We watch MARIO Game Grumps Animations! - Game Grumps Compilations

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I personally hate that 2000s vlog style of editing out every hundredth of a second of silence. Otherwise, a very fun episode.

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/edrenfro 📅︎︎ Jul 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

Dan's hamster-powered dialup got me quakin'.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/RogueNine 📅︎︎ Jul 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

awwwwww im so happy to hear Dan so delighted by Undertale and earnestly looking forward to the followup. wonderful stuff

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/RevolsinX 📅︎︎ Jul 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

I’ve heard the Mozart clip so many times and it never even crossed my mind that Mozart was a composer and didn’t draw. If you asked me offhand I’d remember Mozart played piano but I never thought about it.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/thedarkforce97 📅︎︎ Jul 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

I like these compilations because there are a bunch of animateds that I've never seen, apparently.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/theVoidWatches 📅︎︎ Jul 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

i like these videos, maybe without the jump cuts but i don't mind

hope they keep doing them

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/echoparkranger 📅︎︎ Jul 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Did they already watch some of these animations on that show where they check out fan content on an iPad?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Cheesemacher 📅︎︎ Jul 06 2020 🗫︎ replies
welcome everybody to the mario animated compilation dan and I are going to be watching these Mario animators that we've done in a compilation and commented on them I'm having a lot of trouble with my headphones but everything's fine oh yeah let's go to the first one you should get some coins too well I'm trying to get some coins would you get off my back it sound like my dad well if things go right I might know mine it's fine I don't to human beings that's all I'm saying yeah I know you took her out to dinner last time you this isn't a section I'm just saying she's a good friend of mine I know and he's had and I didn't think that was a very nice restaurant choice yes they have been really stealing this one yeah I had sex with my mom too so ain't no big thing yeah so I bet you feel weird knowing that we're tunnel buddies now huh I bet you feel like a real weird creeps like a bargaining between father and son that no father and son has ever had yeah I actually would say that that well Oedipus is a lucky son of a [ __ ] yeah well actually your dad so jealous I also had sex with your dad thereby making us your cousin wow what a mess Matt and Ryan sometimes when we hang out with them maybe they pull us in a certain direction of conversation oh yeah I mean that style of humor like occasionally will how would I put it occasionally we'll vacation there they've set up a straight up like condominium they're like we live here now those kids are fearless I miss them dearly yeah me too I miss them so much I haven't seen them since the dang Backstreet Boys went on to her but I know I hope they know we love them all I can just text him and tell me what I won't okay tell him I said I'll say it's from both of my settlement then ya told me I said something okay you Mario you not yes it is pleasant to meet you okay okay and even though I am the main computer of this fortress I am Tec I must tell you something Princess Peach Princess Pea hi I am sis sorry I know most of my dad it was a erased and my main power a unit was shut down you know that peach is not here do you not who is [ __ ] please save peach please please should I get you oh the TV doesn't work anymore but backup power failing Mario please hurry I will cease all elf functions it's assemble flowers to the teleporter for you poor how what what will happen to our is all gone I will cease to exist but if it will save peach computer MapQuest took Chipotle because I really mad quest because until I met peach I knew nothing of love where's Matt questa being all emotional do not worry about me I am just a computer I know Chipotle Mario you must save peach I ask you please Alexa and tell her the way didn't you Polly Oh are these his last thoughts of her I will always remember her memory deleted TC system failure reported oh that so said Mario we're bout to save the princess for that tech fellow as well as ourselves but in the meantime what the heck was going on with the computers yeah you just wasn't giving me the GPS directions I needed I need to catch up on my Amazon shopping with there anything on there is something else down here that's her changing room hell yeah well oh my god there's a lot to unpack there a lot of good memories in that playthrough there's a new one coming out you know a new Super Paper Mario yeah Union Paper Mario I I would be happy to play it that's probably a good one for when we can get together again have a feeling that'll be tough that when we record game grumps episodes now there's a slight delay and it can throw off the timing of comedy which is not a big deal with certain games but is a big deal with others especially like story driven games and and that's that falls into that category that being said Paper Mario was quite an adventure I loved it I think that was one of our longest ones right that went to like a hundred and twenty something episode yeah that was those that was intense I remember that that final stretch to where you were like alright I'm gonna need six hours and she's like hunker down in the grump room and just laid and played and cuz you were you were farming for items yes I had to go into the dungeon of a thousand horrors or whatever it's called and just build up stabbed it was real tough it was a tough game for me at least I loved it it was weird is a weird game because you have those moments where Tec is dying and he's thinking of Princess Peach and he's like Mario tell her to remember me and I'm like this is the same franchise as the where you punched the Turtles right like this is Mario right it was just such a departure from Super Mario Bros and what it originally was conceived as very self-aware and very fun and also the memory