probably all my work and then where do we start ooh I do like that we didn't use a save feature I don't know how many really hard places are and I would love the idea if we finished this whole keep saying we if we finish this whole game without using the say that's that's a good team player move yeah you say we instead of i we I that's improv I mean that makes sense oops is this last guy is it no okay it's okay Oh is he hypnotized kill him kill him to be safe wow that was the last boss the game how amazing would that be Wow hey you've beaten this right yeah okay I think you played you far at the end it's like child's play there you go should we be should we be taking pictures of the passwords oh yeah sorry do I need them if if you continue on this this turn I'll take this in case some double jasmine action I don't think there's any way to being akin to using one of his ah dude they can show you the world wait waiting something's not as the stage isn't it I can't move well maybe it's a bonus guy yeah okay action so are you like shooting the movie is that I think so yeah hey and action can you go anywhere dude yeah this is a nice little bonus stage yeah this will get our thingies up the views get our dick hard that's a like what's the median age or what's the average age of people listening to this uh it's like 18 to 27 yeah some really yeah we those as young as like nine and as old is like 45 I think it's just good we're older and we make older references so people just that's angrily to it yeah we like when ninja sex party did a cover album Oh any time you can plug it into sex party No [Music] the time market I'm Aaron's like I bet it happens in the first 35 minutes I was jet it was important to the story when I let's here just to show the the youth of our audience we got a bunch of kids letters from kids thanking us for writing everybody wants to rule the world oh that's cool you're welcome yes some of my best work really hard on it it is it is weird though it is weird the stuff we do work this stuff we take for granted no director FAR's hobby realistically you should just start it from the last one cuz I mean who doesn't want to fly through this guy for free that's true although we don't have enough Oh Dover is it just one more thing left just when things are really want to do without a continue but I don't think it's gonna be positive energy the BDS is it's all about us you know if this is that little thingy oh no if that was that a thing was these I think we're getting there we did beat it really quickly oh man it must be hard this this port anytime you get to this part of any game yes it becomes like all right it's like that's difficult there right yeah it's like we ran out of [ __ ] to screw with now it's just gonna be difficult yeah so still in the age where they were making arcade game so there's like these token taker moments yeah but the game does really need he's already bought it absolutely right that was an incredible move into this I don't even think you saw what just happened uploaded the best gamer moments calm is there such a thing there will be yes and that'll be the first upload oh we got it oh but then we lost it I'll send it to my dad playing guitar nice but I quit her what type of guitar has your dad ever play with Dan no I would love that that would be cool though yeah you got your dad his dream guitar yeah it's the the Dave Grohl lakeil it's awesome was it signed by Dave Grohl no but it's part of the Signature Collection so kind of yes so in some way was signed by him by a machine it counts yeah does count I'll take it yeah look at this stupid idiot they're very cool gladly what kind of music are you a new Ben I I grew up on Soul no kidding hell yeah well you could jump on the shore yeah that seems unfair to find out at the last stage of the game come on Oh all these little strong feet thanks dude I mean polishes oh I'm playing sloppy all I need to do is all I need to do it whoa Ben we were aware that there's a fan of ours on instagram named show feet guy and what's his deal well the only thing he comments on every one of our pictures is and I quote show feet what is show feet like he just wants you to show you exactly right you're not wearing you're not wearing Aaron are you wearing I don't know I don't wear shoes this would be huge this is I need this and I missed it oh that could have been clutch dude epic gamer moments is going down do it son of a [ __ ] brought over yeah we can get like two if we nail that guys then I can do it without using a continue yeah that's true that would be amazing all right yep ships so my favorite part of this game that we haven't commented no so fast you far what is your favorite part of game that you haven't commented on yet is oh is what he goes whoa oh yeah alright this is what we need and there's no half-stepping as I said I got it yeah yeah now we have to finish this board with this oh come on now all we need to do if we get like a - two more lives I think I can do it I assume we're about to hit someone hard so we're gonna try to get to to up that's amazing by the way I can hear I love that you call levels boards like I do Oh what do you suppose film levels yeah they do I mean anything oh oh we're not gonna get it because we're from oh wait I have a little even one up with me nice Oh what is the star do maybe two I did do it that's nice well now that's a nice the ball it's a spicy meatball yeah but oh like when I first joined the show I called levels boards and kids were like [ __ ] is wrong with you I get it whatever grandpa yeah but yeah I'm talking more than I thought I'd be able to talk while playing this dude I'm sincerely impressed this has been an outstanding display of games gaming ship how are we doing timewise in terms of how long has it taking me so far it is I believe you started at 310 and now and it is 350 400 aren't even close to anything recive you've played for about like 38 minutes oh that's fine that's outstanding that's pretty good yeah I'm happy with that kick that dude into lava the long play video was like 45 minutes oh so if we beat a video that's on YouTube that would make me happy dude I mean yeah that's that would be a reason to reopen epic game of moments calm yeah yeah yeah I might go daddy is about to be renewed so it's up to you yeah I used to watch McCall it I when I started rejected jokes calm please song the Go Daddy joke it is that well it's GoDaddy related you have to put in your address like but I had oh I want to see if there's you know I want to see if there's a girl your chicken I want to see if there's a full roast like a chicken right now Oh Aaron that's what they wanted this is my god hurt here that you broke maybe give me a chicken and B how about this come on give me chicken give me a chickie oh my goodness all right so we're getting your chicken moved away ooh is that - ah I see oh look at that uh so you gotta do this never there oh well done is that too low probably um so I put rejected joke stuff okay no it's it's cooked now yes now it's even safer from salmonella sorry please Go Daddy go - of course so what you're saying here call me daddy oh my god is this oh this is this turf are you do we get it that quick no way three bees that quick this feels like a victory lap oh my god oh my god yes oh please with four lives gotta be a fan ooh do it do it but you also have to say obviously tell your goat a story okay wait we gotta figure out how to first you gotta go Daddy and yeah you gotta tell the Go Daddy oh I can't keep losing lives like this guys for lives you're fine great hits you're so hard on yourself I am pretty hard losing is a jump up wait wait no - though mmm was a nice little save there thanks guys oh oh and then he gets the cheap Dee deep Dee and you guys know about the cheap DDP right I mean we've lived it that's just the way live don't learn from you nice nice not enough learning I guess dad oh and this is just like how it happened in the movie jump you flip the turkey buzzes that's why there's chicken in the fauces why I just died what oh yeah you're absolutely right like a full life oh we're gonna be great like a cat they had in the corner and died and then I know you can go backwards yeah it seems like an excellent time to tell it Go Daddy still how would I get up there do you guys know not a clue you guys know daddy get the rocket the rocket boost in the third stage okay so I put Upright Citizens Brigade theater address all right I gotta learn so this way for this there you go then come see second guy second time to play something it's always better there you go and so I put the old upright citizens brigade address because that's where I was interning and all that stuff anyway and so I made a series of I am I made I made a video in the second video I made was making fun of a Coors Light Commercial okay and in it I used actual Coors Light footage and then I got the guy who was in the commercial to like green screen a piece for me right so do you remember the do you remember the commercial where it's like everybody's just like partying and dancing and then ordered all the commercials and then add a know where there's a there's like the silver bullet train comes yes and so in my in my one the silver bullet train comes and then runs over somebody so I did it and it was like and it got a lot a lot of views very quickly yes and then I didn't know but Coors Light was sending me cease and desist letters but they were sending it to the GoDaddy address I was going to the theater so I never got them oh no oh twice as many chicks so many probably use him to get up there I understand that company like it's like it's an ad so I think it's cuz I was using their actual footage add yet maybe so but I didn't know and so I got it for a while and they said if you don't take this off the internet we've warned you you don't take this off the internet we're gonna not twice as many if you don't take this off the internet we're gonna sue you and my dad said dan you'll enjoy this being Jewish mm-hmm my dad's like there's a lot of people that hate Jewish people this might not be the fight you wanted because I'm from ours at UCB the time which was like the most CBGB's place yeah like it's punk rock we do like all these crazy shows to like screw up the system and then my dad's like don't and so I didn't and this isn't the hell that's exactly it no I'm happy I didn't because I think they would assume you didn't have any money to fight back right but it was because my GoDaddy address was the Franklin Theatre it is especially a go it's not over Oh wouldn't be that easy yeah I did it I feel like he would have exploded wait let's see what's going on so I'm gonna remember it I don't have my phone I'll take a picture Aladin jazmyne seems some of you and this Fulton Oh so if anybody's playing this game they could just skip to that last there you go final battle oh my god they can they can draft off of your guys this is this is what we're doing right now if we pull it off no Oh where'd he go no save state no continue oh can you imagine you don't have to imagine it's happening right before me oh oh oh damn this feels final boss' yeah this is not