deleted thing which I do all the time is a reference to my favorite Futurama joke where fry creates a Lucy Liu robot you know what it's like to have Lucy Liu fall in love with him at the end she's dying she's like I will never forget you fry memory deleted and then she explodes beautiful I love Futurama am i Mario's babysitter I don't care what he's doing are you going to call me every time that guy blows his nose or water sheesh this hide you've heard amazing treasure treasure yes Mario is gone in search of a star-shaped ruler but there's no question of their heart back the crystal star you say they sound like good world conquering tools I want them mmm yes very good continue researching this for me you brainy had you that's excellent that that's an example of artists really heightening the joke that they got down like like you know so so good that's a classic that I remember every time you'd do that bit it would did kill me I'm so dumb I can't remember how it started I think it started because I was actually coughing the first time and then really yeah I I think so maybe I'm remembering it wrong it's been a long time I just assumed it was because she was like an old lady well yeah for sure one thing I remember very clearly is it clicking in my head like that's such a dumb funny thing to do and something that can like go on for a while and be heightened and almond I'm glad that I'm glad that exists and I love the artists head that character like turned away on their knees coughing by the end of it perfectly so animated and unlikable and that that's great really good over here oh well this is worse than ever this is the worst scenario did you find a seat by losing your hat and falling off a cliff well I want my hat back wait no just let it go man you're good hair why are girls a good set up that is it's very [ __ ] with my head right now no no oh okay all right it's like would you fall backwards down one stair like thinking that you're gonna fall down the stairs is one of the most terrifying I do the opposite like when I go up an extra phantom stair that's not there like you get to the top of the stairway and like you take a step as if there's another stair and you're like whoa and my slam foot down super hard on the yeah yeah that's my move super adorable that was uh that was Tammy Chang of detail Fame the one and only Tammy [ __ ] everything she draws is super super cute when I received that in my email I was like yeah I know I'm honored I'm honored to be drawn by the same hand it drew all those lovely characters like the little fire Superman if we go down the rabbit hole of all the undertale characters I love we're gonna be here a long and end up sobbing that game made me feel things man all right let's move on wait sorry one question and this is just for my own remember we played like an early version of the follow-up to undertale yeah yeah did that full game ever come out not yet Wow but soon maybe still still in development on it what was the name of it you know Delta root Delta rune yes good forward to that very excited yoshi hill yeah necessarily want to be a squirrel I was perfectly fine I didn't realize it would change both of us yeah I would change one of us I mean not saying you [ __ ] up my life or anything it's just that you know my life it is [ __ ] up and oh it's Yoshi yeah what's up boy what let me you up I got my Yoshi right yeah stop bragging get out of the way no okay [ __ ] all right dude this is the last time I'm gonna [ __ ] ask you please just give me a hug boy yo she's gonna ride you Oh beautiful yeah just lovely I love the way that artists draws my hair like just gigantic I love the ones that um when we're playing like co-op games or something and we're just having a dialogue in the game about what we're doing in the game it lends itself so well to just these like situational little animated yeah I can't remember which game that was but I believe it was one of the Mario games where we could [ __ ] with each other mm-hm and it led to all sorts of hijinks and Harry who area who don't know my brain was like say it and I eyes I just like your command it sounds like something that like is like an old-fashioned whatever and then they're like oh we should call our candy bar Harry who's and bar it's good it's covered in chocolate and it's filled with like fermented molasses it's like why would anyone eat that so I used to love them when I was filled with tomfoolery you haven't seen your girlfriend in a while she showed up right at the beginning and then when she got kidnapped you'll see [ __ ] Princess Peach while and Mario yeah no it's from mercury you see [ __ ] toad and he's like it's like why should I trust you yeah your [ __ ] mushrooms yeah and how do you know she's in another castle yeah just watch like a dick carried away are you a part of it and you're telling me goddammit yeah totes an [ __ ] through and through basically I mean I love him but Jesus I don't love him you know what no [ __ ] him I have a very great affection for all the supermarket till owes me like 20 bucks from for what no one needed 20 bucks and I asked him what he needed it for and he was like don't ever you're my friend you help me out but you don't [ __ ] get all up in my business imagine Toby like don't you ever ask me wonderful Brandon Turner Turner man legend is his lip-sync is really what that's like saves it because it's so perfectly yeah yeah it's it's something about the like it just makes it extra funny also the little things he throws in Brandon Turner animations you can watch ten times and get and see something new every time well I watched his when you went off on subway that one time oh man class yeah yeah I watched his animation to that multiple times for sure oh God I said that's that's the kind of bit that makes me want I'm like oh maybe you could do stand-up because it was just like but it's like no it's literally just like one rant game grumps is stand-up without the fear of arming in front of an audience we can bomb but when we do bomb I'm probably like getting a sandwich yeah and we're just like hey sorry this is it funny and everyone's like tomorrow baby incorporated Krispy Kreme sweet Krispy Kreme vitamins vitamin D vitamin K for doing for cream alright you know what I think maybe could've warned me before that no we didn't get the [ __ ] medallion yeah oh well that's what happens when you sass me no we're going back no no I'm dying I'm dying I