what we need yeah well it's a condition oh I got him there you go yeah just took one hit on my hand but yeah that's a very elder generation of Jewish thing but yeah like I remember one time Ross went through my family's window yeah at home and my parents were like oh my god they're they're after the Jews it's Kristallnacht all over again and it ended up it was just like the rock shot out of the lawnmower of the guy was mowing our law and it was it a window you know was German I'm about to jinx it and I shouldn't say it but I haven't even been hit by the final boss oh I shouldn't have said anything jinx it it's gonna happen right now you don't know man I feel very under control right now he's getting awfully snug I'm feeling very under control right now yeah man do it sound like it's the Animaniacs think I was just gonna say that oh my god that's so weird did I literally just get hit at that last second you did yeah man this is no matter in the end what's the time we got another time 4:02 about what time do we start about 46 minutes yep oh I mean guys this was an actual playthrough yep you did it but we didn't start out right away didn't you know maybe not someone will have the Oh what dude that's not even fair no that can't be right that has to be part of the yeah you thought you can outwait to mark Paris oh it doesn't let me skip it so you know we beat the game you're not as parafin Oh guys like err do all the voices yeah hey Jamie hey more power anything ever okay well make them different make them different okay okay but make them different okay okay here is my third wish make me you know power Virginie that's good that's a good wish hey no chase yeah we keep making me oh man spoilers oh you've never said a movie yes I just Will Smith do it oh the itty-bitty living space line could be right now yes yes I can feel the absolute power the universe is mine to command Wow Aeryn really delivered with love hard oh wait what is happening to me [Music] [Laughter] phenomenal cosmic powers oh they didn't do it Jasmine I'm sorry I lied to you about being a prince she pushes him off the building yeah no problem here's your third which master rings at you're a prince again jasmine I love you too why can I pretend to be something I guess he's kind of a surfer guy yeah Judy my third of bottle wash is for your afraid off what Wow I'm free I'm free like yeah that's true you look great but now it looks like that's true yeah how does that feel good time to hit the road and see the world okay well continue his friends but yeah I saved you now we can like be cool dudes no Jeannie I'm sure gonna miss you and you have control of your powers now so like maybe also was it just the thing you're the things around your wrist that we're controlling you yeah that seems like nothing oh here what's this guy sound like Oh looks like we need a new law from this day forward the princess me Mary Mary sheet you well that's convenient is that your Skeletor your dad the ass hole in the fence ha just call me al this is very nice looking wearing the goofy hat and big fan that better than a tit Ali Baba had them Fani schmoops we still have 25 minutes do we do what we did last time I just talked for 20 minutes I love it and do that speaking of goofy I don't think I can be back to future in 20 minutes that's too quick what do you think you want to just do I don't think every pot because I'll be late I know I'll be late for my meeting where you were late for the last thing you tried to do after this right did was I salary man yeah the guy's name is salary man oh my god piece of trivia are we not talking about boo boo boo apparently nobody they were they wouldn't let them put their real names and these credits back in the day because they didn't want even poaching them so they all had oh my goodness really yeah that's interesting that's why I thought I must have known that that's crazy hey man you zuy that's a real be so you have to call yourself salary man you can call yourself anything you want call me salary man yeah call me boring Paul yeah Wow never mind that's a powerful hey I just beat Aladdin yeah what do you think of the game do you have tall knobs number really great work well then done notice I'm tall not from us yeah what does Paul knob do he was the object designer oh my god that's funny is that true yeah that's funny spider Mitsu this isn't incredible I love this thing we've got now where it's it's a running thing where you just come on and complete a game I will say this was a total domination for me you did not even the other one continue the other one was more of us we had to just sweat it out yeah that one weird is pushing through to the end mm-hmm this was this was a dunk you [ __ ] dunk on this someone threw me the basketball and I said I'll take it from here yeah like you could literally we could just literally call this video like a Latin long play and nobody liked it wouldn't it wouldn't matter we could write you it's it's a long play plus entertainment like this is the most amazing video ever on your butt long plays get quite a quite a few views right you were I mean I especially the one that we just watched of Aladdin I mean sorry guys this was taken from tall knob if I'll not beat his own game we're just like stole it we did right I did I'm sure you've done a long one too I did a solo one of like one of those really Sierra games which one like at King's Quest king's quest for is a great the perils of Rosella great game love it great um but yeah that that would that ended up being like three hours to two and a half hours at least just like yes won those games were not easy no it's it's funny in retrospect lay over only 15 how's that possible that's disgusting you are played again yeah it's right in no problem yeah you definitely collected more than 15 well 15 red gems maybe like a bunch of green gems well the red gems are the the tittle izing ones they're the ones those just out of reach excuse me what did you saw that tantalizing analyzing as it works it gets you all titillated titillating yeah yeah that's a WoW guys brought up a great point last I remember okay that may be think about when we beat on that Disneyland game I'm sorry reborn you yeah to me it's this whole thing is so boring you know I mean like i ii don't have to play a game and have to actually listen to you guys oh my god is that it stays at the end right there you can't press and I was like I wonder why they do that and you're like because back in the day now you can call your friends and like take pictures and stuff like that as opposed to you know what I mean and you had to like find a camera and get your mom and dad to be like look at this look at this yeah why it's a beautiful idea so your dog doesn't step on the controller like yeah that's true oh you didn't beat it let me see the picture can we talk about how many light sabers you have here yes many lights have many 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 lights and they're all different yeah all different well so let's let's talk about that right galaxy said you can go and make your own lightsaber love it and I did it so you choose from four different categories of lightsaber it's like light side dark side Old Republic and yeah I can like Twi'lek world yeah and then of those you can basically make like two full lightsabers with the pieces they give you so that's what I'm doing as I went through all four of them and now I'm going back through the other four of them again and giving the alternate pieces how many there's by the end I have every piece well this is there oh you can mix and match everything yeah that's awesome oh so how many more do you need to get to two more yeah so does that mean you've been to galaxy's edge 10 times more than that yeah how often you go to Disneyland pretty often we get the pass and why weren't you freaking out about us being that other game that was about Disneyland you didn't bring that up once well I mean it's it's it's an eight you know you can feel my energy I do by the way I do feel your thanks yeah did you know I love love Disneyland to Disneyland boy you know what I'm becoming one because Ashley is way into Disney oh yeah and she what's your ride do you have a favor ride now that's a good question I really like Indiana Jones it's a great ride yes I love her good oh I thought Erin wasn't gonna say no it's yeah you know and if you go to Tokyo Disneyland they have the same ride but it's based on the Crystal Skull really so some of the decorations are different in like the big faces oh it wouldn't be like the temple of Doom's correct I rode that ride with a guy named Tony Baxter who is the guy who created that ride yeah no way yeah so I wrote that's amazing yeah I was insane we did um when galaxy's edge came out we went like right when it came out and so Tony was trying the ride for the first time he was friends with Jett Lucas was there who was George Lucas's son and it was me and Bobby Moynihan and Jett and his girlfriend were there and we all just became the same group and they were lovely and awesome and Tony must have known Jett so Tony came with us which for me was like so cool so we would go on the Indiana Jones ride and we did Star Tours which he helped build and I would ask him questions about all the stuff so he was like oh yeah you know there's an effect at the beginning of the Indiana Jones ride where dry ice would drop to the ground like there's a piece of like dry ice would drop to the ground and that would be in effect but it would like kind of I forget what he said I'd hate to ruin it but like he said another cool thing a byproduct of that is like after the ice started to melt people will be on the ride and all sudden hear Rumble and see something crash on the floor just cuz so many things had been building up he goes but they took down the effect because it was like there's too much water happening on the ground and this and that meant I was like oh he goes but at the beginning that was a part of the right dude I mean this stuff like that is so like the haunted mansion where there was like a dude in a suit like all day yeah yeah like the suit of armor right at the beginning there was like a dude in that and when they first opened the hall I should know that and he would just be like right like we do it like an old-time yeah yeah but then it was like too scary and they had to pay a guy so they yeah I'm doing that there's got to be so many things that are like let's try this and then after a little bit like there's no point to things that I thought of while you were saying let me get a second one first okay the second one was as we were leaving Disneyland's last time we were we were parked in the goofy lot sure and the goofy lot is really funny because you know his face is everywhere and I can never remember where I parked so you're like looking around and you just see him he's like you're [ __ ] up it's so and the other thing I was gonna say was I didn't know you knew Bobby Moynihan he was my teacher at UCB oh really like 12 years old we do duck tails together he plays Lully and Apple II do with that but also we were at UCB together that makes total sense he's a