can't do this no we gotta get that medallion we missed it and for me my brother told me to kill myself I love him so much i thats another one from which mario game was that do you remember it's a new super mario brothers you yes that's the one that we were able to like really mess with each other mom and thwart each other's intentions and desires there's great yeah fantastic I can't find anybody I know you guys I gotta avoid the law it's not too difficult right now avoiding the law is easy there's only so many cops and a million miles of Earth alright is that is that a cop right there is that my - it's an inked I've been inked I'm sorry oh man so we're stuck in jail so my friends have to come and like get me out what cuz I'm stuck in jail [ __ ] baby Rosalina what the [ __ ] were you doing just meandering around like a little [ __ ] oh [ __ ] there we go wow that was very creative they just like take it in a whole new direction not even they just take the audio and they're like oh this will fit some other scenario that's amazing that's amazing somehow in the context of wouldn't everyone's driving vehicles the baby versions like baby Lou Sabina somehow it makes sense when you take it out of context you're like oh yeah it's a freaking baby what are they gonna do but they should they should be in a diet like in a crib looking at a diet and not a diorama what's the word a mobile a mobile it's been a long day it's been it's been a long time since I was a baby oh yeah man like 10 years I'm 11 ok I want to draw I can teach you no you can't no one can why it's forever I'm just the worst that dude drawing is so easy yeah when you can draw but you can learn to draw this is the reverse conversation that we've had about singing a thousand times well I'm learning to sing though right and I'm getting better at it oh yeah why don't you get better at drawing well because that wouldn't prove my point what point do you want to prove that you won't draw when you want to yeah the hell's wrong with you yeah I am alright I can I continue to draw dude really yeah okay god [ __ ] damn it so [ __ ] ridiculous no I got endless wall oh there we go there we go I think anybody can draw yeah you do and it's true could you not draw at all like when you started of course you think I came up the [ __ ] drawing [ __ ] Mozart I do I do think that yeah I think you said wow I didn't realize it realize that bit came from such a like Melo moment yeah you got angry out of nowhere it was question like what's there time where you were bad at drawing and it's like yeah well I mean it just I don't know there's some artists have you ever seen Alex gray he does all the tool covers oh yeah yeah have you ever seen pictures of what he was drawing when he was like 13 it's like a like a perfect pile of painted skulls like better than I could do now at 41 it's yeah but it's 13 he had a bunch of you like when you're like four that's when your brain like turns on and then you start like doing not kids that you like you're like oh are you scooped in school something it's like play-doh or whatever but like that's when you start learning things it's like yeah he had like nine years to that's nine years of practice I guess you're right I guess you're right it was just and and the fact that you chose Mozart as your artistic muse just like chefs kiss fabulous yeah one of the best visual artists of our time it was great I also like how ocean free draws like my mouth lying willy-nilly like below my facial hair and like sometimes it comes up with you that always cracks me up these animators are really special oh this game is wonderfully easy it's disturbing to see that toad with a spear the [ __ ] Nine Inch Nails theme from 300 will prompt right no that was Pacific Rim its don't-don't-don't Dan - yeah yeah man nice airship yeah it's alright I guess just a final fence I mean it's [ __ ] Bowser's airships oh yeah thanks for complimenting my enemy sorry oh whoa this took a [ __ ] really serious turn that's why they got the Spears now they're like fighters [Music] whoa check it [ __ ] man got really serious I remember when we first got that it's submitted I was like this can't be really crowded this isn't it's so good I mean that's that's like that's like a television or two in that you would see like it's a beautiful like when the army of toads boughs down in sequential order based on their rows like there's so much in there the the toad barfing the fact that like when the limbs are flying the head gives me like one up power is it's yeah it's it's pretty brilliant a lot of work and thought went into that with all of them I shouldn't just single one out like I'm consistently amazed at the level of talent that's out there and how many of them are willing to lend their talents to something as dumb as our show so thank you thank you very much for me we have hours of animated content on this channel now because of all these amazing artists so thank you so much for for doing that and thank you for watching everybody yeah this is the end of the compilation I hope these are the sorry to cut you off oh I just said I hope everyone liked it yeah yeah I hope these are fun like rips down memory lane for you the way they are for us because it's going to be probably by the time this comes out I'll have been on the show for seven years and then that's right you'll be about eight years on the show so it's like we forget a lot of this stuff just because there's so much so much time and so much footage out there so it's it's really wonderful to get to like relive like these moments from like different points like randomly this was six years ago this was last year that can feel where we were in our lives and that's that makes it extra special so special yeah thanks again everyone hope you have a good one and enjoying more gamegrumps if you want to watch it yeah here are links do we put up maybe they're like sure here are links in the sidebar I guess enjoy bye everyone bye
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 2,046,858
Rating: 4.968895 out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming, mario, game grumps animated, animations, compilation, super mario bros, nintendo, newgrounds, funny moments, best moments, best of, react, reactions, react to
Id: KtQ6nwITrt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 12sec (1392 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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