wonderfully nice guy he's an unbelievable improvising a wonderful human that's fantastic he's such a funny dude am i keep thinking you know you're being so nice to everybody that you talk about on the show I'm like who says you don't the cameras off you're gonna be like all right real talk yeah I'll be my 10 everybody and we have time that's amazing you know it makes me I can feel myself getting sick to hear my voice a little bit oh because the cats oh maybe so yeah just wondering if it was like cuz I've been traveling so much yeah and I know you're a hypochondriac I am I feel like I can well I've been I've been getting this thing off anybody on this if anybody listening for this knows what to do cuz I went to an ENT net inhale like my ears keep clogging as if I'm like that must it must be the cat right cuz now it's like you can I'm like yes but my ears keep clogging for no reason as if I'm like going up high altitude yes and they'll clog and I keep having to hold my nose and try to unclog them and sometimes they'll be clogged for hours yeah I don't know what to do and I went to an ENT and they're like you look fine I have a deviated septum of like you know you should take care of that but because I don't know quite what to do yet and if anybody has it any experience of that it's like an actual problem that I'm going through right now and it gave me tinnitus now so every now I know her ringing oh great well there's two things one is of course I should ask you about the yeah of course because I'm another nebbishy Jew yeah the you should eat a half a pound the locks three-quarters of the common passion well the if you go on planes a lot right yes a lot so here's the critical thing that has helped me immensely on planes thanks to our awesome doctor dr. Sugarman oh I use dr. Sugarman you know doctors I use him holy crap he's the best he's great expensive very but he's the best and so um he he told you the polysporin thing no okay before you go on a plane take this is I'm sure this is fascinating listening I mean I love it before you go on a plane take a little bit of polysporin on the end of a q-tip and just like rub on the inside of both of your nostrils and it'll protect you from like the gunk flying around in there that is a huge thing and the other thing is take like enough where you can feel it or know just a little bit just enough to like like make it's in there just an even coat okay not too much but it'll catch anything that's floating around and that's so smart so helpful and the other thing he says is three hours two and a half hours to three hours before you land take sudafed sudafed yeah and Afrin yeah he recommends Neos a nephron um but like any kind of even saline will be good wow what a great way to end this but it's you know what I promise there's there's people at home who get always get sick on planes that will can I tell you another big one that I'm that that helped me yes take a shower when you land yes cuz all their germs are on you and I learned that the hard work saves to get sick so often and then because we tour a lot all three of us in this room for your butt tours to the upstairs of the house though oh yeah it does take a shower when you get home because you have all the germs from the flight there yeah no question direct but I could definitely get there if I applied myself I bet I could do well all you need to do is think about it enough like when I found out about the microbiome and like their trillions of I don't even tell me it's just like and it's covered in goo yeah right we're flying yeah you come out slime do you remain it's the trillions of living entities that are inside and outside your body yeah like there's a cloud around every person of living things yeah and if it wasn't there you die immediately so you do need them but like it does like the next time you kissed someone you'll be like yes I'm never kissing anybody ever again should we do something fun before it ends we only have like three or four minutes for me it's mouthwash by the way what do you do I don't do mouthwash oh I heard this not good for you yes I stopped doing mouthwash you know that yeah I've never only gotten sick twice in the last three years really dude because it kills it kills the things that are protecting you kills all the good stuff and cold showers cold shower I know yeah why been doing it for you Aaron you take cold showers I know it's brutal yeah it's a terrible thing to try to get used to oh I feel like it make me go crazy I could I could teach you how to do it though like a nun this is the funniest thing ever and almost winked and say cold showers I can teach you how to do it to take a shower with me like to be like you don't know how to take a cold shower is there a breathing exercise that it regulates your body temperature at of wait to thank you do you think that's from cold showers uh no it's just from not eating as much garbage yeah and we're gonna eat snacks here innate garbage I haven't eaten yet so maybe that's why I'm lightheaded too oh I may pass out you're fine yeah I'll be all right hey what was number one by the way number one oh never one with the Bobby Moynihan oh god yeah yeah cuz I just thought that was so cool you know what I didn't want asked yeah I did want to ask about cuz I guess that means George Lucas has seen all the Star Wars stuff they do on SNL I must have right the funniest one to me is the one it's the commercial for the Star Wars toys Bobby Moynihan's in it where it shows the difference between those are Bobby's toys no Bobby Boyd his own toys he told me brought his own toys for that where it's in a container in glass he said that he brought his own toys and it's real because Bobby K is a huge collector that is fantastic oh boy water I've only drank a sun-kissed today that could be wiser yeah what else guys sonic what you gotta put a little thing in your arm and then if it leaves a mark than you're dehydrated really really yeah that's the thing like like if you're wearing oh yeah sure or something you're like lift of your belt there's so many things that Aaron keeps doing he goes yeah let me show you how to take off your pants let me show you take a cold shower guys well there's if you touch tongues with another man yeah I really want to know if I'm dehydrated there's a thermometer on all men that you could use to find out all right all right I'm into it all right fine sorry 20 [ __ ] later you're sick 20 it took 20 [ __ ] wait can i plug things yeah please sonic the hedghog the movie February 14th I place on Valentine's Day go please go go get yourself some sonic head get yourself oh my god paramount would immediately not let me do press ever again if I said no you could say okay so Sonic the Hedgehog and then a week after that is a movie I did with Billy Crystal called standing up falling down yes Dan's new friend Billy Crystal yeah how about that yeah we went to a Clippers I went to a Clippers game because on what night on Jewish heritage night yep we didn't even know it would nobody knew it I was taking nice to Billy Crystal and Adam Sandler I didn't even know it was do return was not allowed in the building no they kicked me right out yeah and yeah and that may - so happy because hey she loves you yeah she's lovely yeah and and B she freaking loves Billy Crystal because she had to meet him yes and her When Harry Met Sally is one of her favorite movies yeah it's a perfect film yeah so she was just so excited and he was a he was a lovely man he's a wonderful wonderful man we have a movie coming out set off February 21st the week after it'll be VOD in theaters and in middle of June Schwartz my improv group we have specials coming out I can't say where yet because there the place is gonna announce it but we're gonna release three specials at the same exact time that's fans and that'll be a big deal because it's long-form improv and there's not many opportunities to watch long form improv cool yeah so then I'm very excited so all three of them are the show they're just different sets know so every is so oh you have a couple of show I come to you and only Dan knows how did you remember that yeah I knew it a great time you came backstage you wearing a leather coat I had the best time would have been better with a friend yeah what are we great we went a but so each show is a suggestion it's and its own thing that every shows obviously totally different so we filmed for shows and we picked the best three and that's what ever happens is what the show is that's there's you know the editing within it is just to like you know at camera angles and a little bit of fat but it's like whatever happens is what happens so you know they're not all per shows that none of them are perfect shows but it gives you a nice representation what happens when we get on stage so it'll be interesting because there's been very few opportunities to watch specials like this and this place is giving us a real platform and do it and we shot the crap out of it like when nine cameras and ice it looks really sweet and we're editing it right now literally tomorrow we continue editing may I blow smoke for a hot second please blow smoke up for an HS [ __ ] fantastic improviser oh you're very nice and so is Thomas because like the I was not like I could get to a certain level and then just never get past it and this show is the only type of improv I can do where when my brain locks up and I can't think of anything you can just riff off the game no but you know what it is and I think Aaron will agree is that your confidence and you're comfortable on this so you're allowing yourself to take more risks and you know you're in your zone do you know what I mean like sim both you guys are incredible at this stuff so it's like what my friend Sam rice says uh when I improvise he said it's like meditation because I can't think of anything else but whatever is happening and this show for you guys is kind of like the same thing you've done it so many times that you're like in a zone you know what you're doing it's easy to make jokes you have your friend to bounce off up if there's dull air Aaron will pick up if there's Ella for Aaron you'll pick up so it isn't you guys what you do is an improv show but you know instead of going back to a suggestion your suggestion is looking at the screen that yeah it's amazing but like the idea that you and Thomas you go from one word right we get when we have a conversation with one person that's right and then nobody else talks to them we almost like a play for an hour and 10 minutes yes yeah yeah I saw and and it was cool because like the one of my favorite things is the way that when like one of you screws up and the other knows it like you'll just straight-up call it out like yeah yeah it's great it's great very excited for you to see it then the other thing is space force it's a TV show on Netflix I did with a Steve Carell John Malkovich yeah that comes out this year sometime when do you find time to play Aladdin right I have to make time on your show yeah this is what although I do play video I do continue to play video games on my Twitter if you follow rejected jokes I have a whole threat of me beating video games but never recorded like this just like I take a picture to the last screen which is why actually I felt good enough to reach out to you on Twitter because you did a QA you often that's outside like why don't you come on game grumps and I was I was confident that because you were like playing games and stuff and I was like maybe he's heard of us or like maybe he's just and do it but I let you describe it to me I didn't know much about the show then you describe to me also go away that sounds amazing and then I looked up like at some of the stuff and it was great and then since then we have kept in touch and we've kept in touch we've been rooting each other on like well Aaron's very very supportive and if there's a tour show well like we'll both have each other's back and then anytime like it's been very nice my goal is to do one of these a year at least that is wonderful max to definitely not more than one I think it's this week's about it we'll probably a board of each other yeah yeah if you hear more than two it's over I think to be honest like Aaron and I both had a moment where after we did the show with you where you just kept responding to texts and emails that we attended we would be like just Ben Schwartz actually just certain amount where you drop off for me we were so happy it's like McKay well that's the end of that goodbye you know like wow well that was fun but when you were hanging out with a you know you've hung out for like like two hours after yeah we looked at all the games that we talked like humans it was right and then when you were leaving you were like I feels like I've been friends with you guys for years and I was like yeah I kinda feel like that yeah and you're left and I was like that's it that was the last moment you have that sad like oh that was it that was fun yeah but I do agree same with like when you do movies and TV shows that people oftentimes when it's over it's over yes and then like the next time you see him you like oh this is so fun but it's it takes you people who are listening to this it takes effort to stay friends with people because one or both of people will just stop reaching out yeah and nobody will be upset at each other but you like you like oh that's a bummer I wish I talked up or some more but we've we've kept in good enough contact where we've remained whatever yeah yeah you can talk about the real [ __ ] with us anytime you want yeah yeah and then I mean we already talked to me just one minute yeah we got 60 seconds give us the real [ __ ] okay so uh in nineteen ninety-four hi guys this was very fun it was rad having you how did we meet did we hit an hour I hope so yes we did perfect great uh yeah great feel for you guys want to plug anything Wendy's has come out are you guys having are you guys oh I'm doing go to middle in Schwartz calm you can look at our tours we have a whole bunch of Tours coming up tour shows coming up you're the minister Schwartz that calm all in a pose there that's something I should plug to yes Aaron what are you guys doing what do you wanna plug well there's a channel called game grumps that we do okay oh wait you guys are you guys touring no we're taking the first couple of months of this year off because like we did two I did two tours with an Espeon to tears with game grumps last year and it almost killed me yeah dude touring is tough yeah but like the shows are fantastic but everything around them is a different thing than the exhaustion but I can't imagine can i what's it what's it like releasing two movies in 8 days it is very surreal especially because one of the movies is like often times when I do movies it's either I'm a very small role or a small role in a movie whatever this time I'm like I mean I'm like one of the big parts of it and it could it's everywhere so like my parents can see it like I don't have to be like hey on this day in this day this movies playing at this one theater Manhattan if you wanna go see it and there my parents are so supportive that let go but it's like this is like hey so Sonic is out in Valentine's Day so anybody wants to go see it go see it so it's but that part is really cool and the idea that I can do that cartoon thing and then have like a dramedy like and kind of show both things of like what I'm trying to work on yeah that's cool as [ __ ] another worldly VOD that'll be that example of the only way your you'll know about it is if you like hear it here on game grumps or some of that it's harder to yeah but it is it's surreal and then that space forest thing I think will be really [ __ ] funny I love the name it's so funny it's Steve Carell and John Malkovich are geniuses and then Greg Daniels created it who did the office and everything mazing so it should be really good and I play a character named [ __ ] Tony so everything is gonna be alright guys and on that note thank you again to Ben Schwartz thank you thank you both you guys and thank you everybody for listening it's super fun I'll see you next year or one more time this year oh yeah very 15th so yes so probably I'll see you next December on the schedule every week and then yeah yeah that's the way we'll never email again have a good day everyone
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 743,356
Rating: 4.9597988 out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming, aladdin, classic, ben schwartz, guest grumps, disney
Id: jHFi_nh-kQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 34sec (4414 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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